def getiteminfo(itempath):
    Gets info for filesystem items passed to makecatalog item, to be used for
    the "installs" key.
    Determines if the item is an application, bundle, Info.plist, or a file or
    directory and gets additional metadata for later comparison.
    infodict = {}
    if munkicommon.isApplication(itempath):
        infodict['type'] = 'application'
        infodict['path'] = itempath
        plist = getBundleInfo(itempath)
        for key in ['CFBundleName', 'CFBundleIdentifier',
                    'CFBundleShortVersionString', 'CFBundleVersion']:
            if key in plist:
                infodict[key] = plist[key]
        if 'LSMinimumSystemVersion' in plist:
            infodict['minosversion'] = plist['LSMinimumSystemVersion']
        elif 'SystemVersionCheck:MinimumSystemVersion' in plist:
            infodict['minosversion'] = \
            infodict['minosversion'] = '10.6'

    elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(itempath, 'Contents', 'Info.plist')) or \
         os.path.exists(os.path.join(itempath, 'Resources', 'Info.plist')):
        infodict['type'] = 'bundle'
        infodict['path'] = itempath
        plist = getBundleInfo(itempath)
        for key in ['CFBundleShortVersionString', 'CFBundleVersion']:
            if key in plist:
                infodict[key] = plist[key]

    elif itempath.endswith("Info.plist") or \
        infodict['type'] = 'plist'
        infodict['path'] = itempath
            plist = FoundationPlist.readPlist(itempath)
            for key in ['CFBundleShortVersionString', 'CFBundleVersion']:
                if key in plist:
                    infodict[key] = plist[key]
        except FoundationPlist.NSPropertyListSerializationException:

    # let's help the admin -- if CFBundleShortVersionString is empty
    # or doesn't start with a digit, and CFBundleVersion is there
    # use CFBundleVersion as the version_comparison_key
    if (not infodict.get('CFBundleShortVersionString') or
        not in '0123456789'):
        if infodict.get('CFBundleVersion'):
            infodict['version_comparison_key'] = 'CFBundleVersion'
    elif 'CFBundleShortVersionString' in infodict:
        infodict['version_comparison_key'] = 'CFBundleShortVersionString'

    if not 'CFBundleShortVersionString' in infodict and \
       not 'CFBundleVersion' in infodict:
        infodict['type'] = 'file'
        infodict['path'] = itempath
        if os.path.isfile(itempath):
            infodict['md5checksum'] = munkicommon.getmd5hash(itempath)
    return infodict
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# OS X Drag & Drop App
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if file_mime == 'application/x-apple-diskimage' and file_is_local and DARWIN_FOUNDATION_AVAILABLE and not args.adobe:
    if args.template:
        template = env.get_template(args.template)
        template = env.get_template('copyfromdmg.bes')

    mountpoints = munkicommon.mountdmg(file_path, use_existing_mounts=True)

    iteminfo = ''
        for (itemname, dummy_dirs, dummy_files) in os.walk(mountpoints[0]):
            itempath = os.path.join(mountpoints[0], itemname)
            if munkicommon.isApplication(itempath):
                item = itemname
                iteminfo = getiteminfo(itempath)
                if iteminfo:
        if iteminfo:
            if os.path.isabs(item):
                mountpointPattern = "^%s/" % mountpoints[0]
                item = re.sub(mountpointPattern, '', item)
            cataloginfo = {}
            cataloginfo['display_name'] = iteminfo.get('CFBundleName',
            version_comparison_key = iteminfo.get(
                'version_comparison_key', "CFBundleShortVersionString")