Beispiel #1
def getDocumentationFiles(runOne=False):
    returns a list of namedtuples for each module that should be run

    >>> from music21.test import testDocumentation
    >>> testDocumentation.getDocumentationFiles()
    [ModTuple(module='index.rst', fullModulePath='...music21/documentation/autogenerated/index.rst',
    moduleNoExtension='index', autoGen=False),
       moduleNoExtension='usersGuide_03_pitches', autoGen=True),
    from music21 import common
    music21basedir = common.getRootFilePath()
    builddocRstDir = os.path.join(music21basedir, 'documentation', 'source')
    if not os.path.exists(builddocRstDir):
        raise Music21Exception(
            "Cannot run tests on documentation because the rst files " +
            "in documentation/source do not exist")

    allModules = []
    for root, unused_dirnames, filenames in os.walk(builddocRstDir):
        for module in filenames:
            fullModulePath = os.path.join(root, module)
            if not module.endswith('.rst'):
            if module.startswith('module'):  # we have this already...
            if module in skipModules:
            if runOne is not False:
                if not module.endswith(runOne):

            with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                incipit =
                if 'AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED' in incipit:
                    autoGen = True
                    autoGen = False

            moduleNoExtension = module[:-4]
            modTuple = ModTuple(module, fullModulePath, moduleNoExtension,
    return allModules
Beispiel #2
def extractHarmonies(music21Stream):
    # noinspection PyShadowingNames
    Takes in a :class:`` and returns a dictionary whose values
    are the voice leading moments of the :class:`` and whose
    keys are (offset, endTime) pairs delimiting their duration. The voice leading
    moments are spelled out from the first or highest :class:``
    to the lowest one.

    >>> from music21 import corpus
    >>> score = corpus.parse('corelli/opus3no1/1grave').measures(1, 3)
    >>> #_DOCS_SHOW

    .. image:: images/figuredBass/corelli_grave.*
            :width: 700

    >>> from music21.figuredBass import checker
    >>> allHarmonies = checker.extractHarmonies(score)
    >>> for (offsets, notes) in sorted(allHarmonies.items()):
    ...    print("{0!s:15}[{1!s:23}{2!s:23}{3!s:22}]".format(offsets, notes[0], notes[1], notes[2]))
    (0.0, 1.5)     [<music21.note.Note C>  <music21.note.Note A>  <music21.note.Note F> ]
    (1.5, 2.0)     [<music21.note.Note C>  <music21.note.Note A>  <music21.note.Note F> ]
    (2.0, 3.0)     [<music21.note.Note B-> <music21.note.Note G>  <music21.note.Note G> ]
    (3.0, 3.5)     [<music21.note.Note A>  <music21.note.Note F>  <music21.note.Note A> ]
    (3.5, 4.0)     [<music21.note.Note A>  <music21.note.Note F>  <music21.note.Note B->]
    (4.0, 6.0)     [<music21.note.Note G>  <music21.note.Note E>  <music21.note.Note C> ]
    (6.0, 6.5)     [<music21.note.Note A>  <music21.note.Note F>  <music21.note.Note A> ]
    (6.5, 7.0)     [<music21.note.Note B-> <music21.note.Note F>  <music21.note.Note A> ]
    (7.0, 7.5)     [<music21.note.Note C>  <music21.note.Note F>  <music21.note.Note A> ]
    (7.5, 8.0)     [<music21.note.Note C>  <music21.note.Note E>  <music21.note.Note A> ]
    (8.0, 8.5)     [<music21.note.Note C>  <music21.note.Note D>  <music21.note.Note B->]
    (8.5, 9.0)     [<music21.note.Note F>  <music21.note.Note D>  <music21.note.Note B->]
    (9.0, 9.5)     [<music21.note.Note B-> <music21.note.Note D>  <music21.note.Note B->]
    (9.5, 10.0)    [<music21.note.Note B-> <music21.note.Note G>  <music21.note.Note B->]
    (10.0, 10.5)   [<music21.note.Note B-> <music21.note.Note E>  <music21.note.Note C> ]
    (10.5, 11.0)   [<music21.note.Note B-> <music21.note.Note C>  <music21.note.Note C> ]
    (11.0, 11.5)   [<music21.note.Note A>  <music21.note.Note F>  <music21.note.Note D> ]
    (11.5, 12.0)   [<music21.note.Note A>  <music21.note.Note F>  <music21.note.Note A> ]
    allParts = music21Stream.getElementsByClass(stream.Part)
    if len(allParts) < 2:
        raise Music21Exception(
            'There must be at least two parts to extract harmonies')
    allHarmonies = createOffsetMapping(allParts[0])
    for music21Part in allParts[1:]:
        allHarmonies = correlateHarmonies(allHarmonies, music21Part)
    return allHarmonies
def readPickleGzip(filePath: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> Any:
    Read a gzip-compressed pickle file, uncompress it, unpickle it, and
    return the contents.
    with, 'rb') as pickledFile:
            uncompressed =
            newMdb = pickle.loads(uncompressed)
        except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            # pickle exceptions cannot be caught directly
            # because they might come from pickle or _pickle and the latter cannot
            # be caught.
            raise Music21Exception('Cannot load file ' + str(filePath)) from e

    return newMdb
Beispiel #4
def slashMixedToFraction(valueSrc: str) -> Tuple[NumDenomTupleList, bool]:
    Given a mixture if possible meter fraction representations, return a list
    of pairs. If originally given as a summed numerator; break into separate
    fractions and return True as the second element of the tuple

    ([(4, 4)], False)

    ([(3, 8), (2, 8)], False)

    ([(3, 8), (2, 8)], True)

    ([(3, 8), (2, 8), (5, 8)], True)

    ([(3, 8), (2, 8), (5, 8), (3, 4)], True)

    ([(3, 8), (2, 8), (5, 8), (3, 4), (2, 16), (1, 16), (4, 16)], True)

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    music21.exceptions21.MeterException: cannot match denominator to numerator in: 3+2+5/8+3/4+2+1+4
    pre = []
    post = []
    summedNumerator = False
    value = valueSrc.strip()  # rem whitespace
    value = value.split('+')
    for part in value:
        if '/' in part:
            tup = slashToTuple(part)
            if tup is None:
                raise TimeSignatureException(
                    'cannot create time signature from:', valueSrc)
            pre.append([tup.numerator, tup.denominator])
        else:  # its just a numerator
                pre.append([int(part), None])
            except ValueError:
                raise Music21Exception(
                    'Cannot parse this file -- this error often comes ' +
                    'up if the musicxml pickled file is out of date after a change '
                    + 'in musicxml/ . ' +
                    'Clear your temp directory of .p and .p.gz files and try again...; '
                    + f'Time Signature: {valueSrc} ')

    # when encountering a missing denominator, find the first defined
    # and apply to all previous
    for i in range(len(pre)):
        if pre[i][1] is not None:  # there is a denominator
        else:  # search ahead for next defined denominator
            summedNumerator = True
            match = None
            for j in range(i, len(pre)):
                if pre[j][1] is not None:
                    match = pre[j][1]
            if match is None:
                raise MeterException(
                    f'cannot match denominator to numerator in: {valueSrc}')

            pre[i][1] = match

    return post, summedNumerator
Beispiel #5
def slashMixedToFraction(valueSrc: str) -> t.Tuple[NumDenomTuple, bool]:
    Given a mixture if possible meter fraction representations, return a tuple
    of two elements: The first element is a tuple of pairs of numerator, denominators
    that are implied by the time signature.

    The second element is False if the value was a simple time signature (like 4/4)
    or a composite meter where all numerators had their own denominators.

    (((4, 4),), False)

    (((3, 8), (2, 8)), False)

    (((3, 8), (2, 8)), True)

    (((3, 8), (2, 8), (5, 8)), True)

    (((3, 8), (2, 8), (5, 8), (3, 4)), True)

    (((3, 8), (2, 8), (5, 8), (3, 4), (2, 16), (1, 16), (4, 16)), True)

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    music21.exceptions21.MeterException: cannot match denominator to numerator in: 3+2+5/8+3/4+2+1+4

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    music21.exceptions21.TimeSignatureException: Cannot create time signature from "3.0/4.0"

    Changed in v7 -- new location and returns a tuple as first value.
    pre: t.List[t.Union[NumDenom, t.Tuple[int, None]]] = []
    post: t.List[NumDenom] = []
    summedNumerator = False
    value = valueSrc.strip()  # rem whitespace
    value = value.split('+')
    for part in value:
        if '/' in part:
                tup = slashToTuple(part)
            except MeterException as me:
                raise TimeSignatureException(
                    f'Cannot create time signature from "{valueSrc}"') from me
            pre.append((tup.numerator, tup.denominator))
        else:  # its just a numerator
                pre.append((int(part), None))
            except ValueError:
                raise Music21Exception(
                    'Cannot parse this file -- this error often comes ' +
                    'up if the musicxml pickled file is out of date after a change '
                    + 'in musicxml/ . ' +
                    'Clear your temp directory of .p and .p.gz files and try again...; '
                    + f'Time Signature: {valueSrc} ')

    # when encountering a missing denominator, find the first defined
    # and apply to all previous
    for i in range(len(pre)):
        if pre[i][1] is not None:  # there is a denominator
            intNum = pre[i][0]  # this is all for type checking
            intDenom = pre[i][1]
            if t.TYPE_CHECKING:
                assert isinstance(intNum, int) and isinstance(intDenom, int)
            post.append((intNum, intDenom))
        else:  # search ahead for next defined denominator
            summedNumerator = True
            match: t.Optional[int] = None
            for j in range(
                    i, len(pre)
            ):  # this O(n^2) operation is easily simplified to O(n)
                if pre[j][1] is not None:
                    match = pre[j][1]
            if match is None:
                raise MeterException(
                    f'cannot match denominator to numerator in: {valueSrc}')

            preBothAreInts = (pre[i][0], match)

    return tuple(post), summedNumerator