def addStaffTags(measure: Element,
                 staffNumber: int,
                 tagList: Optional[List[str]] = None):
    For a <measure> tag `measure`, add a <staff> grandchild to any instance of
    a child tag of a type in `tagList`.

    >>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as El
    >>> from music21.musicxml.partStaffExporter import addStaffTags
    >>> from music21.musicxml.helpers import dump
    >>> elem = El("""
    ...     <measure number="1">
    ...        <note>
    ...          <rest measure="yes" />
    ...          <duration>8</duration>
    ...        </note>
    ...      </measure>"""
    ...     )
    >>> addStaffTags(elem, 2, tagList=['note', 'forward', 'direction', 'harmony'])
    >>> dump(elem)
    <measure number="1">
        <rest measure="yes" />

    Raise if a <staff> grandchild is already present:

    >>> addStaffTags(elem, 2, tagList=['note', 'forward', 'direction'])
    Traceback (most recent call last):
        In part (), measure (1): Attempted to create a second <staff> tag

    The function doesn't accept elements other than <measure>:

    >>> addStaffTags(elem.find('note'), 2, tagList=['direction'])
    Traceback (most recent call last):
        addStaffTags() only accepts <measure> tags
    if measure.tag != 'measure':
        raise MusicXMLExportException(
            'addStaffTags() only accepts <measure> tags')
    for tagName in tagList:
        for tag in measure.findall(tagName):
            if tag.find('staff') is not None:
                e = MusicXMLExportException(
                    'Attempted to create a second <staff> tag')
                e.measureNumber = measure.get('number')
                raise e
            mxStaff = Element('staff')
            mxStaff.text = str(staffNumber)
                tagList=['beam', 'notations', 'lyric', 'play', 'sound'])
    def getRootForPartStaff(self, partStaff: stream.PartStaff) -> Element:
        Look up the <part> Element being used to represent the music21 `partStaff`.

        >>> from music21.musicxml import testPrimitive
        >>> s = converter.parse(testPrimitive.pianoStaff43a)
        >>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter(s)
        >>> SX.scorePreliminaries()
        >>> SX.parsePartlikeScore()
        >>> SX.getRootForPartStaff([0])
        <Element 'part' at 0x...

        >>> other = stream.PartStaff()
        >>> = 'unrelated'
        >>> SX.getRootForPartStaff(other)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
            < unrelated> not found in self.partExporterList
        for pex in self.partExporterList:
            if partStaff is
                return pex.xmlRoot

        # now try derivations:
        for pex in self.partExporterList:
            for derived in
                if derived is partStaff:
                    return pex.xmlRoot

        # now just match on id:
        for pex in self.partExporterList:
            if ==
                return pex.xmlRoot

        for pex in self.partExporterList:
            for derived in
                if ==
                    return pex.xmlRoot

        raise MusicXMLExportException(
            f'{partStaff} not found in self.partExporterList')
    def moveMeasureContents(measure: Element, otherMeasure: Element,
                            staffNumber: int):
        # noinspection PyShadowingNames
        Move the child elements of `measure` into `otherMeasure`;
        create voice numbers if needed;
        bump voice numbers if they conflict;
        account for <backup> and <forward> tags;
        skip <print> tags;
        set "number" on midmeasure clef changes;
        replace existing <barline> tags.

        >>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as El
        >>> measure = El('<measure><note /></measure>')
        >>> otherMeasure = El('<measure><note /></measure>')
        >>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter
        >>> SX.moveMeasureContents(measure, otherMeasure, 2)
        >>> SX().dump(otherMeasure)

        >>> SX.moveMeasureContents(El('<junk />'), otherMeasure, 2)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
            moveMeasureContents() called on <Element 'junk'...

        Only one <barline> should be exported per merged measure:

        >>> from music21.musicxml import testPrimitive
        >>> s = converter.parse(testPrimitive.mixedVoices1a)
        >>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter(s)
        >>> root = SX.parse()
        >>> root.findall('part/measure/barline')
        [<Element 'barline' at 0x...]
        if measure.tag != 'measure' or otherMeasure.tag != 'measure':
            raise MusicXMLExportException(
                f'moveMeasureContents() called on {measure} and {otherMeasure} (not measures).'
        maxVoices: int = 0
        otherMeasureLackedVoice: bool = False

        for voice in otherMeasure.findall('*/voice'):
            maxVoices = max(maxVoices, int(voice.text))

        if maxVoices == 0:
            otherMeasureLackedVoice = True
            for elem in otherMeasure.findall('note'):
                voice = Element('voice')
                voice.text = '1'
            maxVoices = 1

        # Create <backup>
        amountToBackup: int = 0
        for dur in otherMeasure.findall('note/duration'):
            amountToBackup += int(dur.text)
        for dur in otherMeasure.findall('forward/duration'):
            amountToBackup += int(dur.text)
        for backupDur in otherMeasure.findall('backup/duration'):
            amountToBackup -= int(backupDur.text)
        if amountToBackup:
            mxBackup = Element('backup')
            mxDuration = SubElement(mxBackup, 'duration')
            mxDuration.text = str(amountToBackup)

        # Move elements
        for elem in measure.findall('*'):
            # Skip elements that already exist in otherMeasure
            if elem.tag == 'print':
            if elem.tag == 'attributes':
                if elem.findall('divisions'):
                    # This is likely the initial mxAttributes
                for midMeasureClef in elem.findall('clef'):
                    midMeasureClef.set('number', str(staffNumber))
            if elem.tag == 'barline':
                # Remove existing <barline>, if any
                for existingBarline in otherMeasure.findall('barline'):
            if elem.tag == 'note':
                voice = elem.find('voice')
                if voice is not None:
                    if otherMeasureLackedVoice:
                        # otherMeasure assigned voice 1; Bump voice number here
                        voice.text = str(int(voice.text) + 1)
                        pass  # No need to alter existing voice numbers
                    voice = Element('voice')
                    voice.text = str(maxVoices + 1)
                                                     'type', 'dot',
                                                     'stem', 'notehead',
                                                     'notehead-text', 'staff'
            # Append to otherMeasure
    def setEarliestAttributesAndClefsPartStaff(self, group: StaffGroup):
        Set the <staff>, <key>, <time>, and <clef> information on the earliest
        measure <attributes> tag in the <part> representing the joined PartStaffs.

        Need the earliest <attributes> tag, which may not exist in the merged <part>
        until moved there by movePartStaffMeasureContents() --
        e.g. RH of piano doesn't appear until m. 40, and earlier music for LH needs
        to be merged first in order to find earliest <attributes>.

        Called by :meth:`joinPartStaffs`

        Multiple keys:

        >>> from music21.musicxml import testPrimitive
        >>> xmlDir = common.getSourceFilePath() / 'musicxml' / 'lilypondTestSuite'
        >>> s = converter.parse(xmlDir / '43b-MultiStaff-DifferentKeys.xml')
        >>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter(s)
        >>> root = SX.parse()
        >>> m1 = root.find('part/measure')
        >>> SX.dump(m1)
        <measure number="1">
            <key number="1">
            <key number="2">
            <clef number="1">
            <clef number="2">

        Multiple meters (not very well supported by MusicXML readers):

        >>> from music21.musicxml import testPrimitive
        >>> s = converter.parse(testPrimitive.pianoStaffPolymeter)
        >>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter(s)
        >>> root = SX.parse()
        >>> m1 = root.find('part/measure')
        >>> SX.dump(m1)
        <measure number="1">
            <time number="1">
            <time number="2">
            <clef number="1">
            <clef number="2">
        def isMultiAttribute(m21Class, comparison: str = '__eq__') -> bool:
            Return True if any first instance of m21Class in any subsequent staff
            in this StaffGroup does not compare to the first instance of that class
            in the earliest staff where found (not necessarily the first) using `comparison`.
            initialM21Instance: Optional[m21Class] = None
            for ps in group:
                if initialM21Instance is None:
                    initialM21Instance = ps.recurse().getElementsByClass(
                    firstInstanceSubsequentStaff = ps.recurse(
                    if firstInstanceSubsequentStaff is not None:
                        comparisonWrapper = getattr(
                            firstInstanceSubsequentStaff, comparison)
                        if not comparisonWrapper(initialM21Instance):
                            return True
                        # else, keep looking: 3+ staves
                    # else, keep looking: 3+ staves
            return False

        multiKey: bool = isMultiAttribute(KeySignature)
        multiMeter: bool = isMultiAttribute(TimeSignature,

        initialPartStaffRoot: Optional[Element] = None
        mxAttributes: Optional[Element] = None
        for i, ps in enumerate(group):
            staffNumber: int = i + 1  # 1-indexed

            # Initial PartStaff in group: find earliest mxAttributes, set clef #1 and <staves>
            if initialPartStaffRoot is None:
                initialPartStaffRoot = self.getRootForPartStaff(ps)
                mxAttributes: Element = initialPartStaffRoot.find(
                clef1: Optional[Element] = mxAttributes.find('clef')
                if clef1 is not None:
                    clef1.set('number', '1')

                mxStaves = Element('staves')
                mxStaves.text = str(len(group))
                                                 'part-symbol', 'instruments',
                                                 'clef', 'staff-details',
                                                 'transpose', 'directive',

                if multiKey:
                    key1 = mxAttributes.find('key')
                    if key1:
                        key1.set('number', '1')
                if multiMeter:
                    meter1 = mxAttributes.find('time')
                    if meter1:
                        meter1.set('number', '1')

            # Subsequent PartStaffs in group: set additional clefs on mxAttributes
                thisPartStaffRoot: Element = self.getRootForPartStaff(ps)
                oldClef: Optional[Element] = thisPartStaffRoot.find(
                if oldClef is not None and mxAttributes is not None:
                    clefsInMxAttributesAlready = mxAttributes.findall('clef')
                    if len(clefsInMxAttributesAlready) >= staffNumber:
                        e = MusicXMLExportException(
                            'Attempted to add more clefs than staffs')
                        e.partName = ps.partName
                        raise e

                    # Set initial clef for this staff
                    newClef = Element('clef')
                    newClef.set('number', str(staffNumber))
                    newSign = SubElement(newClef, 'sign')
                    newSign.text = oldClef.find('sign').text
                    newLine = SubElement(newClef, 'line')
                    newLine.text = oldClef.find('line').text
                                                     'transpose', 'directive',

                if multiMeter:
                    oldMeter: Optional[Element] = thisPartStaffRoot.find(
                    if oldMeter:
                        oldMeter.set('number', str(staffNumber))
                if multiKey:
                    oldKey: Optional[Element] = thisPartStaffRoot.find(
                    if oldKey:
                        oldKey.set('number', str(staffNumber))
                            mxAttributes, oldKey, tagList=['time', 'staves'])
    def processSubsequentPartStaff(self, target: Element, source: Element,
                                   staffNum: int) -> Dict:
        Move elements from subsequent PartStaff's measures into `target`: the <part>
        element representing the initial PartStaff that will soon represent the merged whole.

        Called by
        which is in turn called by
        DIVIDER_COMMENT = '========================= Measure [NNN] =========================='
        PLACEHOLDER = '[NNN]'

        sourceMeasures = iter(source.findall('measure'))
        sourceMeasure = None  # Set back to None when disposed of
        insertions = {}

        # Walk through <measures> of the target <part>, compare measure numbers
        for i, targetMeasure in enumerate(target):
            if targetMeasure.tag != 'measure':
            if sourceMeasure is None:
                    sourceMeasure = next(sourceMeasures)
                except StopIteration:
                    return insertions  # done processing this PartStaff

            targetNumber = targetMeasure.get('number')
            sourceNumber = sourceMeasure.get('number')

            # 99% of the time we expect identical sets of measure numbers
            # So walking through each should yield the same numbers, whether ints or strings
            if targetNumber == sourceNumber:
                # No gaps found: move all contents
                self.moveMeasureContents(sourceMeasure, targetMeasure,
                sourceMeasure = None

            # Or, gap in measure numbers in the subsequent part: keep iterating through target
            if helpers.measureNumberComesBefore(targetNumber, sourceNumber):
                continue  # sourceMeasure is not None!

            # Or, gap in measure numbers in target: record necessary insertions until gap is closed
            while helpers.measureNumberComesBefore(sourceNumber, targetNumber):
                divider: Element = ET.Comment(
                    DIVIDER_COMMENT.replace(PLACEHOLDER, sourceNumber))
                    insertions[i] += [divider, sourceMeasure]
                except KeyError:
                    insertions[i] = [divider, sourceMeasure]
                    sourceMeasure = next(sourceMeasures)
                except StopIteration:
                    return insertions
            raise MusicXMLExportException(
                'joinPartStaffs() was unable to order the measures '
                f'{targetNumber}, {sourceNumber}')  # pragma: no cover

        # Exhaust sourceMeasure and sourceMeasures
        remainingMeasures = list(sourceMeasures)
        if sourceMeasure is not None:
            remainingMeasures.insert(0, sourceMeasure)
        for remaining in remainingMeasures:
            sourceNumber = remaining.get('number')
            divider: Element = ET.Comment(
                DIVIDER_COMMENT.replace(PLACEHOLDER, sourceNumber))
                insertions[len(target)] += [divider, remaining]
            except KeyError:
                insertions[len(target)] = [divider, remaining]
        return insertions
Beispiel #6
    def setEarliestAttributesAndClefsPartStaff(self, group: StaffGroup):
        Set the <staff> and <clef> information on the earliest measure <attributes> tag
        in the <part> representing the joined PartStaffs.

        Need the earliest <attributes> tag, which may not exist in the merged <part>
        until moved there by movePartStaffMeasureContents() --
        e.g. RH of piano doesn't appear until m. 40, and earlier music for LH needs
        to be merged first in order to find earliest <attributes>.

        Called by :meth:`~music21.musicxml.partStaffExporter.PartStaffExporterMixin.joinPartStaffs`

        >>> from music21.musicxml import testPrimitive
        >>> s = converter.parse(testPrimitive.pianoStaff43a)
        >>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter(s)
        >>> root = SX.parse()
        >>> m1 = root.find('part/measure')
        >>> SX.dump(m1)
        <measure number="1">
            <clef number="1">
            <clef number="2">
        initialPartStaffRoot: Optional[Element] = None
        mxAttributes: Optional[Element] = None
        for i, ps in enumerate(group):
            staffNumber: int = i + 1  # 1-indexed

            # Initial PartStaff in group: find earliest mxAttributes, set clef #1 and <staves>
            if initialPartStaffRoot is None:
                initialPartStaffRoot = self.getRootForPartStaff(ps)
                mxAttributes: Element = initialPartStaffRoot.find(
                clef1: Optional[Element] = mxAttributes.find('clef')
                if clef1 is not None:
                    clef1.set('number', '1')

                mxStaves = Element('staves')
                mxStaves.text = str(len(group))
                                                 'part-symbol', 'instruments',
                                                 'clef', 'staff-details',
                                                 'transpose', 'directive',

            # Subsequent PartStaffs in group: set additional clefs on mxAttributes
                thisPartStaffRoot: Element = self.getRootForPartStaff(ps)
                oldClef: Optional[Element] = thisPartStaffRoot.find(
                if oldClef is not None and mxAttributes is not None:
                    clefsInMxAttributesAlready = mxAttributes.findall('clef')
                    if len(clefsInMxAttributesAlready) >= staffNumber:
                        raise MusicXMLExportException(
                            'Attempted to add more clefs than staffs'
                        )  # pragma: no cover

                    # Set initial clef for this staff
                    newClef = Element('clef')
                    newClef.set('number', str(staffNumber))
                    newSign = SubElement(newClef, 'sign')
                    newSign.text = oldClef.find('sign').text
                    newLine = SubElement(newClef, 'line')
                    newLine.text = oldClef.find('line').text
                                                     'transpose', 'directive',