def get_exercise(self, quantity: int, guitar: dict) -> exercise.Exercise: """ Returns exercise """ if guitar["kind"] != "instrument": return None if guitar["strings"] <= 0: subtitle = "Find the given notes on subsequent octaves" strings = guitar["octaves"] else: subtitle = "Find the given notes on subsequent strings" strings = guitar["strings"] note_obj = note.Note() random_steps = [] for step_index in range(0, quantity): # pylint: disable=W0612 step_text = "" note_count = strings if self.min_note_count is not None and self.min_note_count > strings: note_count = self.min_note_count notes_of_step = note_obj.get_random_notes(note_count) for note_of_step in notes_of_step: if step_text != "": step_text += ", " step_text += note_of_step random_step = exercise_step.ExerciseStep(step_text) random_steps.append(random_step) output = exercise.Exercise(self._TITLE, subtitle, random_steps, practice_category=self.category) return output
def get_exercise(self, quantity: int, guitar: dict) -> exercise.Exercise: """ Returns exercise """ if guitar["kind"] != "instrument": return None if guitar["strings"] <= 0: subtitle = "Find the given note(s) on each octave" else: subtitle = "Find the given note(s) on each string" note_obj = note.Note() random_steps = [] for step_index in range(0, quantity): # pylint: disable=W0612 step_text = "" note_count_of_step = random.randint(1, self._MAX_NOTE_PER_STEP) notes_of_step = note_obj.get_random_notes(note_count_of_step) for note_of_step in notes_of_step: if step_text != "": step_text += ", " step_text += note_of_step random_step = exercise_step.ExerciseStep(step_text) random_steps.append(random_step) output = exercise.Exercise(self._TITLE, subtitle, random_steps, practice_category=self.category) return output
def get_exercise(self, quantity: int) -> exercise.Exercise: note_obj = note.Note() random_steps = [] for step_index in range(0, quantity): step_text = "" notes_of_step = note_obj.get_random_notes(self._STRINGS) for note_of_step in notes_of_step: if step_text != "": step_text += ", " step_text += note_of_step random_step = exercise_step.ExerciseStep(step_text) random_steps.append(random_step) output = exercise.Exercise(self._TITLE, self._SUBTITLE, random_steps) return output
def get_exercise(self, quantity: int, guitar: dict) -> exercise.Exercise: """ Returns anchor note exercise """ if guitar["kind"] != "instrument": return None random_steps = [] i = random.randint(0, 1) if i == 0: random_steps.append(exercise_step.ExerciseStep("random song")) else: for random_note in note.Note().get_random_notes(quantity): context_count = random.randint(1, 5) context_type = random.randint(0, 2) if context_type == 0: stuff = chord.Chord().get_random_chords(context_count) elif context_type == 1: stuff = mode.Mode().get_random_modes(context_count) else: stuff = scale.Scale().get_random_scales(context_count) stuff_txt = "" for stuff_char in stuff: if stuff_txt != "": stuff_txt += " | " stuff_txt += stuff_char random_step = exercise_step.ExerciseStep( random_note, stuff_txt) random_steps.append(random_step) output = exercise.Exercise(self._TITLE, self._SUBTITLE, random_steps, practice_category=self.category) return output