Beispiel #1
    def save(self, objects, **kwargs):
        Save all the given object data to the item path on disc.

        :type objects: list[str]
        :type kwargs: dict
        super(SetsItem, self).save(**kwargs)

        # Save the selection set to the given path
            self.path() + "/set.json",
            metadata={"description": kwargs.get("comment", "")})
    def write(self, path, objects, iconPath="", **options):
        Write all the given object data to the given path on disc.

        :type path: str
        :type objects: list[str]
        :type iconPath: str
        :type options: dict
        super(SetsItem, self).write(path, objects, iconPath, **options)

        # Save the selection set to the given path
            path + "/set.json",
            metadata={"description": options.get("comment", "")})
Beispiel #3
    def write(self, path, objects, iconPath="", **options):
        Write all the given object data to the given path on disc.

        :type path: str
        :type objects: list[str]
        :type iconPath: str
        :type options: dict
        super(SetsItem, self).write(path, objects, iconPath, **options)

        # Save the selection set to the given path
            path + "/set.json",
            metadata={"description": options.get("comment", "")}
Beispiel #4
    def save(self, objects, path="", iconPath="", metadata=None, **kwargs):
        Save all the given object data to the given path on disc.

        :type objects: list[str]
        :type path: str
        :type iconPath: str
        :type metadata: None or dict
        if path and not path.endswith(".set"):
            path += ".set"

        # Remove and create a new temp directory
        tempPath = mutils.createTempPath() + "/" + self.transferBasename()

        # Save the selection set to the temp location
        mutils.saveSelectionSet(tempPath, objects, metadata=metadata)

        # Move the selection set to the given path using the base class
        contents = [tempPath, iconPath]
        super(SetsItem, self).save(path, contents=contents, **kwargs)