Beispiel #1
def run(limit=None, verbosity=None, exit_=False):
    """Runs the full or a subset of the PyMVPA unittest suite.

    limit : None or list
      If None, the full test suite is run. Alternatively, a list with test IDs
      can be provides. IDs are the base filenames of the test implementation,
      e.g. the ID for the suite in 'mvpa/tests/' is
    verbosity : None or int
      Verbosity of unittests execution. If None, controlled by PyMVPA
      configuration tests/verbosity.  Values >=3 enable all Python,
      and PyMVPA warnings, >=4 adds NumPy warnings, >=5 -- nose debug info.
    exit_ : bool, optional
      Either to exit with an error code upon the completion.
    if __debug__:
        from mvpa.base import debug
        # Lets add some targets which provide additional testing += ['CHECK_.*']

    if verbosity is None:
        verbosity = int(cfg.get('tests', 'verbosity', default=1))

    # provide people with a hint about the warnings that might show up in a
    # second
    if verbosity:
        print("T: MVPA_SEED=%s" % _random_seed)
        if verbosity > 1:
            print('T: Testing for availability of external software packages.')

    # So we could see all warnings about missing dependencies
    maxcount = warning.maxcount
    warning.maxcount = 1000

    # fully test of externals
    externals.test_all_dependencies(verbosity=max(0, verbosity-1))

    if verbosity < 3:
        # no MVPA warnings during whole testsuite (but restore handlers later on)
        handler_backup = warning.handlers
        warning.handlers = []

        # No python warnings (like ctypes version for slmr)
        import warnings

    if verbosity < 4:
        # No NumPy
        np_errsettings = np.geterr()
        np.seterr(**dict([(x, 'ignore') for x in np_errsettings]))

        if externals.exists('nose'):
            # Lets just use nose
            print("T: Warning -- major bulk of tests is skipped since nose "
                  "is unavailable")
            # collect all tests
            suites = collect_test_suites(verbosity=verbosity)

            if limit is None:
                # make global test suite (use them all)
                ts = unittest.TestSuite(suites.values())
                ts = unittest.TestSuite([suites[s] for s in limit])

            class TextTestRunnerPyMVPA(unittest.TextTestRunner):
                """Extend TextTestRunner to print out random seed which was
                used in the case of failure"""
                def run(self, test):
                    """Run the bloody test and puke the seed value if failed"""
                    result = super(TextTestRunnerPyMVPA, self).run(test)
                    if not result.wasSuccessful():
                        print "MVPA_SEED=%s" % _random_seed

            # finally run it
        # restore warning handlers
        warning.maxcount = maxcount

    if verbosity < 3:
        # restore warning handlers
        warning.handlers = handler_backup

    if verbosity < 4:
        # restore numpy settings
Beispiel #2
def collect_test_suites():
    """Runs over all tests it knows and composes a dictionary with test suite
    instances as values and IDs as keys. IDs are the filenames of the unittest
    without '.py' extension and 'test_' prefix.

    During collection this function will run a full and verbose test for all
    known externals.
    # list all test modules (without .py extension)
    tests = [
        # Basic data structures/manipulators
        # Misc supporting utilities
        # Classifiers (longer tests)
        # Various algorithms
        # And the suite (all-in-1)

    # provide people with a hint about the warnings that might show up in a
    # second
    warning('Testing for availability of external software packages. Test '
            'cases depending on missing packages will not be part of the test '

    # So we could see all warnings about missing dependencies
    warning.maxcount = 1000
    # fully test of externals

    __optional_tests = [ ('scipy', 'ridge'),
                         ('scipy', 'stats_sp'),
                         ('scipy', 'gpr'),
                         (['lars','scipy'], 'lars'),
                         (['cPickle', 'gzip'], 'hamster'),

    # and now for the optional tests
    optional_tests = []

    for external, testname in __optional_tests:
        if externals.exists(external):
            optional_tests.append('test_%s' % testname)

    # finally merge all of them
    tests += optional_tests

    # import all test modules
    for t in tests:
        exec 'import ' + t

    # instantiate all tests suites and return dict of them (with ID as key)
    return dict([(t[5:], eval(t + '.suite()')) for t in tests ])
Beispiel #3
def run(limit=None, verbosity=None, exit_=False):
    """Runs the full or a subset of the PyMVPA unittest suite.

    limit : None or list
      If None, the full test suite is run. Alternatively, a list with test IDs
      can be provides. IDs are the base filenames of the test implementation,
      e.g. the ID for the suite in 'mvpa/tests/' is
    verbosity : None or int
      Verbosity of unittests execution. If None, controlled by PyMVPA
      configuration tests/verbosity
    exit_ : bool, optional
      Either to exit with an error code upon the completion.
    if __debug__:
        from mvpa.base import debug
        # Lets add some targets which provide additional testing += ['CHECK_.*']

    if verbosity is None:
        verbosity = int(cfg.get('tests', 'verbosity', default=1))

    # provide people with a hint about the warnings that might show up in a
    # second
    if verbosity:
        print("T: MVPA_SEED=%s" % _random_seed)
        if verbosity > 1:
            print('T: Testing for availability of external software packages.')

    # So we could see all warnings about missing dependencies
    warning.maxcount = 1000
    # fully test of externals
    externals.test_all_dependencies(verbosity=max(0, verbosity - 1))

    # no MVPA warnings during whole testsuite (but restore handlers later on)
    handler_backup = warning.handlers
    warning.handlers = []

    # No python warnings (like ctypes version for slmr)
    import warnings

        if externals.exists('nose'):
            # Lets just use nose
            run_tests_using_nose(limit=limit, verbosity=verbosity, exit_=exit_)
                "T: Warning -- major bulk of tests is skipped since nose "
                "is unavailable")
            # collect all tests
            suites = collect_test_suites(verbosity=verbosity)

            if limit is None:
                # make global test suite (use them all)
                ts = unittest.TestSuite(suites.values())
                ts = unittest.TestSuite([suites[s] for s in limit])

            class TextTestRunnerPyMVPA(unittest.TextTestRunner):
                """Extend TextTestRunner to print out random seed which was
                used in the case of failure"""
                def run(self, test):
                    """Run the bloody test and puke the seed value if failed"""
                    result = super(TextTestRunnerPyMVPA, self).run(test)
                    if not result.wasSuccessful():
                        print "MVPA_SEED=%s" % _random_seed

            if verbosity is None:
                verbosity = int(cfg.get('tests', 'verbosity', default=1))

            # finally run it
        # restore warning handlers
        warning.handlers = handler_backup