Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, samples=None, mask=None, **kwargs):
          mask: ndarray
            the chosen features equal the non-zero mask elements.
        # might contain the default mapper
        mapper = None

        # need if clause here as N.array(None) != None
        if not samples is None:
            # XXX should be asanyarray? but then smth segfaults on unittests
            samples = N.asarray(samples)
            mapper = DenseArrayMapper(mask=mask,

        if not mapper is None:
            if samples is None:
                raise ValueError, \
                      "Constructor of MaskedDataset requires both a samples " \
                      "array and a mask if one of both is provided."
            # init base class -- MappedDataset takes care of all the forward
            # mapping stuff
            MappedDataset.__init__(self, **(kwargs))
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, samples=None, dsattr=None,
                 t0=None, dt=None, channelids=None, **kwargs):
        """Initialize ChannelDataset.

          samples: ndarray
            Three-dimensional array: (samples x channels x timepoints).
          t0: float
            Reference time of the first timepoint. Can be used to preserve
            information about the onset of some stimulation. Preferably in
          dt: float
            Temporal distance between two timepoints. Has to be given in
            seconds. Otherwise `samplingrate` property will not return
          channelids: list
            List of channel names.
        # if dsattr is none, set it to an empty dict
        if dsattr is None:
            dsattr = {}

        # check samples
        if not samples is None and len(samples.shape) != 3:
                raise ValueError, \
                  "ChannelDataset takes 3D array as samples."

        # charge dataset properties
        # but only if some value
        if (not dt is None) or not dsattr.has_key('ch_dt'):
            dsattr['ch_dt'] = dt
        if (not channelids is None) or not dsattr.has_key('ch_ids'):
            dsattr['ch_ids'] = channelids
        if (not t0 is None) or not dsattr.has_key('ch_t0'):
            dsattr['ch_t0'] = t0

        # come up with mapper if fresh samples were provided
        if not samples is None:
            mapper = MaskMapper(N.ones(samples.shape[1:], dtype='bool'))
            # Doesn't make difference at the moment, but might come 'handy'?
            mapper = dsattr.get('mapper', None)

        # init dataset
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, samples=None, events=None, mask=None, bcshape=None,
                 dametric=None, **kwargs):
          samples: ndarray
            'Raw' input data from which boxcar-shaped samples will be extracted.
          events: sequence of `Event` instances
            Both an events `onset` and `duration` are assumed to be provided
            as #samples. The boxlength will be determined by the maximum
            duration of all events.
          mask: boolean array
            Only features corresponding to non-zero mask elements will be
            considered for the final dataset. The mask shape either has to match
            the shape of the generated boxcar-samples, or the shape of the 'raw'
            input samples. In the latter case, the mask is automatically
            expanded to cover the whole boxcar. If no mask is provided, a
            full mask will be constructed automatically.
          bcshape: tuple
            Shape of the boxcar samples generated by the embedded boxcar mapper.
            If not provided this is determined automatically. However, this
            required an extra mapping step.
          dametric: Metric
            Custom metric to be used by the embedded DenseArrayMapper.
            All additional arguments are passed to the base class.
        # check if we are in copy constructor mode
        if events is None:
            MappedDataset.__init__(self, samples=samples, **kwargs)

        # otherwise we really want to freshly prepare a dataset

        # loop over events and extract all meaningful information to charge
        # a boxcar mapper
        startpoints = [e['onset'] for e in events]
            durations = [e['duration'] for e in events]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError, "Each event must have a `duration`!"

        # we need a regular array, so all events must have a common
        # boxlength
        boxlength = max(durations)
        if __debug__:
            if not max(durations) == min(durations):
                warning('Boxcar mapper will use maximum boxlength (%i) of all '
                        'provided Events.'% boxlength)

        # now look for stuff we need for the dataset itself
            labels = [e['label'] for e in events]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError, "Each event must have a `label`!"
        # chunks are optional
        chunks = [e['chunk'] for e in events if e.has_key('chunk')]
        if not len(chunks):
            chunks = None

        # optional stuff
        # extract additional features for each event
        extrafeatures = [e['features'] 
                            for e in events if e.has_key('features')]

        # sanity check for extra features
        if len(extrafeatures):
            if len(extrafeatures) == len(startpoints):
                    # will fail if varying number of features per event
                    extrafeatures = N.asanyarray(extrafeatures)
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValueError, \
                          'Unequal number of extra features per event'
                raise ValueError, \
                      'Each event has to provide to same number of extra ' \
            extrafeatures = None

        # now build the mapper
        # we know the properties of the boxcar mapper, so now use it
        # to determine its output size unless it is already provided
        bcmapper = BoxcarMapper(startpoints, boxlength)

        # determine array mapper input shape, as a fail-safe procedure
        # in case no mask provided, and to check the mask sanity if we have one
        if bcshape is None:
            # map the data and look at the shape of the first sample
            # to determine the properties of the array mapper
            bcshape = bcmapper(samples)[0].shape

        # expand the mask if necessary (ie. if provided in raw sample space and
        # not in boxcar space
        if not mask is None:
            if len(mask.shape) < len(bcshape)-1:
                # complement needed dimensions
                mshape = mask.shape
                missing_dims = len(bcshape) - 1 - len(mshape)
                mask = mask.reshape((1,)*missing_dims + mshape)
            if len(mask.shape) == len(bcshape) - 1:
                # replicate per each boxcar elemenet
                mask = N.array([mask] * bcshape[0])

        # now we can build the array mapper, using the optionally provided
        # custom metric
        amapper = DenseArrayMapper(mask=mask, shape=bcshape, metric=dametric)

        # now compose the full mapper for the main samples
        mapper = ChainMapper([bcmapper, amapper])

        # if we have extra features, we need to combine them with the rest
        if not extrafeatures is None:
            # first half for main samples, second half simple mask mapper
            # for unstructured additional features
            mapper = CombinedMapper(

            # add extra features to the samples
            samples = (samples, extrafeatures)

        # finally init baseclass
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, samples=None, mask=None, dsattr=None,
                 enforce_dim=4, **kwargs):
          samples: str | NiftiImage
            Filename of a NIfTI image or a `NiftiImage` instance.
          mask: str | NiftiImage | ndarray
            Filename of a NIfTI image or a `NiftiImage` instance or an ndarray
            of appropriate shape.
          enforce_dim : int or None
            If not None, it is the dimensionality of the data to be enforced,
            commonly 4D for the data, and 3D for the mask in case of fMRI.
        # if in copy constructor mode
        if not dsattr is None and dsattr.has_key('mapper'):

        # the following code only deals with contructing fresh datasets from
        # scratch

        # load the samples
        niftisamples = getNiftiFromAnySource(samples, ensure=True,
        samples =

        # do not put the whole NiftiImage in the dict as this will most
        # likely be deepcopy'ed at some point and ensuring data integrity
        # of the complex Python-C-Swig hybrid might be a tricky task.
        # Only storing the header dict should achieve the same and is more
        # memory efficient and even simpler
        dsattr = {'niftihdr': niftisamples.header}

        # figure out what the mask is, but onyl handle known cases, the rest
        # goes directly into the mapper which maybe knows more
        niftimask = getNiftiFromAnySource(mask)
        if niftimask is None:
        elif isinstance(niftimask, N.ndarray):
            mask = niftimask
            mask = getNiftiData(niftimask)

        # build an appropriate mapper that knows about the metrics of the NIfTI
        # data
        # NiftiDataset uses a DescreteMetric with cartesian
        # distance and element size from the NIfTI header

        # 'voxdim' is (x,y,z) while 'samples' are (t,z,y,x)
        elementsize = [i for i in reversed(niftisamples.voxdim)]
        mapper = DenseArrayMapper(mask=mask, shape=samples.shape[1:],
