Beispiel #1
def test_corrstability_smoketest(ds):
    if not 'chunks' in
    if len(['targets'].unique) > 30:
        # was regression dataset
    # very basic testing since
    cs = CorrStability()
    #ds = datasets['uni2small']
    out = cs(ds)
    assert_equal(out.shape, (ds.nfeatures,))
    ok_(np.all(out >= -1.001))  # it should be a correlation after all
    ok_(np.all(out <= 1.001))

    # and theoretically those nonbogus features should have higher values
    if 'nonbogus_targets' in ds.fa:
        bogus_features = np.array([x==None for x in  ds.fa.nonbogus_targets])
        assert_array_less(np.mean(out[bogus_features]), np.mean(out[~bogus_features]))
    # and if we move targets to alternative location
    ds = ds.copy(deep=True)['alt'] = ds.T'targets')
    assert_raises(KeyError, cs, ds)
    cs = CorrStability('alt')
    out_ = cs(ds)
    assert_array_equal(out, out_)
Beispiel #2
def test_exclude_targets_combinations_subjectchunks():
    partitioner = ChainNode([NFoldPartitioner(attr='subjects'),
    # targets do not need even to be defined!
    ds = Dataset(np.arange(18).reshape(9, 2),
                 sa={'chunks': np.arange(9) // 3,
                     'subjects': np.arange(9) % 3})
    dss = list(partitioner.generate(ds))
    assert_equal(len(dss), 9)

    testing_subjs, testing_chunks = [], []
    for ds_ in dss:
        testing_partition = == 2
        training_partition = == 1
        # must be scalars -- so implicit test here
        # if not -- would be error
        testing_subj = np.asscalar(np.unique([testing_partition]))
        testing_chunk = np.asscalar(np.unique([testing_partition]))
        # and those must not appear for training
        ok_(not testing_subj in[training_partition])
        ok_(not testing_chunk in[training_partition])
    # and we should have gone through all chunks/subjs pairs
    testing_pairs = set(zip(testing_subjs, testing_chunks))
    assert_equal(len(testing_pairs), 9)
    # yoh: equivalent to set(itertools.product(range(3), range(3))))
    #      but .product is N/A for python2.5
    assert_equal(testing_pairs, set(zip(*np.where(np.ones((3,3))))))
def test_corrstability_smoketest(ds):
    if not 'chunks' in
    if len(['targets'].unique) > 30:
        # was regression dataset
    # very basic testing since
    cs = CorrStability()
    #ds = datasets['uni2small']
    out = cs(ds)
    assert_equal(out.shape, (ds.nfeatures, ))
    ok_(np.all(out >= -1.001))  # it should be a correlation after all
    ok_(np.all(out <= 1.001))

    # and theoretically those nonbogus features should have higher values
    if 'nonbogus_targets' in ds.fa:
        bogus_features = np.array([x == None for x in ds.fa.nonbogus_targets])
    # and if we move targets to alternative location
    ds = ds.copy(deep=True)['alt'] = ds.T'targets')
    assert_raises(KeyError, cs, ds)
    cs = CorrStability('alt')
    out_ = cs(ds)
    assert_array_equal(out, out_)
Beispiel #4
def test_exclude_targets_combinations_subjectchunks():
    partitioner = ChainNode([NFoldPartitioner(attr='subjects'),
    # targets do not need even to be defined!
    ds = Dataset(np.arange(18).reshape(9, 2),
                 sa={'chunks': np.arange(9) // 3,
                     'subjects': np.arange(9) % 3})
    dss = list(partitioner.generate(ds))
    assert_equal(len(dss), 9)

    testing_subjs, testing_chunks = [], []
    for ds_ in dss:
        testing_partition = == 2
        training_partition = == 1
        # must be scalars -- so implicit test here
        # if not -- would be error
        testing_subj = np.asscalar(np.unique([testing_partition]))
        testing_chunk = np.asscalar(np.unique([testing_partition]))
        # and those must not appear for training
        ok_(not testing_subj in[training_partition])
        ok_(not testing_chunk in[training_partition])
    # and we should have gone through all chunks/subjs pairs
    testing_pairs = set(zip(testing_subjs, testing_chunks))
    assert_equal(len(testing_pairs), 9)
    # yoh: equivalent to set(itertools.product(range(3), range(3))))
    #      but .product is N/A for python2.5
    assert_equal(testing_pairs, set(zip(*np.where(np.ones((3,3))))))
Beispiel #5
def test_zcore_repr():
    # Just basic test if everything is sane... no proper comparison
    for m in (ZScoreMapper(chunks_attr=None),
              ZScoreMapper(params=(3, 1)),
        mr = eval(repr(m))
        ok_(isinstance(mr, ZScoreMapper))
Beispiel #6
    def test_aggregation(self):
        data = dataset_wizard(np.arange( 20 ).reshape((4, 5)), targets=1, chunks=1)

        ag_data = aggregate_features(data, np.mean)

        ok_(ag_data.nsamples == 4)
        ok_(ag_data.nfeatures == 1)
        assert_array_equal(ag_data.samples[:, 0], [2, 7, 12, 17])
Beispiel #7
    def test_aggregation(self):
        data = dataset_wizard(np.arange( 20 ).reshape((4, 5)), targets=1, chunks=1)

        ag_data = aggregate_features(data, np.mean)

        ok_(ag_data.nsamples == 4)
        ok_(ag_data.nfeatures == 1)
        assert_array_equal(ag_data.samples[:, 0], [2, 7, 12, 17])
Beispiel #8
def test_attrmap_conflicts():
    am_n = AttributeMap({'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':1})
    am_t = AttributeMap({'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':1}, collisions_resolution='tuple')
    am_l = AttributeMap({'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':1}, collisions_resolution='lucky')
    q_f = ['a', 'b', 'a', 'c']
    # should have no effect on forward mapping
    ok_(np.all(am_n.to_numeric(q_f) == am_t.to_numeric(q_f)))
    ok_(np.all(am_t.to_numeric(q_f) == am_l.to_numeric(q_f)))

    assert_raises(ValueError, am_n.to_literal, [2])
    r_t = am_t.to_literal([2, 1])
    r_l = am_l.to_literal([2, 1])
Beispiel #9
def test_attrmap_conflicts():
    am_n = AttributeMap({'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':1})
    am_t = AttributeMap({'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':1}, collisions_resolution='tuple')
    am_l = AttributeMap({'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':1}, collisions_resolution='lucky')
    q_f = ['a', 'b', 'a', 'c']
    # should have no effect on forward mapping
    ok_(np.all(am_n.to_numeric(q_f) == am_t.to_numeric(q_f)))
    ok_(np.all(am_t.to_numeric(q_f) == am_l.to_numeric(q_f)))

    assert_raises(ValueError, am_n.to_literal, [2])
    r_t = am_t.to_literal([2, 1])
    r_l = am_l.to_literal([2, 1])
Beispiel #10
def test_subset_filler():
    sm = StaticFeatureSelection(np.arange(3))
    sm_f0 = StaticFeatureSelection(np.arange(3), filler=0)
    sm_fm1 = StaticFeatureSelection(np.arange(3), filler= -1)
    sm_fnan = StaticFeatureSelection(np.arange(3), filler=np.nan)
    data = np.arange(12).astype(float).reshape((2, -1))

    data_forwarded = sm.forward(data)

    for m in (sm, sm_f0, sm_fm1, sm_fnan):
        assert_array_equal(data_forwarded, m.forward(data))

    data_back_fm1 = sm_fm1.reverse(data_forwarded)
    ok_(np.all(data_back_fm1[:, 3:] == -1))
    data_back_fnan = sm_fnan.reverse(data_forwarded)
    ok_(np.all(np.isnan(data_back_fnan[:, 3:])))
Beispiel #11
def test_subset_filler():
    sm = StaticFeatureSelection(np.arange(3))
    sm_f0 = StaticFeatureSelection(np.arange(3), filler=0)
    sm_fm1 = StaticFeatureSelection(np.arange(3), filler=-1)
    sm_fnan = StaticFeatureSelection(np.arange(3), filler=np.nan)
    data = np.arange(12).astype(float).reshape((2, -1))

    data_forwarded = sm.forward(data)

    for m in (sm, sm_f0, sm_fm1, sm_fnan):
        assert_array_equal(data_forwarded, m.forward(data))

    data_back_fm1 = sm_fm1.reverse(data_forwarded)
    ok_(np.all(data_back_fm1[:, 3:] == -1))
    data_back_fnan = sm_fnan.reverse(data_forwarded)
    ok_(np.all(np.isnan(data_back_fnan[:, 3:])))
Beispiel #12
def test_cached_query_engine():
    """Test cached query engine
    sphere = ne.Sphere(1)
    # dataset with just one "space"
    ds = datasets['3dlarge']
    qe0 = ne.IndexQueryEngine(myspace=sphere)
    qec = ne.CachedQueryEngine(qe0)

    # and ground truth one
    qe = ne.IndexQueryEngine(myspace=sphere)
    results_ind = []
    results_kw = []

    def cmp_res(res1, res2):
        comp = [x == y for x, y in zip(res1, res2)]

    for iq, q in enumerate((qe, qec)):
        # sequential train on the same should be ok in both cases
        res_ind = [q[fid] for fid in xrange(ds.nfeatures)]
        res_kw = [q(myspace=x) for x in ds.fa.myspace]
        # test if results match
        cmp_res(res_ind, res_kw)


    # now check if results of cached were the same as of regular run
    cmp_res(results_ind[0], results_ind[1])

    # Now do sanity checks
    assert_raises(ValueError, qec.train, ds[:, :-1])
    assert_raises(ValueError, qec.train, ds.copy())
    ds2 = ds.copy()
    # should be the same results on the copy
    cmp_res(results_ind[0], [qec[fid] for fid in xrange(ds.nfeatures)])
    cmp_res(results_kw[0], [qec(myspace=x) for x in ds.fa.myspace])
    ok_(qec.train(ds2) is None)
Beispiel #13
def test_cached_query_engine():
    """Test cached query engine
    sphere = ne.Sphere(1)
    # dataset with just one "space"
    ds = datasets['3dlarge']
    qe0 = ne.IndexQueryEngine(myspace=sphere)
    qec = ne.CachedQueryEngine(qe0)

    # and ground truth one
    qe = ne.IndexQueryEngine(myspace=sphere)
    results_ind = []
    results_kw = []

    def cmp_res(res1, res2):
        comp = [x == y for x, y in zip(res1, res2)]

    for iq, q in enumerate((qe, qec)):
        # sequential train on the same should be ok in both cases
        res_ind = [q[fid] for fid in xrange(ds.nfeatures)]
        res_kw = [q(myspace=x) for x in ds.fa.myspace]
        # test if results match
        cmp_res(res_ind, res_kw)


    # now check if results of cached were the same as of regular run
    cmp_res(results_ind[0], results_ind[1])

    # Now do sanity checks
    assert_raises(ValueError, qec.train, ds[:, :-1])
    assert_raises(ValueError, qec.train, ds.copy())
    ds2 = ds.copy()
    # should be the same results on the copy
    cmp_res(results_ind[0], [qec[fid] for fid in xrange(ds.nfeatures)])
    cmp_res(results_kw[0], [qec(myspace=x) for x in ds.fa.myspace])
    ok_(qec.train(ds2) is None)
Beispiel #14
def test_sphere():
    # test sphere initialization
    s = ne.Sphere(1)
    center0 = (0, 0, 0)
    center1 = (1, 1, 1)
    assert_equal(len(s(center0)), 7)
    target = array([array([-1,  0,  0]),
              array([ 0, -1,  0]),
              array([ 0,  0, -1]),
              array([0, 0, 0]),
              array([0, 0, 1]),
              array([0, 1, 0]),
              array([1, 0, 0])])
    # test of internals -- no recomputation of increments should be done
    prev_increments = s._increments
    assert_array_equal(s(center0), target)
    ok_(prev_increments is s._increments)
    # query lower dimensionality
    _ = s((0, 0))
    ok_(not prev_increments is s._increments)

    # test Sphere call
    target = [array([0, 1, 1]),
              array([1, 0, 1]),
              array([1, 1, 0]),
              array([1, 1, 1]),
              array([1, 1, 2]),
              array([1, 2, 1]),
              array([2, 1, 1])]
    res = s(center1)
    assert_array_equal(array(res), target)
    # They all should be tuples
    ok_(np.all([isinstance(x, tuple) for x in res]))

    # test for larger diameter
    s = ne.Sphere(4)
    assert_equal(len(s(center1)), 257)

    # test extent keyword
    #s = ne.Sphere(4,extent=(1,1,1))
    #assert_array_equal(array(s((0,0,0))), array([[0,0,0]]))

    # test Errors during initialisation and call
    #assert_raises(ValueError, ne.Sphere, 2)
    #assert_raises(ValueError, ne.Sphere, 1.0)

    # no longer extent available
    assert_raises(TypeError, ne.Sphere, 1, extent=(1))
    assert_raises(TypeError, ne.Sphere, 1, extent=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0))

    s = ne.Sphere(1)
    #assert_raises(ValueError, s, (1))
    if __debug__:
        # No float coordinates allowed for now...
        # XXX might like to change that ;)
        assert_raises(ValueError, s, (1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
Beispiel #15
    def test_samples_attributes(self):
        sa = SampleAttributes(os.path.join(pymvpa_dataroot,

        ok_(sa.nrows == 1452, msg='There should be 1452 samples')

        # convert to event list, with some custom attr
        ev = find_events(**sa)
        ok_(len(ev) == 17 * (max(sa.chunks) + 1),
            msg='Not all events got detected.')

        ok_(ev[0]['targets'] == ev[-1]['targets'] == 'rest',
            msg='First and last event are rest condition.')

        ok_(ev[-1]['onset'] + ev[-1]['duration'] == sa.nrows,
            msg='Something is wrong with the timiing of the events')
Beispiel #16
    def test_samples_attributes(self):
        sa = SampleAttributes(pathjoin(pymvpa_dataroot,

        ok_(sa.nrows == 1452, msg='There should be 1452 samples')

        # convert to event list, with some custom attr
        ev = find_events(**sa)
        ok_(len(ev) == 17 * (max(sa.chunks) + 1),
            msg='Not all events got detected.')

        ok_(ev[0]['targets'] == ev[-1]['targets'] == 'rest',
            msg='First and last event are rest condition.')

        ok_(ev[-1]['onset'] + ev[-1]['duration'] == sa.nrows,
            msg='Something is wrong with the timiing of the events')
Beispiel #17
def test_sphere_distance_func():
    # Test some other distance
    se = ne.Sphere(3)
    sm = ne.Sphere(3, distance_func=manhatten_distance)
    rese = se((10, 5))
    resm = sm((10, 5))
    for res in rese, resm:
        # basic test for duplicates (I think we forgotten to test for them)
        ok_(len(res) == len(set(res)))

    # in manhatten distance we should all be no further than 3 "steps" away
    ok_(np.all([np.sum(np.abs(np.array(x) - (10, 5))) <= 3 for x in resm]))
    # in euclidean we are taking shortcuts ;)
    ok_(np.any([np.sum(np.abs(np.array(x) - (10, 5))) > 3 for x in rese]))
Beispiel #18
def test_sphere_distance_func():
    # Test some other distance
    se = ne.Sphere(3)
    sm = ne.Sphere(3, distance_func=manhatten_distance)
    rese = se((10, 5))
    resm = sm((10, 5))
    for res in rese, resm:
        # basic test for duplicates (I think we forgotten to test for them)
        ok_(len(res) == len(set(res)))

    # in manhatten distance we should all be no further than 3 "steps" away
    ok_(np.all([np.sum(np.abs(np.array(x) - (10, 5))) <= 3 for x in resm]))
    # in euclidean we are taking shortcuts ;)
    ok_(np.any([np.sum(np.abs(np.array(x) - (10, 5))) > 3 for x in rese]))
Beispiel #19
def test_zscore():
    """Test z-scoring transformation
    # dataset: mean=2, std=1
    samples = np.array((0, 1, 3, 4, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2)).\
        reshape((16, 1))
    data = dataset_wizard(samples.copy(), targets=range(16), chunks=[0] * 16)
    assert_equal(data.samples.mean(), 2.0)
    assert_equal(data.samples.std(), 1.0)
    data_samples = data.samples.copy()
    zscore(data, chunks_attr='chunks')

    # copy should stay intact
    assert_equal(data_samples.mean(), 2.0)
    assert_equal(data_samples.std(), 1.0)
    # we should be able to operate on ndarrays
    # But we can't change type inplace for an array, can't we?
    assert_raises(TypeError, zscore, data_samples, chunks_attr=None)
    # so lets do manually
    data_samples = data_samples.astype(float)
    zscore(data_samples, chunks_attr=None)
    assert_array_equal(data.samples, data_samples)

    # check z-scoring
    check = np.array([-2, -1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                    dtype='float64').reshape(16, 1)
    assert_array_equal(data.samples, check)

    data = dataset_wizard(samples.copy(), targets=range(16), chunks=[0] * 16)
    zscore(data, chunks_attr=None)
    assert_array_equal(data.samples, check)

    # check z-scoring taking set of labels as a baseline
    data = dataset_wizard(samples.copy(),
                   targets=[0, 2, 2, 2, 1] + [2] * 11,
                   chunks=[0] * 16)
    zscore(data, param_est=('targets', [0, 1]))
    assert_array_equal(samples, data.samples + 1.0)

    # check that zscore modifies in-place; only guaranteed if no upcasting is
    # necessary
    samples = samples.astype('float')
    data = dataset_wizard(samples,
                   targets=[0, 2, 2, 2, 1] + [2] * 11,
                   chunks=[0] * 16)
    zscore(data, param_est=('targets', [0, 1]))
    assert_array_equal(samples, data.samples)

    # verify that if param_est is set but chunks_attr is None
    # performs zscoring across entire dataset correctly
    data = data.copy()
    data_01 ={'targets': [0, 1]})
    zscore(data_01, chunks_attr=None)
    zscore(data, chunks_attr=None, param_est=('targets', [0, 1]))
    assert_array_equal(data_01.samples,{'targets': [0, 1]}))

    # these might be duplicating code above -- but twice is better than nothing

    # dataset: mean=2, std=1
    raw = np.array((0, 1, 3, 4, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2))
    # dataset: mean=12, std=1
    raw2 = np.array((0, 1, 3, 4, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2)) + 10
    # zscore target
    check = [-2, -1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0]

    ds = dataset_wizard(raw.copy(), targets=range(16), chunks=[0] * 16)
    pristine = dataset_wizard(raw.copy(), targets=range(16), chunks=[0] * 16)

    zm = ZScoreMapper()
    # should do global zscore by default
    zm.train(ds)                        # train
    assert_array_almost_equal(zm.forward(ds), np.transpose([check]))
    # should not modify the source
    assert_array_equal(pristine, ds)

    # if we tell it a different mean it should obey the order
    zm = ZScoreMapper(params=(3,1))
    assert_array_almost_equal(zm.forward(ds), np.transpose([check]) - 1 )
    assert_array_equal(pristine, ds)

    # let's look at chunk-wise z-scoring
    ds = dataset_wizard(np.hstack((raw.copy(), raw2.copy())),
                        chunks=[0] * 16 + [1] * 16)
    # by default chunk-wise
    zm = ZScoreMapper()
    zm.train(ds)                        # train
    assert_array_almost_equal(zm.forward(ds), np.transpose([check + check]))
    # we should be able to do that same manually
    zm = ZScoreMapper(params={0: (2,1), 1: (12,1)})
    zm.train(ds)                        # train
    assert_array_almost_equal(zm.forward(ds), np.transpose([check + check]))

    # And just a smoke test for warnings reporting whenever # of
    # samples per chunk is low.
    # on 1 sample per chunk
    zds1 = ZScoreMapper(chunks_attr='chunks', auto_train=True)(
        ds[[0, -1]])
    ok_(np.all(zds1.samples == 0))   # they all should be 0
    # on 2 samples per chunk
    zds2 = ZScoreMapper(chunks_attr='chunks', auto_train=True)(
        ds[[0, 1, -10, -1]])
    assert_array_equal(np.unique(zds2.samples), [-1., 1]) # they all should be -1 or 1
    # on 3 samples per chunk -- different warning
    ZScoreMapper(chunks_attr='chunks', auto_train=True)(
        ds[[0, 1, 2, -3, -2, -1]])

    # test if std provided as a list not as an array is handled
    # properly -- should zscore all features (not just first/none
    # as it was before)
    ds = dataset_wizard(np.arange(32).reshape((8,-1)),
                        targets=range(8), chunks=[0] * 8)
    means = [0, 1, -10, 10]
    std0 = np.std(ds[:, 0])             # std deviation of first one
    stds = [std0, 10, .1, 1]

    zm = ZScoreMapper(params=(means, stds),
    dsz = zm(ds)

    assert_array_almost_equal((np.mean(ds, axis=0) - np.asanyarray(means))/np.array(stds),
                              np.mean(dsz, axis=0))

    assert_array_almost_equal(np.std(ds, axis=0)/np.array(stds),
                              np.std(dsz, axis=0))
Beispiel #20
def test_attrmap():
    map_default = {'eins': 0, 'zwei': 2, 'sieben': 1}
    map_custom = {'eins': 11, 'zwei': 22, 'sieben': 33}
    literal = ['eins', 'zwei', 'sieben', 'eins', 'sieben', 'eins']
    literal_nonmatching = ['uno', 'dos', 'tres']
    num_default = [0, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0]
    num_custom = [11, 22, 33, 11, 33, 11]

    # no custom mapping given
    am = AttributeMap()
    ok_(len(am) == 0)
    assert_array_equal(am.to_numeric(literal), num_default)
    assert_array_equal(am.to_literal(num_default), literal)
    ok_(len(am) == 3)

    # Tests for recursive mapping + preserving datatype
    class myarray(np.ndarray):

    assert_raises(KeyError, am.to_literal, [(1, 2), 2, 0])
    literal_fancy = [(1, 2), 2, [0], np.array([0, 1]).view(myarray)]
    literal_fancy_tuple = tuple(literal_fancy)
    literal_fancy_array = np.array(literal_fancy, dtype=object)

    for l in (literal_fancy, literal_fancy_tuple, literal_fancy_array):
        res = am.to_literal(l, recurse=True)
        assert_equal(res[0], ('sieben', 'zwei'))
        assert_equal(res[1], 'zwei')
        assert_equal(res[2], ['eins'])
        assert_array_equal(res[3], ['eins', 'sieben'])

        # types of result and subsequences should be preserved
        ok_(isinstance(res, l.__class__))
        ok_(isinstance(res[0], tuple))
        ok_(isinstance(res[1], str))
        ok_(isinstance(res[2], list))
        ok_(isinstance(res[3], myarray))

    # yet another example
    a = np.empty(1, dtype=object)
    a[0] = (0, 1)
    res = am.to_literal(a, recurse=True)
    ok_(isinstance(res[0], tuple))

    # with custom mapping
    am = AttributeMap(map=map_custom)
    assert_array_equal(am.to_numeric(literal), num_custom)
    assert_array_equal(am.to_literal(num_custom), literal)

    # if not numeric nothing is mapped
    assert_array_equal(am.to_numeric(num_custom), num_custom)
    # even if the map doesn't fit
    assert_array_equal(am.to_numeric(num_default), num_default)

    # need to_numeric first
    am = AttributeMap()
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, am.to_literal, [1, 2, 3])
    # stupid args
    assert_raises(ValueError, AttributeMap, map=num_custom)

    # map mismatch
    am = AttributeMap(map=map_custom)
    if __debug__:
        # checked only in __debug__
        assert_raises(KeyError, am.to_numeric, literal_nonmatching)
    # needs reset and should work afterwards
    assert_array_equal(am.to_numeric(literal_nonmatching), [2, 0, 1])
    # and now reverse
    am = AttributeMap(map=map_custom)
    assert_raises(KeyError, am.to_literal, num_default)

    # dict-like interface
    am = AttributeMap()

    ok_([(k, v) for k, v in am.items()] == [])
Beispiel #21
def test_attrmap():
    map_default = {'eins': 0, 'zwei': 2, 'sieben': 1}
    map_custom = {'eins': 11, 'zwei': 22, 'sieben': 33}
    literal = ['eins', 'zwei', 'sieben', 'eins', 'sieben', 'eins']
    literal_nonmatching = ['uno', 'dos', 'tres']
    num_default = [0, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0]
    num_custom = [11, 22, 33, 11, 33, 11]

    # no custom mapping given
    am = AttributeMap()
    ok_(len(am) == 0)
    assert_array_equal(am.to_numeric(literal), num_default)
    assert_array_equal(am.to_literal(num_default), literal)
    ok_(len(am) == 3)

    # Tests for recursive mapping + preserving datatype
    class myarray(np.ndarray):

    assert_raises(KeyError, am.to_literal, [(1, 2), 2, 0])
    literal_fancy = [(1, 2), 2, [0], np.array([0, 1]).view(myarray)]
    literal_fancy_tuple = tuple(literal_fancy)
    literal_fancy_array = np.array(literal_fancy, dtype=object)

    for l in (literal_fancy, literal_fancy_tuple,
        res = am.to_literal(l, recurse=True)
        assert_equal(res[0], ('sieben', 'zwei'))
        assert_equal(res[1], 'zwei')
        assert_equal(res[2], ['eins'])
        assert_array_equal(res[3], ['eins', 'sieben'])

        # types of result and subsequences should be preserved
        ok_(isinstance(res, l.__class__))
        ok_(isinstance(res[0], tuple))
        ok_(isinstance(res[1], str))
        ok_(isinstance(res[2], list))
        ok_(isinstance(res[3], myarray))

    # yet another example
    a = np.empty(1, dtype=object)
    a[0] = (0, 1)
    res = am.to_literal(a, recurse=True)
    ok_(isinstance(res[0], tuple))

    # with custom mapping
    am = AttributeMap(map=map_custom)
    assert_array_equal(am.to_numeric(literal), num_custom)
    assert_array_equal(am.to_literal(num_custom), literal)

    # if not numeric nothing is mapped
    assert_array_equal(am.to_numeric(num_custom), num_custom)
    # even if the map doesn't fit
    assert_array_equal(am.to_numeric(num_default), num_default)

    # need to_numeric first
    am = AttributeMap()
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, am.to_literal, [1,2,3])
    # stupid args
    assert_raises(ValueError, AttributeMap, map=num_custom)

    # map mismatch
    am = AttributeMap(map=map_custom)
    if __debug__:
        # checked only in __debug__
        assert_raises(KeyError, am.to_numeric, literal_nonmatching)
    # needs reset and should work afterwards
    assert_array_equal(am.to_numeric(literal_nonmatching), [2, 0, 1])
    # and now reverse
    am = AttributeMap(map=map_custom)
    assert_raises(KeyError, am.to_literal, num_default)

    # dict-like interface
    am = AttributeMap()

    ok_([(k, v) for k, v in am.iteritems()] == [])
Beispiel #22
def test_flatten():
    samples_shape = (2, 2, 4)
    data_shape = (4,) + samples_shape
    data = np.arange(
    pristinedata = data.copy()
    target = [[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15],
              [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31],
              [32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47],
              [48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63]]
    target = np.array(target).view(myarray)
    index_target = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 2], [0, 0, 3],
                            [0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 3],
                            [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 2], [1, 0, 3],
                            [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 2], [1, 1, 3]])

    # test only flattening the first two dimensions
    fm_max = FlattenMapper(maxdims=2)
    assert_equal(fm_max(data).shape, (4, 4, 4))

    # array subclass survives
    ok_(isinstance(data, myarray))

    # actually, there should be no difference between a plain FlattenMapper and
    # a chain that only has a FlattenMapper as the one element
    for fm in [FlattenMapper(space='voxel'),
        # not working if untrained
                      np.arange(np.sum(samples_shape) + 1))


        ok_(isinstance(fm.forward(data), myarray))
        ok_(isinstance(fm.forward1(data[2]), myarray))
        assert_array_equal(fm.forward(data), target)
        assert_array_equal(fm.forward1(data[2]), target[2])
        assert_raises(ValueError, fm.forward, np.arange(4))

        # all of that leaves that data unmodified
        assert_array_equal(data, pristinedata)

        # reverse mapping
        ok_(isinstance(fm.reverse(target), myarray))
        ok_(isinstance(fm.reverse1(target[0]), myarray))
        ok_(isinstance(fm.reverse(target[1:2]), myarray))
        assert_array_equal(fm.reverse(target), data)
        assert_array_equal(fm.reverse1(target[0]), data[0])
                           _verified_reverse1(fm, target[0]))
        assert_array_equal(fm.reverse(target[1:2]), data[1:2])
        assert_raises(ValueError, fm.reverse, np.arange(14))

        # check one dimensional data, treated as scalar samples
        oned = np.arange(5)
        # needs 2D
        assert_raises(ValueError, fm.forward, oned)
        # doesn't match mapper, since Dataset turns `oned` into (5,1)
        assert_raises(ValueError, fm.forward, oned)
        assert_equal(Dataset(oned).nfeatures, 1)

        # try dataset mode, with some feature attribute
        fattr = np.arange(
        ds = Dataset(data, fa={'awesome': fattr.copy()})
        assert_equal(ds.samples.shape, data_shape)
        dsflat = fm.forward(ds)
        ok_(isinstance(dsflat, Dataset))
        ok_(isinstance(dsflat.samples, myarray))
        assert_array_equal(dsflat.samples, target)
        assert_array_equal(dsflat.fa.awesome, np.arange(
        assert_true(isinstance(dsflat.fa['awesome'], ArrayCollectable))
        # test index creation
        assert_array_equal(index_target, dsflat.fa.voxel)

        # and back
        revds = fm.reverse(dsflat)
        ok_(isinstance(revds, Dataset))
        ok_(isinstance(revds.samples, myarray))
        assert_array_equal(revds.samples, data)
        assert_array_equal(revds.fa.awesome, fattr)
        assert_true(isinstance(revds.fa['awesome'], ArrayCollectable))
        assert_false('voxel' in revds.fa)
Beispiel #23
def test_flatten():
    samples_shape = (2, 2, 4)
    data_shape = (4,) + samples_shape
    data = np.arange(
    pristinedata = data.copy()
    target = [[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15],
              [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31],
              [32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47],
              [48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63]]
    target = np.array(target).view(myarray)
    index_target = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 2], [0, 0, 3],
                            [0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 3],
                            [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 2], [1, 0, 3],
                            [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 2], [1, 1, 3]])

    # test only flattening the first two dimensions
    fm_max = FlattenMapper(maxdims=2)
    assert_equal(fm_max(data).shape, (4, 4, 4))

    # array subclass survives
    ok_(isinstance(data, myarray))

    # actually, there should be no difference between a plain FlattenMapper and
    # a chain that only has a FlattenMapper as the one element
    for fm in [FlattenMapper(space='voxel'),
        # not working if untrained
                      np.arange(np.sum(samples_shape) + 1))


        ok_(isinstance(fm.forward(data), myarray))
        ok_(isinstance(fm.forward1(data[2]), myarray))
        assert_array_equal(fm.forward(data), target)
        assert_array_equal(fm.forward1(data[2]), target[2])
        assert_raises(ValueError, fm.forward, np.arange(4))

        # all of that leaves that data unmodified
        assert_array_equal(data, pristinedata)

        # reverse mapping
        ok_(isinstance(fm.reverse(target), myarray))
        ok_(isinstance(fm.reverse1(target[0]), myarray))
        ok_(isinstance(fm.reverse(target[1:2]), myarray))
        assert_array_equal(fm.reverse(target), data)
        assert_array_equal(fm.reverse1(target[0]), data[0])
        assert_array_equal(fm.reverse(target[1:2]), data[1:2])
        assert_raises(ValueError, fm.reverse, np.arange(14))

        # check one dimensional data, treated as scalar samples
        oned = np.arange(5)
        # needs 2D
        assert_raises(ValueError, fm.forward, oned)
        # doesn't match mapper, since Dataset turns `oned` into (5,1)
        assert_raises(ValueError, fm.forward, oned)
        assert_equal(Dataset(oned).nfeatures, 1)

        # try dataset mode, with some feature attribute
        fattr = np.arange(
        ds = Dataset(data, fa={'awesome': fattr.copy()})
        assert_equal(ds.samples.shape, data_shape)
        dsflat = fm.forward(ds)
        ok_(isinstance(dsflat, Dataset))
        ok_(isinstance(dsflat.samples, myarray))
        assert_array_equal(dsflat.samples, target)
        assert_array_equal(dsflat.fa.awesome, np.arange(
        assert_true(isinstance(dsflat.fa['awesome'], ArrayCollectable))
        # test index creation
        assert_array_equal(index_target, dsflat.fa.voxel)

        # and back
        revds = fm.reverse(dsflat)
        ok_(isinstance(revds, Dataset))
        ok_(isinstance(revds.samples, myarray))
        assert_array_equal(revds.samples, data)
        assert_array_equal(revds.fa.awesome, fattr)
        assert_true(isinstance(revds.fa['awesome'], ArrayCollectable))
        assert_false('voxel' in revds.fa)
Beispiel #24
def test_zcore_repr():
    # Just basic test if everything is sane... no proper comparison
    for m in (ZScoreMapper(chunks_attr=None), ZScoreMapper(params=(3, 1)),
        mr = eval(repr(m))
        ok_(isinstance(mr, ZScoreMapper))
Beispiel #25
 def cmp_res(res1, res2):
     comp = [x == y for x, y in zip(res1, res2)]
Beispiel #26
def test_sphere_scaled():
    s1 = ne.Sphere(3)
    s = ne.Sphere(3, element_sizes=(1, 1))

    # Should give exactly the same results since element_sizes are 1s
    for p in ((0, 0), (-23, 1)):
        assert_array_equal(s1(p), s(p))
        ok_(len(s(p)) == len(set(s(p))))

    # Raise exception if query dimensionality does not match element_sizes
    assert_raises(ValueError, s, (1, ))

    s = ne.Sphere(3, element_sizes=(1.5, 2))
    assert_array_equal(s((0, 0)), [(-2, 0), (-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1),
                                   (0, -1), (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, -1), (1, 0),
                                   (1, 1), (2, 0)])

    s = ne.Sphere(1.5, element_sizes=(1.5, 1.5, 1.5))
    res = s((0, 0, 0))
    ok_(np.all([np.sqrt(np.sum(np.array(x)**2)) <= 1.5 for x in res]))
    ok_(len(res) == 7)

    # all neighbors so no more than 1 voxel away -- just a cube, for
    # some "sphere" effect radius had to be 3.0 ;)
    td = np.sqrt(3 * 1.5**2)
    s = ne.Sphere(td, element_sizes=(1.5, 1.5, 1.5))
    res = s((0, 0, 0))
    ok_(np.all([np.sqrt(np.sum(np.array(x)**2)) <= td for x in res]))
    ok_(np.all([np.sum(np.abs(x) > 1) == 0 for x in res]))
    ok_(len(res) == 27)
Beispiel #27
def test_sphere_scaled():
    s1 = ne.Sphere(3)
    s = ne.Sphere(3, element_sizes=(1, 1))

    # Should give exactly the same results since element_sizes are 1s
    for p in ((0, 0), (-23, 1)):
        assert_array_equal(s1(p), s(p))
        ok_(len(s(p)) == len(set(s(p))))

    # Raise exception if query dimensionality does not match element_sizes
    assert_raises(ValueError, s, (1,))

    s = ne.Sphere(3, element_sizes=(1.5, 2))
    assert_array_equal(s((0, 0)),
                       [(-2, 0), (-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1),
                        (0, -1), (0, 0), (0, 1),
                        (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (2, 0)])

    s = ne.Sphere(1.5, element_sizes=(1.5, 1.5, 1.5))
    res = s((0, 0, 0))
    ok_(np.all([np.sqrt(np.sum(np.array(x)**2)) <= 1.5 for x in res]))
    ok_(len(res) == 7)

    # all neighbors so no more than 1 voxel away -- just a cube, for
    # some "sphere" effect radius had to be 3.0 ;)
    td = np.sqrt(3*1.5**2)
    s = ne.Sphere(td, element_sizes=(1.5, 1.5, 1.5))
    res = s((0, 0, 0))
    ok_(np.all([np.sqrt(np.sum(np.array(x)**2)) <= td for x in res]))
    ok_(np.all([np.sum(np.abs(x) > 1) == 0 for x in res]))
    ok_(len(res) == 27)
Beispiel #28
def test_sphere():
    # test sphere initialization
    s = ne.Sphere(1)
    center0 = (0, 0, 0)
    center1 = (1, 1, 1)
    assert_equal(len(s(center0)), 7)
    target = array([
        array([-1, 0, 0]),
        array([0, -1, 0]),
        array([0, 0, -1]),
        array([0, 0, 0]),
        array([0, 0, 1]),
        array([0, 1, 0]),
        array([1, 0, 0])
    # test of internals -- no recomputation of increments should be done
    prev_increments = s._increments
    assert_array_equal(s(center0), target)
    ok_(prev_increments is s._increments)
    # query lower dimensionality
    _ = s((0, 0))
    ok_(not prev_increments is s._increments)

    # test Sphere call
    target = [
        array([0, 1, 1]),
        array([1, 0, 1]),
        array([1, 1, 0]),
        array([1, 1, 1]),
        array([1, 1, 2]),
        array([1, 2, 1]),
        array([2, 1, 1])
    res = s(center1)
    assert_array_equal(array(res), target)
    # They all should be tuples
    ok_(np.all([isinstance(x, tuple) for x in res]))

    # test for larger diameter
    s = ne.Sphere(4)
    assert_equal(len(s(center1)), 257)

    # test extent keyword
    #s = ne.Sphere(4,extent=(1,1,1))
    #assert_array_equal(array(s((0,0,0))), array([[0,0,0]]))

    # test Errors during initialisation and call
    #assert_raises(ValueError, ne.Sphere, 2)
    #assert_raises(ValueError, ne.Sphere, 1.0)

    # no longer extent available
    assert_raises(TypeError, ne.Sphere, 1, extent=(1))
    assert_raises(TypeError, ne.Sphere, 1, extent=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0))

    s = ne.Sphere(1)
    #assert_raises(ValueError, s, (1))
    if __debug__:
        # No float coordinates allowed for now...
        # XXX might like to change that ;)
        assert_raises(ValueError, s, (1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
Beispiel #29
def test_zscore():
    """Test z-scoring transformation
    # dataset: mean=2, std=1
    samples = np.array((0, 1, 3, 4, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2)).\
        reshape((16, 1))
    data = dataset_wizard(samples.copy(), targets=range(16), chunks=[0] * 16)
    assert_equal(data.samples.mean(), 2.0)
    assert_equal(data.samples.std(), 1.0)
    data_samples = data.samples.copy()
    zscore(data, chunks_attr='chunks')

    # copy should stay intact
    assert_equal(data_samples.mean(), 2.0)
    assert_equal(data_samples.std(), 1.0)
    # we should be able to operate on ndarrays
    # But we can't change type inplace for an array, can't we?
    assert_raises(TypeError, zscore, data_samples, chunks_attr=None)
    # so lets do manually
    data_samples = data_samples.astype(float)
    zscore(data_samples, chunks_attr=None)
    assert_array_equal(data.samples, data_samples)

    # check z-scoring
    check = np.array([-2, -1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                     dtype='float64').reshape(16, 1)
    assert_array_equal(data.samples, check)

    data = dataset_wizard(samples.copy(), targets=range(16), chunks=[0] * 16)
    zscore(data, chunks_attr=None)
    assert_array_equal(data.samples, check)

    # check z-scoring taking set of labels as a baseline
    data = dataset_wizard(samples.copy(),
                          targets=[0, 2, 2, 2, 1] + [2] * 11,
                          chunks=[0] * 16)
    zscore(data, param_est=('targets', [0, 1]))
    assert_array_equal(samples, data.samples + 1.0)

    # check that zscore modifies in-place; only guaranteed if no upcasting is
    # necessary
    samples = samples.astype('float')
    data = dataset_wizard(samples,
                          targets=[0, 2, 2, 2, 1] + [2] * 11,
                          chunks=[0] * 16)
    zscore(data, param_est=('targets', [0, 1]))
    assert_array_equal(samples, data.samples)

    # these might be duplicating code above -- but twice is better than nothing

    # dataset: mean=2, std=1
    raw = np.array((0, 1, 3, 4, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2))
    # dataset: mean=12, std=1
    raw2 = np.array((0, 1, 3, 4, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2)) + 10
    # zscore target
    check = [-2, -1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0]

    ds = dataset_wizard(raw.copy(), targets=range(16), chunks=[0] * 16)
    pristine = dataset_wizard(raw.copy(), targets=range(16), chunks=[0] * 16)

    zm = ZScoreMapper()
    # should do global zscore by default
    zm.train(ds)  # train
    assert_array_almost_equal(zm.forward(ds), np.transpose([check]))
    # should not modify the source
    assert_array_equal(pristine, ds)

    # if we tell it a different mean it should obey the order
    zm = ZScoreMapper(params=(3, 1))
    assert_array_almost_equal(zm.forward(ds), np.transpose([check]) - 1)
    assert_array_equal(pristine, ds)

    # let's look at chunk-wise z-scoring
    ds = dataset_wizard(np.hstack((raw.copy(), raw2.copy())),
                        chunks=[0] * 16 + [1] * 16)
    # by default chunk-wise
    zm = ZScoreMapper()
    zm.train(ds)  # train
    assert_array_almost_equal(zm.forward(ds), np.transpose([check + check]))
    # we should be able to do that same manually
    zm = ZScoreMapper(params={0: (2, 1), 1: (12, 1)})
    zm.train(ds)  # train
    assert_array_almost_equal(zm.forward(ds), np.transpose([check + check]))

    # And just a smoke test for warnings reporting whenever # of
    # samples per chunk is low.
    # on 1 sample per chunk
    zds1 = ZScoreMapper(chunks_attr='chunks', auto_train=True)(ds[[0, -1]])
    ok_(np.all(zds1.samples == 0))  # they all should be 0
    # on 2 samples per chunk
    zds2 = ZScoreMapper(chunks_attr='chunks',
                        auto_train=True)(ds[[0, 1, -10, -1]])
                       [-1., 1])  # they all should be -1 or 1
    # on 3 samples per chunk -- different warning
                 auto_train=True)(ds[[0, 1, 2, -3, -2, -1]])

    # test if std provided as a list not as an array is handled
    # properly -- should zscore all features (not just first/none
    # as it was before)
    ds = dataset_wizard(np.arange(32).reshape((8, -1)),
                        chunks=[0] * 8)
    means = [0, 1, -10, 10]
    std0 = np.std(ds[:, 0])  # std deviation of first one
    stds = [std0, 10, .1, 1]

    zm = ZScoreMapper(params=(means, stds), auto_train=True)
    dsz = zm(ds)

        (np.mean(ds, axis=0) - np.asanyarray(means)) / np.array(stds),
        np.mean(dsz, axis=0))

        np.std(ds, axis=0) / np.array(stds), np.std(dsz, axis=0))
Beispiel #30
def test_gnbsearchlight_permutations():
    import mvpa2
    from mvpa2.base.node import ChainNode
    from mvpa2.clfs.gnb import GNB
    from mvpa2.generators.base import  Repeater
    from mvpa2.generators.partition import NFoldPartitioner, OddEvenPartitioner
    #import mvpa2.generators.permutation
    from mvpa2.generators.permutation import AttributePermutator
    from mvpa2.testing.datasets import datasets
    from mvpa2.measures.base import CrossValidation
    from mvpa2.measures.gnbsearchlight import sphere_gnbsearchlight
    from mvpa2.measures.searchlight import sphere_searchlight
    from mvpa2.mappers.fx import mean_sample
    from mvpa2.misc.errorfx import mean_mismatch_error
    from mvpa2.clfs.stats import MCNullDist
    from import assert_raises, ok_, assert_array_less

    # = ['APERM', 'SLC'] #, 'REPM']
    # mvpa2.debug.metrics += ['pid']
    count = 10
    nproc = 1 + int(mvpa2.externals.exists('pprocess'))
    ds = datasets['3dsmall'].copy()
    ds.fa['voxel_indices'] = ds.fa.myspace

    slkwargs = dict(radius=3, space='voxel_indices',  enable_ca=['roi_sizes'],
                    center_ids=[1, 10, 70, 100])

    clf  = GNB()
    splt = NFoldPartitioner(cvtype=2, attr='chunks')

    repeater   = Repeater(count=count)
    permutator = AttributePermutator('targets', limit={'partitions': 1}, count=1)

    null_sl = sphere_gnbsearchlight(clf, ChainNode([splt, permutator], space=splt.get_space()),
                                    postproc=mean_sample(), errorfx=mean_mismatch_error,

    distr_est = MCNullDist(repeater, tail='left', measure=null_sl,
    sl = sphere_gnbsearchlight(clf, splt,
                               null_dist=distr_est, postproc=mean_sample(),
    if __debug__:                         # assert is done only without -O mode
        assert_raises(NotImplementedError, sl, ds)

    # "ad-hoc searchlights can't handle yet varying targets across partitions"
    if False:
        # after above limitation is removed -- enable
        sl_map = sl(ds)
        sl_null_prob =

    ### 'normal' Searchlight
    clf  = GNB()
    splt = NFoldPartitioner(cvtype=2, attr='chunks')
    repeater   = Repeater(count=count)
    permutator = AttributePermutator('targets', limit={'partitions': 1}, count=1)
    # rng=np.random.RandomState(0)) # to trigger failure since the same np.random state
    # would be reused across all pprocesses
    null_cv = CrossValidation(clf, ChainNode([splt, permutator], space=splt.get_space()),
    null_sl_normal = sphere_searchlight(null_cv, nproc=nproc, **slkwargs)
    distr_est_normal = MCNullDist(repeater, tail='left', measure=null_sl_normal,

    cv = CrossValidation(clf, splt, errorfx=mean_mismatch_error,
                         enable_ca=['stats'], postproc=mean_sample() )
    sl = sphere_searchlight(cv, nproc=nproc, null_dist=distr_est_normal, **slkwargs)
    sl_map_normal = sl(ds)
    sl_null_prob_normal =

    # For every feature -- we should get some variance in estimates In
    # case of failure they are all really close to each other (up to
    # numerical precision), so variance will be close to 0
                              axis=1), -1e-5)
    for s in[0]:
        ok_(len(np.unique(s)) > 1)
Beispiel #31
def test_multiclass_pairs_svm_searchlight():
    from mvpa2.measures.searchlight import sphere_searchlight
    import mvpa2.clfs.meta
    from mvpa2.clfs.meta import MulticlassClassifier

    from mvpa2.datasets import Dataset
    from mvpa2.clfs.svm import LinearCSVMC
    #import mvpa2.testing.datasets
    from mvpa2.testing.datasets import datasets
    from mvpa2.generators.partition import NFoldPartitioner, OddEvenPartitioner
    from mvpa2.measures.base import CrossValidation

    from mvpa2.testing import ok_, assert_equal, assert_array_equal
    from mvpa2.sandbox.multiclass import get_pairwise_accuracies

    # Some parameters used in the test below
    nproc = 1 + int(mvpa2.externals.exists('pprocess'))
    ntargets = 4                                # number of targets
    npairs = ntargets*(ntargets-1)/2
    center_ids = [35, 55, 1]
    ds = datasets['3dsmall'].copy()

    # redefine C,T so we have a multiclass task
    nsamples = len(ds) = range(ntargets) * (nsamples//ntargets) = np.arange(nsamples) // ntargets
    # and add some obvious signal where it is due
    ds.samples[:, 55] += 15*   # for all 4 targets
    ds.samples[:, 35] += 15*( % 2) # so we have conflicting labels
    # while 35 would still be just for 2 categories which would conflict

    mclf = MulticlassClassifier(LinearCSVMC(),
                                pass_attr=['sa.chunks', 'ca.raw_predictions_ds'],

    label_pairs = mclf._get_binary_pairs(ds)

    def place_sa_as_samples(ds):
        # add a degenerate dimension for the hstacking in the searchlight
        ds.samples =[:, None]'raw_predictions_ds')   # no need to drag the copy
        return ds

    mcv = CrossValidation(mclf, OddEvenPartitioner(), errorfx=None,
    sl = sphere_searchlight(mcv, nproc=nproc, radius=2, space='myspace',
    slmap = sl(ds)

    ok_('chunks' in
    ok_('cvfolds' in
    ok_('targets' in
    # so for each SL we got all pairwise tests
    assert_equal(slmap.shape, (nsamples, len(center_ids), npairs))
    assert_array_equal(np.unique(, [0, 1])

    # Verify that we got right labels in each 'pair'
    # all searchlights should have the same set of labels for a given
    # pair of targets
    label_pairs_ = np.apply_along_axis(
        np.unique, 0,
        ## reshape slmap so we have only simple pairs in the columns
        np.reshape(slmap, (-1, npairs))).T

    # need to prep that list of pairs obtained from MulticlassClassifier
    # and since it is 1-vs-1, they all should be just pairs of lists of
    # 1 element so should work
    assert_equal(len(label_pairs_), npairs)
    assert_array_equal(np.squeeze(np.array(label_pairs)), label_pairs_)
    assert_equal(label_pairs_.shape, (npairs, 2))   # for this particular case

    out    = get_pairwise_accuracies(slmap)
    out123 = get_pairwise_accuracies(slmap, select=[1, 2, 3])

    assert_array_equal(np.unique(out123.T), np.arange(1, 4))   # so we got at least correct targets
    # test that we extracted correct accuracies
    # First 3 in out.T should have category 0, so skip them and compare otherwise
    assert_array_equal(out.samples[3:], out123.samples)

    ok_(np.all(out.samples[:, 1] == 1.), "This was with super-strong result")
Beispiel #32
 def cmp_res(res1, res2):
     comp = [x == y for x, y in zip(res1, res2)]