def expose( self, imagePath='', expTime=3, binning=1, fastReadout=True, posX=0, posY=0, width=1, height=1, ): """ :return: success """ if not self.deviceConnected: return False worker = Worker(self.workerExpose, imagePath=imagePath, expTime=expTime, binning=binning, fastReadout=fastReadout, posX=posX, posY=posY, width=width, height=height) # worker.signals.result.connect(self.emitStatus) self.threadPool.start(worker) return True
def getClearOutside(self, url=''): """ getClearOutside initiates the worker thread to get the web data fetched :param url: :return: """ worker = Worker(self.getWebDataWorker, url) worker.signals.result.connect(self.updateClearOutsideGui) self.threadPool.start(worker)
def startPollStatus(self): """ startPollStatus starts a thread every 1 second for polling. :return: success """ worker = Worker(self.pollStatus) self.threadPool.start(worker) return True
def startCommunication(self): """ startCommunication starts cycling of the polling. :return: True for connecting to server """ worker = Worker(self.getInitialConfig) worker.signals.finished.connect(self.startTimer) self.threadPool.start(worker) return True
def pollData(self): """ :return: success """ if not self.deviceConnected: return False worker = Worker(self.workerPollData) self.threadPool.start(worker) return True
def getOpenWeatherMapData(self, url=''): """ getOpenWeatherMapData initiates the worker thread to get the web data fetched :param url: :return: true for test purpose """ worker = Worker(self.getOpenWeatherMapDataWorker, url) worker.signals.result.connect(self.updateOpenWeatherMapDataWorker) self.threadPool.start(worker) return True
def loadSatelliteSource(self): """ loadSatelliteSource selects from a drop down list of possible satellite data sources on the web and once selected downloads the data. depending of the setting of reload is true setting, it takes an already loaded file from local disk. after loading or opening the source file, it updates the satellite list in the list view widget for the selection of satellites. :return: success """ worker = Worker(self.loadSatelliteSourceWorker) worker.signals.result.connect(self.setupSatelliteGui) self.threadPool.start(worker) return True
def stopCommunication(self): """ stopCommunication stops cycling of the server. :return: true for test purpose """ self.stopTimer() self.deviceConnected = False self.serverConnected = False self.client.signals.deviceDisconnected.emit(f'{}') self.client.signals.serverDisconnected.emit({f'{}': 0})'Alpaca device remove:[{}]', 0) worker = Worker(self.client.connected, Connected=False) self.threadPool.start(worker) return True