Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, path):
        self.path = path
        self.sdk_path = os.getenv("SDK", None)

        self.dx = system.which("dx")
        self.javac = system.which("javac")

Beispiel #2
 def __init__(self, path):
     self.path = path
     self.sdk_path = os.getenv("SDK", None)
     self.dx = system.which("dx")
     self.javac = system.which("javac")
Beispiel #3
 def make_jks_trust_store(self):
     Prepare a JKS TrustStore, for the CA.
     keytool = system.which('keytool')
     argv = [keytool,
             "-alias", "mercuryCA",
             "-file",  self.ca_certificate_path(),
             "-keystore", self.__jks_path('mercury-ca'),
             "-storetype", "JKS",
             "-storepass", "mercury"]
     if keytool != None:
         if os.spawnve(os.P_WAIT, argv[0], argv, os.environ) == 0:
             return self.__bks_path('mercury-ca')
         argv[0] = "keytool"
         print "Could not compile the JKS trust store, because keytool could not be located on your system."
         print "Run:"
         print " ".join(argv) 
         return False
Beispiel #4
 def make_bks_trust_store(self):
     Prepare a BouncyCastle TrustStore, for the CA.
     keytool = system.which('keytool')
     argv = [keytool,
             "-alias", "mercuryCA",
             "-file",  self.ca_certificate_path(),
             "-keystore", self.__bks_path('mercury-ca'),
             "-storetype", "BKS",
             "-storepass", "mercury",
             "-provider", "org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider",
             "-providerpath", os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "bcprov-ext-jdk15on-1.46.jar"))]
     if keytool != None:
         if os.spawnve(os.P_WAIT, argv[0], argv, os.environ) == 0:
             return self.__bks_path('mercury-ca')
         argv[0] = "keytool"
         print "Could not compile the BKS trust store, because keytool could not be located on your system."
         print "Run:"
         print " ".join(argv) 
         return False
Beispiel #5
 def make_bks_key_store(self, cn, p12_path, export_password, store_password, key_password):
     Prepare a BouncyCastle KeyStore from a PKCS12 bundle.
     keytool = system.which('keytool') 
     argv = [keytool,
             "-deststorepass", store_password,
             "-destkeypass", key_password,
             "-destkeystore", self.__bks_path(cn),
             "-deststoretype", "BKS", 
             "-provider", "org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider",
             "-providerpath", os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "bcprov-ext-jdk15on-1.46.jar")),
             "-srckeystore", p12_path,
             "-srcstoretype", "PKCS12",
             "-srcstorepass", export_password,
             "-alias", "mercury"]
     if keytool != None:
         if os.spawnve(os.P_WAIT, argv[0], argv, os.environ) == 0:
             return self.__bks_path(cn)
         argv[0] = "keytool"
         print "Could not compile the BKS keystore, because keytool could not be located on your system."
         print "Run:"
         print " ".join(argv) 
         return False
Beispiel #6
    def make_bks_trust_store(self):
        Prepare a BouncyCastle TrustStore, for the CA.

        keytool = system.which('keytool')
        argv = [
            keytool, "-import", "-trustcacerts", "-alias", "mercuryCA",
            self.ca_certificate_path(), "-keystore",
            self.__bks_path('mercury-ca'), "-storetype", "BKS", "-storepass",
            "mercury", "-provider",

        if keytool != None:
            if os.spawnve(os.P_WAIT, argv[0], argv, os.environ) == 0:
                return self.__bks_path('mercury-ca')
            argv[0] = "keytool"

            print "Could not compile the BKS trust store, because keytool could not be located on your system."
            print "Run:"
            print " ".join(argv)

            return False
Beispiel #7
    def make_bks_key_store(self, cn, p12_path, export_password, store_password,
        Prepare a BouncyCastle KeyStore from a PKCS12 bundle.

        keytool = system.which('keytool')
        argv = [
            keytool, "-importkeystore", "-deststorepass", store_password,
            "-destkeypass", key_password, "-destkeystore",
            self.__bks_path(cn), "-deststoretype", "BKS", "-provider",
                             "bcprov-ext-jdk15on-1.46.jar")), "-srckeystore",
            p12_path, "-srcstoretype", "PKCS12", "-srcstorepass",
            export_password, "-alias", "mercury"

        if keytool != None:
            if os.spawnve(os.P_WAIT, argv[0], argv, os.environ) == 0:
                return self.__bks_path(cn)
            argv[0] = "keytool"

            print "Could not compile the BKS keystore, because keytool could not be located on your system."
            print "Run:"
            print " ".join(argv)

            return False
Beispiel #8
 def executable(cls, name):
     Fetch a System executable, as specified in the configuration, or attempt
     to find it on the PATH
     path = None
     if cls.get("executables", name) == None:
         path = system.which(name)
         path = cls.get("executables", name)
     if path == None or path == "":
         sys.stderr.write("Could not find %s.\nEnsure that %s is installed and on your PATH. If this error persists please add the path to your .drozer_config.\n" % (name, name))
     return path
Beispiel #9
 def executable(cls, name):
     Fetch a System executable, as specified in the configuration, or attempt
     to find it on the PATH
     path = None
     if cls.get("executables", name) == None:
         path = system.which(name)
         path = cls.get("executables", name)
     if path == None or path == "":
         sys.stderr.write("Could not find %s. Please ensure that it is installed and on your PATH.\n\nIf this error persists, specify the path in the ~/.andsploit_config file:\n\n    [executables]\n    %s = %s\n" % (name, name, platform.system() == "Windows" and "C:\\path\\to\\" + name or "/path/to/" + name))
     return path
Beispiel #10
    def executable(cls, name):
        Fetch an executable, could be bundled in the lib, specified in the configuration, or attempt to find it on the PATH

        #check the library
        path = cls.library(name)

        #is the required exe available on the PATH?
        if path == None and cls.get("executables", name) == None:
            path = system.which(name)
        if path == None:
            path = cls.get("executables", name)
        if path == None or path == "":
            sys.stderr.write("Could not find %s. Please ensure that it is installed and on your PATH.\n\nIf this error persists, specify the path in the ~/.drozer_config file:\n\n    [executables]\n    %s = %s\n" % (name, name, platform.system() == "Windows" and "C:\\path\\to\\" + name or "/path/to/" + name))
        return path
Beispiel #11
    def executable(cls, name):
        Fetch an executable, could be bundled in the lib, specified in the configuration, or attempt to find it on the PATH

        #check the library
        path = cls.library(name)

        #is the required exe available on the PATH?
        if path is None and cls.get("executables", name) is None:
            path = system.which(name)
        if path is None:
            path = cls.get("executables", name)
        if path is None or path == "":
            sys.stderr.write("Could not find %s. Please ensure that it is installed and on your PATH.\n\nIf this error persists, specify the path in the ~/.drozer_config file:\n\n    [executables]\n    %s = %s\n" % (name, name, platform.system() == "Windows" and "C:\\path\\to\\" + name or "/path/to/" + name))
        return path