Beispiel #1
def label(video, log):
    # Initiate an empty list of tracked waves, ultimately recognized
    # waves, and a log of all tracked waves in each frame.

    # Initialize frame counters.
    frame_num = 1
    num_frames = int(video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))

    # Initiate a timer for program performance:
    time_start = time.time()

    # The main loop is here:
    while True:

        # Read frames until end of clip.
        successful_read, original_frame =
        if not successful_read:

        # Preprocess frames.
        analysis_frame = mwt_preprocessing.preprocess(original_frame)
        if frame_num == 63:
            contours, _ = cv2.findContours(image=analysis_frame,
            for contour in contours:
                centroid = mwt_objects._get_centroid(contour)
                # print(centroid)
                # input()
                # if centroid == [219, 169]:
                sm_boundRect = cv2.boundingRect(contour)
                color = (0, 0, 255)
                resize_factor = 1 / mwt_preprocessing.RESIZE_FACTOR
                boundRect = []
                for i in range(len(sm_boundRect)):
                    boundRect.append(sm_boundRect[i] * 4)
                display_frame = copy.deepcopy(original_frame)
                cv2.rectangle(display_frame, (int(boundRect[0]), int(boundRect[1])), \
                (int(boundRect[0]+boundRect[2]), int(boundRect[1]+boundRect[3])), color, 2)
                cv2.imshow('Wave', display_frame)

        frame_num += 1
def analyze(video, write_output=True, label=False, rate=False, model=None):
    """Main routine for analyzing nearshore wave videos. Overlays
    detected waves onto orginal frames and writes to a new video.
    Returns a log with detected wave attrbutes, frame by frame.

      video: mp4 video
      write_output: boolean indicating if a video with tracking overlay
                    is to be written out.
      label: request a user to hand rate the frames of the wave?
      rate: use the model to generate a rating for the frames?

      recognized_waves: list of recognized wave objects
      wave_log: list of list of wave attributes for csv
      time_elapsed: performance of the program in frames/second
    # Initiate an empty list of tracked waves, ultimately recognized
    # waves, and a log of all tracked waves in each frame.
    tracked_waves = []
    recognized_waves = []
    wave_log = []
    ratings = []

    # Initialize frame counters.
    frame_num = 1
    num_frames = int(video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))
    fps = int(video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS))

    # If an output video is to be made:
    if write_output is True:
        out = mwt_io.create_video_writer(video)

    # Initiate a timer for program performance:
    time_start = time.time()

    # The main loop is here:
    while True:

        # Write status update to stdio.
        status_update(frame_num, num_frames)

        # Read frames until end of clip.
        successful_read, original_frame =
        if not successful_read:

        # Preprocess frames.
        analysis_frame = mwt_preprocessing.preprocess(original_frame)

        # Detect all sections.
        sections = mwt_detection.detect_sections(analysis_frame, frame_num,

        # Track all waves in tracked_waves.
        mwt_tracking.track(tracked_waves, analysis_frame, frame_num,
                           num_frames, original_frame)

        # Write tracked wave stats to wave_log.
        for wave in tracked_waves:
                (frame_num,, wave.mass, wave.max_mass,
                 wave.displacement, wave.max_displacement, wave.birth,
                 wave.death, wave.recognized, wave.centroid))

        # Remove dead waves from tracked_waves.
        dead_recognized_waves = [
            wave for wave in tracked_waves
            if wave.death is not None and wave.recognized is True

        # Label the dead waves, if label flag was specified
        if label:
            mwt_label.label(dead_recognized_waves, fps, dead=True)

        # Rate the dead waves, if rate flag was specified
        if rate:
            mwt_rate.rate(ratings, dead_recognized_waves, model)

        tracked_waves = [wave for wave in tracked_waves if wave.death is None]

        # Remove duplicate waves, keeping earliest wave.
        tracked_waves.sort(key=lambda x: x.birth, reverse=True)
        for wave in tracked_waves:
            other_waves = [wav for wav in tracked_waves if not wav == wave]
            if mwt_tracking.will_be_merged(wave, other_waves):
                wave.death = frame_num
        tracked_waves = [wave for wave in tracked_waves if wave.death is None]
        tracked_waves.sort(key=lambda x: x.birth, reverse=False)

        # Check sections for any new potential waves and add to
        # tracked_waves.
        for section in sections:
            if not mwt_tracking.will_be_merged(section, tracked_waves):

        # Label all current waves if label flag was specified
        if label:
            mwt_label.label(tracked_waves, fps)

        # Rate all current waves if rate flag was specified
        if rate:
            mwt_rate.rate(ratings, tracked_waves, model)

        # analysis_frame = cv2.cvtColor(analysis_frame, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)

        if write_output is True:
            # Draw detection boxes on original frame for visualization.
            original_frame = mwt_io.draw(
                1 / mwt_preprocessing.RESIZE_FACTOR)

            # Write frame to output video.
            # out.write(original_frame)

        # Increment the frame count.
        frame_num += 1

    # Stop timer here and calc performance.
    time_elapsed = (time.time() - time_start)
    performance = (num_frames / time_elapsed)

    if rate:
        final_rating = mwt_rate.get_final_rating(ratings)
        print("Final rating for this video: {}".format(final_rating))

    # Provide update to user here.
    if recognized_waves is not None:
        print("{} wave(s) recognized.".format(len(recognized_waves)))
        print("Program performance: %0.1f frames per second." % performance)
        for i, wave in enumerate(recognized_waves):
            print ("Wave #{}: ID: {}, Birth: {}, Death: {}," \
                   + " Max Displacement: {}, Max Mass: {}".format(
                        i+1,, wave.birth, wave.death,
                        wave.max_displacement, wave.max_mass))
        print("No waves recognized.")

    # Clean-up resources.
    if write_output is True:

    return recognized_waves, wave_log, performance