Beispiel #1
def RelativeLST2AbsoluteTime(lst, now=None):
    Returns today's DateTime in UTC, defined as first corresponding
    time after now, from given LST in hours.
    lst = DateTime.DateTimeDelta(0, lst, 0, 0)
    if now is None:
        now = DateTime.gmt()
        now = dt2mxDT(now)

    # Now's mjd at 0h
    mjd0 = int(now.mjd)

    # Convert requested LST to degrees
    requested_lst = 15 * lst.hours

    # Local LMST for 0h UT in degrees
    lst0 = (180.0 / math.pi) * slalib.sla_gmst(mjd0) + GBTLONG

    # LST difference between 0h UT and requested LST
    lst_offset = requested_lst - lst0

    solar_sidereal_ratio = (365.25 / 366.25)

    # options for solar time at 1 day sidereal intervals
    options = []
    for cycle in range(720, -1080, -360):
        solar_time = ((lst_offset - cycle) / 15.0) * solar_sidereal_ratio
        mjd = mjd0 + solar_time / 24

    # Select the time following the target time
    target = DateTime.DateTimeFromMJD(now.mjd)
    for option in options:
        if target < option:
            return mxDT2dt(option)
    return mxDT2dt(option[-1])
Beispiel #2
def TimeStamp2DateTime(mjd, secs):
    "Translates MJD integer and double seconds since midnight into a datetime."
    mxDT = DateTime.DateTimeFromMJD(mjd + secs / 86400)
    return mxDT2dt(mxDT)
Beispiel #3
def mjd2dt(mjd):
    "Translates from MJD to built-in module datetime."
    return mxDT2dt(DateTime.DateTimeFromMJD(mjd))