Beispiel #1
    def layerwise_relevance_zb(self, out, lo=-1, hi=1, use_bias=False, **kwargs):
        if self._in is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Block has not yet executed forward_logged!')
        R = out
        a = self._in[0]
        weight =
        wplus = nd.maximum(0., weight)
        wminus = nd.minimum(0., weight)

        bias = None
        bplus = None
        bminus = None
        if use_bias is not None:
            bias =
            bplus = nd.maximum(0., bias)
            bminus = nd.minimum(0., bias)

        upper = nd.ones_like(a)*hi
        lower = nd.ones_like(a)*lo
        with autograd.record():
            zlh = ( self._forward(a, weight, bias)
                  - self._forward(lower, wplus, bplus)
                  - self._forward(upper, wminus, bminus)
        zlh.backward(out_grad=R/(zlh + (zlh == 0.)))
        return a*a.grad + upper*upper.grad + lower*lower.grad
Beispiel #2
    def layerwise_relevance_zb(self,
        if self._in is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Block has not yet executed forward_logged!')
        R = out
        a = self._in[0]
        weight =
        wplus = nd.maximum(0., weight)
        wminus = nd.minimum(0., weight)

        bias = None
        bplus = None
        bminus = None
        if use_bias is not None:
            bias =
            bplus = nd.maximum(0., bias)
            bminus = nd.minimum(0., bias)

        upper = nd.ones_like(a) * hi
        lower = nd.ones_like(a) * lo
        with autograd.record():
            zlh = (self._forward(a, weight, bias) -
                   self._forward(lower, wplus, bplus) -
                   self._forward(upper, wminus, bminus))
        zlh.backward(out_grad=R / (zlh + (zlh == 0.)))
        return a * a.grad + upper * upper.grad + lower * lower.grad
Beispiel #3
    def _ohem_single(self, score_gt, score_pred, training_masks):
        if self.debug:
            print("score_gt_shape:", score_gt.shape, "score_pred_shape:", score_pred.shape, \
                "train_mask_shape:", training_masks.shape)
        pos_gt_thres = F.where(score_gt > 0.5, F.ones_like(score_gt), F.zeros_like(score_gt))
        pos_num = F.sum(pos_gt_thres) - F.sum(pos_gt_thres * training_masks)

        if pos_num == 0:
            selected_mask = training_masks
            return selected_mask

        neg_lt_thres = F.where(score_gt <= 0.5, F.ones_like(score_gt), F.zeros_like(score_gt))
        neg_num = F.sum(neg_lt_thres)
        neg_num = min(pos_num * 3, neg_num)

        if neg_num == 0:
            selected_mask = training_masks
            return training_masks
        neg_score = neg_lt_thres * score_pred
        neg_score_sorted = F.sort(neg_score.reshape(-1), is_ascend=0, axis=None)
        threshold = neg_score_sorted[neg_num - 1]
        score_gt_thres = F.where(score_pred >= threshold, F.ones_like(score_pred), F.zeros_like(score_pred))

        trained_sample_mask = F.logical_or(score_gt_thres, pos_gt_thres)
        selected_mask = F.logical_and(trained_sample_mask, training_masks)

        return selected_mask
Beispiel #4
    def forward(self,  pred, label, valid_length): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ

        pred : Symbol or NDArray
            Shape (batch_size, length, V)
        label : Symbol or NDArray
            Shape (batch_size, length)
        valid_length : Symbol or NDArray
            Shape (batch_size, )
        loss : Symbol or NDArray
            Shape (batch_size,)
        if self._sparse_label:
            sample_weight = nd.cast(nd.expand_dims(nd.ones_like(label), axis=-1), dtype=np.float32)
            sample_weight = nd.ones_like(label)
        sample_weight = nd.SequenceMask(sample_weight,
        return super(SoftmaxCEMaskedLoss, self).forward( pred, label, sample_weight)
Beispiel #5
def sample(match, cls_pred, iou, ratio=3, min_sample=0, threshold=0.5, do=True):
    if do is False:
        ones = nd.ones_like(match)
        sample = nd.where(match > -0.5, ones, ones*-1)
        return sample
    sample = nd.zeros_like(match)
    num_pos = nd.sum(match > -0.5, axis=-1)
    requre_neg = ratio * num_pos
    neg_mask = nd.where(match < -0.5, nd.max(iou, axis=-1) < threshold, sample)
    max_neg = neg_mask.sum(axis=-1)
    num_neg = nd.minimum(max_neg, nd.maximum(requre_neg, min_sample)).astype('int')
    neg_prob = cls_pred[:,:,0]
    max_value = nd.max(cls_pred, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
    score = max_value[:,:,0] - neg_prob + nd.log(
                                   nd.exp(cls_pred-max_value), axis=-1))

    score = nd.where(neg_mask, score, nd.zeros_like(score))
    argmax = nd.argsort(score, axis=-1, is_ascend=False)
    sample = nd.where(match > -0.5, nd.ones_like(sample), sample)
    for i, num in enumerate(num_neg):
        sample[i, argmax[i,:num.asscalar()]] = -1
    return sample
Beispiel #6
def get_accuracy(pre_l, true_l):
    one_zero_pre = nd.where(pre_l > 0.5, nd.ones_like(pre_l),
    compare = nd.equal(one_zero_pre, true_l).sum(axis=1)
    samples_right = nd.where(compare == 3, nd.ones_like(compare),
    all_num = pre_l.shape[0]
    return samples_right / all_num
Beispiel #7
def main():
    x = nd.arange(20)
    A = x.reshape(shape=(5, 4))
    print('A[2, 3] = ', A[2, 3])
    print('A[2, :] = ', A[2, :])
    print('A[:, 3] = ', A[:, 3])
    print('A.T = ', A.T)

    X = nd.arange(24).reshape(shape=(2, 3, 4))

    u = nd.array([1, 2, 4, 8])
    v = nd.ones_like(u) * 2
    print('u + v = ', u + v)
    print('u - v = ', u - v)
    print('u * v = ', u * v)
    print('u / v = ', u / v)

    B = nd.ones_like(A) * 3
    print('B = ', B)
    print('A + B = ', A + B)
    print('A * B = ', A * B)

    a = 2
    x = nd.ones(3)
    y = nd.zeros(3)
    print((a * x).shape)
    print((a * x + y).shape)


    print(nd.sum(A) / A.size)

    print(, v))
    print(nd.sum(u * v))

    print(, u))

    A = nd.ones(shape=(3, 4))
    B = nd.ones(shape=(4, 5))
    print(, B))

    # L2 norm
    # L1 norm
Beispiel #8
def match(iou, threshould=0.5, share_max=False):
    B, N, M = iou.shape
    if share_max:
        result = nd.argmax(iou, axis=-1)
        result = nd.where(nd.max(iou, axis=-1) > threshould, result, nd.ones_like(result)*-1)
        match = [getUniqueMatch(i) for i in iou]
        result = nd.concat(*match, dim=0)
        argmax_row = nd.argmax(iou, axis=-1)
        max_row = nd.max(iou, axis=-1)
        argmax_row = nd.where(max_row > threshould, argmax_row, nd.ones_like(argmax_row)*-1)
        result = nd.where(result > -0.5, result, argmax_row)
    return result
Beispiel #9
 def get_cls_targets(cls_targets_1, cls_targets_2):
     cls_targets = []
     for (cls_target_1, cls_target_2) in zip(cls_targets_1, cls_targets_2):
         cls_target_1_idx = nd.where(cls_target_1 > 0,
         cls_target_2_idx = nd.where(cls_target_2 > 0,
         cls_target_idx = nd.where(cls_target_1_idx == cls_target_2_idx, nd.ones_like(cls_target_1_idx),\
         cls_target = nd.where(cls_target_idx, cls_target_1,
                               nd.ones_like(cls_target_1) * -1)
     return cls_targets
Beispiel #10
    def forward(self, bboxes, anchors, height, width):
        # 标注ious
        with autograd.pause():
            ious = mx.nd.contrib.box_iou(anchors, bboxes)
            # 去除无效的锚框(超出边界的)
            x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = self._spliter(anchors)
            invalid_mask = (x_min < 0) + (y_min < 0) + (x_max >= width) + (
                y_max >= height)
            # 将所有无效锚框的ious设为-1
            invalid_mask = nd.repeat(invalid_mask,
            ious = nd.where(invalid_mask > 0, nd.ones_like(ious) * -1, ious)

            # 对锚框进行采样
            samples, matches = self._sampler(ious)
            # 下面进行标注

            cls_label, _ = self._cls_encoder(samples)
            targets, masks = self._bbox_encoder(samples.expand_dims(axis=0),

        return cls_label, targets[0], masks[0]
Beispiel #11
def volume_render_radiance_field(radiance_field, depth_values, ray_directions, radiance_field_noise_std=0.0,
    # TESTED
    one_e_10 = nd.array([1e10], dtype=ray_directions.dtype, ctx=ray_directions.context).broadcast_to(depth_values[..., :1].shape)
    dists = nd.concat(*[depth_values[..., 1:] - depth_values[..., :-1], one_e_10], dim=-1)
    dists = dists * ray_directions[..., None, :].norm(ord=2, axis=-1)

    rgb = nd.sigmoid(radiance_field[..., :3])
    noise = 0.0
    if radiance_field_noise_std > 0.0:
        noise = nd.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, shape=radiance_field[..., 3].shape,
                                 dtype=radiance_field.dtype, ctx=radiance_field.context)
        noise = noise * radiance_field_noise_std
    sigma_a = nd.relu(radiance_field[..., 3] + noise)
    alpha = 1.0 - nd.exp(-sigma_a * dists)
    weights = alpha * cumprod_exclusive_gluon(1.0 - alpha + 1e-10)

    rgb_map = weights[..., None] * rgb
    rgb_map = rgb_map.sum(axis=-2)
    depth_map = weights * depth_values
    depth_map = depth_map.sum(axis=-1)
    # depth_map = (weights * depth_values).sum(dim=-1)
    acc_map = weights.sum(axis=-1)
    disp_map = 1.0 / nd.maximum(1e-10 * nd.ones_like(depth_map), depth_map / acc_map)

    if white_background:
        rgb_map = rgb_map + (1.0 - acc_map[..., None])

    return rgb_map, disp_map, acc_map, weights, depth_map
def get_xps(weight_denominator, weight_numerator, z):
    xps = list()
    for _ in range(max(len(weight_numerator), len(weight_denominator))):
        xps.append(nd.multiply(xps[-1], z))
    xps.insert(0, nd.ones_like(z))
    return xps
Beispiel #13
    def hybrid_forward(self, F, samples, matches, refs):
        """HybridBlock, handle multi batch correctly

        samples: (B, N), value +1 (positive), -1 (negative), 0 (ignore)
        matches: (B, N), value range [0, M)
        refs: (B, M), value range [0, num_fg_class), excluding background

        targets: (B, N), value range [0, num_fg_class + 1), including background

        # samples (B, N) (+1, -1, 0: ignore), matches (B, N) [0, M), refs (B, M)
        # reshape refs (B, M) -> (B, 1, M) -> (B, N, M)
        refs = F.repeat(refs.reshape((0, 1, -1)),
        # ids (B, N, M) -> (B, N), value [0, M + 1), 0 reserved for background class
        target_ids = F.pick(refs, matches, axis=2) + 1
        # samples 0: set ignore samples to ignore_label
        targets = F.where(samples > 0.5, target_ids,
                          nd.ones_like(target_ids) * self._ignore_label)
        # samples -1: set negative samples to 0
        targets = F.where(samples < -0.5, nd.zeros_like(targets), targets)
        return targets
Beispiel #14
 def condition(self, y):
     z = nd.ones_like(y)
     if self._ymin is not None:
         z = z * (y > self._ymin)
     if self._ymax is not None:
         z = z * (y < self._ymax)
     return z
Beispiel #15
    def hybrid_forward(self, F, score_gt, kernel_gt, score_pred, training_masks, *args, **kwargs):
        kernels map's order: [1, ..., 0.5]
        C_pred = score_pred[:, 0, :, :]
        self.pixel_acc = batch_pix_accuracy(C_pred, score_gt)
        # classification loss
        eps = 1e-5
        intersection = F.sum(score_gt * C_pred * training_masks, axis=(1, 2))
        union = F.sum(training_masks * score_gt * score_gt, axis=(1, 2)) + F.sum(training_masks * C_pred * C_pred, axis=(1, 2)) + eps
        C_dice_loss = 1. - (2 * intersection) / (union)

        # loss for kernel
        kernel_mask = F.where(training_masks * C_pred > 0.5, F.ones_like(C_pred), F.zeros_like(C_pred))
        kernel_mask = F.expand_dims(kernel_mask, axis=1)
        kernel_mask = F.repeat(kernel_mask, repeats=self.num_kernels-1, axis=1)
        self.kernel_acc = batch_pix_accuracy(score_pred[:, 1, :, :] * score_gt, kernel_gt[:, 0, :, :])
        kernel_intersection = F.sum(kernel_gt * score_pred[:, 1:, :, :] * kernel_mask, axis=(2, 3))
        kernel_union = F.sum(kernel_gt * kernel_gt * kernel_mask, axis=(2, 3)) + F.sum(score_pred[:, 1:, :, :] * score_pred[:, 1:, :, :] * kernel_mask, axis=(2, 3)) + eps
        kernel_dice = 1. - (2 * kernel_intersection) / kernel_union
        kernel_dice_loss = F.mean(kernel_dice, axis=1)
        self.C_loss = C_dice_loss
        self.kernel_loss = kernel_dice_loss
        loss = self.lam * C_dice_loss + (1. - self.lam) *  kernel_dice_loss

        return loss
Beispiel #16
def label_offset(anchors, bbox, match, sample, 
                 means=(0,0,0,0), stds=(0.1,0.1,0.2,0.2), flatten=True):
    anchors = anchors.reshape((-1,4))
    N, _ = anchors.shape
    B, M, _ = bbox.shape
    anchor_x, anchor_y, anchor_w, anchor_h = corner_to_center(anchors, split=True)
    bbox = bbox.reshape((B,1,M,4))
    bbox = nd.broadcast_to(bbox, (B,N,M,4))
    bbox = nd.stack(*[nd.pick(bbox[:,:,:,p], match) for p in range(4)], axis=-1)
    bbox_x, bbox_y, bbox_w, bbox_h = corner_to_center(bbox, split=True)
    offset_x = ((bbox_x - anchor_x) / anchor_w - means[0]) / stds[0]
    offset_y = ((bbox_y - anchor_y) / anchor_h - means[1]) / stds[1]
    offset_w = (nd.log(bbox_w/anchor_w) - means[2]) / stds[2]
    offset_h = (nd.log(bbox_h/anchor_h) - means[3]) / stds[3]
    offset = nd.concat(*(offset_x, offset_y, offset_w, offset_h), dim=-1)
    sample = sample.reshape((B,N,1))
    sample = nd.broadcast_to(sample, (B,N,4)) > 0.5
    anchor_offset = nd.where(sample, offset, nd.zeros_like(offset))
    anchor_mask = nd.where(sample, nd.ones_like(offset), nd.zeros_like(offset))
    if flatten:
        anchor_offset = anchor_offset.reshape((B,-1))
        anchor_mask = anchor_mask.reshape((B,-1))
    return anchor_mask, anchor_offset
Beispiel #17
def accuracy(predictions, targets):
    # predictions = nd.argmax(predictions, 1)
    # targets = nd.argmax(targets, 1)
    # return nd.mean(nd.equal(predictions, targets)).asscalar() * 100
    predictions = nd.where(predictions > 0.5, nd.ones_like(predictions),
    return 100 - nd.mean(nd.abs(predictions - targets)).asscalar() * 100
Beispiel #18
def test_periodic_kernel(x1, x2, amplitude, length_scale, exact) -> None:
    tol = 1e-5
    batch_size = amplitude.shape[0]
    history_length_1 = x1.shape[0]
    history_length_2 = x2.shape[0]
    num_features = x1.shape[1]
    if batch_size > 1:
        x1 = nd.tile(x1, reps=(batch_size, 1, 1))
        x2 = nd.tile(x2, reps=(batch_size, 1, 1))
        for i in range(1, batch_size):
            x1[i, :, :] = (i + 1) * x1[i, :, :]
            x2[i, :, :] = (i - 3) * x2[i, :, :]
        x1 = x1.reshape(batch_size, history_length_1, num_features)
        x2 = x2.reshape(batch_size, history_length_2, num_features)
    amplitude = amplitude.reshape(batch_size, 1, 1)
    length_scale = length_scale.reshape(batch_size, 1, 1)
    frequency = 1 / 24 * nd.ones_like(length_scale)
    periodic = PeriodicKernel(amplitude, length_scale, frequency)

    exact = amplitude * nd.exp(
        -2 * nd.sin(frequency * math.pi * nd.sqrt(exact))**2 / length_scale**2)

    res = periodic.kernel_matrix(x1, x2)
    assert nd.norm(exact - res) < tol
Beispiel #19
def run_epoch(epoch, data_iter, model, trainer, loss_fn, ctx = mx.cpu()):
    "Standard Training and Logging Function"
    start = time.time()
    total_tokens = 0
    tokens = 0
    total_loss = 0

    for i, batch in enumerate(data_iter):        
        src = batch.src.as_in_context(ctx)
        trg = batch.trg.as_in_context(ctx)
        src_mask = batch.src_mask.as_in_context(ctx)
        trg_mask = batch.trg_mask.as_in_context(ctx)
        trg_y = batch.trg_y.as_in_context(ctx)
        ntokens = batch.ntokens
        with autograd.record():
            out = model(src, trg, src_mask, trg_mask)
            _out = out.reshape(-1, out.shape[-1])
            _cols = list(batch.trg_y.reshape(-1).asnumpy())
            _rows = list(range(_out.shape[0]))
            _idx = nd.array([_rows, _cols], ctx = ctx)
            _trg = nd.scatter_nd(nd.ones_like(trg_y.reshape(-1)), _idx, _out.shape)
            loss = nd.sum(loss_fn(_out, _trg))
        total_loss += loss.asnumpy()[0]
        total_tokens += ntokens.asnumpy()[0]
        tokens += ntokens.asnumpy()[0]
        if i % 50 == 0:
            elapsed = time.time() - start
  "Epoch Step: %d Loss: %f Tokens per Sec: %f" % (epoch, loss.asnumpy()[0] / ntokens.asnumpy()[0], tokens / elapsed))
            start = time.time()
            tokens = 0
    return total_loss #/ total_tokens
Beispiel #20
    def hybrid_forward(self, F, score_gt, kernel_gt, score_pred, training_masks, *args, **kwargs):

        # cal ohem mask
        selected_masks = []
        for i in range(score_gt.shape[0]):
            # cal for text region
            selected_mask = self._ohem_single(score_gt[i:i+1], score_pred[i:i+1], training_masks[i:i+1])
        selected_masks = F.concat(*selected_masks, dim=0)

        C_pred = score_pred[:, 0, :, :]
        self.pixel_acc = batch_pix_accuracy(C_pred, score_gt)
        # classification loss
        eps = 1e-5
        intersection = F.sum(score_gt * C_pred * selected_masks, axis=(1, 2))
        union = F.sum(selected_masks * score_gt * score_gt, axis=(1, 2)) + F.sum(selected_masks * C_pred * C_pred, axis=(1, 2)) + eps
        C_dice_loss = 1. - (2 * intersection) / (union)

        # loss for kernel
        kernel_mask = F.where(training_masks * C_pred > 0.5, F.ones_like(C_pred), F.zeros_like(C_pred))
        kernel_mask = F.expand_dims(kernel_mask, axis=1)
        kernel_mask = F.repeat(kernel_mask, repeats=self.num_kernels-1, axis=1)
        self.kernel_acc = batch_pix_accuracy(score_pred[:, 1, :, :] * score_gt, kernel_gt[:, 0, :, :])
        kernel_intersection = F.sum(kernel_gt * score_pred[:, 1:, :, :] * kernel_mask, axis=(2, 3))
        kernel_union = F.sum(kernel_gt * kernel_gt * kernel_mask, axis=(2, 3)) + F.sum(score_pred[:, 1:, :, :] * score_pred[:, 1:, :, :] * kernel_mask, axis=(2, 3)) + eps
        kernel_dice = 1. - (2 * kernel_intersection) / kernel_union
        kernel_dice_loss = F.mean(kernel_dice, axis=1)
        self.C_loss = C_dice_loss
        self.kernel_loss = kernel_dice_loss
        loss = self.lam * C_dice_loss + (1. - self.lam) *  kernel_dice_loss

        return loss
Beispiel #21
 def condition(self, y):
     z = nd.ones_like(y)
     if self._ymin is not None:
         z = z * (y > self._ymin)
     if self._ymax is not None:
         z = z * (y < self._ymax)
     return z
Beispiel #22
    def forward(self, ious):

        matches = nd.argmax(ious, axis=-1)
        # 每个锚框最高得分
        max_iou_pre_anchor = nd.max(ious, axis=-1)
        # 将所有锚框都初始化为0,ignore
        samples = nd.zeros_like(max_iou_pre_anchor)

        # 计算每个ground_truth 的最高iou
        max_all_ious = nd.max(ious, axis=0, keepdims=True)
        # 标记处mask中最高分值的那一行为1
        mask = nd.broadcast_greater(ious + self._eps, max_all_ious)
        mask = nd.sum(mask, axis=-1)
        # 将最高分数的锚框标记为 1 正类
        samples = nd.where(mask, nd.ones_like(samples), samples)

        # 下面标记大于 pos_iou_thresh的样本为正例
        samples = nd.where(max_iou_pre_anchor > self._pos_iou_thresh,
                           nd.ones_like(samples), samples)

        # 标记小于neg_iou_thresh的样本为负类
        tmp = (max_iou_pre_anchor < self._neg_iou_thresh) * (max_iou_pre_anchor
                                                             > 0)

        samples = nd.where(tmp, nd.ones_like(samples) * -1, samples)
        # 将其转换为 numnpy
        samples = samples.asnumpy()
        # 下面进行采样
        # 首先对正样本进行采样
        num_pos = int((samples > 0).sum())
        if num_pos > self._max_pos:
            discard_indices = np.random.choice(np.where((samples > 0))[0],
                                               size=(num_pos - self._max_pos),
            samples[discard_indices] = 0  # 将多余部分设置为忽略
        num_neg = int((samples < 0).sum())
        max_neg = self._num_sample - min(self._max_pos, num_pos)

        if num_neg > max_neg:
            discard_indices = np.random.choice(np.where((samples < 0))[0],
                                               size=(num_neg - max_neg),
            samples[discard_indices] = 0

        # 最后将其转化为ndarray
        samples = nd.array(samples, ctx=matches.context)
        return samples, matches
Beispiel #23
def run_one_iter_of_nerf(model_coarse, model_fine, data_dict, options, mode="train",
                         encode_position_fn=None, encode_direction_fn=None):
    height = data_dict['height']
    width = data_dict['width']
    focal_length = data_dict['focal_length']
    ray_origins = data_dict['ray_origins']
    ray_directions = data_dict['ray_directions']
    viewdirs = None
    if options.nerf.use_viewdirs:
        # Provide ray directions as input
        viewdirs = ray_directions
        viewdirs = viewdirs / viewdirs.norm(ord=2, axis=-1).reshape((ray_directions.shape[0], 1))
        viewdirs = viewdirs.reshape((-1, 3))

    # Cache shapes now, for later restoration.
    restore_shapes = [ray_directions.shape, ray_directions.shape[:-1], ray_directions.shape[:-1]]
    if model_fine:
        restore_shapes += restore_shapes

    if options.dataset.no_ndc is False:
        ro, rd = ndc_rays(height, width, focal_length, 1.0, ray_origins.reshape((-1, 3)), ray_directions.reshape((-1, 3)))
        ro = ro.reshape((-1, 3))
        rd = rd.reshape((-1, 3))
        ro = ray_origins.reshape((-1, 3))
        rd = ray_directions.reshape((-1, 3))
    near = options.dataset.near * nd.ones_like(rd[..., :1])
    far = options.dataset.far * nd.ones_like(rd[..., :1])
    rays = nd.concat(*[ro, rd, near, far], dim=-1)
    if options.nerf.use_viewdirs:
        rays = nd.concat(*[rays, viewdirs], dim=-1)

    batches = get_minibatches(rays, chunksize=getattr(options.nerf, mode).chunksize)
    pred = [predict_and_render_radiance(batch, model_coarse, model_fine, options, encode_position_fn=encode_position_fn,
                                        encode_direction_fn=encode_direction_fn) for batch in batches]
    synthesized_images = list(zip(*pred))
    synthesized_images = [nd.concat(*image, dim=0) if image[0] is not None else None
                          for image in synthesized_images]
    if mode == "validation":
        synthesized_images = [image.reshape(shape) if image is not None else None
                              for (image, shape) in zip(synthesized_images, restore_shapes)]
        if len(synthesized_images) == 3:
    return tuple(synthesized_images)
Beispiel #24
    def _score_weight_LP(self, mask, ctx):
        n = self.LP_negative_weight
        p = self.LP_positive_weight

        ones = nd.ones_like(mask)
        score_weight = nd.where(mask > 0, ones*p, ones*n, ctx=ctx)

        return score_weight
Beispiel #25
 def _compute_px_clipping_factors(self, batch_params, num_in_batch):
     px_norms = self._compute_px_gradient_norms(batch_params, num_in_batch)
     l2_rescales = self._hyperparams['l2_clipping_bound'] / (
         px_norms + 1e-8)  # tiny additive term to prevent div_by_0
     one_vs_rescale = nd.stack(nd.ones_like(px_norms, ctx=self._model_ctx),
     return nd.min(one_vs_rescale, axis=0, exclude=True)
Beispiel #26
def operations():
    x = nd.array([1, 2, 4, 8])
    y = nd.ones_like(x) * 2
    print('x =', x)
    print('y =', y)
    print('x + y', x + y)
    print('x - y', x - y)
    print('x * y', x * y)
    print('x / y', x / y)
Beispiel #27
 def hybrid_forward(self, F, samples, matches, refs):
     refs = F.repeat(refs.reshape((0, 1, -1)),
     target_ids = F.pick(refs, matches, axis=2) + 1
     targets = F.where(samples > 0.5, target_ids,
                       nd.ones_like(target_ids) * self._ignore_label)
     targets = F.where(samples < -0.5, nd.zeros_like(targets), targets)
     return targets
Beispiel #28
def yolo2_target(scores, boxes, labels, anchors, ignore_label=-1, thresh=0.5):
    """Generate training targets given predictions and labels.
    而label的形式为:labels即ground truth(32,1,5),其中5包括一个class label:0,以及左上、右下两个corner相对于整张图的坐标


    b, h, w, n, _ = scores.shape
    anchors = np.reshape(np.array(anchors), (-1, 2))
    #scores = nd.slice_axis(outputs, begin=1, end=2, axis=-1)
    #boxes = nd.slice_axis(outputs, begin=2, end=6, axis=-1)
    gt_boxes = nd.slice_axis(labels, begin=1, end=5, axis=-1)
    target_score = nd.zeros((b, h, w, n, 1), ctx=scores.context)
    target_id = nd.ones_like(target_score, ctx=scores.context) * ignore_label
    target_box = nd.zeros((b, h, w, n, 4), ctx=scores.context)
    sample_weight = nd.zeros(
        (b, h, w, n, 1), ctx=scores.context
    )  #注意:sample_weight的设置:只有和真实框的IOU最大的bbox sample_weight为1 !!
    for b in range(output.shape[0]):  #b为遍历batch_size个batch中的每一个
        # find the best match for each ground-truth
        label = labels[b].asnumpy()
        # 下一句仅仅是为了过滤掉错误的(小于零)的标签
        valid_label = label[np.where(label[:, 0] > -0.5)[0], :]
        # shuffle because multi gt could possibly match to one anchor, we keep the last match randomly
        for l in valid_label:
            gx, gy, gw, gh = (l[1] + l[3]) / 2, (
                l[2] + l[4]) / 2, l[3] - l[1], l[4] - l[2]
            ind_x = int(gx * w)  #算出第几行第几列的cell对当前groundtruth box负责
            ind_y = int(gy * h)
            tx = gx * w - ind_x  # 得出groudtruth的中心坐标相对于要负责的grid cell左上角点的偏移,【【该偏移量即模型要回归的目标数值!!!】】
            ty = gy * h - ind_y
            gw = gw * w  #得出groudtruth box 在feature map上的绝对宽度和高度  如 gw=4.23  gh=6.53
            gh = gh * h
            # find the best match using width and height only, assuming centers are identical
            intersect = np.minimum(anchors[:, 0], gw) * np.minimum(
                anchors[:, 1], gh)  #计算每个(共两个) anchor box与groundtruth bbox的交集面积
            ovps = intersect / (
                gw * gh + anchors[:, 0] * anchors[:, 1] - intersect
            )  # 计算每个(共两个) anchor box与groundtruth bbox的交并比
            best_match = int(
                np.argmax(ovps))  #哪一个预先设定的bbox形状与groundtruth bbox的形状最匹配
            target_id[b, ind_y, ind_x, best_match, :] = l[
                0]  #### 将best_match的bbox的类别设置为该groudtruth bbox的类别
                b, ind_y, ind_x,
                best_match, :] = 1.0  #将best_match的bbox的score赋为1,其他bbox的score都为零
            tw = np.log(gw / anchors[best_match, 0])  #【【????????????????】】
            th = np.log(gh / anchors[best_match, 1])
            target_box[b, ind_y, ind_x, best_match, :] = mx.nd.array(
                [tx, ty, tw, th])  #tx, ty, tw, th 即网络输出的四个坐标讯息
            sample_weight[b, ind_y, ind_x, best_match, :] = 1.0
            # print('ind_y', ind_y, 'ind_x', ind_x, 'best_match', best_match, 't', tx, ty, tw, th, 'ovp', ovps[best_match], 'gt', gx, gy, gw/w, gh/h, 'anchor', anchors[best_match, 0], anchors[best_match, 1])
    return target_id, target_score, target_box, sample_weight
Beispiel #29
    def hybrid_forward(self, F, score_gt, kernel_gt, score_pred,
                       training_masks, *args, **kwargs):

        # cal ohem mask
        selected_masks = []
        for i in range(score_gt.shape[0]):
            # cal for text region
            selected_mask = self._ohem_single(score_gt[i:i + 1],
                                              score_pred[i:i + 1],
                                              training_masks[i:i + 1])
        selected_masks = F.concat(*selected_masks, dim=0)

        s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6 = F.split(kernel_gt,
        s1_pred, s2_pred, s3_pred, s4_pred, s5_pred, s6_pred, C_pred = F.split(
            score_pred, num_outputs=7, axis=1, squeeze_axis=True)

        self.pixel_acc = batch_pix_accuracy(C_pred, score_gt)
        # for text map
        eps = 1e-5
        intersection = F.sum(score_gt * C_pred * selected_masks, axis=1)
        union = F.sum(score_gt * selected_masks, axis=1) + F.sum(
            C_pred * selected_mask, axis=1) + eps
        C_dice_loss = 1. - F.mean((2 * intersection / union))

        # loss for kernel
        kernel_dices = []
        for s, s_pred in zip(
            [s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6],
            [s1_pred, s2_pred, s3_pred, s4_pred, s5_pred, s6_pred]):
            kernel_mask = F.where(C_pred > 0.5, F.ones_like(s_pred),
            kernel_mask = F.cast(kernel_mask, dtype='float32')
            kernel_mask = F.cast(F.logical_or(kernel_mask, score_gt),
            s = F.cast(s, dtype='float32')
            kernel_intersection = F.sum(s * s_pred * training_masks *
            kernel_union = F.sum(
                training_masks * s * kernel_mask, axis=1) + F.sum(
                    training_masks * s_pred * kernel_mask, axis=1) + eps
            kernel_dice = 2. * kernel_intersection / kernel_union
            kernel_dice = 1. - F.mean(
                (2. * kernel_intersection / kernel_union))
        kernel_dice_loss = F.mean(F.array(kernel_dices))

        self.kernel_loss = kernel_dice_loss
        self.C_loss = C_dice_loss

        loss = self.lam * C_dice_loss + (1. - self.lam) * kernel_dice_loss

        return loss
Beispiel #30
def get_rmse(class_pre_l, class_true_l, con_pre_l, con_true_l, data_utils):
    # find right predictions
    one_zero_pre = nd.where(class_pre_l > 0.5, nd.ones_like(class_pre_l),
    compare = nd.equal(one_zero_pre, class_true_l).sum(axis=1)
    weight_right = nd.repeat(nd.expand_dims(nd.where(compare == 3, nd.ones_like(compare), nd.zeros_like(compare)),\

    # calculate rmse based on right prediction
    eth_co_me_limit = nd.array([[
        data_utils.scale_CO[1], data_utils.scale_CO[0], data_utils.scale_Me[0]
    concentration_mat = nd.where(class_pre_l > 0.5, nd.repeat(eth_co_me_limit,repeats=class_pre_l.shape[0],axis=0), \
    eth_pre_con, eth_pre_con_true = concentration_mat[:,
                                                      0] * con_pre_l[:,
                                                                     1], concentration_mat[:,
                                                                                           0] * con_true_l[:,
    co_pre_con, co_pre_con_true = concentration_mat[:,
                                                    1] * con_pre_l[:,
                                                                   0], concentration_mat[:,
                                                                                         1] * con_true_l[:,
    me_pre_con, me_pre_con_true = concentration_mat[:,
                                                    2] * con_pre_l[:,
                                                                   0], concentration_mat[:,
                                                                                         2] * con_true_l[:,
    co_or_me_con, co_or_me_con_true = co_pre_con + me_pre_con, co_pre_con_true + me_pre_con_true

    co_or_me_eth_con = nd.concat(nd.expand_dims(co_or_me_con, axis=0),
                                 nd.expand_dims(eth_pre_con, axis=0),
    co_or_me_eth_con_true = nd.concat(nd.expand_dims(co_or_me_con_true,
                                      nd.expand_dims(eth_pre_con_true, axis=0),

    # rmse = (((co_or_me_eth_con-co_or_me_eth_con_true)**2*weight_right).sum()/(weight_right[:,0].sum()))**(0.5)
    rmse = (((co_or_me_eth_con - co_or_me_eth_con_true)**2).mean(axis=0))

    return rmse
Beispiel #31
def yolo2_target(scores, boxes, labels, anchors, ignore_label=-1, thresh=0.5):
    b, h, w, n, _ = scores.shape  # n: the number of scales of anchors
    anchors = np.reshape(
        (-1, 2))  # numpy doesn't support autograde, anchors = (still 2 * 2)?
    # define ground truth, labels = (score, top, left, right, bottom...)
    #gt_boxes = nd.slice_axis(labels, begin=1, end=5, axis=-1)
    target_score = nd.zeros(
        (b, h, w, n, 1),
        ctx=scores.context)  # here, n = 2, the number of scales
    target_id = nd.ones_like(target_score, ctx=scores.context) * ignore_label
    target_box = nd.zeros((b, h, w, n, 4), ctx=scores.context)
    sample_weight = nd.zeros((b, h, w, n, 1), ctx=scores.context)

    #for i in range(output.shape[0]):
    for i in range(b):
        # find the bestmatch for each gt
        label = labels[i].asnumpy()  # labels -> (b, 1, 5), b: batch size
        valid_label = label[np.where(label[:, 0] > -0.5)[0], :]
        # shuffle because multi gt could possibily match to one anchor, we keep the last match randomly

        for l in valid_label:
            gx, gy, gw, gh = (l[1] + l[3]) / 2, (
                l[4] + l[2]) / 2, l[3] - l[1], l[4] - l[2]
            ind_x = int(gx * w)
            ind_y = int(gy * h)
            tx = gx * w - ind_x
            ty = gy * h - ind_y
            gw = gw * w
            gh = gh * h
            # find the best match using width and height only, assuming centers are identical
            # *: element-wise multiplication
            #print('anchors = ', anchors)   # 2 * 2
            #print('anchors[:, 0] = ', anchors[:, 0])    # 2 * 1
            # here, assuming centers are identical, the anchors only represent the width and height of two scales, so its shape is 2 * 2
            intersect = np.minimum(anchors[:, 0], gw) * np.minimum(
                anchors[:, 1], gh)
            #print('intersec = ', intersect)   # shape = 2 * 2
            ovps = intersect / (gw * gh + anchors[:, 0] * anchors[:, 1] -
            #print('ovps = ', ovps)
            best_match = int(np.argmax(ovps))  # the best match of scale
            target_id[i, ind_y, ind_x, best_match, :] = l[0]
            target_score[i, ind_y, ind_x, best_match, :] = 1.0
            tw = np.log(
                gw / anchors[best_match, 0]
            )  # return the relative width and height to the anchor, then compute the log
            th = np.log(gh / anchors[best_match, 1])
            #print('best match = ', best_match)

            target_box[i, ind_y, ind_x,
                       best_match, :] = mx.nd.array([tx, ty, tw, th])
            sample_weight[i, ind_y, ind_x, best_match, :] = 1.0
    return target_id, target_score, target_box, sample_weight
Beispiel #32
    def forward(self, x):
        root = next(iter(self._structure.items()))[0]

        if (len(self._routerlayer) > 0):
            router_d, router_mat_d, weight_d, embedd_d = self._contextify(x)(

            # router = nd.stack(*[router_d[key] for key in sorted(router_d)], axis = -1)
            # weight = nd.stack(*[weight_d[key] for key in sorted(weight_d)], axis = -1)
            # embedd = nd.stack(*[embedd_d[key] for key in sorted(embedd_d)], axis = 0)
            # router_mat = nd.stack(
            #   *[router_mat_d[key] for key in sorted(router_mat_d)], axis = 1)
            # presence = nd.sum(router_mat, axis = 2)
            # weight_adj = presence * weight
            # depth = len(self._weightlayer) - nd.topk(nd.reverse(presence, axis = 1))
            # depth = depth - 1
            # depth = depth[:, 0]
            # remainder = 1 - nd.sum(weight_adj, axis = 1)
            # if (mx.autograd.is_training()):
            #   # remainder = remainder + nd.choose_element_0index(weight_adj, depth)
            #   remainder = remainder + nd.concat(
            #     *[x[d] for d, x in zip(depth, weight_adj)], dim = 0)
            #   # weight_adj = nd.fill_element_0index(weight_adj, remainder, depth)
            #   weight_adj = nd.stack(
            #     *[nd.concat(*[y if i != d else r for i, y in enumerate(x)], dim = 0)
            #         for d, r, x in zip(depth, remainder, weight_adj)
            #       ], axis = 0)
            # else:
            #   remainder = remainder + nd.choose_element_0index(weight_adj, depth)
            #   weight_adj = nd.fill_element_0index(weight_adj, remainder, depth)
            # head = nd.sum(nd.expand_dims(weight_adj, axis = 2) * router_mat, axis = 1)
            # return, embedd)

            embedd = nd.stack(*[embedd_d[key] for key in sorted(embedd_d)],
            router = nd.stack(*[router_d[key] for key in sorted(router_d)],
            router_mat = nd.stack(
                *[router_mat_d[key] for key in sorted(router_mat_d)], axis=1)

            where = nd.argmax(nd.maximum(0, 1 / (router + 0.5)), axis=1)

            head = nd.concat(*[router_mat[i][k] for i, k in enumerate(where)],

            return, embedd)

            head = nd.ones_like(nd.slice_axis(x, axis=1, begin=0, end=None))
            return self._contextify(x)(root) * head
Beispiel #33
    def hybrid_forward(self, F, samples, matches, refs):
        """HybridBlock, handle multi batch correctly

        samples: (B, N), value +1 (positive), -1 (negative), 0 (ignore)
        matches: (B, N), value range [0, M)
        refs: (B, M), value range [0, num_fg_class), excluding background

        targets: (B, N), value range [0, num_fg_class + 1), including background

        # samples (B, N) (+1, -1, 0: ignore), matches (B, N) [0, M), refs (B, M)
        # reshape refs (B, M) -> (B, 1, M) -> (B, N, M)
        refs = F.repeat(refs.reshape((0, 1, -1)), axis=1, repeats=matches.shape[1])
        # ids (B, N, M) -> (B, N), value [0, M + 1), 0 reserved for background class
        target_ids = F.pick(refs, matches, axis=2) + 1
        # samples 0: set ignore samples to ignore_label
        targets = F.where(samples > 0.5, target_ids, nd.ones_like(target_ids) * self._ignore_label)
        # samples -1: set negative samples to 0
        targets = F.where(samples < -0.5, nd.zeros_like(targets), targets)
        return targets
Beispiel #34
 def forward(self, pred, label, valid_length):
     weights = nd.ones_like(label).expand_dims(axis=-1)
     weights = nd.SequenceMask(weights, valid_length, True, axis=1)
     return super(MaskedSoftmaxCELoss, self).forward(pred, label, weights)
Beispiel #35
 def condition(y):
     return nd.ones_like(y, ctx=y.context)