def _normalize_sequence(length, inputs, layout, merge, in_layout=None): assert inputs is not None, \ "unroll(inputs=None) has been deprecated. " \ "Please create input variables outside unroll." axis = layout.find('T') in_axis = in_layout.find('T') if in_layout is not None else axis if isinstance(inputs, symbol.Symbol): if merge is False: assert len(inputs.list_outputs()) == 1, \ "unroll doesn't allow grouped symbol as input. Please convert " \ "to list with list(inputs) first or let unroll handle splitting." inputs = list( symbol.split(inputs, axis=in_axis, num_outputs=length, squeeze_axis=1)) else: assert length is None or len(inputs) == length if merge is True: inputs = [symbol.expand_dims(i, axis=axis) for i in inputs] inputs = symbol.Concat(*inputs, dim=axis) in_axis = axis if isinstance(inputs, symbol.Symbol) and axis != in_axis: inputs = symbol.swapaxes(inputs, dim0=axis, dim1=in_axis) return inputs, axis
def add_loss(self, splits: sym.Variable): """Add loss functions. Below, we splice the network output accordingly to compute losses for the following: 1. Bounding box attributes 2. Class probabilities 3. IOUS as "confidence scores" Below, the ugly splice functions are replacements for reshaping. Instead, split along a dimension into multiple chunks, and then restack the arrays in a consistent way. Due to a quirk in MXNet, we create a placeholder label_score. However, we actually use pred_box and label_box to compute IOU (true labels), which are then compared with pred_score. """ num_splits = int(NUM_OUT_CHANNELS / ANCHORS_PER_GRID) splits = list(sym.split(splits, num_outputs=num_splits)) # Compute loss for bounding box pred_box = sym.concat(*splits[:NUM_BBOX_ATTRS]) loss_box = mx.sym.Custom( data=pred_box, label=self.label_box, op_type='LinearRegressionOutputWithMask') # Compute loss for class probabilities cidx = NUM_BBOX_ATTRS + NUM_CLASSES pred_class = reformat(sym.concat(*splits[NUM_BBOX_ATTRS:cidx]), pkg=sym) label_class = reformat(self.label_class, pkg=sym) loss_class = sym.SoftmaxOutput(data=pred_class, label=label_class) # Compute loss for confidence scores - see doc above for explanation pred_score = splits[cidx] loss_iou = mx.symbol.Custom( data=pred_score, label=sym.concat(self.label_score, pred_box, self.label_box), op_type='IOURegressionOutputWithMask') return mx.sym.Group([loss_box, loss_class, loss_iou])
def format_sequence(length, inputs, layout, merge, in_layout=None): """ `Original Code <>`_ Parameters ---------- length inputs layout merge in_layout Returns ------- Examples -------- >>> import mxnet.ndarray as nd >>> seq = [[[0] * 4, [2] * 4, [4] * 4], [[1] * 4, [3] * 4, [5] * 4]] >>> seq1, axis, _, batch_size = format_sequence(3, nd.array(seq), "NTC", False) >>> seq1 # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [ [[0. 0. 0. 0.] [1. 1. 1. 1.]] <NDArray 2x4 @cpu(0)>, [[2. 2. 2. 2.] [3. 3. 3. 3.]] <NDArray 2x4 @cpu(0)>, [[4. 4. 4. 4.] [5. 5. 5. 5.]] <NDArray 2x4 @cpu(0)>] >>> axis 1 >>> batch_size 2 >>> seq2, _, _, _ = format_sequence(3, nd.array(seq), "NTC", True) >>> seq2 # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE <BLANKLINE> [[[0. 0. 0. 0.] [2. 2. 2. 2.] [4. 4. 4. 4.]] <BLANKLINE> [[1. 1. 1. 1.] [3. 3. 3. 3.] [5. 5. 5. 5.]]] <NDArray 2x3x4 @cpu(0)> >>> import mxnet.symbol as sym >>> seq3, _, _, _ = format_sequence(3, sym.Variable("s", shape=(2, 3, 4)), "NTC", False) >>> seq3 [<Symbol split0>, <Symbol split0>, <Symbol split0>] >>> seq4 = [nd.array([[0] * 4, [1] * 4]), nd.array([[2] * 4, [3] * 4]), nd.array([[4] * 4, [5] * 4])] >>> seq5, _, _, _ = format_sequence(3, seq4, "NTC", True) >>> seq5 # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE <BLANKLINE> [[[0. 0. 0. 0.] [2. 2. 2. 2.] [4. 4. 4. 4.]] <BLANKLINE> [[1. 1. 1. 1.] [3. 3. 3. 3.] [5. 5. 5. 5.]]] <NDArray 2x3x4 @cpu(0)> >>> seq6 = [sym.Variable("1", shape=(2, 4)), sym.Variable("2", shape=(2, 4)), sym.Variable("3", shape=(2, 4))] >>> seq7, _, _, _ = format_sequence(3, seq6, "NTC", True) >>> seq7 <Symbol stack0> """ assert inputs is not None, \ "unroll(inputs=None) has been deprecated. " \ "Please create input variables outside unroll." axis = layout.find('T') batch_axis = layout.find('N') batch_size = 0 in_axis = in_layout.find('T') if in_layout is not None else axis if isinstance(inputs, symbol.Symbol): F = symbol if merge is False: assert len(inputs.list_outputs()) == 1, \ "unroll doesn't allow grouped symbol as input. " \ "Please convert " \ "to list with list(inputs) first or " \ "let unroll handle splitting." inputs = list( symbol.split(inputs, axis=in_axis, num_outputs=length, squeeze_axis=1)) elif isinstance(inputs, ndarray.NDArray): F = ndarray batch_size = inputs.shape[batch_axis] if merge is False: assert length is None or length == inputs.shape[in_axis] inputs = as_list( ndarray.split(inputs, axis=in_axis, num_outputs=inputs.shape[in_axis], squeeze_axis=1)) else: assert length is None or len(inputs) == length if isinstance(inputs[0], symbol.Symbol): F = symbol else: F = ndarray batch_size = inputs[0].shape[batch_axis] if merge is True: inputs = F.stack(*inputs, axis=axis) in_axis = axis if isinstance(inputs, tensor_types) and axis != in_axis: # pragma: no cover # todo: find the test case inputs = F.swapaxes(inputs, dim1=axis, dim2=in_axis) return inputs, axis, F, batch_size