Beispiel #1
def index(request):
	test_accounts = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(TEST_ACCOUNTS.items()))
	endpoints = collections.OrderedDict()

	endpoints['pull_contact_is_unsubscribed'] = 'Pull Contact Is Unsubscribed'
	endpoints['pull_clients'] = 'Pull Clients'

	endpoints['pull_list_count'] = 'Pull List Count'
	endpoints['pull_list_contacts'] = 'Pull List Contacts'
	endpoints['pull_list_id_by_name'] = 'Pull List ID By Name'
	endpoints['pull_list_segments'] = 'Pull List Segments'

	endpoints['pull_lists'] = 'Pull Lists'
	endpoints['pull_user'] = '******'
	endpoints['pull_user_feed'] = 'Pull User Feed'
	endpoints['pull_user_likes'] = 'Pull User Likes'
	endpoints['pull_user_followers'] = 'Pull User Followers'
	endpoints['pull_user_statuses'] = 'Pull User Statuses'

	endpoints['push_list'] = 'Push List'
	endpoints['push_list_contacts'] = 'Push List Contacts'
	endpoints['push_list_segment'] = 'Push List Segment'
	endpoints['push_segment_contacts'] = 'Push Segment Contacts'

	config = {}
	custom_config = {}
	global_vars = {}
	endpoint_vars = {}
	responses = {}
	output = {}
	selected_api = request.GET.get('api')
	selected_endpoint = request.GET.get('endpoint')
	error = None

	if selected_api:
		global_vars = TEST_ACCOUNTS[selected_api].get('global');

		if TEST_ACCOUNTS[selected_api].get('endpoint'):
			endpoint_vars = TEST_ACCOUNTS[selected_api]['endpoint'].get(selected_endpoint)
			endpoint_vars = None

		local_vars = TEST_ACCOUNTS[selected_api].get('local')

		# try:
		sdkless = MySDKless(selected_api, global_vars);
		output = sdkless.go(selected_endpoint, endpoint_vars, local_vars)
		config = sdkless.config.settings
		custom_config = sdkless.config.settings_custom
		responses = sdkless.request.responses
		# except Exception as e:
		# 	error = repr(e)
	sdkless_vars = [
		('CONFIG', json.dumps(config)),
		('CUSTOM CONFIG', json.dumps(custom_config)),
		('GLOBAL VARS', json.dumps(global_vars)),
		('ENDPOINT VARS', json.dumps(endpoint_vars)),
		('RESPONSES', json.dumps(responses)),
		('OUTPUT', json.dumps(output)),
	context = {
		'test_accounts': test_accounts,
		'endpoints': endpoints,
		'selected_api': selected_api,
		'selected_endpoint': selected_endpoint,
		'sdkless_vars': sdkless_vars,
		'error': error,

	return render(request, 'my_app/index.html', context)
Beispiel #2
def auth(request):
	test_accounts = collections.OrderedDict(sorted({key:value for key, value in TEST_ACCOUNTS.items() if value.get('auth')}.items()))
	do_auth = False
	done = False
	step_id = 0
	global_vars = {}
	config = {}
	custom_config = {}
	params = {}
	step_responses = {}
	step_params = {}
	step_outputs = {}
	selected_api = None
	error = None

	if request.GET:
		selected_api = request.GET['api']
		global_vars = test_accounts[selected_api]['global'];

			sdkless = MySDKless(selected_api, global_vars)
			do_auth = True
		except Exception as e:
			error = str(e)

		# any incoming params other than 'go' and 'api' is assumed to be from a redirect back from the api
		# set step_id to -1 which will cause a lookup of the redirect step in sdkless.authenticate
		for key, value in request.GET.items():
			if key not in ('go', 'api'):
				step_id = -1

		if not request.GET.get('go'):
			params = request.GET

	if do_auth:
		while not done:
			# try:
			output = sdkless.authenticate(step_id, params)
			step_id = output.get('step_id')
			done = output.get('done')
			params = output.get('params')
			redirect_uri = output.get('redirect')

			if done:

			step_params[str(step_id)] = params
			step_outputs[str(step_id)] = output
			step_responses[str(step_id)] = sdkless.request.responses

			if redirect_uri:
				done = True
				return redirect(redirect_uri)
			# except Exception as e:
			# 	error = str(e)
			# 	break

			step_id += 1

		config = sdkless.config.settings
		custom_config = sdkless.config.settings_custom

	sdkless_vars = [
		('CONFIG', json.dumps(config)),
		('CUSTOM CONFIG', json.dumps(custom_config)),
		('GLOBAL VARS', json.dumps(global_vars)),
		('STEP PARAMS', json.dumps(step_params)),
		('STEP RESPONSES', json.dumps(step_responses)),
		('STEP OUTPUTS', json.dumps(step_outputs)),
	context = {
		'test_accounts': test_accounts,
		'selected_api': selected_api,
		'sdkless_vars': sdkless_vars,
		'error': error,

	return render(request, 'my_app/auth.html', context)