Beispiel #1
def build_customer_list():
    my_map = build_sheet_map(app_cfg['XLS_BOOKINGS'], sheet_map,

    wb_bookings, sheet_bookings = open_wb(app_cfg['XLS_BOOKINGS'], 'updates')
    customer_list = []
    col_num_end_customer = -1
    col_num_erp_customer = -1

    # First find the column numbers for these column names in the book
    for val in my_map:
        if val[0] == 'ERP End Customer Name':
            col_num_erp_customer = val[2]
        elif val[0] == 'End Customer Global Ultimate Name':
            col_num_end_customer = val[2]

    # Main loop of bookings excel data
    top_row = []
    for i in range(sheet_bookings.nrows):
        if i == 0:
            # Grab these values to make column headings
            top_row_erp_val = sheet_bookings.cell_value(
                i, col_num_erp_customer)
            top_row_end_val = sheet_bookings.cell_value(
                i, col_num_end_customer)
            top_row = [top_row_erp_val, top_row_end_val]

        # Capture both of the Customer names
        customer_name_erp = sheet_bookings.cell_value(i, col_num_erp_customer)
        customer_name_end = sheet_bookings.cell_value(i, col_num_end_customer)
        customer_list.append((customer_name_erp, customer_name_end))

    # Create a simple customer_list list of tuples
    # Contains a full set of unique sorted customer names
    # customer_list = [(erp_customer_name,end_customer_ultimate), (CustA,CustA)]
    customer_list = set(customer_list)

    # Convert the SET to a LIST so we can sort it
    customer_list = list(customer_list)

    # Sort the LIST
    customer_list.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0])

    # Convert the customer name tuples to a list
    tmp_list = []
    for customer in customer_list:
    customer_list = tmp_list

    # Place column headings at the top
    customer_list.insert(0, top_row)

    return customer_list
Beispiel #2
def process_subs(run_dir=app_cfg["UPDATES_DIR"]):
    print('MAPPING>>>>>>>>>> ', run_dir + '\\' + app_cfg['XLS_SUBSCRIPTIONS'])
    # Open up the subscription excel workbooks

    wb, sheet = open_wb(app_cfg['XLS_SUBSCRIPTIONS'], run_dir)

    # Get the renewal columns we are looking for
    my_map = build_sheet_map(app_cfg['XLS_SUBSCRIPTIONS'], sheet_map,
                             'XLS_SUBSCRIPTIONS', run_dir)

    print('sheet_map ', id(sheet_map))
    print('my map ', id(my_map))

    # List comprehension replacement for above
    # Strip out the columns from the sheet map that we don't need
    my_map = [x for x in my_map if x[1] == 'XLS_SUBSCRIPTIONS']

    # Create a simple column name dict
    col_nums = {
        sheet.cell_value(0, col_num): col_num
        for col_num in range(0, sheet.ncols)

    # Loop over all of the subscription records
    # Build a dict of {customer:[next renewal date, next renewal revenue, upcoming renewals]}
    my_dict = {}
    for row_num in range(1, sheet.nrows):
        customer = sheet.cell_value(row_num, col_nums['End Customer'])
        if customer in my_dict:
            tmp_record = []
            tmp_records = my_dict[customer]
            tmp_record = []
            tmp_records = []

        # Loop over the my map gather the columns we need
        for col_map in my_map:
            my_cell = sheet.cell_value(row_num, col_map[2])

            # Is this cell a Date type (3) ?
            # If so format as a M/D/Y
            if sheet.cell_type(row_num, col_map[2]) == 3:
                my_cell = datetime.datetime(
                    *xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(my_cell, wb.datemode))
                my_cell = my_cell.strftime('%m-%d-%Y')


        my_dict[customer] = tmp_records

    # Sort each customers renewal dates
    sorted_dict = {}
    summarized_dict = {}
    summarized_rec = []
    # print('diag1',my_dict['BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD OF ALABAMA'])
    # exit()
    # ['08-20-2018', '12', '08-20-2019', 72.0, 1500.0, 'Sub170034', 'ACTIVE']

    for customer, renewals in my_dict.items():
        # Sort this customers renewal records by date order
            key=lambda x: datetime.datetime.strptime(x[0], '%m-%d-%Y'))
        sorted_dict[customer] = renewals
        # print('\t', customer, ' has', len(renewals), ' records')
        # print('\t\t', renewals)
        # print ('---------------------')
        # time.sleep(1)

        next_renewal_date = renewals[0][0]
        next_renewal_rev = 0
        next_renewal_qtr = renewals[0][2]
        for renewal_rec in renewals:
            if renewal_rec[0] == next_renewal_date:
                # Tally this renewal record and get the next
                # print (type(renewal_rec[4]), renewal_rec[4])
                # time.sleep(1)
                next_renewal_rev = renewal_rec[4] + next_renewal_rev
            elif renewal_rec[0] != next_renewal_date:
                # Record these summarized values
                    [next_renewal_date, next_renewal_rev, next_renewal_qtr])
                # Reset these values and get the next renewal date for this customer
                next_renewal_date = renewal_rec[0]
                next_renewal_rev = renewal_rec[1]
                next_renewal_qtr = renewal_rec[2]

            # Check to see if this is the last renewal record
            # If so exit the loop
            if renewals.index(renewal_rec) == len(renewals) - 1:

            [next_renewal_date, next_renewal_rev, next_renewal_qtr])
        summarized_dict[customer] = summarized_rec
        summarized_rec = []

    # print(summarized_dict['SPECTRUM HEALTH SYSTEM'])
    # print (len(summarized_dict['SPECTRUM HEALTH SYSTEM']))
    return sorted_dict, summarized_dict
Beispiel #3
def build_dashboard():
    from my_app.func_lib.sheet_desc import sheet_map
    # Open the order summary
    wb_orders, sheet_orders = open_wb(app_cfg['XLS_ORDER_SUMMARY'], 'updates')

    # wb_orders, sheet_orders = open_wb('tmp_TA Scrubbed Orders_as_of ' + app_cfg['PROD_DATE'])

    # Loop over the orders XLS worksheet
    # Create a simple list of orders with NO headers
    order_list = []
    for row_num in range(1, sheet_orders.nrows):  # Skip the header row start at 1
        tmp_record = []
        for col_num in range(sheet_orders.ncols):
            my_cell = sheet_orders.cell_value(row_num, col_num)

            # If we just read a date save it as a datetime
            if sheet_orders.cell_type(row_num, col_num) == 3:
                my_cell = datetime.datetime(*xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(my_cell, wb_orders.datemode))

    # Create a dict of customer orders
    customer_order_dict = create_customer_order_dict(order_list)
    print('We have summarized ', len(order_list), ' of interesting line items into')
    print(len(customer_order_dict), ' unique customers')
    # Build Sheet Maps
    sheet_map = build_sheet_map(app_cfg['SS_CX'], sheet_map, 'SS_CX')
    sheet_map = build_sheet_map(app_cfg['SS_AS'], sheet_map, 'SS_AS')
    sheet_map = build_sheet_map(app_cfg['SS_SAAS'], sheet_map, 'SS_SAAS')

    # Get dict updates from linked sheets CX/AS/SAAS
    cx_dict = get_linked_sheet_update(sheet_map, 'SS_CX', sheet_keys)
    as_dict = get_linked_sheet_update(sheet_map, 'SS_AS', sheet_keys)
    saas_dict = get_linked_sheet_update(sheet_map, 'SS_SAAS', sheet_keys)

    # print(cx_dict)
    # exit()
    print('We have CX Updates: ', len(cx_dict))
    print('We have AS Updates: ', len(as_dict))
    print('We have SAAS Updates: ', len(saas_dict))

    # Create Platform dict for platform lookup
    tmp_dict = build_sku_dict()
    platform_dict = {}
    for key, val in tmp_dict.items():
        if val[0] == 'Product' or val[0] == 'SaaS':
            platform_dict[key] = val[1]

    # Init Main Loop Variables
    new_rows = []
    new_row = []
    bookings_col_num = -1
    sensor_col_num = -1
    svc_bookings_col_num = -1
    platform_type_col_num = -1
    sku_col_num = -1
    my_col_idx = {}

    # Create top row for the dashboard
    # also make a dict (my_col_idx) of {column names : column number}
    for col_idx, col in enumerate(sheet_map):
        my_col_idx[col[0]] = col_idx

    # Main loop
    for customer, orders in customer_order_dict.items():
        new_row = []
        order = []
        orders_found = len(orders)

        # Default Values
        bookings_total = 0
        sensor_count = 0
        service_bookings = 0
        platform_type = 'Not Identified'

        saas_status = 'No Status'
        cx_contact = 'None assigned'
        cx_status = 'No Update'
        as_pm = ''
        as_cse1 = ''
        as_cse2 = ''
        as_complete = ''  # 'Project Status/PM Completion'
        as_comments = ''  # 'Delivery Comments'

        # Get update from linked sheets (if any)
        if customer in saas_dict:
            saas_status = saas_dict[customer][0]
            if saas_status is True:
                saas_status = 'Provision Complete'
                saas_status = 'Provision NOT Complete'
            saas_status = 'No Status'

        if customer in cx_dict:
            cx_contact = cx_dict[customer][0]
            cx_status = cx_dict[customer][1]
            cx_contact = 'None assigned'
            cx_status = 'No Update'

        if customer in as_dict:
            if as_dict[customer][0] == '':
                as_pm = 'None Assigned'
                as_pm = as_dict[customer][0]

            if as_dict[customer][1] == '':
                as_cse1 = 'None Assigned'
                as_cse1 = as_dict[customer][1]

            if as_dict[customer][2] == '':
                as_cse2 = 'None Assigned'
                as_cse2 = as_dict[customer][2]

            if as_dict[customer][3] == '':
                as_complete = 'No Update'
                # 'Project Status/PM Completion'
                as_complete = as_dict[customer][3]

            if as_dict[customer][4] == '':
                as_comments = 'No Comments'
                as_comments = as_dict[customer][4]

        # Loop over this customers orders
        # Create one summary row for this customer
        # Total things
        # Build a list of things that may change order to order (ie Renewal Dates, Customer Names)
        platform_count = 0
        for order_idx, order in enumerate(orders):
            # calculate totals in this loop (ie total_books, sensor count etc)
            bookings_total = bookings_total + order[my_col_idx['Total Bookings']]
            sensor_count = sensor_count + order[my_col_idx['Sensor Count']]

            if order[my_col_idx['Product Type']] == 'Service':
                service_bookings = service_bookings + order[my_col_idx['Total Bookings']]

            if order[my_col_idx['Bundle Product ID']] in platform_dict:
                platform_count += 1
                platform_type = platform_dict[order[my_col_idx['Bundle Product ID']]]
                if platform_count > 1:
                    platform_type = platform_type + ' plus ' + str(platform_count-1)

        # Modify/Update this record as needed and then add to the new_rows
        order[my_col_idx['Total Bookings']] = bookings_total
        order[my_col_idx['Sensor Count']] = sensor_count
        order[my_col_idx['Service Bookings']] = service_bookings

        order[my_col_idx['CSM']] = cx_contact
        order[my_col_idx['Comments']] = cx_status

        order[my_col_idx['Project Manager']] = as_pm
        order[my_col_idx['AS Engineer 1']] = as_cse1
        order[my_col_idx['AS Engineer 2']] = as_cse2
        order[my_col_idx['Project Status/PM Completion']] = as_complete  # 'Project Status/PM Completion'
        order[my_col_idx['Delivery Comments']] = as_comments

        order[my_col_idx['Provisioning completed']] = saas_status

        order[my_col_idx['Product Description']] = platform_type

        order[my_col_idx['Orders Found']] = orders_found

    # End of main loop

    # Do some clean up and ready for output
    # Rename the columns as per the sheet map
    cols_to_delete = []
    for idx, map_info in enumerate(sheet_map):
        if map_info[3] != '':
            if map_info[3] == '*DELETE*':
                # Put the columns to delete in a list
                # Rename to the new column name
                new_rows[0][idx] = map_info[3]

    # Loop over the new_rows and
    # delete columns we don't need as per the sheet_map
    for col_idx in sorted(cols_to_delete, reverse=True):
        for row_idx, my_row in enumerate(new_rows):
            del new_rows[row_idx][col_idx]

    # Write the Dashboard to an Excel File
    push_list_to_xls(new_rows, app_cfg['XLS_DASHBOARD'], 'updates')
    # push_xls_to_ss(app_cfg['XLS_DASHBOARD']+'_as_of_01_31_2019.xlsx', 'jims dash')

def process_delivery(run_dir=app_cfg["UPDATES_DIR"]):
    print('MAPPING>>>>>>>>>> ',
          run_dir + '\\' + app_cfg['XLS_AS_DELIVERY_STATUS'])

    # Open up the subscription excel workbooks
    wb, sheet = open_wb(app_cfg['XLS_AS_DELIVERY_STATUS'], run_dir)

    # Get the renewal columns we are looking for
    my_map = build_sheet_map(app_cfg['XLS_AS_DELIVERY_STATUS'], sheet_map,
                             'XLS_AS_DELIVERY_STATUS', run_dir)

    # List comprehension replacement for above
    # Strip out the columns from the sheet map that we don't need
    my_map = [x for x in my_map if x[1] == 'XLS_AS_DELIVERY_STATUS']

    # Create a simple column name dict
    col_nums = {
        sheet.cell_value(0, col_num): col_num
        for col_num in range(0, sheet.ncols)

    # Loop over all of the delivery records
    # Build a dict of {customer:[delivery stuff blah blah ]}
    my_dict = {}
    for row_num in range(1, sheet.nrows):
        customer = sheet.cell_value(row_num, col_nums['End Customer'])
        if customer in my_dict:
            tmp_record = []
            tmp_records = my_dict[customer]
            tmp_record = []
            tmp_records = []

        # Loop over the my map gather the columns we need
        for col_map in my_map:
            my_cell = sheet.cell_value(row_num, col_map[2])

            # Is this cell a Date type (3) ?
            # If so format as a M/D/Y
            if sheet.cell_type(row_num, col_map[2]) == 3:
                my_cell = datetime.datetime(
                    *xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(my_cell, wb.datemode))
                my_cell = my_cell.strftime('%m-%d-%Y')


        my_dict[customer] = tmp_records

    # # Sort each customers delivery status
    # #
    # delivery_dict = {}
    # # print('diag1',my_dict['BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD OF ALABAMA'])
    # # exit()
    # # ['08-20-2018', '12', '08-20-2019', 72.0, 1500.0, 'Sub170034', 'ACTIVE']
    # for customer, renewals in my_dict.items():
    #     # Sort this customers renewal records by date order
    #     renewals.sort(key=lambda x: datetime.datetime.strptime(x[0], '%m-%d-%Y'))
    #     # sorted_dict[customer] = renewals
    #     #
    #     # print('\t', customer, ' has', len(renewals), ' records')
    #     # print('\t\t', renewals)
    #     # print ('---------------------')
    #     # time.sleep(1)
    #     next_renewal_date = renewals[0][0]
    #     next_renewal_rev = 0
    #     next_renewal_qtr = renewals[0][2]
    #     for renewal_rec in renewals:
    #         if renewal_rec[0] == next_renewal_date:
    #             # Tally this renewal record and get the next
    #             # print (type(renewal_rec[4]), renewal_rec[4])
    #             # time.sleep(1)
    #             next_renewal_rev = renewal_rec[4] + next_renewal_rev
    #         elif renewal_rec[0] != next_renewal_date:
    #             # Record these summarized values
    #             summarized_rec.append([next_renewal_date, next_renewal_rev, next_renewal_qtr])
    #             # Reset these values and get the next renewal date for this customer
    #             next_renewal_date = renewal_rec[0]
    #             next_renewal_rev = renewal_rec[1]
    #             next_renewal_qtr = renewal_rec[2]
    #         # Check to see if this is the last renewal record
    #         # If so exit the loop
    #         if renewals.index(renewal_rec) == len(renewals)-1:
    #             break
    #     summarized_rec.append([next_renewal_date, next_renewal_rev, next_renewal_qtr])
    #     summarized_dict[customer] = summarized_rec
    #     summarized_rec = []

    return my_dict
Beispiel #5
def process_bookings():
    # Go to Smartsheets and build these two dicts to use reference lookups
    # team_dict: {'sales_levels 1-6':[('PSS','TSA')]}
    # sku_dict: {sku : [sku_type, sku_description]}
    team_dict = build_coverage_dict()
    sku_dict = build_sku_dict()

    # Open up the bookings excel workbooks
    wb_bookings, sheet_bookings = open_wb(app_cfg['XLS_BOOKINGS'], 'updates')

    # From the current up to date bookings file build a simple list
    # that describes the format of the output file we are creating
    # and the columns we need to add (ie PSS, TSA, Renewal Dates)

    my_sheet_map = build_sheet_map(app_cfg['XLS_BOOKINGS'], sheet_map,
    print('sheet_map ', id(sheet_map))
    print('my_sheet_map ', id(my_sheet_map))
    # init a bunch a variable we need for the main loop
    order_header_row = []
    order_rows = []
    order_row = []
    trash_rows = []

    dest_col_nums = {}
    src_col_nums = {}

    # Build a dict of source sheet {'col_name' : src_col_num}
    # Build a dict of destination sheet {'col_name' : dest_col_num}
    # Build the header row for the output file
    for idx, val in enumerate(my_sheet_map):
        # Add to the col_num dict of col_names
        dest_col_nums[val[0]] = idx
        src_col_nums[val[0]] = val[2]

    # Initialize the order_row and trash_row lists

    print('There are ', sheet_bookings.nrows, ' rows in Raw Bookings')

    # Main loop of over raw bookings excel data
    # This loop will build two lists:
    # 1. Interesting orders based on SKUs (order_rows)
    # 2. Trash orders SKUs we don't care about (trash_rows)
    # As determined by the sku_dict
    # We have also will assign team coverage to both rows
    for i in range(1, sheet_bookings.nrows):

        # Is this SKU of interest ?
        sku = sheet_bookings.cell_value(i, src_col_nums['Bundle Product ID'])

        if sku in sku_dict:
            # Let's make a row for this order
            # Since it has an "interesting" sku
            customer = sheet_bookings.cell_value(
                i, src_col_nums['ERP End Customer Name'])
            order_row = []
            sales_level = ''
            sales_level_cntr = 0

            # Grab SKU data from the SKU dict
            sku_type = sku_dict[sku][0]
            sku_desc = sku_dict[sku][1]
            sku_sensor_cnt = sku_dict[sku][2]

            # Walk across the sheet_map columns
            # to build this output row cell by cell
            for val in my_sheet_map:
                col_name = val[0]  # Source Sheet Column Name
                col_idx = val[2]  # Source Sheet Column Number

                # If this is a 'Sales Level X' column then
                # Capture it's value until we get to level 6
                # then do a team lookup
                if col_name[:-2] == 'Sales Level':
                    sales_level = sales_level + sheet_bookings.cell_value(
                        i, col_idx) + ','
                    sales_level_cntr += 1

                    if sales_level_cntr == 6:
                        # We have collected all 6 sales levels
                        # Now go to find_team to do the lookup
                        sales_level = sales_level[:-1]
                        sales_team = find_team(team_dict, sales_level)
                        pss = sales_team[0]
                        tsa = sales_team[1]
                        order_row[dest_col_nums['pss']] = pss
                        order_row[dest_col_nums['tsa']] = tsa

                if col_idx != -1:
                    # OK we have a cell that we need from the raw bookings
                    # sheet we need so grab it
                    order_row.append(sheet_bookings.cell_value(i, col_idx))
                elif col_name == 'Product Description':
                    # Add in the Product Description
                elif col_name == 'Product Type':
                    # Add in the Product Type
                elif col_name == 'Sensor Count':
                    # Add in the Sensor Count
                    # this cell is assigned a -1 in the sheet_map
                    # so assign a blank as a placeholder for now

            # Done with all the columns in this row
            # Log this row for BOTH customer names and orders
            # Go to next row of the raw bookings data

            # The SKU was not interesting so let's trash it

    print('Extracted ', len(order_rows),
          " rows of interesting SKU's' from Raw Bookings")
    print('Trashed ', len(trash_rows),
          " rows of trash SKU's' from Raw Bookings")
    # End of main loop

    # Renewal Analysis
    renewal_dict = process_renewals()
    for order_row in order_rows[1:]:
        customer = order_row[dest_col_nums['ERP End Customer Name']]
        if customer in renewal_dict:
            next_renewal_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                renewal_dict[customer][0][0], '%m-%d-%Y')
            next_renewal_rev = renewal_dict[customer][0][1]
            next_renewal_qtr = renewal_dict[customer][0][2]

            order_row[dest_col_nums['Renewal Date']] = next_renewal_date
            order_row[dest_col_nums['Product Bookings']] = next_renewal_rev
            order_row[dest_col_nums['Fiscal Quarter ID']] = next_renewal_qtr

            if len(renewal_dict[customer]) > 1:
                renewal_comments = '+' + str(len(renewal_dict[customer]) -
                                             1) + ' more renewal(s)'
                order_row[dest_col_nums['Renewal Comments']] = renewal_comments

    # Now we build a an order dict
    # Let's organize as this
    # order_dict: {cust_name:[[order1],[order2],[orderN]]}
    order_dict = {}
    orders = []
    order = []

    for idx, order_row in enumerate(order_rows):
        if idx == 0:
        customer = order_row[0]
        orders = []

        # Is this customer in the order dict ?
        if customer in order_dict:
            orders = order_dict[customer]
            order_dict[customer] = orders
            order_dict[customer] = orders

    # Create a simple customer_list
    # Contains a full set of unique sorted customer names
    # Example: customer_list = [[erp_customer_name,end_customer_ultimate], [CustA,CustA]]
    customer_list = build_customer_list()
    print('There are ', len(customer_list), ' unique Customer Names')

    # Clean up order_dict to remove:
    # 1.  +/- zero sum orders
    # 2. zero revenue orders
    order_dict, customer_platforms = cleanup_orders(customer_list, order_dict,

    # Create a summary order file out of the order_dict
    summary_order_rows = [order_header_row]
    for key, val in order_dict.items():
        for my_row in val:
    print(len(summary_order_rows), ' of scrubbed rows after removing "noise"')

    # Push our lists to an excel file
    # push_list_to_xls(customer_platforms, 'jim ')
    print('order summary name ', app_cfg['XLS_ORDER_SUMMARY'])

    push_list_to_xls(summary_order_rows, app_cfg['XLS_ORDER_SUMMARY'],
    push_list_to_xls(order_rows, app_cfg['XLS_ORDER_DETAIL'], 'updates')
    push_list_to_xls(customer_list, app_cfg['XLS_CUSTOMER'], 'updates')
    push_list_to_xls(trash_rows, app_cfg['XLS_BOOKINGS_TRASH'], 'updates')

    # exit()
    # Push our lists to a smart sheet
    # push_xls_to_ss(wb_file, app_cfg['XLS_ORDER_SUMMARY'])
    # push_xls_to_ss(wb_file, app_cfg['XLS_ORDER_DETAIL'])
    # push_xls_to_ss(wb_file, app_cfg['XLS_CUSTOMER'])
    # exit()
Beispiel #6
def process_renewals():
    # Open up the renewals excel workbooks
    wb, sheet = open_wb(app_cfg['XLS_RENEWALS'], 'updates')

    # Get the renewal columns we are looking for
    my_map = build_sheet_map(app_cfg['XLS_RENEWALS'], sheet_map,

    print('sheet_map ', id(sheet_map))
    print('my map ', id(my_map))

    # List comprehension replacement for above
    # Strip out the columns from the sheet map that we don't need
    my_map = [x for x in my_map if x[1] == 'XLS_RENEWALS']

    # Create a simple column name dict
    col_nums = {
        sheet.cell_value(0, col_num): col_num
        for col_num in range(0, sheet.ncols)

    # Loop over all of the renewal records
    # Build a dict of {customer:[next renewal date, next renewal revenue, upcoming renewals]}
    my_dict = {}
    for row_num in range(1, sheet.nrows):
        customer = sheet.cell_value(row_num, col_nums['End Customer'])
        if customer in my_dict:
            tmp_record = []
            tmp_records = my_dict[customer]
            tmp_record = []
            tmp_records = []

        # Loop over the my map gather the columns we need
        for col_map in my_map:
            my_cell = sheet.cell_value(row_num, col_map[2])

            # Is this cell a Date type (3) ?
            # If so format as a M/D/Y
            if sheet.cell_type(row_num, col_map[2]) == 3:
                my_cell = datetime.datetime(
                    *xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(my_cell, wb.datemode))
                my_cell = my_cell.strftime('%m-%d-%Y')


        my_dict[customer] = tmp_records

    # Sort each customers renewal dates
    sorted_dict = {}
    summarized_dict = {}
    summarized_rec = []

    for customer, renewals in my_dict.items():
        # Sort this customers renewal records by date order
        renewals.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
        sorted_dict[customer] = renewals

        next_renewal_date = renewals[0][0]
        next_renewal_rev = 0
        next_renewal_qtr = renewals[0][2]
        for renewal_rec in renewals:
            if renewal_rec[0] == next_renewal_date:
                # Tally this renewal record and get the next
                next_renewal_rev = float(renewal_rec[1] + next_renewal_rev)
            elif renewal_rec[0] != next_renewal_date:
                # Record these summarized values
                    [next_renewal_date, next_renewal_rev, next_renewal_qtr])
                # Reset these values and get the next renewal date for this customer
                next_renewal_date = renewal_rec[0]
                next_renewal_rev = renewal_rec[1]
                next_renewal_qtr = renewal_rec[2]

            # Check to see if this is the last renewal record
            # If so exit the loop
            if renewals.index(renewal_rec) == len(renewals) - 1:

            [next_renewal_date, next_renewal_rev, next_renewal_qtr])
        summarized_dict[customer] = summarized_rec
        summarized_rec = []

    # print(summarized_dict['SPECTRUM HEALTH SYSTEM'])
    # print (len(summarized_dict['SPECTRUM HEALTH SYSTEM']))
    return summarized_dict
Beispiel #7
def phase_2(run_dir=app_cfg['UPDATES_DIR']):
    home = app_cfg['HOME']
    working_dir = app_cfg['WORKING_DIR']
    path_to_run_dir = (os.path.join(home, working_dir, run_dir))

    bookings_path = os.path.join(path_to_run_dir, app_cfg['XLS_BOOKINGS'])

    # Read the config_dict.json file
    with open(os.path.join(path_to_run_dir, app_cfg['META_DATA_FILE'])) as json_input:
        config_dict = json.load(json_input)
    data_time_stamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(config_dict['data_time_stamp'], '%m-%d-%y')
    last_run_dir = config_dict['last_run_dir']

    print("Run Date: ", data_time_stamp, type(data_time_stamp))
    print('Run Directory:', last_run_dir)

    # Go to Smartsheets and build these two dicts to use reference lookups
    # team_dict: {'sales_levels 1-6':[('PSS','TSA')]}
    # sku_dict: {sku : [sku_type, sku_description]}
    team_dict = build_coverage_dict()
    sku_dict = build_sku_dict()

    # Open up the bookings excel workbooks
    wb_bookings, sheet_bookings = open_wb(app_cfg['XLS_BOOKINGS'], run_dir)

    # From the current up to date bookings file build a simple list
    # that describes the format of the output file we are creating
    # and the columns we need to add (ie PSS, TSA, Renewal Dates)

    my_sheet_map = build_sheet_map(app_cfg['XLS_BOOKINGS'], sheet_map,
                                   'XLS_BOOKINGS', run_dir)
    # init a bunch a variables we need for the main loop
    order_header_row = []
    order_rows = []
    order_row = []
    trash_rows = []

    dest_col_nums = {}
    src_col_nums = {}

    # Build a dict of source sheet {'col_name' : src_col_num}
    # Build a dict of destination sheet {'col_name' : dest_col_num}
    # Build the header row for the output file
    for idx, val in enumerate(my_sheet_map):
        # Add to the col_num dict of col_names
        dest_col_nums[val[0]] = idx
        src_col_nums[val[0]] = val[2]

    # Initialize the order_row and trash_row lists

    print('There are ', sheet_bookings.nrows, ' rows in Raw Bookings')

    # Main loop of over raw bookings excel data
    # This loop will build two lists:
    # 1. Interesting orders based on SKUs (order_rows)
    # 2. Trash orders SKUs we don't care about (trash_rows)
    # As determined by the sku_dict
    # We have also will assign team coverage to both rows
    for i in range(1, sheet_bookings.nrows):

        # Is this SKU of interest ?
        sku = sheet_bookings.cell_value(i, src_col_nums['Bundle Product ID'])

        if sku in sku_dict:
            # Let's make a row for this order
            # Since it has an "interesting" sku
            customer = sheet_bookings.cell_value(i, src_col_nums['ERP End Customer Name'])
            order_row = []
            sales_level = ''
            sales_level_cntr = 0

            # Grab SKU data from the SKU dict
            sku_type = sku_dict[sku][0]
            sku_desc = sku_dict[sku][1]
            sku_sensor_cnt = sku_dict[sku][2]

            # Walk across the sheet_map columns
            # to build this output row cell by cell
            for val in my_sheet_map:
                col_name = val[0]  # Source Sheet Column Name
                col_idx = val[2]  # Source Sheet Column Number

                # If this is a 'Sales Level X' column then
                # Capture it's value until we get to level 6
                # then do a team lookup
                if col_name[:-2] == 'Sales Level':
                    sales_level = sales_level + sheet_bookings.cell_value(i, col_idx) + ','
                    sales_level_cntr += 1

                    if sales_level_cntr == 6:
                        # We have collected all 6 sales levels
                        # Now go to find_team to do the lookup
                        sales_level = sales_level[:-1]
                        sales_team = find_team(team_dict, sales_level)
                        pss = sales_team[0]
                        tsa = sales_team[1]
                        order_row[dest_col_nums['pss']] = pss
                        order_row[dest_col_nums['tsa']] = tsa

                if col_idx != -1:
                    # OK we have a cell that we need from the raw bookings
                    # sheet we need so grab it
                    order_row.append(sheet_bookings.cell_value(i, col_idx))
                elif col_name == 'Product Description':
                    # Add in the Product Description
                elif col_name == 'Product Type':
                    # Add in the Product Type
                elif col_name == 'Sensor Count':
                    # Add in the Sensor Count
                    # this cell is assigned a -1 in the sheet_map
                    # so assign a blank as a placeholder for now

            # Done with all the columns in this row
            # Log this row for BOTH customer names and orders
            # Go to next row of the raw bookings data

            # The SKU was not interesting so let's trash it

    print('Extracted ', len(order_rows), " rows of interesting SKU's' from Raw Bookings")
    print('Trashed ', len(trash_rows), " rows of trash SKU's' from Raw Bookings")
    # End of main loop

    # Subscription Analysis
    no_match = [['No Match Found in Subscription update']]
    no_match_cntr = 0
    match_cntr = 0
    subs_sorted_dict, subs__summary_dict = process_subs(run_dir)
    for order_row in order_rows[1:]:
        customer = order_row[dest_col_nums['ERP End Customer Name']]
        if customer in subs_sorted_dict:
            match_cntr += 1
            sub_start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(subs_sorted_dict[customer][0][0], '%m-%d-%Y')
            sub_initial_term = subs_sorted_dict[customer][0][1]
            sub_renewal_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(subs_sorted_dict[customer][0][2], '%m-%d-%Y')
            sub_days_to_renew = subs_sorted_dict[customer][0][3]
            sub_monthly_charge = subs_sorted_dict[customer][0][4]
            sub_id = subs_sorted_dict[customer][0][5]
            sub_status = subs_sorted_dict[customer][0][6]

            order_row[dest_col_nums['Start Date']] = sub_start_date
            order_row[dest_col_nums['Initial Term']] = sub_initial_term
            order_row[dest_col_nums['Renewal Date']] = sub_renewal_date
            order_row[dest_col_nums['Days Until Renewal']] = sub_days_to_renew
            order_row[dest_col_nums['Monthly Charge']] = sub_monthly_charge
            order_row[dest_col_nums['Subscription ID']] = sub_id
            order_row[dest_col_nums['Status']] = sub_status

            if len(subs_sorted_dict[customer]) > 1:
                renewal_comments = '+' + str(len(subs_sorted_dict[customer])-1) + ' more subscriptions(s)'
                order_row[dest_col_nums['Subscription Comments']] = renewal_comments
            got_one = False
            for x in no_match:
                if x[0].lower() in customer.lower():
                    got_one = True
            if got_one is False:
                no_match_cntr += 1

    push_list_to_xls(order_rows, 'jim1.xlsx')
    push_list_to_xls(no_match, 'subcription misses.xlsx')

    # AS Delivery Analysis
    as_dict = process_delivery(run_dir)
    for order_row in order_rows[1:]:
        customer = order_row[dest_col_nums['ERP End Customer Name']]
        if customer in as_dict:
            match_cntr += 1
            # as_customer = as_dict[customer][0][0]
            # as_pid = as_dict[customer][0][1]
            # as_dm = as_dict[customer][0][2]
            # as_start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(as_dict[customer][0][3], '%m-%d-%Y')
            # order_row[dest_col_nums['End Customer']] = as_customer
            # order_row[dest_col_nums['PID']] = as_pid
            # order_row[dest_col_nums['Delivery Manager']] = as_dm
            # order_row[dest_col_nums['Project Scheduled Start Date']] = as_start_date

            order_row[dest_col_nums['PID']] = as_dict[customer][0][0]
            order_row[dest_col_nums['Delivery Manager']] = as_dict[customer][0][1]
            order_row[dest_col_nums['Delivery PM']] = as_dict[customer][0][2]
            order_row[dest_col_nums['Tracking status']] = as_dict[customer][0][3]
            order_row[dest_col_nums['Tracking Sub-status']] = as_dict[customer][0][4]
            order_row[dest_col_nums['Comments']] = as_dict[customer][0][5]
            order_row[dest_col_nums['Project Scheduled Start Date']] = datetime.datetime.strptime(as_dict[customer][0][6], '%m-%d-%Y')
            order_row[dest_col_nums['Scheduled End Date']] = datetime.datetime.strptime(as_dict[customer][0][7], '%m-%d-%Y')
            order_row[dest_col_nums['Project Creation Date']] = datetime.datetime.strptime(as_dict[customer][0][8], '%m-%d-%Y')
            # order_row[dest_col_nums['Project Closed Date']] = datetime.datetime.strptime(as_dict[customer][0][9], '%m-%d-%Y')
            order_row[dest_col_nums['Traffic lights (account team)']] = as_dict[customer][0][10]
            order_row[dest_col_nums['Tracking Responsible']] = as_dict[customer][0][11]
            order_row[dest_col_nums['ExecutiveSummary']] = as_dict[customer][0][12]
            order_row[dest_col_nums['Critalpath']] = as_dict[customer][0][13]
            order_row[dest_col_nums['IsssuesRisks']] = as_dict[customer][0][14]
            order_row[dest_col_nums['ActivitiesCurrent']] = as_dict[customer][0][15]
            order_row[dest_col_nums['ActivitiesNext']] = as_dict[customer][0][16]
            order_row[dest_col_nums['LastUpdate']] = as_dict[customer][0][17]
            order_row[dest_col_nums['SO']] = as_dict[customer][0][18]

            got_one = False
            for x in no_match:
                if x[0].lower() in customer.lower():
                    got_one = True
            if got_one is False:
                no_match_cntr += 1

    # End of  Construction Zone

    # Now we build a an order dict
    # Let's organize as this
    # order_dict: {cust_name:[[order1],[order2],[orderN]]}
    order_dict = {}
    orders = []
    order = []

    for idx, order_row in enumerate(order_rows):
        if idx == 0:
        customer = order_row[0]
        orders = []

        # Is this customer in the order dict ?
        if customer in order_dict:
            orders = order_dict[customer]
            order_dict[customer] = orders
            order_dict[customer] = orders

    # Create a simple customer_list
    # Contains a full set of unique sorted customer names
    # Example: customer_list = [[erp_customer_name,end_customer_ultimate], [CustA,CustA]]
    customer_list = build_customer_list(run_dir)
    print('There are ', len(customer_list), ' unique Customer Names')

    # Clean up order_dict to remove:
    # 1.  +/- zero sum orders
    # 2. zero revenue orders
    order_dict, customer_platforms = cleanup_orders(customer_list, order_dict, my_sheet_map)

    # Create a summary order file out of the order_dict
    summary_order_rows = [order_header_row]
    for key, val in order_dict.items():
        for my_row in val:
    print(len(summary_order_rows), ' of scrubbed rows after removing "noise"')

    # Push our lists to an excel file
    # push_list_to_xls(customer_platforms, 'jim ')
    print('order summary name ', app_cfg['XLS_ORDER_SUMMARY'])

    push_list_to_xls(summary_order_rows, app_cfg['XLS_ORDER_SUMMARY'],
                     run_dir, 'ta_summary_orders')
    push_list_to_xls(order_rows, app_cfg['XLS_ORDER_DETAIL'], run_dir, 'ta_order_detail')
    push_list_to_xls(customer_list, app_cfg['XLS_CUSTOMER'], run_dir, 'ta_customers')
    push_list_to_xls(trash_rows, app_cfg['XLS_BOOKINGS_TRASH'], run_dir, 'ta_trash_rows')

    # exit()
    # Push our lists to a smart sheet
    # push_xls_to_ss(wb_file, app_cfg['XLS_ORDER_SUMMARY'])
    # push_xls_to_ss(wb_file, app_cfg['XLS_ORDER_DETAIL'])
    # push_xls_to_ss(wb_file, app_cfg['XLS_CUSTOMER'])
    # exit()
def data_scrubber(my_ws, path_to_file):
    # Data Scrubber

    # Initialize and Get Header Row
    list_of_rows = []
    list_of_row = []
    list_headers = []

    list_headers.append(my_ws.row_values(0, 0))
    print("Headers\t", list_headers)

    # Open and Map the XLS file we are scrubbing
    run_dir, my_file = ntpath.split(path_to_file)
    my_map = build_sheet_map(my_file, sheet_map, 'XLS_SUBSCRIPTIONS', run_dir)

    # List comprehension replacement for above
    # Strip out the columns from the sheet map that we don't need
    my_col_map = [x for x in my_map if x[1] == 'XLS_SUBSCRIPTIONS']

    for my_row in range(1, my_ws.nrows):
        print('Row #:', my_row)
        for my_col in my_col_map:
            my_col_name = list_headers[0][my_col[2]]
            dest_cell_type = my_col[4]
            dest_cell_val = None

            src_cell = my_ws.cell(my_row, my_col[2])
            src_cell_type = my_ws.cell_type(my_row, my_col[2])
            src_cell_val = my_ws.cell_value(my_row, my_col[2])

            print('\t\t' + my_col_name + ' source type/value is', src_cell)
            print('\t\tDest type needs to be', dest_cell_type)

            if src_cell_type == xlrd.XL_CELL_DATE:
                print("\t\tDate", my_ws.cell_value(my_row, my_col[2]),
                      ' needs to be a ' + dest_cell_type)
                # datetime_object = datetime.strptime('Jun 1 2005  1:33PM', '%b %d %Y %I:%M%p')

            elif src_cell_type == xlrd.XL_CELL_NUMBER:
                # All numbers from xlrd are python floats so we need to check if we need an int
                if dest_cell_type == 'int':
                    dest_cell_val = int(src_cell_val)
                    print('\t\tConverted', src_cell_val, ' to ', dest_cell_val)

            elif src_cell_type == xlrd.XL_CELL_TEXT:
                if dest_cell_type == 'currency' or dest_cell_type == 'int':
                        dest_cell_val = int(src_cell_val)
                        print('\t\tConverted', src_cell_val, ' to ',
                    except ValueError:
                        print("\t\tERROR: Not an currency, int or float")
                        dest_cell_val = 0
                        print('\t\tConverted', src_cell_val, ' to ',
                elif dest_cell_type == 'date':
                        datetime.strptime(src_cell_val, '%d %b %Y')
                        dest_cell_val = datetime.strptime(
                            src_cell_val, '%d %b %Y')
                        print('\t\tConverted', src_cell_val, ' to ',
                    except ValueError:
                        print('\t\t', type(src_cell_val), src_cell_val)
                        print('\t\tNot a date')
                        dest_cell_val = datetime.strptime(
                            '01 Jan 2000', '%d %b %Y')
                        print('\t\tConverted', src_cell_val, ' to ',

            elif src_cell_type == xlrd.XL_CELL_BLANK:
                print("\t\tBlank", my_ws.cell_value(my_row, my_col[2]),
                      ' needs to be a ' + dest_cell_type)

            elif src_cell_type == xlrd.XL_CELL_BOOLEAN:
                print("\t\tBoolean", my_ws.cell_value(my_row, my_col[2]),
                      ' needs to be a ' + dest_cell_type)

            elif src_cell_type == xlrd.XL_CELL_EMPTY:
                print("\t\tEmpty", my_ws.cell_value(my_row, my_col[2]),
                      ' needs to be a ' + dest_cell_type)

            elif src_cell_type == xlrd.XL_CELL_ERROR:
                print("\t\tError", my_ws.cell_value(my_row, my_col[2]),
                      ' needs to be' + dest_cell_type)
            print(type(dest_cell_val), dest_cell_val)

    return list_of_rows