def __init__(self, master): os.chdir( 'D:/Confidential/Projects/Steel/LD2 BDS/prelim_analysis/data/constructed data/' ) temp = pd.read_csv('data_dump_24_3_17.csv') print(temp.shape) temp = temp.dropna() print(temp.shape) X_all_left = pd.DataFrame(temp.iloc[:, 0:20]) X_all_trigger = pd.DataFrame(temp.iloc[:, 20:40]) X_all_right = pd.DataFrame(temp.iloc[:, 40:60]) Y_all_clean = temp.iloc[:, 60] index_file_clean = temp.iloc[:, 61] X_all_trigger.columns = [ "X1", "X2", "X3", "X4", "X5", "X6", "X7", "X8", "X9", "X10", "X11", "X12", "X13", "X14", "X15", "X16", "X17", "X18", "X19", "X20" ] X_all_left.columns = [ "X1", "X2", "X3", "X4", "X5", "X6", "X7", "X8", "X9", "X10", "X11", "X12", "X13", "X14", "X15", "X16", "X17", "X18", "X19", "X20" ] X_all_right.columns = [ "X1", "X2", "X3", "X4", "X5", "X6", "X7", "X8", "X9", "X10", "X11", "X12", "X13", "X14", "X15", "X16", "X17", "X18", "X19", "X20" ] print(X_all_trigger.shape, ' : Size of all X trigger') print(X_all_left.shape, ' : Size of all X left') print(X_all_right.shape, ' : Size of all X right') print(Y_all_clean.shape, ' : Size of all Y') print(index_file_clean.shape, ' : Shape of index file') temp = X_all_trigger.apply(include_tree, axis=1) data_logit = pd.concat([X_all_trigger, temp], axis=1) print(X_all_trigger.shape) print(data_logit.shape) global woe_table woe_table = mf.calc_WOE(data_logit.iloc[:, -1], Y_all_clean) temp2 = data_logit.apply(subs_WOE, axis=1) # just to make sure everything is going okay temp3 = pd.concat([temp2, data_logit.iloc[:, -1]], axis=1) data_logit = pd.concat([X_all_trigger, temp2], axis=1) write_data = pd.concat([data_logit, Y_all_clean], axis=1) print(write_data.shape) write_data.to_csv('logit_data_6_4.csv', index=False) clf_logit_trigger = LogisticRegression() clf_logit_trigger =, Y_all_clean) beta_0 = clf_logit_trigger.intercept_ global beta beta = clf_logit_trigger.coef_[0].tolist() beta_0_back = clf_logit_trigger.intercept_ global beta_back beta_back = clf_logit_trigger.coef_[0].tolist() print('Initial Values') print(beta_0, beta) file_name = "D:/Confidential/Projects/Steel/LD2 BDS/prelim_analysis/data/breakout files/d5122018.csv" title_name = file_name.split('/')[-1] file = pd.read_csv(file_name) file = file.iloc[2500:3000, :].reset_index() TC_layer = 12 tt1 = 'TC' + str(TC_layer) tt2 = 'TC' + str(TC_layer + 20) tt3 = 'TC' + str(TC_layer + 40) L1 = file.loc[:, tt1] L2 = file.loc[:, tt2] L3 = file.loc[:, tt3] ML = file.loc[:, 'M.level'] CS = file.loc[:, 'C.speed'] CP = file.loc[:, 'C.percent'] MW = file.loc[:, 'M.width'] TC_layer_left = mf.find_left(MW[0], TC_layer) tt1 = 'TC' + str(TC_layer_left) tt2 = 'TC' + str(TC_layer_left + 20) LL1 = file.loc[:, tt1] LL2 = file.loc[:, tt2] TC_layer_right = mf.find_right(MW[0], TC_layer) tt1 = 'TC' + str(TC_layer_right) tt2 = 'TC' + str(TC_layer_right + 20) LR1 = file.loc[:, tt1] LR2 = file.loc[:, tt2] TC_layer_opp = mf.find_opposite(TC_layer) tt1 = 'TC' + str(TC_layer_opp) tt2 = 'TC' + str(TC_layer_opp + 20) tt3 = 'TC' + str(TC_layer_opp + 40) LO1 = file.loc[:, tt1] LO2 = file.loc[:, tt2] LO3 = file.loc[:, tt3] # making the continuous x's temp_x_trigger = mf.make_cont_x(L1, L2, ML, CP, CS, LO1, LO2, MW) # including the tree based information temp = temp_x_trigger.apply(include_tree, axis=1) temp_data = pd.concat([temp_x_trigger, temp], axis=1) temp2 = temp_data.apply(subs_WOE, axis=1) temp_x_trigger = pd.concat([temp_x_trigger, temp2], axis=1) logit_trigger = pd.DataFrame( clf_logit_trigger.predict_proba(temp_x_trigger)) logit_trigger = list(logit_trigger.iloc[:, -1]) b = list(np.zeros(60)) b.extend(logit_trigger) b = pd.DataFrame(b) # Create a container frame = tkinter.Frame(master) var = tkinter.StringVar(frame) var.set("Which feature do you want") # initial value choices = [ '1 : slope_n(l2,3)', '2 : slope_n(l2,5)', '3 : sign_present(l1,l2,2)', '4 : sign_present(l1,l2,5)', '5 : sign_present(l1,l2,7)', '6 : last_nm(l1,5,32)', '7 : last_nm(l2,5,32)', '8 : np.mean(cp)', '9 : np.std(l1.iloc[-12:])', '10 : np.std(ml.iloc[-12:])', '11 : find_l1_peak_slope(l1,lo1,cs)', '12 : find_l1_peak_ratio(l1,lo1,cs)', '13 : find_drop(l1)', '14 : find_drop(l2)', '15 : cs_change(cs)', '16 : get_kinks(l2)', '17 : first_derivative(l2)', '18 : second_derivative(l2)', '19 : bin_crossover(l1,l2)', '20 : peak_diff(l1,l2)' ] option = tkinter.OptionMenu(frame, var, *choices) option.pack(side=tkinter.LEFT) slider = tkinter.Scale(frame, from_=-10, to=10, resolution=0.01, orient=tkinter.HORIZONTAL, length=750) slider.pack(side=tkinter.LEFT) self.button_select = tkinter.Button( frame, text="Select the value ?", command=lambda:, slider.get(), beta_0, beta, temp_x_trigger, choices)) self.button_select.pack(side=tkinter.LEFT) self.button_reset = tkinter.Button( frame, text="Reset", command=lambda: self.reset_func(clf_logit_trigger, beta_0, temp_x_trigger)).pack( side=tkinter.LEFT) self.button_print_beta_all = tkinter.Button( frame, text="Print All Beta", command=self.print_beta_all).pack(side=tkinter.LEFT) self.button_print_beta_selected = tkinter.Button( frame, text="Print Selected Beta", command=lambda: self.print_beta_selected(choices, var.get())).pack( side=tkinter.LEFT) ## self.textBox = tkinter.Text(frame,height=10, width = 25) ## self.textBox.insert(tkinter.END,beta) ## self.textBox.config(state=tkinter.DISABLED) ## self.textBox.pack(side = tkinter.BOTTOM) fig = Figure() fig.suptitle(title_name) ax = fig.add_subplot(311) ax.set_ylim(0, 1) self.line, = ax.plot(range(len(b)), b) ax.grid(b=True, which='both') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(312) ax2.plot(range(len(L1)), L1, range(len(L2)), L2) ax2.legend(["L1", "L2"]) ax2.grid(b=True, which='both') ax3 = fig.add_subplot(313) ax3.plot(range(len(ML)), ML, range(len(CS)), 100 * CS) ax3.legend(["Mold Level", "100x Casting Speed"]) ax3.grid(b=True, which='both') self.canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig, master=master) self.canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side='top', fill='both', expand=1) frame.pack()
count = count + 1 print(count,"/",ttt) file = pd.read_csv(file_name) if file.loc[0,'layer'] == 2 : TC_layer = int(np.mean(file.loc[:,'TC_layer'])) tt1 = 'TC' + str(TC_layer) tt2 = 'TC' + str(TC_layer + 20) L1 = file.loc[:,tt1] L2 = file.loc[:,tt2] ML = file.loc[:,'M.level'] CS = file.loc[:,'C.speed'] CP = file.loc[:,'C.percent'] MW = file.loc[:,'M.width'] TC_layer_left = mf.find_left(TC_layer,file) tt1 = 'TC' + str(TC_layer_left) tt2 = 'TC' + str(TC_layer_left + 20) LL1 = file.loc[:,tt1] LL2 = file.loc[:,tt2] TC_layer_right = mf.find_right(TC_layer,file) tt1 = 'TC' + str(TC_layer_right) tt2 = 'TC' + str(TC_layer_right + 20) LR1 = file.loc[:,tt1] LR2 = file.loc[:,tt2]
count = count + 1 print(count, "/", ttt, file_name) file = pd.read_csv(file_name) if file.loc[0, 'layer'] == 2: TC_layer = int(np.mean(file.loc[:, 'TC_layer'])) tt1 = 'TC' + str(TC_layer) tt2 = 'TC' + str(TC_layer + 20) L1 = file.loc[:, tt1] L2 = file.loc[:, tt2] ML = file.loc[:, 'M.level'] CS = file.loc[:, 'C.speed'] CP = file.loc[:, 'C.percent'] MW = file.loc[:, 'M.width'] TC_layer_left = mf.find_left(MW[0], TC_layer) tt1 = 'TC' + str(TC_layer_left) tt2 = 'TC' + str(TC_layer_left + 20) LL1 = file.loc[:, tt1] LL2 = file.loc[:, tt2] TC_layer_right = mf.find_right(MW[0], TC_layer) tt1 = 'TC' + str(TC_layer_right) tt2 = 'TC' + str(TC_layer_right + 20) LR1 = file.loc[:, tt1] LR2 = file.loc[:, tt2]