Beispiel #1
    def _shareNode_JoinNode(self, lastCircuitNode, alphaMemory, tests):

        # check if i can share looking at beta network first
        if lastCircuitNode is not None:

            for child in lastCircuitNode.children:

                # i can't use isinstance, child must be exactly a JoinNode
                # otherwise negative node could be shared and this is a problem
                if (child.__class__ == JoinNode
                        # is a join node
                        and child.rightParent == alphaMemory
                        # alpha memory is the same
                        and child.tests == tests):
                    # tests are the same too

                    # i can share the node
          , child)
                    return child

            # try to share node looking at the alphaMemory
            # this could allow to share dummy join nodes
            for child in alphaMemory.children:
                # i can't use isinstance, child must be exactly a JoinNode
                # otherwise negative node could be shared and this is a problem
                if (child.__class__ == JoinNode
                        # is a join node
                        and child.isLeftRoot()
                        # like the node i will create, this one is left dummy
                        and child.tests == tests):
                    # tests are the same too

                    # i can share the node
          , child)
                    return child

        # i can't share an old node
        # it's time to create a new one

        newChild = JoinNode(rightParent=alphaMemory,
        # link the new join to the right alpha memory

        if lastCircuitNode is not None:
            # link the join node to the parent
            # it's useless to update a leaf join node
            # even if it find matches
            # it has no children to propage the activation"New node: %s", newChild)"Right-linked node: %s to %s", newChild, alphaMemory)"Left-linked node: %s to %s", newChild, lastCircuitNode), newChild), lastCircuitNode,
                                newChild, -1), alphaMemory,
                                newChild, 1)

        return newChild