Beispiel #1
def analyzeFunction(theFunction, patternIndex, variables, inPatternVariables=None, fakeVariables = None, realToFakeMap = None, vIndex = None, fakeNames = None):
    Analyze a FunctionCall inside a Test-CE to replace variables name with fake names
    an bound locations to improve reuse of test-nodes (normalize variables names) 
    @param theFunction: a function call to replace
    @type theFunction: types.FunctionCall
    @param patternIndex: the index of the test-pattern in the chain of ce
    @type patternIndex: int
    @param variables: a dict of variable name => VariableReferences
    @type variables: dict
    @param fakeVariables: a dict of fake variables references or None (to make a new one)
    @type fakeVariables: dict
    @param realToFakeMap: a map of real variables names to fake ones
    @type realToFakeMap: dict
    @param vIndex: the index for fake variables name generation
    @type vIndex: int
    inPatternVariables = [] if inPatternVariables is None else inPatternVariables
    aNewFunctionCallArgs = []
    fakeVariables = {} if fakeVariables is None else fakeVariables
    fakeNames = {} if fakeNames is None else fakeNames
    realToFakeMap = {} if realToFakeMap is None else realToFakeMap
    vIndex = [] if vIndex is None else vIndex;
    if isinstance(theFunction, types.FunctionCall):
        assert isinstance(theFunction, types.FunctionCall)
        for aArg in theFunction.funcArgs:
            # globals are resolved at function-call execution time
            if isinstance(aArg, (types.SingleFieldVariable, types.MultiFieldVariable)):
                # i've already created a fake_var for this var?
                if not realToFakeMap.has_key(aArg.evaluate()) :
                    # where i found the variable first?
                    mainReference = getVar(aArg.evaluate(), variables, inPatternVariables)
                    if mainReference is False:
                        raise MyClipsException("Variable %s found in the expression %s was referenced in CE #%d before being defined."%(
                    varReference = VariableReference()
                    varReference.reference = mainReference
                    varReference.relPatternIndex = mainReference.patternIndex - patternIndex
                    theFakeName = "%"+str(len(vIndex))
                    theFakeVar = aArg.__class__(types.Symbol(theFakeName)) 
                    fakeVariables[theFakeVar.evaluate()] = varReference
                    realToFakeMap[aArg.evaluate()] = theFakeVar.evaluate()
                    fakeNames[aArg.evaluate()] = theFakeVar 
                    theFakeVar = fakeNames[aArg.evaluate()]
                # replace the variable name with a fake name
                #aArg.content = theFakeName
            elif isinstance(aArg, types.FunctionCall):
                # recursion: replace arguments inside the function call
                # fakeReferences are ignored because the dict is automatically
                # updated by the recursion.
                aInnerNewFunctionCall, _ = analyzeFunction(aArg, patternIndex, variables, inPatternVariables, fakeVariables, realToFakeMap, vIndex, fakeNames)
                # replace the old function call with a new one with fake variables
                #theFunction.funcArgs[iArg] = aInnerNewFunctionCall
        # get the current scope and backup it
        _tmp_scope = theFunction.scope.modules.currentScope
        # then change it to the original function call scope
        # create the new function call
        newFunctionCall = types.FunctionCall(theFunction.funcName, theFunction.scope.modules, aNewFunctionCallArgs)
        # then restore the previous scope
        return (newFunctionCall, fakeVariables)
    else: raise TypeError("AnalyzeFunction require a FunctionCall as first argument")
Beispiel #2
def _analyzeTerm(atomLocation, aTerm, variables, inPatternVariables):
    Analyze a types.Term and create a list of pattern tests and join tests
    to describe the term
    @param atomLocation: the location of the term inside the LHS
    @param aTerm: a types.Term element
    @param variables: a dict of varName => VarLocation(s) in previous patterns
    @param inPatternVariables: a list of VarLocations in the current pattern

    alphaTests = []
    joinTests = []
    isNegative = True if isinstance(aTerm, types.NegativeTerm) else False
    # dewrap: aTerm from a Term object to Term's content 
    aTerm = aTerm.term
    if isinstance(aTerm, (types.MultiFieldVariable, types.SingleFieldVariable)):
        varLocation = VariableLocation.fromAtomLocation(aTerm.evaluate(), atomLocation)
        # check the main location of the variable
        # but if it's the same of this location, ignore the cc
        mainReference = getVar(aTerm.evaluate(), variables, inPatternVariables)
        if mainReference is not False:
            # create a reference to this variable
            varReference = VariableReference()
            varReference.reference = mainReference
            varReference.isNegative = isNegative
            # calcolate the relPatternIndex
            if varLocation.patternIndex is not None:
                if mainReference.patternIndex is not None:
                    varReference.relPatternIndex = mainReference.patternIndex - varLocation.patternIndex
                    # TODO verificare!!!!
                    varReference.relPatternIndex =  0 - varLocation.patternIndex
                varReference.relPatternIndex = 0
            # make a new join test
            # unknown variable!
    elif isinstance(aTerm, types.BaseParsedType):
        # a pattern test is required, but created by _makeAlphaNetwork. so ignore
        # remove patternIndex location from the atomLocation
        # because alpha tests are always on the wme from the right
        atomLocationCopy = copy(atomLocation)
        atomLocationCopy.patternIndex = None
        aAlphaTest = ConstantValueAtIndexTest(atomLocationCopy, aTerm)
        alphaTests.append(aAlphaTest if not isNegative else NegativeAlphaTest(aAlphaTest))
    elif isinstance(aTerm, types.FunctionCall):
        # well... this is a special case. This must be converted in a
        # (test (function-call))
        _newFunc, _fakeVar = analyzeFunction(aTerm, atomLocation.patternIndex, variables, inPatternVariables)
        joinTests.append(DynamicFunctionTest(_newFunc, _fakeVar))
    # unnamed multifield and single field are ignored
    return (alphaTests, joinTests)