def on_message(client, userdata, msg): payload = json.loads(msg.payload.decode("utf-8"))'MQTT recieved payload: {}'.format(payload)) # prepare timeout check timeout_sec = int(myconfig.get('monitor', 'timeout_sec')) now = int( # update "tags" global tags if 'monitor_name' in payload and 'tag_detected' in payload: monitor_name = payload['monitor_name'] for tag in payload['tag_detected']: if tag in tags: if 'time' not in tags[tag]:'send IFTTT event: {}({}) arrived!'.format(tag, tags[tag]['name'])) sendIftttEvent(1, tags[tag]['name'], monitor_name) tags[tag]['time'] = now for tag in tags: if 'time' in tags[tag]:'time: {}sec ({})'.format(now - tags[tag]['time'], tag)) if tags[tag]['time'] < now - timeout_sec:'send IFTTT event: {}({}) leaved!'.format(tag, tags[tag]['name'])) sendIftttEvent(0, tags[tag]['name'], '') tags[tag].pop('time')
def sendIftttEvent(state, tag_name, monitor_name): url_format = myconfig.get('ifttt', 'url_format') event = myconfig.get('ifttt', 'event') key = myconfig.get('ifttt', 'key') url = url_format.format(event, key) msg_arrive_format = myconfig.get('ifttt', 'msg_arrive_format') msg_leave_format = myconfig.get('ifttt', 'msg_leave_format') msg = '' if state == 0: msg = msg_leave_format.format(tag_name) else: msg = msg_arrive_format.format(tag_name, monitor_name) obj = {"value1" : msg} json_data = json.dumps(obj).encode("utf-8") method = "POST" headers = {"Content-Type" : "application/json"} request = urllib.request.Request(url, data=json_data, method=method, headers=headers) with urllib.request.urlopen(request) as response: response_body ="utf-8")'IFTTT response: {}'.format(response_body))
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- __author__ = 'fengxu' import MySQLdb import myconfig as config from contextlib import contextmanager import traceback host = config.get("host") user = config.get("username") port = int(config.get("port")) passwd = config.get("password") db = config.get("dbname") charset = "utf8" @contextmanager def connect(): """Mysql Connect Util, use 'with' to execute sqls""" conn = None try: conn = MySQLdb.connect(host=host, user=user, port=port, passwd=passwd, db=db, charset=charset) except Exception, e: raise Exception("Database Connect Failed! Please check database.ini.") cursor = conn.cursor() try: yield cursor
def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, respons_code):'MQTT status: {0}'.format(respons_code)) mqtt_topic = myconfig.get('mqtt', 'topic') client.subscribe(mqtt_topic)'MQTT subscribed: {}'.format(mqtt_topic))
obj = {"value1" : msg} json_data = json.dumps(obj).encode("utf-8") method = "POST" headers = {"Content-Type" : "application/json"} request = urllib.request.Request(url, data=json_data, method=method, headers=headers) with urllib.request.urlopen(request) as response: response_body ="utf-8")'IFTTT response: {}'.format(response_body)) if __name__ == '__main__': # initialize "tags" with open('tags.json', 'r') as f: tags = json.loads('initialized tags: {}'.format(tags)) # setup MQTT client mqtt_host = myconfig.get('mqtt', 'host') mqtt_port = int(myconfig.get('mqtt', 'port')) client = mqtt.Client( client_id='tagmonitor', clean_session=True, protocol=mqtt.MQTTv311 ) client.on_connect = on_connect client.on_message = on_message client.connect(mqtt_host, port=mqtt_port, keepalive=60) client.loop_forever()
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- __author__ = 'fengxu' import MySQLdb import myconfig as config from contextlib import contextmanager import traceback host = config.get("host") user = config.get("username") port = int(config.get("port")) passwd = config.get("password") db = config.get("dbname") charset = "utf8" @contextmanager def connect(): """Mysql Connect Util, use 'with' to execute sqls""" conn = None try: conn = MySQLdb.connect( host=host, user=user, port=port, passwd=passwd, db=db, charset=charset) except Exception, e: raise Exception("Database Connect Failed! Please check database.ini.") cursor = conn.cursor() try: