def main(pages): mydb_beau = mydb() mydict_beau = mydict() mydb_beau.create_table('customer') row_count = mydb_beau.get_count() try: for i in range(pages): if i == 0: url = '' else: url = '{}&pageSize=10&isShadowSku=0&rid=0&fold=1'.format( i) r_dict = get_page(url, headers=headers) for element in r_dict['comments']: customer_list = [ element['id'], element['content'].replace(" ", "").replace( "\n", "").replace('"', "'")[0:255], element['productColor'], element['creationTime'] ] mydb_beau.insert_data(customer_list) if row_count == mydb_beau.get_count(): raise Already_exists() else: row_count = mydb_beau.get_count() if i >= 10 and i % 10 == 0: #每十页休息30s sleep(30) except Already_exists: pass if i == pages - 1: print('数据收集完成!') else: print('数据更新完成!') list_kinds = ['天空之境', '亮黑色', '极光色', '赤茶橘', '珠光贝母'] color_list = mydb_beau.get_color_data() list_numbers = [ color_list.count('天空之境'), color_list.count('亮黑色'), color_list.count('极光色'), color_list.count('赤茶橘'), color_list.count('珠光贝母') ] for comment in mydb_beau.get_str_comments(): mydict_beau.add_into_comment_dictionary( mydict_beau.divide_commint(comment)) if (mydict_beau.draw_dictionary(mydict_beau.sort_dictionary())): print("高频词词云已经绘好!") mydb_beau.close() if (draw_color(list_kinds, list_numbers)): print('颜色饼状图已经更新!')
def getHashNFileDict(directory): hash_nfile_dict = mydict() listOfFiles = getListOfFiles(directory) for f in listOfFiles: key = getHashSum(str(f).strip()) value = str(f).strip() if hash_nfile_dict.has_key(key): print 'key: %s and value: %s --Duplicate' % (key, value) else: hash_nfile_dict[key] = value return hash_nfile_dict
def bb_sendmsg(user, addr, t): ''' send msg from site or client ''' jd = mydict(echoarea=t[0], txt='\n'.join(t[5:]), repto=t[3], msgfrom=user, addr=addr, msgto=t[1], title=t[2], date=gts(), accepted=gts()) save_msg(jd)
def save_msg(jd): ''' save bbmsg to db ''' #print jd if not '.' in jd.echoarea: return msgid = hsh(bb_transform(jd, 60)) if check_title(jd.title): add_to_topic(check_title(jd.title), msgid) if '\n@@@@base64@@@@\n' in jd.txt: nw = jd.txt.split('\n@@@@base64@@@@\n', 1) jd.txt = nw[0] + '\n> spoiler!\n' + '\n'.join( wrap(base64.b64encode(nw[1]), 50)) ji = mydict(mid=msgid, **jd)**ji))
def app_rq_txt(s, data=mydict()): ''' convert db to plain text ''' kv = _mkkv(s) out = '%s\n' % gts() if kv.appendts else '' outrq = app_rq(s,data,url_req) if kv.echolist: if kv.cnt: out += '\n'.join(['%s:%s:%s' % (n[0], n[1], n[0]) for n in outrq]) + '\n' else: out += '\n'.join(outrq) + '\n' else: out += outrq if kv.endkey: out += '\n%s' % kv.endkey return out
def app_rq(s, data=mydict(), rf=get_pass): ''' application request, data = post data ''' kv = _mkkv(s) if kv.echolist: return echolist_pass(kv) elif kv.point: ea = data.ea or kv.ea or 'me' msgto = data.msgto or kv.msgto or 'All' title = data.title or kv.title or '***' repto = data.repto or kv.repto txt = data.outtxt or kv.txt t = (ea, msgto, title, repto, txt.replace('\r\n', '\n')) tb = '%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n%s' % t bb_sendmsg(data.uname, data.addr, tb.splitlines()) return 'msg ok:' else: return rf(kv)
def save_msg(jd): ''' save bbmsg to db ''' #print jd if not '.' in jd.echoarea: return msgid = hsh(bb_transform(jd, 60)) if jd.repto: obj = msg.get(msg.mid == jd.repto) jd.topicid = obj.topicid else: jd.topicid = msgid if '\n@@@@base64@@@@\n' in jd.txt: nw = jd.txt.split('\n@@@@base64@@@@\n', 1) jd.txt = nw[0] + '\n> spoiler!\n' + '\n'.join( wrap(base64.b64encode(nw[1]), 50)) ji = mydict(mid=msgid, **jd)**ji))
def point_msg(pauth, tmsg, uu): if not uu: return False msgfrom = uu.uname.encode('utf-8') tnew = tmsg.strip().replace('-', '+').replace('_', '/') tlines = base64.b64decode(tnew) lines = tlines.splitlines() echoarea = lines[0] mo = mydict(date=gts(), accepted=gts(), msgfrom=msgfrom, addr='%s,%s' % (conf.STREET,, echoarea=echoarea, msgto=lines[1], title=lines[2] or '***', txt='\n'.join(lines[4:])) if mo.txt.startswith('@repto:'): tmpmsg = mo.txt.splitlines() mo.repto = tmpmsg[0][7:] mo.repto = mo.repto[:20] mo.txt = '\n'.join(tmpmsg[1:]) save_msg(mo) return 'msg ok:'
def _mkkv(s): a = s.split('/') if a[-1] == '': a.pop() return mydict(zip(a[0::2], a[1::2]))