Beispiel #1
def update_subscriptions(user, device, add, remove):

    for a in add:
        if a in remove:
            raise IntegrityError('can not add and remove %s at the same time' % a)

    add_s = list(sanitize_urls(add, 'podcast'))
    rem_s = list(sanitize_urls(remove, 'podcast'))

    assert len(add) == len(add_s) and len(remove) == len(rem_s)

    updated_urls = filter(lambda (a, b): a != b, zip(add + remove, add_s + rem_s))

    add_s = filter(None, add_s)
    rem_s = filter(None, rem_s)

    # If two different URLs (in add and remove) have
    # been sanitized to the same, we ignore the removal
    rem_s = filter(lambda x: x not in add_s, rem_s)

    subscriber = BulkSubscribe(user, device)

    for a in add_s:
        subscriber.add_action(a, 'subscribe')

    for r in rem_s:
        subscriber.add_action(r, 'unsubscribe')

    except BulkException as be:
        for err in be.errors:
            log('Advanced API: %(username)s: Updating subscription for '
                    '%(podcast_url)s on %(device_uid)s failed: '
                    '%(rerror)s (%(reason)s)'.format(username=user.username,
                        podcast_url=err.doc, device_uid=device.uid,
                        error=err.error, reason=err.reason)

    return updated_urls
Beispiel #2
def upload(request):
        emailaddr = request.POST['username']
        password  = request.POST['password']
        action    = request.POST['action']
        protocol  = request.POST['protocol']
        opml      = request.FILES['opml'].read()
    except MultiValueDictKeyError:
        return HttpResponse("@PROTOERROR", mimetype='text/plain')

    user = auth(emailaddr, password)
    if (not user):
        return HttpResponse('@AUTHFAIL', mimetype='text/plain')

    dev = get_device(user, LEGACY_DEVICE_UID,
            request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', ''))

    existing_urls = [x.url for x in dev.get_subscribed_podcasts()]

    i = Importer(opml)

    podcast_urls = [p['url'] for p in i.items]
    podcast_urls = sanitize_urls(podcast_urls)
    podcast_urls = filter(lambda x: x, podcast_urls)

    new = [u for u in podcast_urls if u not in existing_urls]
    rem = [u for e in existing_urls if u not in podcast_urls]

    #remove duplicates
    new = list(set(new))
    rem = list(set(rem))

    for n in new:
            p = Podcast.for_url(n, create=True)
        except IntegrityError, e:
            log('/upload: Error trying to get podcast object: %s (error: %s)' % (n, e))

            p.subscribe(user, dev)
        except Exception as e:
            log('Legacy API: %(username)s: could not subscribe to podcast %(podcast_url)s on device %(device_id)s: %(exception)s' %
                {'username': user.username, 'podcast_url': p.url, 'device_id':, 'exception': e})
Beispiel #3
def parse_subscription(raw_post_data, format):
    if format == 'txt':
        urls = raw_post_data.split('\n')

    elif format == 'opml':
        begin = raw_post_data.find('<?xml')
        end = raw_post_data.find('</opml>') + 7
        i = Importer(content=raw_post_data[begin:end])
        urls = [p['url'] for p in i.items]

    elif format == 'json':
        begin = raw_post_data.find('[')
        end = raw_post_data.find(']') + 1
        urls = json.loads(raw_post_data[begin:end])

        return []

    urls = sanitize_urls(urls)
    urls = filter(None, urls)
    urls = set(urls)
    return urls