def make_run_list(ev_times, ev_runids, exclude_runs=None): """ Make a run list from given event times and run IDs and a list of included runs. Run start, stop are estimated from first and last event time in each run, which is biased but there seems to be no better way. Parameters ---------- ev_times : array-like, shape (nevts,) Event times in MJD days from the used data sample. ev_runids : array-like, shape (nevts,) Event run IDs from the used data sample. exclude_runs : array-like or None, optional Run IDs to exclude, for example when samples overlap. (default: ``None``) Returns ------- run_list : list of dicts Dict with keys similar to a snapshot from [1]_ in JSON format: [ {"good_tstart": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS", "good_tstop": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS", "run": 123456}, {...}, ..., {...} ] Times are given in iso formatted strings and run IDs as integers. References ---------- .. [1] """ # If selected runs were empty on final level, they are not considered here used_run_ids = np.unique(ev_runids).astype(int) ev_runids = ev_runids.astype(int) if exclude_runs is not None: used_run_ids = filter(lambda runid: runid not in exclude_runs, used_run_ids) print(" Exluded runs: {}".format(arr2str(exclude_runs, fmt="{:d}"))) run_list = [] livetimes = np.zeros(len(used_run_ids), dtype=float) for i, runid in enumerate(used_run_ids): ev_mask = (ev_runids == runid) ev_t = ev_times[ev_mask] # (Under-) Estimate livetime by difference of last and first event time tstart = astrotime.Time(np.amin(ev_t), format="mjd").iso tstop = astrotime.Time(np.amax(ev_t), format="mjd").iso livetimes[i] = np.amax(ev_t) - np.amin(ev_t) # Append valid run dict to run list run_list.append({"run": runid, "good_tstart": tstart, "good_tstop": tstop}) print(" Livetime: {:.3f} days".format(np.sum(livetimes))) print(" Had {} / {} runs with non-zero livetime.".format( np.sum(livetimes > 0), len(used_run_ids))) return run_list
# let's just remove the few runs here) exclude = {name: None for name in all_sample_names} exclude["IC86, 2012-2014"] = [120028, 120029, 120030] exclude["IC86, 2015"] = [126289, 126290, 126291] outpath = os.path.join(PATHS.local, "runlists") if not os.path.isdir(outpath): os.makedirs(outpath) for name in all_sample_names: print("Making runlist for {}".format(name)) if name in ps_sample_names: tracks = ps_tracks else: tracks = gfu_tracks exp_files = tracks.files(name)[0] exp = tracks.load(exp_files) _info = arr2str(exp_files if isinstance(exp_files, list) else [exp_files], sep="\n ") print(" Loaded {} track sample from skylab:\n {}".format( "PS" if name in ps_sample_names else "GFU", _info)) ev_times, ev_runids = exp["time"], exp["Run"] run_list = make_run_list(ev_times, ev_runids, exclude[name]) fname = name.replace(", ", "_") + ".json" with open(os.path.join(outpath, fname), "w") as outf: json.dump(run_list, fp=outf, indent=2) print(" Saved to:\n {}".format(os.path.join(outpath, fname)))
"\nAllow overwrites (y/n)? ") if not res.lower() in ("y", "yes"): print("Abort. Script has done nothing.") sys.exit() print(" Using output directory '{}'.".format(outpath)) else: os.makedirs(outpath) print("Created output directory '{}'.".format(outpath)) files = np.array(glob(os.path.join(inpath, "*.json"))) file_names = np.array(map(lambda s: os.path.basename(s), files)) dataset_nums = set(map(lambda s: s.split("_")[0], file_names)) # Combine all to a single JSON file print("Reading files from directory:\n {}".format(inpath)) print(" Found JSON files for datasets: {}".format(arr2str(dataset_nums))) run_ids_per_sam = {} event_ids_per_sam = {} for num in dataset_nums: print("Combining IDs from set '{}':".format(num)) run_ids = [] event_ids = [] _files = files[map(lambda s: s.startswith(num), file_names)] for fi in tqdm(_files): with open(fi, "r") as inf: di = json.load(inf) run_ids += di["run_id"] event_ids += di["event_id"] assert len(run_ids) == len(event_ids)