Beispiel #1
def test_amerge():
    a = T([S(1), S(t=ty.Int[64])])
    b = T([S(1), S(t=ty.Int[64])])
    c = T([S(t=ty.Int[64]), S(t=ty.Int[64])])

    assert amerge(a, b, forced=False) is a
    assert amerge(a, c, forced=False) == c
    assert amerge(c, a, forced=False) is c

    with pytest.raises(MyiaTypeError):
        amerge(a, c, forced=True)

    assert amerge(1, 2, forced=False) is ANYTHING
    with pytest.raises(MyiaTypeError):
        assert amerge(1, 2, forced=True)

    with pytest.raises(MyiaTypeError):
        assert amerge("hello", "world", forced=False)

    assert amerge(ty.Int, ty.Int[64], forced=False) is ty.Int
    assert amerge(ty.Int[64], ty.Int, forced=False) is ty.Int
    with pytest.raises(MyiaTypeError):
        amerge(ty.Float, ty.Int, forced=False)
    with pytest.raises(MyiaTypeError):
        amerge(ty.Int[64], ty.Int, forced=True)

    loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
    p = PendingFromList([ty.Int[64], ty.Float[64]], None, None, loop=loop)
    assert amerge(ty.Number, p, forced=False, bind_pending=False) \
        is ty.Number
    assert amerge(p, ty.Number, forced=False, bind_pending=False) \
        is ty.Number
    with pytest.raises(MyiaTypeError):
        print(amerge(p, ty.Number, forced=True, bind_pending=False))

    assert amerge(AbstractError(DEAD),
                  forced=False) is AbstractError(ANYTHING)

    d1 = {'x': 1}
    d2 = {'y': 2}
    with pytest.raises(MyiaTypeError):
        print(amerge(d1, d2))

    td1 = TrackDict({ALIASID: 1})
    td2 = TrackDict({})
    with pytest.raises(MyiaTypeError):
        print(amerge(td1, td2, forced=True))
Beispiel #2
def test_repr():

    s1 = to_abstract_test(1)
    assert repr(s1) == 'AbstractScalar(Int[64] = 1)'

    s2 = to_abstract_test(f32)
    assert repr(s2) == 'AbstractScalar(Float[32])'

    t1 = to_abstract_test((1, f32))
    assert repr(t1) == f'AbstractTuple((Int[64] = 1, Float[32]))'

    l1 = to_abstract_test([f32])
    assert repr(l1) == f'AbstractList([Float[32]])'

    a1 = to_abstract_test(af32_of(4, 5))
    assert repr(a1) == f'AbstractArray(Float[32] x 4 x 5)'

    p1 = to_abstract_test(Point(1, f32))
    assert repr(p1) == \
        f'AbstractClass(Point(x :: Int[64] = 1, y :: Float[32]))'

    j1 = AbstractJTagged(to_abstract_test(1))
    assert repr(j1) == f'AbstractJTagged(J(Int[64] = 1))'

    ty1 = Ty(f32)
    assert repr(ty1) == 'AbstractType(Ty(Float[32]))'

    e1 = AbstractError(DEAD)
    assert repr(e1) == 'AbstractError(E(DEAD))'

    f1 = AbstractFunction(P.scalar_mul)
    assert repr(f1) == 'AbstractFunction(scalar_mul)'
Beispiel #3
def test_repr():

    s1 = to_abstract_test(1)
    assert repr(s1) == 'S(VALUE=1, TYPE=Int[64])'

    s2 = to_abstract_test(f32)
    assert repr(s2) == 'S(TYPE=Float[32])'

    t1 = to_abstract_test((1, f32))
    assert repr(t1) == f'T({s1}, {s2})'

    l1 = to_abstract_test([f32])
    assert repr(l1) == f'L({s2})'

    a1 = to_abstract_test(af32_of(4, 5))
    assert repr(a1) == f'A({s2}, SHAPE=(4, 5))'

    p1 = to_abstract_test(Point(1, f32))
    assert repr(p1) == f'*Point(x={s1}, y={s2})'

    j1 = AbstractJTagged(to_abstract_test(1))
    assert repr(j1) == f'J({s1})'

    ty1 = Ty(f32)
    assert repr(ty1) == 'Ty(Float[32])'

    e1 = AbstractError(DEAD)
    assert repr(e1) == 'E(DEAD)'

    f1 = AbstractFunction(P.scalar_mul)
    assert repr(f1) == 'Fn(Possibilities({scalar_mul}))'
Beispiel #4
def test_amerge():
    a = T([S(1), S(t=ty.Int[64])])
    b = T([S(1), S(t=ty.Int[64])])
    c = T([S(t=ty.Int[64]), S(t=ty.Int[64])])

    assert amerge(a, b, forced=False) is a
    assert amerge(a, c, forced=False) == c
    assert amerge(c, a, forced=False) is c

    with pytest.raises(MyiaTypeError):
        amerge(a, c, forced=True)

    assert amerge(1, 2, forced=False) is ANYTHING
    with pytest.raises(MyiaTypeError):
        assert amerge(1, 2, forced=True)

    with pytest.raises(MyiaTypeError):
        assert amerge("hello", "world", forced=False)

    assert amerge(ty.Int, ty.Int[64], forced=False) is ty.Int
    assert amerge(ty.Int[64], ty.Int, forced=False) is ty.Int
    with pytest.raises(MyiaTypeError):
        amerge(ty.Float, ty.Int, forced=False)
    with pytest.raises(MyiaTypeError):
        amerge(ty.Int[64], ty.Int, forced=True)

    assert amerge(AbstractError(DEAD), AbstractError(ANYTHING),
                  forced=False) is AbstractError(ANYTHING)

    d1 = {'x': 1}
    d2 = {'y': 2}
    with pytest.raises(MyiaTypeError):
        print(amerge(d1, d2))

    td1 = TrackDict({ALIASID: 1})
    td2 = TrackDict({})
    with pytest.raises(MyiaTypeError):
        print(amerge(td1, td2, forced=True))
Beispiel #5
def test_repr():

    s1 = to_abstract_test(1)
    assert repr(s1) == "AbstractScalar(Int[64] = 1)"

    s2 = to_abstract_test(f32)
    assert repr(s2) == "AbstractScalar(Float[32])"

    t1 = to_abstract_test((1, f32))
    assert repr(t1) == f"AbstractTuple((Int[64] = 1, Float[32]))"

    a1 = to_abstract_test(af32_of(4, 5))
    assert repr(a1) == f"AbstractArray(Float[32] x 4 x 5)"

    p1 = to_abstract_test(Point(1, f32))
    assert repr(
        p1) == f"AbstractClass(Point(x :: Int[64] = 1, y :: Float[32]))"

    j1 = AbstractJTagged(to_abstract_test(1))
    assert repr(j1) == f"AbstractJTagged(J(Int[64] = 1))"

    h1 = AbstractHandle(to_abstract_test(1))
    assert repr(h1) == f"AbstractHandle(H(Int[64] = 1))"

    kw1 = AbstractKeywordArgument("bucket", to_abstract_test(1))
    assert repr(kw1) == f"AbstractKeywordArgument(KW(bucket :: Int[64] = 1))"

    ty1 = Ty(f32)
    assert repr(ty1) == "AbstractType(Ty(AbstractScalar(Float[32])))"

    e1 = AbstractError(DEAD)
    assert repr(e1) == "AbstractError(E(DEAD))"

    f1 = AbstractFunction(P.scalar_mul)
    assert repr(f1) == "AbstractFunction(scalar_mul)"

    fa = AbstractFunction(value=ANYTHING)
    assert repr(fa) == "AbstractFunction(ANYTHING)"

    tu1 = AbstractTaggedUnion([[13, s2], [4, to_abstract_test(i16)]])
    assert repr(tu1) == "AbstractTaggedUnion(U(4 :: Int[16], 13 :: Float[32]))"

    bot = AbstractBottom()
    assert repr(bot) == "AbstractBottom(⊥)"
Beispiel #6
def test_repr():

    s1 = to_abstract_test(1)
    assert repr(s1) == 'AbstractScalar(Int[64] = 1)'

    s2 = to_abstract_test(f32)
    assert repr(s2) == 'AbstractScalar(Float[32])'

    t1 = to_abstract_test((1, f32))
    assert repr(t1) == f'AbstractTuple((Int[64] = 1, Float[32]))'

    a1 = to_abstract_test(af32_of(4, 5))
    assert repr(a1) == f'AbstractArray(Float[32] x 4 x 5)'

    p1 = to_abstract_test(Point(1, f32))
    assert repr(p1) == \
        f'AbstractClass(Point(x :: Int[64] = 1, y :: Float[32]))'

    j1 = AbstractJTagged(to_abstract_test(1))
    assert repr(j1) == f'AbstractJTagged(J(Int[64] = 1))'

    kw1 = AbstractKeywordArgument('bucket', to_abstract_test(1))
    assert repr(kw1) == f'AbstractKeywordArgument(KW(bucket :: Int[64] = 1))'

    ty1 = Ty(f32)
    assert repr(ty1) == 'AbstractType(Ty(Float[32]))'

    e1 = AbstractError(DEAD)
    assert repr(e1) == 'AbstractError(E(DEAD))'

    f1 = AbstractFunction(P.scalar_mul)
    assert repr(f1) == 'AbstractFunction(scalar_mul)'

    tu1 = AbstractTaggedUnion([[13, s2], [4, to_abstract_test(i16)]])
    assert repr(tu1) == \
        'AbstractTaggedUnion(U(4 :: Int[16], 13 :: Float[32]))'

    def mackerel(info):

    assert repr(mackerel) == '<Macro mackerel>'