Beispiel #1
    return einsum("ij->", a)

@run_debug(MA(3, 4), MB(3, 4))
def test_einsum_elemwise2d(a, b):
    return einsum("ij,ij->ij", a, b)

@run_debug(MA(3, 4), MB(4, 3))
def test_einsum_elemwise2d_T(a, b):
    return einsum("ij,ji->ij", a, b)

    run_debug(MA(2, 3), MB(3, 4)),
    infer(MA(2, 3), MB(4, 3), result=InferenceError),
    infer(MA(2, 3), MB(3, 4)[1], result=InferenceError),
    infer(MA(2, 3), MB(3, 4), MA(2, 2), result=InferenceError),
def test_einsum_mm(a, b):
    return einsum("ij,jk->ik", a, b)

@run_debug(MA(2, 3), MB(4, 3))
def test_einsum_inner2d(a, b):
    return einsum("ij,kj->ik", a, b)

@run_debug(MA(2, 3), MB(4, 3))
def test_einsum_rowmul(a, b):
    return einsum("ij,kj->ikj", a, b)
Beispiel #2
from myia.testing.common import Ty, af16_of, af64_of, ai16_of, ai32_of, au64_of
from myia.testing.multitest import infer, mt, run
from myia.utils.errors import MyiaTypeError
from myia.xtype import f64, i32, i64

from .examples.operations import composite_full, composite_simple

def Shp(*values):
    """Convert values to a tuple of numpy unsigned integers."""
    return tuple(np.uint64(value) for value in values)

    # An error should be raised if wrong values are given as types.
    infer(Shp(2, 3), i32, "bad string", result=MyiaTypeError),
    infer(Shp(2, 3), i32, 10, result=MyiaTypeError),
    infer(Shp(2, 3), i32, (), result=MyiaTypeError),
    # Otherwise, output type should be specified d-type.
    infer(Shp(2, 3), i64, Ty(np.int16), result=ai16_of(2, 3)),
    infer(Shp(2, 3), i64, Ty(np.float16), result=af16_of(2, 3)),
    infer(Shp(2, 3), i64, Ty(np.float64), result=af64_of(2, 3)),
    infer(Shp(2, 3), f64, Ty(np.int16), result=ai16_of(2, 3)),
    infer(Shp(2, 3), f64, Ty(np.int32), result=ai32_of(2, 3)),
    infer(Shp(2, 3), f64, Ty(np.uint64), result=au64_of(2, 3)),
def test_infer_composite_full(shape, value, dtype):
    return composite_full(shape, value, dtype)

Beispiel #3
from myia.lib import InferenceError
from myia.operations import dtype, scalar_cast
from myia.testing.common import MA, Ty, af32_of, f32, i64, to_abstract_test
from myia.testing.multitest import infer, mt, run

    infer(i64, result=InferenceError),
    infer(af32_of(4, 5), result=Ty(to_abstract_test(f32))),
def test_dtype(arr):
    return dtype(arr)

@mt(infer(af32_of(4, 5), i64, result=f32), run(MA(2, 3), 7, result=7.0))
def test_cast_to_dtype(arr, x):
    return scalar_cast(x, dtype(arr))
Beispiel #4
from myia.operations import (
from myia.testing.common import H, f64, i64
from myia.testing.multitest import infer, mt, run_debug
from myia.utils import HandleInstance, InferenceError, new_universe
from myia.xtype import EnvType, UniverseType

    infer(UniverseType, i64, result=H(i64)),
    infer(UniverseType, (i64, f64), result=H((i64, f64))),
def test_make_handle(U, x):
    return make_handle(typeof(x), U)[1]

    infer(UniverseType, H(i64), result=i64),
    infer(EnvType, H(i64), result=InferenceError),
    infer(UniverseType, i64, result=InferenceError),
def test_universe_getitem(U, h):
    return universe_getitem(U, h)

    infer(UniverseType, H(i64), i64, result=UniverseType),
Beispiel #5
from myia.testing.multitest import infer, mt, run
from myia.utils.errors import MyiaTypeError
from myia.xtype import Bool, Nil, f16, f32, f64, i8, i16, i32, i64, u32, u64

def Shp(*values):
    """Convert values to a tuple of numpy unsigned integers."""
    return tuple(np.uint64(value) for value in values)

    infer(u32, u32, result=u32),
    infer(i32, i32, result=i32),
    infer(i64, i64, result=i64),
    run(5, 7, result=5),
def test_bitwise_and(a, b):
    return a & b

    infer(u32, u32, result=u32),
    infer(i32, i32, result=i32),
    infer(i64, i64, result=i64),
    run(5, 2, result=7),
def test_bitwise_or(a, b):