def album_uploader(path): data = parse_meta(os.path.join(path, 'meta')) if data['type'] != "album": print("ALARM! UVAGA! meta contains wrong information! %s" % path) data['type'] = "album" if data['dir'] in UPLOADED: print("Album %s is already uploaded" % data['dir']) return UPLOADED[data['dir']] photos = [] # At first we have to download photos from that album # and after create photoset for that photos for photo in filter(lambda x: not x.endswith('meta') and x != "log", os.listdir(path)): photo_path = os.path.join(path, photo) photo_id = photo_uploader(photo_path) photos.append(photo_id) photoset_id = flickr.photosets_create( title=data['title'], description=data['description'], primary_photo_id=photos[0]).getchildren()[0].attrib['id'] update_log(data['dir'], photoset_id) my_log('album:::%s:::%s' % (data['title'], photoset_id)) # we already added first photo into the photoset and add another n-1 for photo_id in photos[1:]: try: flickr.photosets_addPhoto(photoset_id=photoset_id, photo_id=photo_id) except FlickrError, e: print e
def write_file(self): link = self.attributes['image'] path = self.attributes['path'] if not os.path.isfile(path): with open(path, 'w') as fd: fd.write(urllib2.urlopen(link).read()) with open(path + ".meta", "w") as meta: meta.write(self.get_meta()) my_log("File %s is writted" % path)
def photo_uploader(path): data = parse_meta(path+'.meta') if data['path'] in UPLOADED: print("Item %s is already uploaded" % data['path']) return UPLOADED[data['path']] photo_id = flickr.upload(filename=data['path'], title=data['title'], description=data['description']).find('photoid').text update_log(data['path'], photo_id) my_log('photo:::%s:::%s' % (data['title'], photo_id)) dl = data['date'].split('/') date = "%s-%s-%s" % (dl[2], dl[0], dl[1]) flickr.photos_setDates(photo_id=photo_id, date_posted=date) return photo_id
def collection_uploader(path): data = parse_meta(os.path.join(path, 'meta')) if data['dir'] in UPLOADED: print("Collection %s is already uploaded") return UPLOADED[data['dir']] inners = [] isdir = is_dir(path) for inner in filter(isdir, os.listdir(path)): inner_path = os.path.join(path, inner) inner_id = uploader(inner_path) inners.append(inner_id) collection_id = flickr.collections_create(title=data['title'], description=data['description'] ).getchildren()[0].attrib['id'] update_log(data['dir'], collection_id) my_log('collection:::%s:::%s' % (data['title'], collection_id)) flickr.collections_editSets(collection_id=collection_id, photoset_ids=','.join(inners)) return collection_id
def run(self): if not os.path.isdir(self.cur_dir): os.mkdir(self.cur_dir) my_log("Album %s created" % self.cur_dir) albums, items = self.get_albums_n_items() if len(albums) and len(items): # If album has another albums and sole items too # we should create album for that sole objects # because Flickr can not contain sole object with albums in a collection self.update_albums(albums) new_dir = os.path.join(self.cur_dir, if not os.path.isdir(new_dir): os.mkdir(new_dir) with open(os.path.join(new_dir, "meta"), "w") as meta: meta.write(self.get_meta(new_dir)) self.update_items(items, new_dir) elif len(albums): self.update_albums(albums) else: self.update_items(items, self.cur_dir) with open(os.path.join(self.cur_dir, "meta"), "w") as meta: meta.write(self.get_meta(self.cur_dir)) return self