Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, jdn_):
        assert isinstance(jdn_, JulianDayNumber), \
               'jdn_ should be a JulianDayNumber'
        T = (jdn_.jdn - epoch_j2000.jdn) / julian_century
        T_cube = T**3

        # @todo - Implement the IAU table accurate to 0.0003"

        ## Mean elongation of the Moon from Sun
        D = 297.85036 + (445267.111480 - 0.0019142 * T) * T + T_cube / 189474.0
        D = pfmod(D, 360)
        D = radians(D)

        ## Mean anomaly of the Earth
        M_earth = 357.52772 + (35999.050340 -
                               0.0001603 * T) * T - T_cube / 3000000
        M_earth = pfmod(M_earth, 360)
        M_earth = radians(M_earth)

        ## Mean anomaly of the Moon
        M_moon = 134.96298 + (477198.867398 +
                              0.0086972 * T) * T + T_cube / 56250
        M_moon = pfmod(M_moon, 360)
        M_moon = radians(M_moon)

        ## Moon's argument of latitude
        F = 93.271191 + (483202.017538 - 0.0036825 * T) * T + T_cube / 327270
        F = pfmod(F, 360)
        F = radians(F)

        ## Longitude of ascending node
        Omega = 125.04452 - (1934.136261 - 0.0020707 * T) * T + T_cube / 450000
        Omega = pfmod(Omega, 360)
        Omega = radians(Omega)

        # Accurate to 0.5" in dPsi, 0.1" in dEpsilon
        # See more accurate expression in sun
        L_sun = pfmod(280.4665 + 36000.7698 * T, 360)
        L_sun = radians(L_sun)
        L_moon = pfmod(218.3165 + 481267.8813 * T, 360)
        L_moon = radians(L_moon)

        d_psi = -17.20*sin(Omega) - 1.32*sin(2*L_sun) \
                - 0.23*sin(2*L_moon) + 0.21*sin(2*Omega) # arc-sec
        self.d_psi_low = radians(d_psi / 3600.0)

        d_epsilon = 9.20*cos(Omega) + 0.57*cos(2*L_sun) \
                    + 0.10*cos(2*L_moon) - 0.09*cos(2*Omega) #arc-sec
        self.d_epsilon_low = radians(d_epsilon / 3600.0)

        ## Obliquity (valid only for |U|<1)
        U = T / 100.0
        epsilon = (23 + (26 + 21.448 / 60.0) / 60.0)
        correction = ((((((((
            (2.45 * U + 5.79) * U + 27.87) * U + 7.12) * U - 39.05) * U -
                          249.67) * U - 51.38) * U + 1999.25) * U - 1.55) * U -
                      4680.93) * U  # arc-sec
        epsilon += (correction / 3600.0)
        self.epsilon_0 = radians(epsilon)
Beispiel #2
    def canonical(self):
        # First mod it to lie between 0 and 2*pi
        two_pis = 2 * pi
        self.rads = pfmod(self.rads, two_pis)
        # Now map each quadrant so that the final result lies in -pi/2, pi/2
        # 0 - pi/2: no change
        # pi/2 - pi: map to range pi/2, 0
        # pi - 3pi/2: map to range 0, -pi/2
        # 3pi/2 - 2pi: map to range -pi/2, 0
        if 0 <= self.rads <= pi / 2:
        elif self.rads <= pi:
            self.rads = pi - self.rads
        elif self.rads <= 3 * pi / 2:
            self.rads = -(self.rads - pi)
        else:  # 3*pi/2 < self.rads < 2*pi
            self.rads -= two_pis

        # Check that we did every thing right
        assert fabs(
        ) <= pi / 2, 'Latitude should not exceed pi/2 radians either side of 0'
        return self
Beispiel #3
def equation_of_kepler_binarysearch(M_, e_, loop_=33):
    """Calculate the Eccentric anomaly from the Mean Anomaly using binary search.
    @param M_ The Mean anomaly as a Longitude object
    @param e_ The eccentricity of the orbit
    @param loop_ The number of times to
    @return The Eccentric anomaly as a Longitude object
    assert isinstance(M_, Longitude), 'M_ should be a Longitude'
    assert isinstance(e_, Number), 'e_ should be a Number'
    assert 0 <= e_ < 1, 'e_ should lie between 0 and 1'
    assert type(loop_) is IntType, 'loop_ should be an integer'
    M_ = pfmod(M_.rads, 2 * pi)
    if M_ > pi:
        sign = -1
        M_ = 2 * pi - M_
        sign = 1
    E0, D = pi / 2, pi / 4
    for idx in range(loop_):
        M1 = E0 - e * sin(E0)
        E0 += copysign(D, M_ - M1)
        D /= 2
    E0 *= sign
    return Longitude(E0)
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, jdn_):
        assert isinstance(jdn_, JulianDayNumber), \
               'jdn_ should be a JulianDayNumber'

        two_pi = 2 * pi

        T = (jdn_.jdn - epoch_j2000.jdn) / julian_century

        # Mean Longitude referred to the mean equinox
        L_0 = 280.46646 + (36000.76983 + 0.0003032 * T) * T
        L_0 = pfmod(L_0, 360)
        L_0 = radians(L_0)

        # Mean anomaly
        M = 357.52911 + (35999.05029 - 0.0001537 * T) * T
        M = pfmod(M, 360)
        M = radians(M)

        # Eccentricity of the Earth's orbit
        e = 0.016708634 - (0.000042037 + 0.0000001267 * T) * T

        # Equation of the center
        C = (1.914602 - (0.004817 + 0.000014*T)*T)*sin(M) \
            + (0.019993 - 0.000101*T)*sin(2*M)            \
            + 0.000289*sin(3*M)
        C = pfmod(C, 360)
        C = radians(C)

        # True geometric Longitude referred to the mean equinox of the date
        self.L = pfmod(L_0 + C, two_pi)

        # True geometric latitude referred to the mean equinox
        self.beta = 0

        # True anomaly
        self.v = pfmod(M + C, two_pi)

        # Radius vector
        self.R = 1.000001018 * (1 - e**2) / (1 + e * cos(self.v))

        # Longitude of ascending node (see more accurate expression in ecliptic)
        Omega = radians(125.04 - 1934.136 * T)

        # Apparent Longitude referred to the *true* equinox of the date
        self.lambda_apparent = degrees(self.L) - 0.00569 - 0.00478 * sin(Omega)
        self.lambda_apparent = pfmod(self.lambda_apparent, 360)
        self.lambda_apparent = radians(self.lambda_apparent)

        # Apparent Latitude referred to the *true* equinox of the date
        self.beta_apparent = 0

        # Equatorial coordinates referred to the mean equinox of the date
        ecliptic = Ecliptic(jdn_)
        w_uncorrected = ecliptic.get_obliquity_uncorrected().rads

        self.alpha = atan2(cos(w_uncorrected) * sin(self.L), cos(self.L))
        self.alpha = pfmod(self.alpha, two_pi) = asin(sin(w_uncorrected) * sin(self.L)) = pfmod(, two_pi)

        # Equatorial coordinates referred to the *true* equinox of the date
        w_corrected = w_uncorrected + radians(0.00256 * cos(Omega))

        self.alpha_apparent = \
            atan2(cos(w_corrected)*sin(self.lambda_apparent), cos(self.L))
        self.alpha_apparent = pfmod(self.alpha_apparent, two_pi)

        self.delta_apparent = asin(
            sin(w_corrected) * sin(self.lambda_apparent))
        self.delta_apparent = pfmod(self.delta_apparent, two_pi)

        # Rectangular Coordinates referred to the mean equinox of the date
        self.X = self.R * cos(self.beta) * cos(self.L)
        self.Y = self.R*(cos(self.beta)*sin(self.L)*cos(w_uncorrected) \
                         - sin(self.beta)*sin(w_uncorrected))
        self.Z = self.R*(cos(self.beta)*sin(self.L)*sin(w_uncorrected) \
                         + sin(self.beta)*cos(w_uncorrected))
Beispiel #5
 def canonical(self):
     two_pis = 2 * pi
     self.rads = pfmod(self.rads, two_pis)
     return self