def __init__(self, root, protocol=1): """ Return a db object that will manage the specied directory""" self.root = Path(root).expanduser().abspath() self.protocol = protocol if not self.root.isdir(): self.root.makedirs() # cache has { 'key' : (obj, orig_mod_time) } self.cache = {}
class PickleShareDB(UserDict.DictMixin): """ The main 'connection' object for PickleShare database """ def __init__(self, root, protocol=1): """ Return a db object that will manage the specied directory""" self.root = Path(root).expanduser().abspath() self.protocol = protocol if not self.root.isdir(): self.root.makedirs() # cache has { 'key' : (obj, orig_mod_time) } self.cache = {} def __getitem__(self, key): """ db['key'] reading """ fil = self.root / key try: mtime = fil.stat()[stat.ST_MTIME] except OSError: raise KeyError(key) if fil in self.cache and mtime == self.cache[fil][1]: return self.cache[fil][0] try: # The cached item has expired, need to read obj = pickle.load( except: raise KeyError(key) self.cache[fil] = (obj, mtime) return obj def __setitem__(self, key, value): """ db['key'] = 5 """ fil = self.root / key parent = fil.parent if parent and not parent.isdir(): parent.makedirs() pickled = pickle.dump(value,"w"), protocol=self.protocol) try: self.cache[fil] = (value, fil.mtime) except OSError, e: if e.errno != 2: raise