Beispiel #1
    def execute(self, connections, output=sys.stdout,
                connector=mysql.connector, **kwrds):
        """Execute the search for objects

        This method searches for objects that match a search criteria for
        one or more servers.

        connections[in]    list of connection parameters
        output[in]         file stream to display information
                           default = sys.stdout
        connector[in]      connector to use
                           default = mysql.connector
        kwrds[in]          dictionary of options
          format           format for display
                           default = GRID
        fmt = kwrds.get('format', "grid")
        charset = kwrds.get('charset', None)
        ssl_opts = kwrds.get('ssl_opts', {})
        entries = []
        for info in connections:
            conn = parse_connection(info)
            if not conn:
                msg = "'%s' is not a valid connection specifier" % (info,)
                raise FormatError(msg)
            if charset:
                conn['charset'] = charset
            info = conn
            conn['host'] = conn['host'].replace("[", "")
            conn['host'] = conn['host'].replace("]", "")

            if connector == mysql.connector:
                set_ssl_opts_in_connection_info(ssl_opts, info)

            connection = connector.connect(**info)

            if not charset:
                # If no charset provided, get it from the
                # "character_set_client" server variable.
                cursor = connection.cursor()
                cursor.execute("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_client'")
                res = cursor.fetchall()

            cursor = connection.cursor()
            entries.extend([tuple([_spec(info)] + list(row))
                            for row in cursor])

        headers = ["Connection"]
        headers.extend(col[0].title() for col in cursor.description)
        if len(entries) > 0 and output:
            print_list(output, fmt, headers, entries)
            msg = "Nothing matches '%s' in any %s" % \
                (self.__pattern, _join_words(self.__types, conjunction="or"))
            raise EmptyResultError(msg)
Beispiel #2
    def execute(self,
        """Execute the search for objects

        This method searches for objects that match a search criteria for
        one or more servers.

        connections[in]    list of connection parameters
        output[in]         file stream to display information
                           default = sys.stdout
        connector[in]      connector to use
                           default = mysql.connector
        kwrds[in]          dictionary of options
          format           format for display
                           default = GRID
        fmt = kwrds.get('format', "grid")
        charset = kwrds.get('charset', None)
        ssl_opts = kwrds.get('ssl_opts', {})
        entries = []
        for info in connections:
            conn = parse_connection(info)
            if not conn:
                msg = "'%s' is not a valid connection specifier" % (info, )
                raise FormatError(msg)
            if charset:
                conn['charset'] = charset
            info = conn
            conn['host'] = conn['host'].replace("[", "")
            conn['host'] = conn['host'].replace("]", "")

            if connector == mysql.connector:
                set_ssl_opts_in_connection_info(ssl_opts, info)

            connection = connector.connect(**info)

            if not charset:
                # If no charset provided, get it from the
                # "character_set_client" server variable.
                cursor = connection.cursor()
                cursor.execute("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_client'")
                res = cursor.fetchall()

            cursor = connection.cursor()
                [tuple([_spec(info)] + list(row)) for row in cursor])

        headers = ["Connection"]
        headers.extend(col[0].title() for col in cursor.description)
        if len(entries) > 0 and output:
            print_list(output, fmt, headers, entries)
            msg = "Nothing matches '%s' in any %s" % \
                (self.__pattern, _join_words(self.__types, conjunction="or"))
            raise EmptyResultError(msg)
Beispiel #3
    def execute(self, connections, **kwrds):
        """Execute the search for processes, queries, or connections

        This method searches for processes, queriers, or connections to
        either kill or display the matches for one or more servers.

        connections[in]    list of connection parameters
        kwrds[in]          dictionary of options
          output           file stream to display information
                           default = sys.stdout
          connector        connector to use
                           default = mysql.connector
          format           format for display
                           default = GRID

        output = kwrds.get('output', sys.stdout)
        connector = kwrds.get('connector', mysql.connector)
        fmt = kwrds.get('format', "grid")
        charset = kwrds.get('charset', None)
        ssl_opts = kwrds.get('ssl_opts', {})

        headers = ("Connection", "Id", "User", "Host", "Db", "Command", "Time",
                   "State", "Info")
        entries = []
        # Build SQL statement
        for info in connections:
            conn = parse_connection(info)
            if not conn:
                msg = "'%s' is not a valid connection specifier" % (info, )
                raise FormatError(msg)
            if charset:
                conn['charset'] = charset
            info = conn

            if connector == mysql.connector:
                set_ssl_opts_in_connection_info(ssl_opts, info)

            connection = connector.connect(**info)

            if not charset:
                # If no charset provided, get it from the
                # "character_set_client" server variable.
                cursor = connection.cursor()
                cursor.execute("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_client'")
                res = cursor.fetchall()

            cursor = connection.cursor()
            print_rows = []
            cols = [
                "Id", "User", "Host", "db", "Command", "Time", "State", "Info"
            for row in cursor:
                if (KILL_QUERY in self.__actions) or \
                   (KILL_CONNECTION in self.__actions):
                    cursor.execute("KILL {0}".format(row[0]))
                if PRINT_PROCESS in self.__actions:
                    entries.append(tuple([_spec(info)] + list(row)))
            if print_rows:
                print "# The following KILL commands were executed:"
                print_list(output, fmt, cols, print_rows)

        # If output is None, nothing is printed
        if len(entries) > 0 and output:
            entries.sort(key=lambda fifth: fifth[5])
            print_list(output, fmt, headers, entries)
        elif PRINT_PROCESS in self.__actions:
            raise EmptyResultError("No matches found")
Beispiel #4
    def execute(self, connections, **kwrds):
        """Execute the search for processes, queries, or connections

        This method searches for processes, queriers, or connections to
        either kill or display the matches for one or more servers.

        connections[in]    list of connection parameters
        kwrds[in]          dictionary of options
          output           file stream to display information
                           default = sys.stdout
          connector        connector to use
                           default = mysql.connector
          format           format for display
                           default = GRID

        output = kwrds.get('output', sys.stdout)
        connector = kwrds.get('connector', mysql.connector)
        fmt = kwrds.get('format', "grid")
        charset = kwrds.get('charset', None)
        ssl_opts = kwrds.get('ssl_opts', {})

        headers = ("Connection", "Id", "User", "Host", "Db",
                   "Command", "Time", "State", "Info")
        entries = []
        # Build SQL statement
        for info in connections:
            conn = parse_connection(info)
            if not conn:
                msg = "'%s' is not a valid connection specifier" % (info,)
                raise FormatError(msg)
            if charset:
                conn['charset'] = charset
            info = conn

            if connector == mysql.connector:
                set_ssl_opts_in_connection_info(ssl_opts, info)

            connection = connector.connect(**info)

            if not charset:
                # If no charset provided, get it from the
                # "character_set_client" server variable.
                cursor = connection.cursor()
                cursor.execute("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_client'")
                res = cursor.fetchall()

            cursor = connection.cursor()
            print_rows = []
            cols = ["Id", "User", "Host", "db", "Command", "Time",
                    "State", "Info"]
            for row in cursor:
                if (KILL_QUERY in self.__actions) or \
                   (KILL_CONNECTION in self.__actions):
                    cursor.execute("KILL {0}".format(row[0]))
                if PRINT_PROCESS in self.__actions:
                    entries.append(tuple([_spec(info)] + list(row)))
            if print_rows:
                print "# The following KILL commands were executed:"
                print_list(output, fmt, cols, print_rows)

        # If output is None, nothing is printed
        if len(entries) > 0 and output:
            entries.sort(key=lambda fifth: fifth[5])
            print_list(output, fmt, headers, entries)
        elif PRINT_PROCESS in self.__actions:
            raise EmptyResultError("No matches found")