Beispiel #1
class RplCommands(object):
    """Replication commands.

    This class supports the following replication commands.

    elect       - perform best slave election and report best slave
    failover    - conduct failover from master to best slave as specified
                  by the user. This option performs best slave election.
    gtid        - show status of global transaction id variables
    health      - display the replication health
    reset       - stop and reset all slaves
    start       - start all slaves
    stop        - stop all slaves
    switchover  - perform slave promotion as specified by the user to a
                  specific slave. Requires --master and the --candidate
    def __init__(self, master_vals, slave_vals, options, skip_conn_err=True):

        master_vals[in]    master server connection dictionary
        slave_vals[in]     list of slave server connection dictionaries
        options[in]        options dictionary
        skip_conn_err[in]  if True, do not fail on connection failure
                           Default = True
        from mysql.utilities.common.topology import Topology

        self.master_vals = master_vals
        self.options = options
        self.quiet = self.options.get("quiet", False)
        self.logging = self.options.get("logging", False)
        self.candidates = self.options.get("candidates", None)

        # Replace all local host IP addresses (i.e. by localhost
        for candidate in self.candidates:
            if candidate['host'] == '':
                candidate['host'] = 'localhost'
        for slave in slave_vals:
            if slave['host'] == '':
                slave['host'] = 'localhost'

        self.rpl_user = self.options.get("rpl_user", None)
        self.topology = Topology(master_vals, slave_vals, self.options,

    def _report(self, message, level=logging.INFO, print_msg=True):
        """Log message if logging is on

        This method will log the message presented if the log is turned on.
        Specifically, if options['log_file'] is not None. It will also
        print the message to stdout.

        message[in]    message to be printed
        level[in]      level of message to log. Default = INFO
        print_msg[in]  if True, print the message to stdout. Default = True
        # First, print the message.
        if print_msg and not self.quiet:
            print message
        # Now log message if logging turned on
        if self.logging:
            logging.log(int(level), message.strip("#").strip(' '))

    def _show_health(self):
        """Run a command on a list of slaves.

        This method will display the replication health of the topology. This
        includes the following for each server.

          - host       : host name
          - port       : connection port
          - role       : "MASTER" or "SLAVE"
          - state      : UP = connected, WARN = cannot connect but can ping,
                         DOWN = cannot connect nor ping
          - gtid       : ON = gtid supported and turned on, OFF = supported
                         but not enabled, NO = not supported
          - rpl_health : (master) binlog enabled,
                         (slave) IO tread is running, SQL thread is running,
                         no errors, slave delay < max_delay,
                         read log pos + max_position < master's log position
                         Note: Will show 'ERROR' if there are multiple
                         errors encountered otherwise will display the
                         health check that failed.

        If verbosity is set, it will show the following additional information.

            - server version, binary log file, position

            - server version, master's binary log file, master's log position,
              IO_Thread, SQL_Thread, Secs_Behind, Remaining_Delay,
              IO_Error_Num, IO_Error
        from mysql.utilities.common.format import print_list

        format = self.options.get("format", "grid")
        quiet = self.options.get("quiet", False)

        cols, rows = self.topology.get_health()

        if not quiet:
            print "#"
            print "# Replication Topology Health:"

        # Print health report
        print_list(sys.stdout, format, cols, rows)


    def _show_gtid_data(self):
        """Display the GTID lists from the servers.

        This method displays the three GTID lists for all of the servers. Each
        server is listed with its entries in each list. If a list has no
        entries, that list is not printed.
        from mysql.utilities.common.format import print_list

        if not self.topology.gtid_enabled():
                "# WARNING: GTIDs are not supported on this topology.",

        format = self.options.get("format", "grid")

        # Get UUIDs
        uuids = self.topology.get_server_uuids()
        if len(uuids):
            print "#"
            print "# UUIDS for all servers:"
            print_list(sys.stdout, format, ['host', 'port', 'role', 'uuid'],

        # Get GTID lists
        executed, purged, owned = self.topology.get_gtid_data()
        if len(executed):
            print "#"
            print "# Transactions executed on the server:"
            print_list(sys.stdout, format, _GTID_COLS, executed)
        if len(purged):
            print "#"
            print "# Transactions purged from the server:"
            print_list(sys.stdout, format, _GTID_COLS, purged)
        if len(owned):
            print "#"
            print "# Transactions owned by another server:"
            print_list(sys.stdout, format, _GTID_COLS, owned)

    def _check_host_references(self):
        """Check to see if using all host or all IP addresses

        Returns bool - True = all references are consistent
        from mysql.utilities.common.options import hostname_is_ip

        uses_ip = hostname_is_ip(
        for slave_dict in self.topology.slaves:
            slave = slave_dict['instance']
            if slave is not None:
                host, port = slave.get_master_host_port()
                if uses_ip != hostname_is_ip( or \
                   uses_ip != hostname_is_ip(host):
                    return False
        return True

    def _switchover(self):
        """Perform switchover from master to candidate slave

        This method switches the role of master to a candidate slave. The
        candidate is specified via the --candidate option.

        Returns bool - True = no errors, False = errors reported.
        # Check for --master-info-repository=TABLE if rpl_user is None
        if not self._check_master_info_type():
            return False

        # Check for mixing IP and hostnames
        if not self._check_host_references():
            print "# WARNING: %s" % _HOST_IP_WARNING
            self._report(_HOST_IP_WARNING, logging.WARN, False)

        # Check prerequisites - need valid candidate
        candidate = self.options.get("new_master", None)
        if candidate is None:
            msg = "No candidate specified."
            self._report(msg, logging.CRITICAL)
            raise UtilRplError(msg)

        self._report(" ".join([
            "# Performing switchover from master at",
            "%s:%s" % (self.master_vals['host'], self.master_vals['port']),
            "to slave at %s:%s." % (candidate['host'], candidate['port'])
        if not self.topology.switchover(candidate):
            self._report("# Errors found. Switchover aborted.", logging.ERROR)
            return False

        return True

    def _elect_slave(self):
        """Perform best slave election

        This method determines which slave is the best candidate for
        GTID-enabled failover. If called for a non-GTID topology, a warning
        is issued.
        if not self.topology.gtid_enabled():
                "# WARNING: slave election requires GTID_MODE=ON "
                "for all servers.", logging.WARN)

        # Check for mixing IP and hostnames
        if not self._check_host_references():
            print "# WARNING: %s" % _HOST_IP_WARNING
            self._report(_HOST_IP_WARNING, logging.WARN, False)

        candidates = self.options.get("candidates", None)
        if candidates is None or len(candidates) == 0:
            self._report("# Electing candidate slave from known slaves.")
            self._report("# Electing candidate slave from candidate list "
                         "then slaves list.")
        best_slave = self.topology.find_best_slave(candidates)
        if best_slave is None:
                "ERROR: No slave found that meets eligilibility "
                "requirements.", logging.ERROR)

        self._report("# Best slave found is located on %s:%s." %
                     (best_slave['host'], best_slave['port']))

    def _failover(self, strict=False):
        """Perform failover

        This method executes GTID-enabled failover. If called for a non-GTID
        topology, a warning is issued.

        strict[in]     if True, use only the candidate list for slave
                       election and fail if no candidates are viable.
                       Default = False

        Returns bool - True = failover succeeded, False = errors found
        if not self.topology.gtid_enabled():
                "# WARNING: slave election requires GTID_MODE=ON "
                "for all servers.", logging.WARN)

        # Check for --master-info-repository=TABLE if rpl_user is None
        if not self._check_master_info_type():
            return False

        self._report("# Performing failover.")
        if not self.topology.failover(self.candidates, strict):
            self._report("# Errors found.", logging.ERROR)
            return False
        return True

    def _check_master_info_type(self, halt=True):
        """Check for master information set to TABLE if rpl_user not provided

        halt[in]       if True, raise error on failure. Default is True

        Returns bool - True if rpl_user is specified or False if rpl_user not
                       specified and at least one slave does not have
        error = "You must specify either the --rpl-user or set all slaves " + \
                "to use --master-info-repository=TABLE."
        # Check for --master-info-repository=TABLE if rpl_user is None
        if self.rpl_user is None:
            if not self.topology.check_master_info_type("TABLE"):
                if halt:
                    raise UtilRplError(error)
                self._report(error, logging.ERROR)
                return False
        return True

    def execute_command(self, command):
        """Execute a replication admin command

        This method executes one of the valid replication administration
        commands as described above.

        command[in]        command to execute

        Returns bool - True = success, raise error on failure
        # Raise error if command is not valid
        if not command in _VALID_COMMANDS:
            msg = "'%s' is not a valid command." % command
            self._report(msg, logging.CRITICAL)
            raise UtilRplError(msg)

        # Check privileges
        self._report("# Checking privileges.")
        full_check = command in ['failover', 'elect', 'switchover']
        errors = self.topology.check_privileges(full_check)
        if len(errors):
            msg = "User %s on %s does not have sufficient privileges to " + \
                  "execute the %s command."
            for error in errors:
                self._report(msg % (error[0], error[1], command),
            raise UtilRplError("Not enough privileges to execute command.")

        self._report("Executing %s command..." % command, logging.INFO, False)

        # Execute the command
        if command in _SLAVE_COMMANDS:
            if command == 'reset':
        elif command in 'gtid':
        elif command == 'health':
        elif command == 'switchover':
        elif command == 'elect':
        elif command == 'failover':
            msg = "Command '%s' is not implemented." % command
            self._report(msg, logging.CRITICAL)
            raise UtilRplError(msg)

        if command in ['switchover', 'failover'] and \
           not self.options.get("no_health", False):

        self._report("# ...done.")

        return True

    def auto_failover(self, interval):
        """Automatic failover

        Wrapper class for running automatic failover. See
        run_automatic_failover for details on implementation.

        This method ensures the registration/deregistration occurs
        regardless of exception or errors.

        interval[in]   time in seconds to wait to check status of servers

        Returns bool - True = success, raises exception on error
        import time
        from mysql.utilities.command.failover_console import FailoverConsole

        failover_mode = self.options.get("failover_mode", "auto")
        force = self.options.get("force", False)

        # Initialize a console
        console = FailoverConsole(self.topology.master,
                                  self.topology.get_server_uuids, self.options)

        # Register instance
        self._report("Registering instance on master.", logging.INFO, False)
        old_mode = failover_mode
        failover_mode = console.register_instance(force)
        if failover_mode != old_mode:
                "Multiple instances of failover console found for "
                "master %s:%s." %
                (, self.topology.master.port),
            print "If this is an error, restart the console with --force. "
            print "Failover mode changed to 'FAIL' for this instance. "
            print "Console will start in 10 seconds.",
            for i in range(0, 9):
            print "starting Console."

            res = self.run_auto_failover(console, interval)
                # Unregister instance
                self._report("Unregistering instance on master.", logging.INFO,
                console.register_instance(False, False)
                self._report("Failover console stopped.", logging.INFO, False)

        return res

    def run_auto_failover(self, console, interval):
        """Run automatic failover

        This method implements the automatic failover facility. It uses the
        FailoverConsole class from the to implement all
        user interface commands and uses the existing failover() method of
        this class to conduct failover.

        When the master goes down, the method can perform one of three actions:

        1) failover to list of candidates first then slaves
        2) failover to list of candidates only
        3) fail

        console[in]    instance of the failover console class
        interval[in]   time in seconds to wait to check status of servers

        Returns bool - True = success, raises exception on error
        import time
        from import ping_host
        from import execute_script

        failover_mode = self.options.get("failover_mode", "auto")
        pingtime = self.options.get("pingtime", 3)
        timeout = int(self.options.get("timeout", 300))
        exec_fail = self.options.get("exec_fail", None)
        post_fail = self.options.get("post_fail", None)

        # Only works for GTID_MODE=ON
        if not self.topology.gtid_enabled():
            msg = "Topology must support global transaction ids " + \
                  "and have GTID_MODE=ON."
            self._report(msg, logging.CRITICAL)
            raise UtilRplError(msg)

        # Check privileges
        self._report("# Checking privileges.")
        errors = self.topology.check_privileges(failover_mode != 'fail')
        if len(errors):
            msg = "User %s on %s does not have sufficient privileges to " + \
                  "execute the %s command."
            for error in errors:
                self._report(msg % (error[0], error[1], 'failover'),
            raise UtilRplError("Not enough privileges to execute command.")

        # Require --master-info-repository=TABLE for all slaves
        if not self.topology.check_master_info_type("TABLE"):
            msg = "Failover requires --master-info-repository=TABLE for " + \
                  "all slaves."
            self._report(msg, logging.ERROR, False)
            raise UtilRplError(msg)

        # Check for mixing IP and hostnames
        if not self._check_host_references():
            print "# WARNING: %s" % _HOST_IP_WARNING
            self._report(_HOST_IP_WARNING, logging.WARN, False)
            print "#\n# Failover console will start in 10 seconds."

        # Test failover script. If it doesn't exist, fail.
        no_exec_fail_msg = "Failover check script cannot be found. Please " + \
                           "check the path and filename for accuracy and " + \
                           "restart the failover console."
        if exec_fail is not None and not os.path.exists(exec_fail):
            self._report(no_exec_fail_msg, logging.CRITICAL, False)
            raise UtilRplError(no_exec_fail_msg)

        self._report("Failover console started.", logging.INFO, False)
        self._report("Failover mode = %s." % failover_mode, logging.INFO,

        # Main loop - loop and fire on interval.
        done = False
        first_pass = True
        failover = False
        while not done:
            # Use try block in case master class has gone away.
                old_host =
                old_port = self.master.port
                old_host = "UNKNOWN"
                old_port = "UNKNOWN"

            # If a failover script is provided, check it else check master
            # using connectivity checks.
            if exec_fail is not None:
                # Execute failover check script
                if not os.path.exists(exec_fail):
                    self._report(no_exec_fail_msg, logging.CRITICAL, False)
                    raise UtilRplError(no_exec_fail_msg)
                    self._report("# Spawning external script for failover "
                    res = execute_script(exec_fail, None, [old_host, old_port],
                    if res == 0:
                        self._report("# Failover check script completed Ok. "
                                     "Failover averted.")
                            "# Failover check script failed. "
                            "Failover initiated", logging.WARN)
                        failover = True
                # Check the master. If not alive, wait for pingtime seconds
                # and try again.
                if self.topology.master is not None and \
                   not self.topology.master.is_alive():
                    msg = "Master may be down. Waiting for %s seconds." % \
                    self._report(msg, logging.INFO, False)
                        self._report("Cannot reconnect to master.",
                                     logging.INFO, False)

                # Check the master again. If no connection or lost connection,
                # try ping and if still not alive, failover. This performs the
                # timeout threshold for detecting a down master.
                if self.topology.master is None or \
                   not ping_host(, pingtime) or \
                   not self.topology.master.is_alive():
                    failover = True

            if failover:
                self._report("Master is confirmed to be down or unreachable.",
                             logging.CRITICAL, False)
                if failover_mode == 'auto':
                    self._report("Failover starting in 'auto' mode...")
                    res = self.topology.failover(self.candidates, False)
                elif failover_mode == 'elect':
                    self._report("Failover starting in 'elect' mode...")
                    res = self.topology.failover(self.candidates, True)
                    msg = _FAILOVER_ERROR % \
                          "Master has failed and automatic failover is not enabled. "
                    self._report(msg, logging.CRITICAL, False)
                    # Execute post failover script
                    self.topology.run_script(post_fail, False,
                                             [old_host, old_port])
                    raise UtilRplError(msg, _FAILOVER_ERRNO)
                if not res:
                    msg = _FAILOVER_ERROR % "An error was encountered " + \
                          "during failover. "
                    self._report(msg, logging.CRITICAL, False)
                    # Execute post failover script
                    self.topology.run_script(post_fail, False,
                                             [old_host, old_port])
                    raise UtilRplError(msg)
                self.master = self.topology.master
                console.master = self.master
                console.list_data = None
                print "\nFailover console will restart in 5 seconds."
                failover = False
                # Execute post failover script
                    post_fail, False,
                    [old_host, old_port,, self.master.port])

            # discover slaves if option was specified at startup
            elif self.options.get("discover", None) is not None and \
                (not first_pass or self.options.get("rediscover", False)):
                # Force refresh of health list if new slaves found
                if self.topology.discover_slaves():
                    console.list_data = None

            res = console.display_console()
            if res is not None:  # None = normal timeout, keep going
                if not res:
                    return False  # Errors detected
                done = True  # User has quit
            first_pass = False

        return True
Beispiel #2
class RplCommands(object):
    """Replication commands.

    This class supports the following replication commands.

    elect       - perform best slave election and report best slave
    failover    - conduct failover from master to best slave as specified
                  by the user. This option performs best slave election.
    gtid        - show status of global transaction id variables
    health      - display the replication health
    reset       - stop and reset all slaves
    start       - start all slaves
    stop        - stop all slaves
    switchover  - perform slave promotion as specified by the user to a
                  specific slave. Requires --master and the --candidate

    def __init__(self, master_vals, slave_vals, options,

        master_vals[in]    master server connection dictionary
        slave_vals[in]     list of slave server connection dictionaries
        options[in]        options dictionary
        skip_conn_err[in]  if True, do not fail on connection failure
                           Default = True
        # A sys.stdout copy, that can be used later to turn on/off stdout
        self.stdout_copy = sys.stdout
        self.stdout_devnull = open(os.devnull, "w")

        # Disable stdout when running --daemon with start, stop or restart
        daemon = options.get("daemon")
        if daemon:
            if daemon in ("start", "nodetach"):
                print("Starting failover daemon...")
            elif daemon == "stop":
                print("Stopping failover daemon...")
                print("Restarting failover daemon...")
            # Disable stdout if daemon not nodetach
            if daemon != "nodetach":
                sys.stdout = self.stdout_devnull

        self.master = None
        self.master_vals = master_vals
        self.options = options
        self.quiet = self.options.get("quiet", False)
        self.logging = self.options.get("logging", False)
        self.candidates = self.options.get("candidates", None)
        self.verbose = self.options.get("verbose", None)
        self.rpl_user = self.options.get("rpl_user", None)
        self.ssl_ca = options.get("ssl_ca", None)
        self.ssl_cert = options.get("ssl_cert", None)
        self.ssl_key = options.get("ssl_key", None)
        if self.ssl_ca or self.ssl_cert or self.ssl_key:
            self.ssl = True

            self.topology = Topology(master_vals, slave_vals, self.options,
        except Exception as err:
            if daemon and daemon != "nodetach":
                # Turn on sys.stdout
                sys.stdout = self.stdout_copy
            raise UtilRplError(str(err))

    def _report(self, message, level=logging.INFO, print_msg=True):
        """Log message if logging is on

        This method will log the message presented if the log is turned on.
        Specifically, if options['log_file'] is not None. It will also
        print the message to stdout.

        message[in]    message to be printed
        level[in]      level of message to log. Default = INFO
        print_msg[in]  if True, print the message to stdout. Default = True
        # First, print the message.
        if print_msg and not self.quiet:
            print message
        # Now log message if logging turned on
        if self.logging:
            logging.log(int(level), message.strip("#").strip(' '))

    def _show_health(self):
        """Run a command on a list of slaves.

        This method will display the replication health of the topology. This
        includes the following for each server.

          - host       : host name
          - port       : connection port
          - role       : "MASTER" or "SLAVE"
          - state      : UP = connected, WARN = cannot connect but can ping,
                         DOWN = cannot connect nor ping
          - gtid       : ON = gtid supported and turned on, OFF = supported
                         but not enabled, NO = not supported
          - rpl_health : (master) binlog enabled,
                         (slave) IO tread is running, SQL thread is running,
                         no errors, slave delay < max_delay,
                         read log pos + max_position < master's log position
                         Note: Will show 'ERROR' if there are multiple
                         errors encountered otherwise will display the
                         health check that failed.

        If verbosity is set, it will show the following additional information.

            - server version, binary log file, position

            - server version, master's binary log file, master's log position,
              IO_Thread, SQL_Thread, Secs_Behind, Remaining_Delay,
              IO_Error_Num, IO_Error
        fmt = self.options.get("format", "grid")
        quiet = self.options.get("quiet", False)

        cols, rows = self.topology.get_health()

        if not quiet:
            print "#"
            print "# Replication Topology Health:"

        # Print health report
        print_list(sys.stdout, fmt, cols, rows)


    def _show_gtid_data(self):
        """Display the GTID lists from the servers.

        This method displays the three GTID lists for all of the servers. Each
        server is listed with its entries in each list. If a list has no
        entries, that list is not printed.
        if not self.topology.gtid_enabled():
            self._report("# WARNING: GTIDs are not supported on this "
                         "topology.", logging.WARN)

        fmt = self.options.get("format", "grid")

        # Get UUIDs
        uuids = self.topology.get_server_uuids()
        if len(uuids):
            print "#"
            print "# UUIDS for all servers:"
            print_list(sys.stdout, fmt, ['host', 'port', 'role', 'uuid'],

        # Get GTID lists
        executed, purged, owned = self.topology.get_gtid_data()
        if len(executed):
            print "#"
            print "# Transactions executed on the server:"
            print_list(sys.stdout, fmt, _GTID_COLS, executed)
        if len(purged):
            print "#"
            print "# Transactions purged from the server:"
            print_list(sys.stdout, fmt, _GTID_COLS, purged)
        if len(owned):
            print "#"
            print "# Transactions owned by another server:"
            print_list(sys.stdout, fmt, _GTID_COLS, owned)

    def _check_host_references(self):
        """Check to see if using all host or all IP addresses

        Returns bool - True = all references are consistent

        uses_ip = hostname_is_ip(
        for slave_dict in self.topology.slaves:
            slave = slave_dict['instance']
            if slave is not None:
                host_port = slave.get_master_host_port()
                host = None
                if host_port:
                    host = host_port[0]
                if (not host or uses_ip != hostname_is_ip( or
                   uses_ip != hostname_is_ip(host)):
                    return False
        return True

    def _switchover(self):
        """Perform switchover from master to candidate slave

        This method switches the role of master to a candidate slave. The
        candidate is specified via the --candidate option.

        Returns bool - True = no errors, False = errors reported.
        # Check new master is not actual master - need valid candidate
        candidate = self.options.get("new_master", None)
        if (self.topology.master.is_alias(candidate['host']) and
           self.master_vals['port'] == candidate['port']):
            err_msg = ERROR_SAME_MASTER.format(candidate['host'],
            self._report(err_msg, logging.WARN)
            self._report(err_msg, logging.CRITICAL)
            raise UtilRplError(err_msg)

        # Check for --master-info-repository=TABLE if rpl_user is None
        if not self._check_master_info_type():
            return False

        # Check for mixing IP and hostnames
        if not self._check_host_references():
            print("# WARNING: {0}".format(HOST_IP_WARNING))
            self._report(HOST_IP_WARNING, logging.WARN, False)

        # Check prerequisites
        if candidate is None:
            msg = "No candidate specified."
            self._report(msg, logging.CRITICAL)
            raise UtilRplError(msg)

        # Can only check errant transactions if GTIDs are enabled.
        if self.topology.gtid_enabled():
            # Check existence of errant transactions on slaves
            errant_tnx = self.topology.find_errant_transactions()
            if errant_tnx:
                force = self.options.get('force')
                print("# ERROR: {0}".format(_ERRANT_TNX_ERROR))
                self._report(_ERRANT_TNX_ERROR, logging.ERROR, False)
                for host, port, tnx_set in errant_tnx:
                    errant_msg = (" - For slave '{0}@{1}': "
                                  "{2}".format(host, port, ", ".join(tnx_set)))
                    print("# {0}".format(errant_msg))
                    self._report(errant_msg, logging.ERROR, False)
                # Raise an exception (to stop) if tolerant mode is OFF
                if not force:
                    raise UtilRplError("{0} Note: If you want to ignore this "
                                       "issue, although not advised, please "
                                       "use the utility with the --force "
            warn_msg = ("Errant transactions check skipped (GTID not enabled "
                        "for the whole topology).")
            print("# WARNING: {0}".format(warn_msg))
            self._report(warn_msg, logging.WARN, False)

        self._report(" ".join(["# Performing switchover from master at",
                     "%s:%s" % (self.master_vals['host'],
                               "to slave at %s:%s." %
                               (candidate['host'], candidate['port'])]))
        if not self.topology.switchover(candidate):
            self._report("# Errors found. Switchover aborted.", logging.ERROR)
            return False

        return True

    def _elect_slave(self):
        """Perform best slave election

        This method determines which slave is the best candidate for
        GTID-enabled failover. If called for a non-GTID topology, a warning
        is issued.
        if not self.topology.gtid_enabled():
            warn_msg = _GTID_ON_REQ.format(action='Slave election')
            print("# WARNING: {0}".format(warn_msg))
            self._report(warn_msg, logging.WARN, False)

        # Check for mixing IP and hostnames
        if not self._check_host_references():
            print("# WARNING: {0}".format(HOST_IP_WARNING))
            self._report(HOST_IP_WARNING, logging.WARN, False)

        candidates = self.options.get("candidates", None)
        if candidates is None or len(candidates) == 0:
            self._report("# Electing candidate slave from known slaves.")
            self._report("# Electing candidate slave from candidate list "
                         "then slaves list.")
        best_slave = self.topology.find_best_slave(candidates)
        if best_slave is None:
            self._report("ERROR: No slave found that meets eligilibility "
                         "requirements.", logging.ERROR)

        self._report("# Best slave found is located on %s:%s." %
                     (best_slave['host'], best_slave['port']))

    def _failover(self, strict=False, options=None):
        """Perform failover

        This method executes GTID-enabled failover. If called for a non-GTID
        topology, a warning is issued.

        strict[in]     if True, use only the candidate list for slave
                       election and fail if no candidates are viable.
                       Default = False
        options[in]    options dictionary.

        Returns bool - True = failover succeeded, False = errors found
        if options is None:
            options = {}
        srv_list = self.topology.get_servers_with_gtid_not_on()
        if srv_list:
            err_msg = _GTID_ON_REQ.format(action='Slave election')
            print("# ERROR: {0}".format(err_msg))
            self._report(err_msg, logging.ERROR, False)
            for srv in srv_list:
                msg = "#  - GTID_MODE={0} on {1}:{2}".format(srv[2], srv[0],
                self._report(msg, logging.ERROR)

            self._report(err_msg, logging.CRITICAL, False)
            raise UtilRplError(err_msg)

        # Check for --master-info-repository=TABLE if rpl_user is None
        if not self._check_master_info_type():
            return False

        # Check existence of errant transactions on slaves
        errant_tnx = self.topology.find_errant_transactions()
        if errant_tnx:
            force = options.get('force')
            print("# ERROR: {0}".format(_ERRANT_TNX_ERROR))
            self._report(_ERRANT_TNX_ERROR, logging.ERROR, False)
            for host, port, tnx_set in errant_tnx:
                errant_msg = (" - For slave '{0}@{1}': "
                              "{2}".format(host, port, ", ".join(tnx_set)))
                print("# {0}".format(errant_msg))
                self._report(errant_msg, logging.ERROR, False)
            # Raise an exception (to stop) if tolerant mode is OFF
            if not force:
                raise UtilRplError("{0} Note: If you want to ignore this "
                                   "issue, although not advised, please use "
                                   "the utility with the --force option."

        self._report("# Performing failover.")
        if not self.topology.failover(self.candidates, strict,
            self._report("# Errors found.", logging.ERROR)
            return False
        return True

    def _check_master_info_type(self, halt=True):
        """Check for master information set to TABLE if rpl_user not provided

        halt[in]       if True, raise error on failure. Default is True

        Returns bool - True if rpl_user is specified or False if rpl_user not
                       specified and at least one slave does not have
        error = "You must specify either the --rpl-user or set all slaves " + \
                "to use --master-info-repository=TABLE."
        # Check for --master-info-repository=TABLE if rpl_user is None
        if self.rpl_user is None:
            if not self.topology.check_master_info_type("TABLE"):
                if halt:
                    raise UtilRplError(error)
                self._report(error, logging.ERROR)
                return False
        return True

    def check_host_references(self):
        """Public method to access self.check_host_references()
        return self._check_host_references()

    def execute_command(self, command, options=None):
        """Execute a replication admin command

        This method executes one of the valid replication administration
        commands as described above.

        command[in]        command to execute
        options[in]        options dictionary.

        Returns bool - True = success, raise error on failure
        if options is None:
            options = {}
        # Raise error if command is not valid
        if command not in _VALID_COMMANDS:
            msg = "'%s' is not a valid command." % command
            self._report(msg, logging.CRITICAL)
            raise UtilRplError(msg)

        # Check privileges
        self._report("# Checking privileges.")
        full_check = command in ['failover', 'elect', 'switchover']
        errors = self.topology.check_privileges(full_check)
        if len(errors):
            msg = "User %s on %s does not have sufficient privileges to " + \
                  "execute the %s command."
            for error in errors:
                self._report(msg % (error[0], error[1], command),
            raise UtilRplError("Not enough privileges to execute command.")

        self._report("Executing %s command..." % command, logging.INFO, False)

        # Execute the command
        if command in _SLAVE_COMMANDS:
            if command == 'reset':
        elif command in 'gtid':
        elif command == 'health':
        elif command == 'switchover':
        elif command == 'elect':
        elif command == 'failover':
            msg = "Command '%s' is not implemented." % command
            self._report(msg, logging.CRITICAL)
            raise UtilRplError(msg)

        if command in ['switchover', 'failover'] and \
           not self.options.get("no_health", False):

        self._report("# ...done.")

        return True

    def auto_failover(self, interval):
        """Automatic failover

        Wrapper class for running automatic failover. See
        run_automatic_failover for details on implementation.

        This method ensures the registration/deregistration occurs
        regardless of exception or errors.

        interval[in]   time in seconds to wait to check status of servers

        Returns bool - True = success, raises exception on error
        failover_mode = self.options.get("failover_mode", "auto")
        force = self.options.get("force", False)

        # Initialize a console
        console = FailoverConsole(self.topology.master,

        # Check privileges
        self._report("# Checking privileges.")
        errors = self.topology.check_privileges(failover_mode != 'fail')
        if len(errors):
            for error in errors:
                msg = ("User {0} on {1}@{2} does not have sufficient "
                       "privileges to execute the {3} command "
                       "(required: {4}).").format(error[0], error[1], error[2],
                                                  'failover', error[3])
                print("# ERROR: {0}".format(msg))
                self._report(msg, logging.CRITICAL, False)
            raise UtilRplError("Not enough privileges to execute command.")

        # Unregister existing instances from slaves
        self._report("Unregistering existing instances from slaves.",
                     logging.INFO, False)

        # Register instance
        self._report("Registering instance on master.", logging.INFO, False)
        old_mode = failover_mode
        failover_mode = console.register_instance(force)
        if failover_mode != old_mode:
            self._report("Multiple instances of failover console found for "
                         "master %s:%s." % (,
            print "If this is an error, restart the console with --force. "
            print "Failover mode changed to 'FAIL' for this instance. "
            print "Console will start in 10 seconds.",
            i = 0
            while i < 9:
                i += 1
            print "starting Console."

            res = self.run_auto_failover(console, failover_mode)
                # Unregister instance
                self._report("Unregistering instance on master.", logging.INFO,
                console.register_instance(True, False)
                self._report("Failover console stopped.", logging.INFO, False)

        return res

    def auto_failover_as_daemon(self):
        """Automatic failover

        Wrapper class for running automatic failover as daemon.

        This method ensures the registration/deregistration occurs
        regardless of exception or errors.

        Returns bool - True = success, raises exception on error
        # Initialize failover daemon
        failover_daemon = FailoverDaemon(self)
        res = None

            action = self.options.get("daemon")
            if action == "start":
                res = failover_daemon.start()
            elif action == "stop":
                res = failover_daemon.stop()
            elif action == "restart":
                res = failover_daemon.restart()
                # Start failover deamon in foreground
                res = failover_daemon.start(detach_process=False)
                # Unregister instance
                self._report("Unregistering instance on master.", logging.INFO,
                failover_daemon.register_instance(True, False)
                self._report("Failover daemon stopped.", logging.INFO, False)

        return res

    def run_auto_failover(self, console, failover_mode="auto"):
        """Run automatic failover

        This method implements the automatic failover facility. It uses the
        FailoverConsole class from the to implement all
        user interface commands and uses the existing failover() method of
        this class to conduct failover.

        When the master goes down, the method can perform one of three actions:

        1) failover to list of candidates first then slaves
        2) failover to list of candidates only
        3) fail

        console[in]    instance of the failover console class.

        Returns bool - True = success, raises exception on error
        pingtime = self.options.get("pingtime", 3)
        exec_fail = self.options.get("exec_fail", None)
        post_fail = self.options.get("post_fail", None)
        pedantic = self.options.get('pedantic', False)
        fail_retry = self.options.get('fail_retry', None)

        # Only works for GTID_MODE=ON
        if not self.topology.gtid_enabled():
            msg = "Topology must support global transaction ids " + \
                  "and have GTID_MODE=ON."
            self._report(msg, logging.CRITICAL)
            raise UtilRplError(msg)

        # Require --master-info-repository=TABLE for all slaves
        if not self.topology.check_master_info_type("TABLE"):
            msg = "Failover requires --master-info-repository=TABLE for " + \
                  "all slaves."
            self._report(msg, logging.ERROR, False)
            raise UtilRplError(msg)

        # Check for mixing IP and hostnames
        if not self._check_host_references():
            print("# WARNING: {0}".format(HOST_IP_WARNING))
            self._report(HOST_IP_WARNING, logging.WARN, False)
            print("#\n# Failover console will start in {0} seconds.".format(

        # Check existence of errant transactions on slaves
        errant_tnx = self.topology.find_errant_transactions()
        if errant_tnx:
            print("# WARNING: {0}".format(_ERRANT_TNX_ERROR))
            self._report(_ERRANT_TNX_ERROR, logging.WARN, False)
            for host, port, tnx_set in errant_tnx:
                errant_msg = (" - For slave '{0}@{1}': "
                              "{2}".format(host, port, ", ".join(tnx_set)))
                print("# {0}".format(errant_msg))
                self._report(errant_msg, logging.WARN, False)
            # Raise an exception (to stop) if pedantic mode is ON
            if pedantic:
                raise UtilRplError("{0} Note: If you want to ignore this "
                                   "issue, please do not use the --pedantic "

        self._report("Failover console started.", logging.INFO, False)
        self._report("Failover mode = %s." % failover_mode, logging.INFO,

        # Main loop - loop and fire on interval.
        done = False
        first_pass = True
        failover = False
        while not done:
            # Use try block in case master class has gone away.
                old_host =
                old_port = self.master.port
                old_host = "UNKNOWN"
                old_port = "UNKNOWN"

            # If a failover script is provided, check it else check master
            # using connectivity checks.
            if exec_fail is not None:
                # Execute failover check script
                if not os.path.isfile(exec_fail):
                    message = EXTERNAL_SCRIPT_DOES_NOT_EXIST.format(
                    self._report(message, logging.CRITICAL, False)
                    raise UtilRplError(message)
                elif not os.access(exec_fail, os.X_OK):
                    message = INSUFFICIENT_FILE_PERMISSIONS.format(
                        path=exec_fail, permissions='execute')
                    self._report(message, logging.CRITICAL, False)
                    raise UtilRplError(message)
                    self._report("# Spawning external script for failover "
                    res = execute_script(exec_fail, None,
                                         [old_host, old_port], self.verbose)
                    if res == 0:
                        self._report("# Failover check script completed Ok. "
                                     "Failover averted.")
                        self._report("# Failover check script failed. "
                                     "Failover initiated", logging.WARN)
                        failover = True
                # Check the master. If not alive, wait for pingtime seconds
                # and try again.
                if self.topology.master is not None and \
                   not self.topology.master.is_alive():
                    msg = "Master may be down. Waiting for %s seconds." % \
                    self._report(msg, logging.INFO, False)

                # If user specified a master fail retry, wait for the
                # predetermined time and attempt to check the master again.
                if fail_retry is not None and \
                   not self.topology.master.is_alive():
                    msg = "Master is still not reachable. Waiting for %s " \
                          "seconds to retry detection." % fail_retry
                    self._report(msg, logging.INFO, False)

                # Check the master again. If no connection or lost connection,
                # try ping. This performs the timeout threshold for detecting
                # a down master. If still not alive, try to reconnect and if
                # connection fails after 3 attempts, failover.
                if self.topology.master is None or \
                   not ping_host(, pingtime) or \
                   not self.topology.master.is_alive():
                    failover = True
                    i = 0
                    while i < 3:
                            failover = False  # Master is now connected again
                        i += 1

                    if failover:
                        self._report("Failed to reconnect to the master after "
                                     "3 attemps.", logging.INFO)
                        self._report("Master is Ok. Resuming watch.",

            if failover:
                self._report("Master is confirmed to be down or unreachable.",
                             logging.CRITICAL, False)
                if failover_mode == 'auto':
                    self._report("Failover starting in 'auto' mode...")
                    res = self.topology.failover(self.candidates, False)
                elif failover_mode == 'elect':
                    self._report("Failover starting in 'elect' mode...")
                    res = self.topology.failover(self.candidates, True)
                    msg = _FAILOVER_ERROR % ("Master has failed and automatic "
                                             "failover is not enabled. ")
                    self._report(msg, logging.CRITICAL, False)
                    # Execute post failover script
                    self.topology.run_script(post_fail, False,
                                             [old_host, old_port])
                    raise UtilRplError(msg, _FAILOVER_ERRNO)
                if not res:
                    msg = _FAILOVER_ERROR % ("An error was encountered "
                                             "during failover. ")
                    self._report(msg, logging.CRITICAL, False)
                    # Execute post failover script
                    self.topology.run_script(post_fail, False,
                                             [old_host, old_port])
                    raise UtilRplError(msg)
                self.master = self.topology.master
                console.master = self.master
                console.list_data = None
                print "\nFailover console will restart in 5 seconds."
                failover = False
                # Execute post failover script
                self.topology.run_script(post_fail, False,
                                         [old_host, old_port,
                                , self.master.port])

                # Unregister existing instances from slaves
                self._report("Unregistering existing instances from slaves.",
                             logging.INFO, False)

                # Register instance on the new master
                self._report("Registering instance on master.", logging.INFO,
                failover_mode = console.register_instance()

            # discover slaves if option was specified at startup
            elif (self.options.get("discover", None) is not None
                  and not first_pass):
                # Force refresh of health list if new slaves found
                if self.topology.discover_slaves():
                    console.list_data = None

            # Check existence of errant transactions on slaves
            errant_tnx = self.topology.find_errant_transactions()
            if errant_tnx:
                if pedantic:
                    print("# WARNING: {0}".format(_ERRANT_TNX_ERROR))
                    self._report(_ERRANT_TNX_ERROR, logging.WARN, False)
                    for host, port, tnx_set in errant_tnx:
                        errant_msg = (" - For slave '{0}@{1}': "
                                      "{2}".format(host, port,
                                                   ", ".join(tnx_set)))
                        print("# {0}".format(errant_msg))
                        self._report(errant_msg, logging.WARN, False)

                    # Raise an exception (to stop) if pedantic mode is ON
                    raise UtilRplError("{0} Note: If you want to ignore this "
                                       "issue, please do not use the "
                                       "--pedantic "
                    if self.logging:
                        warn_msg = ("{0} Check log for more "
                        warn_msg = _ERRANT_TNX_ERROR
                    console.add_warning('errant_tnx', warn_msg)
                    self._report(_ERRANT_TNX_ERROR, logging.WARN, False)
                    for host, port, tnx_set in errant_tnx:
                        errant_msg = (" - For slave '{0}@{1}': "
                                      "{2}".format(host, port,
                                                   ", ".join(tnx_set)))
                        self._report(errant_msg, logging.WARN, False)

            res = console.display_console()
            if res is not None:    # None = normal timeout, keep going
                if not res:
                    return False   # Errors detected
                done = True        # User has quit
            first_pass = False

        return True
Beispiel #3
def skip_slaves_trx(gtid_set, slaves_cnx_val, options):
    """Skip transactions on slaves.

    This method skips the given transactions (GTID set) on all the specified
    slaves. That is, an empty transaction is injected for each GTID in
    the given set for one of each slaves. In case a slave already has an
    executed transaction for a given GTID then that GTID is ignored for this

    gtid_set[in]            String representing the set of GTIDs to skip.
    slaves_cnx_val[in]      List of the dictionaries with the connection
                            values for each target slave.
    options[in]             Dictionary of options (dry_run, verbosity).

    Throws an UtilError exception if an error occurs during the execution.
    verbosity = options.get('verbosity')
    dryrun = options.get('dry_run')

    # Connect to slaves.
    rpl_topology = Topology(None, slaves_cnx_val, options)

    # Check required privileges.
    errors = rpl_topology.check_privileges(skip_master=True)
    if errors:
        err_details = ''
        for err in errors:
            err_msg = ERROR_USER_WITHOUT_PRIVILEGES.format(
                user=err[0], host=err[1], port=err[2],
                operation='inject empty transactions', req_privileges=err[3])
            err_details = '{0}{1}\n'.format(err_details, err_msg)
        raise UtilRplError("Not enough privileges.\n{0}".format(err_details))

    # GTID must be enabled on all servers.
    srv_list = rpl_topology.get_servers_with_gtid_not_on()
    if srv_list:
        if verbosity:
            print("# Slaves with GTID not enabled:")
            for srv in srv_list:
                msg = "#  - GTID_MODE={0} on {1}:{2}".format(srv[2], srv[0],
        raise UtilRplError(_GTID_ON_REQ.format(action='Transaction skip'))

    if dryrun:
        print("# WARNING: Executing utility in dry run mode (read only).")

    # Get GTID set that can be skipped, i.e., not in GTID_EXECUTED.
    gtids_by_slave = rpl_topology.slaves_gtid_subtract_executed(gtid_set)

    # Output GTID set that will be skipped.
    print("# GTID set to be skipped for each server:")
    has_gtid_to_skip = False
    for host, port, gtids_to_skip in gtids_by_slave:
        if not gtids_to_skip:
            gtids_to_skip = 'None'
            # Set flag to indicate that there is at least one GTID to skip.
            has_gtid_to_skip = True
        print("# - {0}@{1}: {2}".format(host, port, gtids_to_skip))

    # Create dictionary to directly access the slaves instances.
    slaves_dict = rpl_topology.get_slaves_dict()

    # Skip transactions for the given list of slaves.
    if has_gtid_to_skip:
        for host, port, gtids_to_skip in gtids_by_slave:
            if gtids_to_skip:
                # Decompose GTID set into a list of single transactions.
                gtid_items = gtid_set_itemize(gtids_to_skip)
                dryrun_mark = '(dry run) ' if dryrun else ''
                print("# {0}Injecting empty transactions for '{1}:{2}'"
                      "...".format(dryrun_mark, host, port))
                slave_key = '{0}@{1}'.format(host, port)
                slave_srv = slaves_dict[slave_key]['instance']
                for uuid, trx_list in gtid_items:
                    for trx_num in trx_list:
                        trx_to_skip = '{0}:{1}'.format(uuid, trx_num)
                        if verbosity:
                            print("# - {0}".format(trx_to_skip))
                        if not dryrun:
                            # Inject empty transaction.
                                trx_to_skip, gtid_next_automatic=False)
                if not dryrun:
        print("# No transaction to skip.")
Beispiel #4
class RplCommands(object):
    """Replication commands.
    This class supports the following replication commands.
    elect       - perform best slave election and report best slave
    failover    - conduct failover from master to best slave as specified
                  by the user. This option performs best slave election.
    gtid        - show status of global transaction id variables
    health      - display the replication health 
    reset       - stop and reset all slaves
    start       - start all slaves
    stop        - stop all slaves
    switchover  - perform slave promotion as specified by the user to a
                  specific slave. Requires --master and the --candidate
    def __init__(self, master_vals, slave_vals, options,

        master_vals[in]    master server connection dictionary
        slave_vals[in]     list of slave server connection dictionaries
        options[in]        options dictionary
        skip_conn_err[in]  if True, do not fail on connection failure 
                           Default = True                           
        from mysql.utilities.common.topology import Topology
        self.master_vals = master_vals
        self.options = options
        self.quiet = self.options.get("quiet", False)
        self.logging = self.options.get("logging", False)
        self.candidates = self.options.get("candidates", None)
        self.topology = Topology(master_vals, slave_vals, self.options,
    def _report(self, message, level=logging.INFO, print_msg=True):
        """Log message if logging is on
        This method will log the message presented if the log is turned on.
        Specifically, if options['log_file'] is not None. It will also
        print the message to stdout.
        message[in]    message to be printed
        level[in]      level of message to log. Default = INFO
        print_msg[in]  if True, print the message to stdout. Default = True
        # First, print the message.
        if print_msg and not self.quiet:
            print message
        # Now log message if logging turned on
        if self.logging:
            logging.log(int(level), message.strip("#").strip(' '))

    def _show_health(self):
        """Run a command on a list of slaves.
        This method will display the replication health of the topology. This
        includes the following for each server.
          - host       : host name
          - port       : connection port
          - role       : "MASTER" or "SLAVE"
          - state      : UP = connected, WARN = cannot connect but can ping,
                         DOWN = cannot connect nor ping
          - gtid       : ON = gtid supported and turned on, OFF = supported
                         but not enabled, NO = not supported
          - rpl_health : (master) binlog enabled,
                         (slave) IO tread is running, SQL thread is running,
                         no errors, slave delay < max_delay,
                         read log pos + max_position < master's log position
                         Note: Will show 'ERROR' if there are multiple
                         errors encountered otherwise will display the
                         health check that failed.
        If verbosity is set, it will show the following additional information.
            - server version, binary log file, position
            - server version, master's binary log file, master's log position,
              IO_Thread, SQL_Thread, Secs_Behind, Remaining_Delay,
              IO_Error_Num, IO_Error
        from mysql.utilities.common.format import print_list
        format = self.options.get("format", "grid")
        quiet = self.options.get("quiet", False)

        cols, rows = self.topology.get_health()    
        if not quiet:
            print "#"
            print "# Replication Topology Health:"
        # Print health report
        print_list(sys.stdout, format, cols, rows)
    def _show_gtid_data(self):
        """Display the GTID lists from the servers.
        This method displays the three GTID lists for all of the servers. Each
        server is listed with its entries in each list. If a list has no
        entries, that list is not printed.
        from mysql.utilities.common.format import print_list
        if not self.topology.gtid_enabled():
            self._report("# WARNING: GTIDs are not supported on this topology.",
        format = self.options.get("format", "grid")

        # Get UUIDs
        uuids = self.topology.get_server_uuids()
        if len(uuids):
            print "#"
            print "# UUIDS for all servers:"
            print_list(sys.stdout, format, ['host','port','role','uuid'], uuids)

        # Get GTID lists    
        executed, purged, owned = self.topology.get_gtid_data()
        if len(executed):
            print "#"
            print "# Transactions executed on the server:"
            print_list(sys.stdout, format, _GTID_COLS, executed)
        if len(purged):
            print "#"
            print "# Transactions purged from the server:"
            print_list(sys.stdout, format, _GTID_COLS, purged)
        if len(owned):
            print "#"
            print "# Transactions owned by another server:"
            print_list(sys.stdout, format, _GTID_COLS, owned)

    def _switchover(self):
        """Perform switchover from master to candidate slave
        This method switches the role of master to a candidate slave. The
        candidate is specified via the --candidate option.
        Returns bool - True = no errors, False = errors reported.
        from mysql.utilities.exception import FormatError
        from mysql.utilities.common.options import parse_connection
        # Check prerequisites - need valid candidate
        candidate = self.options.get("new_master", None)
        if candidate is None:
            msg = "No candidate specified."
            self._report(msg, logging.CRITICAL)
            raise UtilRplError(msg)
        self._report(" ".join(["# Performing switchover from master at",
                     "%s:%s" % (self.master_vals['host'],
                     self.master_vals['port']), "to slave at %s:%s." %
                     (candidate['host'], candidate['port'])]))
        if not self.topology.switchover(candidate):
            self._report("# Errors found. Switchover aborted.", logging.ERROR)
            return False
        return True

    def _elect_slave(self):
        """Perform best slave election
        This method determines which slave is the best candidate for
        GTID-enabled failover. If called for a non-GTID topology, a warning
        is issued.
        if not self.topology.gtid_enabled():
            self._report("# WARNING: slave election requires GTID_MODE=ON "
                         "for all servers.", logging.WARN)
        candidates = self.options.get("candidates", None)
        if candidates is None or len(candidates) == 0:
            self._report("# Electing candidate slave from known slaves.")
            self._report("# Electing candidate slave from candidate list "
                         "then slaves list.")
        best_slave = self.topology.find_best_slave(candidates)
        if best_slave is None:
            self._report("ERROR: No slave found that meets eligilibility "
                         "requirements.", logging.ERROR)
        self._report("# Best slave found is located on %s:%s." %
                     (best_slave['host'], best_slave['port']))

    def _failover(self, strict=False):
        """Perform failover
        This method executes GTID-enabled failover. If called for a non-GTID
        topology, a warning is issued.
        strict[in]     if True, use only the candidate list for slave
                       election and fail if no candidates are viable.
                       Default = False
        Returns bool - True = failover succeeded, False = errors found
        if not self.topology.gtid_enabled():
            self._report("# WARNING: slave election requires GTID_MODE=ON "
                         "for all servers.", logging.WARN)
        self._report("# Performing failover.")
        if not self.topology.failover(self.candidates, strict):
            self._report("# Errors found.", logging.ERROR)
            return False
        return True

    def execute_command(self, command):
        """Execute a replication admin command
        This method executes one of the valid replication administration
        commands as described above.
        command[in]        command to execute
        Returns bool - True = success, raise error on failure
        # Raise error if command is not valid
        if not command in _VALID_COMMANDS:
            msg = "'%s' is not a valid command." % command
            self._report(msg, logging.CRITICAL)
            raise UtilRplError(msg)
        # Check privileges
        self._report("# Checking privileges.")
        full_check = command in ['failover', 'elect', 'switchover']
        errors = self.topology.check_privileges(full_check)
        if len(errors):
            msg = "User %s on %s does not have sufficient privileges to " + \
                  "execute the %s command."
            for error in errors:
                self._report(msg % (error[0], error[1], command),
            raise UtilRplError("Not enough privileges to execute command.")
        self._report("Executing %s command..." % command, logging.INFO, False)

        # Execute the command
        if command in _SLAVE_COMMANDS:
            if command == 'reset':
        elif command in 'gtid':
        elif command == 'health':
        elif command == 'switchover':
        elif command == 'elect':
        elif command == 'failover':
            msg = "Command '%s' is not implemented." % command
            self._report(msg, logging.CRITICAL)
            raise UtilRplError(msg)
        if command in ['switchover', 'failover'] and \
           not self.options.get("no_health", False):
        self._report("# ...done.")
        return True

    def auto_failover(self, interval):
        """Automatic failover
        This method implements the automatic failover facility. It uses the
        FailoverConsole class from the to implement all
        user interface commands and uses the existing failover() method of
        this class to conduct failover.
        When the master goes down, the method can perform one of three actions:
        1) failover to list of candidates first then slaves
        2) failover to list of candidates only
        3) fail
        interval[in]   time in seconds to wait to check status of servers
        Returns bool - True = success, raises exception on error
        import time
        from mysql.utilities.command.failover_console import FailoverConsole
        from import ping_host
        from import execute_script
        failover_mode = self.options.get("failover_mode", "auto")
        pingtime = self.options.get("pingtime", 3)
        timeout = self.options.get("timeout", 3)
        exec_fail = self.options.get("exec_fail", None)
        force = self.options.get("force", False)
        post_fail = self.options.get("post_fail", None)
        # Only works for GTID_MODE=ON
        if not self.topology.gtid_enabled():
            msg = "Topology must support global transaction ids " + \
                  "and have GTID_MODE=ON."
            self._report(msg, logging.CRITICAL)
            raise UtilRplError(msg)

        # Check privileges
        self._report("# Checking privileges.")
        errors = self.topology.check_privileges(failover_mode != 'fail')
        if len(errors):
            msg = "User %s on %s does not have sufficient privileges to " + \
                  "execute the %s command."
            for error in errors:
                self._report(msg % (error[0], error[1], command),
            raise UtilRplError("Not enough privileges to execute command.")

        # Test failover script. If it doesn't exist, fail.
        no_exec_fail_msg = "Failover check script cannot be found. Please " + \
                           "check the path and filename for accuracy and " + \
                           "restart the failover console."
        if exec_fail is not None and not os.path.exists(fail_check):
            self._report(no_exec_fail_msg, logging.CRITICAL, False)
            raise UtilRplError(no_exec_fail_msg)
        # Initialize a console
        console = FailoverConsole(self.topology.master, self.topology.get_health,
        # Register instance
        self._report("Registering instance on master.", logging.INFO, False)
        old_mode = failover_mode
        failover_mode = console.register_instance(force)
        if failover_mode != old_mode:
            self._report("Multiple instances of failover console found for "
                         "master %s:%s." % (,
            print "Failover mode changed to 'FAIL'. Console will start in 5 seconds."
        self._report("Failover console started.", logging.INFO, False)
        self._report("Failover mode = %s." % failover_mode, logging.INFO, False)
        # Main loop - loop and fire on interval.
        done = False
        first_pass = True
        failover = False
        while not done:
            # If a failover script is provided, check it else check master
            # using connectivity checks.
            if exec_fail is not None:
                # Execute failover check script
                if not os.path.exists(exec_fail):
                    self._report(no_exec_fail_msg, logging.CRITICAL, False)
                    raise UtilRplError(no_exec_fail_msg)
                    self._report("# Spawning external script for failover "
                    res = execute_script(script)
                    if res == 0:
                        self._report("# Failover check script completed Ok. "
                                     "Failover averted.")
                        self._report("# Failover check script failed. "
                                     "Failover initiated", logging.WARN)
                        failover = True
                # Check the master. If not alive, wait for timeout seconds
                # and try again.
                if self.topology.master is not None and \
                   not self.topology.master.is_alive():
                    msg = "Master may be down. Waiting for %s seconds." % \
                    self._report(msg, logging.INFO, False)
                        self._report("Cannot reconnect to master.",
                                     logging.INFO, False)
                # Check the master again. If no connection or lost connection, 
                # try ping and if still not alive, failover. This performs the
                # timeout threshold for detecting a down master.
                if self.topology.master is None or \
                   not ping_host(, pingtime) or \
                   not self.topology.master.is_alive():
                    failover = True
            if failover:
                self._report("Master is confirmed to be down or unreachable.",
                             logging.CRITICAL, False)
                if failover_mode == 'auto':
                    self._report("Failover starting in 'auto' mode...")
                    res = self.topology.failover(self.candidates, False)
                elif failover_mode == 'elect':
                    self._report("Failover starting in 'elect' mode...")
                    res = self.topology.failover(self.candidates, True)
                    msg = _FAILOVER_ERROR % \
                          "Master has failed and automatic failover is not enabled. "
                    self._report(msg, logging.CRITICAL, False)
                    # Execute post failover script
                    self.topology.run_script(post_fail, False)
                    raise UtilRplError(msg, _FAILOVER_ERRNO)
                if not res:
                    msg = _FAILOVER_ERROR % "An error was encountered " + \
                          "during failover. "
                    self._report(msg, logging.CRITICAL, False)
                    # Execute post failover script
                    self.topology.run_script(post_fail, False)
                    raise UtilRplError(msg)
                self.master = self.topology.master
                console.master = self.master
                console.list_data = None
                print "\nFailover console will restart in 5 seconds."
                failover = False
                # Execute post failover script
                self.topology.run_script(post_fail, False)

            # discover slaves if option was specified at startup
            elif self.options.get("discover", None) is not None \
                and not first_pass:
                # Force refresh of health list if new slaves found
                if self.topology.discover_slaves():
                    console.list_data = None

            res = console.display_console()
            if res is not None:    # None = normal timeout, keep going
                if not res:
                    return False   # Errors detected
                done = True        # User has quit
            first_pass = False

        # Unregister instance
        self._report("Unregistering instance on master.", logging.INFO, False)
        console.register_instance(False, False)
        self._report("Failover console stopped.", logging.INFO, False)

        return True
Beispiel #5
class RplCommands(object):
    """Replication commands.

    This class supports the following replication commands.

    elect       - perform best slave election and report best slave
    failover    - conduct failover from master to best slave as specified
                  by the user. This option performs best slave election.
    gtid        - show status of global transaction id variables
    health      - display the replication health
    reset       - stop and reset all slaves
    start       - start all slaves
    stop        - stop all slaves
    switchover  - perform slave promotion as specified by the user to a
                  specific slave. Requires --master and the --candidate

    def __init__(self, master_vals, slave_vals, options,

        master_vals[in]    master server connection dictionary
        slave_vals[in]     list of slave server connection dictionaries
        options[in]        options dictionary
        skip_conn_err[in]  if True, do not fail on connection failure
                           Default = True
        # A sys.stdout copy, that can be used later to turn on/off stdout
        self.stdout_copy = sys.stdout
        self.stdout_devnull = open(os.devnull, "w")

        # Disable stdout when running --daemon with start, stop or restart
        daemon = options.get("daemon")
        if daemon:
            if daemon in ("start", "nodetach"):
                print("Starting failover daemon...")
            elif daemon == "stop":
                print("Stopping failover daemon...")
                print("Restarting failover daemon...")
            # Disable stdout if daemon not nodetach
            if daemon != "nodetach":
                sys.stdout = self.stdout_devnull

        self.master = None
        self.master_vals = master_vals
        self.options = options
        self.quiet = self.options.get("quiet", False)
        self.logging = self.options.get("logging", False)
        self.candidates = self.options.get("candidates", None)
        self.verbose = self.options.get("verbose", None)
        self.rpl_user = self.options.get("rpl_user", None)
        self.ssl_ca = options.get("ssl_ca", None)
        self.ssl_cert = options.get("ssl_cert", None)
        self.ssl_key = options.get("ssl_key", None)
        if self.ssl_ca or self.ssl_cert or self.ssl_key:
            self.ssl = True

            self.topology = Topology(master_vals, slave_vals, self.options,
        except Exception as err:
            if daemon and daemon != "nodetach":
                # Turn on sys.stdout
                sys.stdout = self.stdout_copy
            raise UtilRplError(str(err))

    def _report(self, message, level=logging.INFO, print_msg=True):
        """Log message if logging is on

        This method will log the message presented if the log is turned on.
        Specifically, if options['log_file'] is not None. It will also
        print the message to stdout.

        message[in]    message to be printed
        level[in]      level of message to log. Default = INFO
        print_msg[in]  if True, print the message to stdout. Default = True
        # First, print the message.
        if print_msg and not self.quiet:
            print message
        # Now log message if logging turned on
        if self.logging:
            logging.log(int(level), message.strip("#").strip(' '))

    def _show_health(self):
        """Run a command on a list of slaves.

        This method will display the replication health of the topology. This
        includes the following for each server.

          - host       : host name
          - port       : connection port
          - role       : "MASTER" or "SLAVE"
          - state      : UP = connected, WARN = cannot connect but can ping,
                         DOWN = cannot connect nor ping
          - gtid       : ON = gtid supported and turned on, OFF = supported
                         but not enabled, NO = not supported
          - rpl_health : (master) binlog enabled,
                         (slave) IO tread is running, SQL thread is running,
                         no errors, slave delay < max_delay,
                         read log pos + max_position < master's log position
                         Note: Will show 'ERROR' if there are multiple
                         errors encountered otherwise will display the
                         health check that failed.

        If verbosity is set, it will show the following additional information.

            - server version, binary log file, position

            - server version, master's binary log file, master's log position,
              IO_Thread, SQL_Thread, Secs_Behind, Remaining_Delay,
              IO_Error_Num, IO_Error
        fmt = self.options.get("format", "grid")
        quiet = self.options.get("quiet", False)

        cols, rows = self.topology.get_health()

        if not quiet:
            print "#"
            print "# Replication Topology Health:"

        # Print health report
        print_list(sys.stdout, fmt, cols, rows)


    def _show_gtid_data(self):
        """Display the GTID lists from the servers.

        This method displays the three GTID lists for all of the servers. Each
        server is listed with its entries in each list. If a list has no
        entries, that list is not printed.
        if not self.topology.gtid_enabled():
            self._report("# WARNING: GTIDs are not supported on this "
                         "topology.", logging.WARN)

        fmt = self.options.get("format", "grid")

        # Get UUIDs
        uuids = self.topology.get_server_uuids()
        if len(uuids):
            print "#"
            print "# UUIDS for all servers:"
            print_list(sys.stdout, fmt, ['host', 'port', 'role', 'uuid'],

        # Get GTID lists
        executed, purged, owned = self.topology.get_gtid_data()
        if len(executed):
            print "#"
            print "# Transactions executed on the server:"
            print_list(sys.stdout, fmt, _GTID_COLS, executed)
        if len(purged):
            print "#"
            print "# Transactions purged from the server:"
            print_list(sys.stdout, fmt, _GTID_COLS, purged)
        if len(owned):
            print "#"
            print "# Transactions owned by another server:"
            print_list(sys.stdout, fmt, _GTID_COLS, owned)

    def _check_host_references(self):
        """Check to see if using all host or all IP addresses

        Returns bool - True = all references are consistent

        uses_ip = hostname_is_ip(
        for slave_dict in self.topology.slaves:
            slave = slave_dict['instance']
            if slave is not None:
                host_port = slave.get_master_host_port()
                host = None
                if host_port:
                    host = host_port[0]
                if (not host or uses_ip != hostname_is_ip( or
                   uses_ip != hostname_is_ip(host)):
                    return False
        return True

    def _switchover(self):
        """Perform switchover from master to candidate slave

        This method switches the role of master to a candidate slave. The
        candidate is specified via the --candidate option.

        Returns bool - True = no errors, False = errors reported.
        # Check new master is not actual master - need valid candidate
        candidate = self.options.get("new_master", None)
        if (self.topology.master.is_alias(candidate['host']) and
           self.master_vals['port'] == candidate['port']):
            err_msg = ERROR_SAME_MASTER.format(candidate['host'],
            self._report(err_msg, logging.WARN)
            self._report(err_msg, logging.CRITICAL)
            raise UtilRplError(err_msg)

        # Check for --master-info-repository=TABLE if rpl_user is None
        if not self._check_master_info_type():
            return False

        # Check for mixing IP and hostnames
        if not self._check_host_references():
            print("# WARNING: {0}".format(HOST_IP_WARNING))
            self._report(HOST_IP_WARNING, logging.WARN, False)

        # Check prerequisites
        if candidate is None:
            msg = "No candidate specified."
            self._report(msg, logging.CRITICAL)
            raise UtilRplError(msg)

        # Can only check errant transactions if GTIDs are enabled.
        if self.topology.gtid_enabled():
            # Check existence of errant transactions on slaves
            errant_tnx = self.topology.find_errant_transactions()
            if errant_tnx:
                force = self.options.get('force')
                print("# ERROR: {0}".format(_ERRANT_TNX_ERROR))
                self._report(_ERRANT_TNX_ERROR, logging.ERROR, False)
                for host, port, tnx_set in errant_tnx:
                    errant_msg = (" - For slave '{0}@{1}': "
                                  "{2}".format(host, port, ", ".join(tnx_set)))
                    print("# {0}".format(errant_msg))
                    self._report(errant_msg, logging.ERROR, False)
                # Raise an exception (to stop) if tolerant mode is OFF
                if not force:
                    raise UtilRplError("{0} Note: If you want to ignore this "
                                       "issue, although not advised, please "
                                       "use the utility with the --force "
            warn_msg = ("Errant transactions check skipped (GTID not enabled "
                        "for the whole topology).")
            print("# WARNING: {0}".format(warn_msg))
            self._report(warn_msg, logging.WARN, False)

        self._report(" ".join(["# Performing switchover from master at",
                     "%s:%s" % (self.master_vals['host'],
                               "to slave at %s:%s." %
                               (candidate['host'], candidate['port'])]))
        if not self.topology.switchover(candidate):
            self._report("# Errors found. Switchover aborted.", logging.ERROR)
            return False

        return True

    def _elect_slave(self):
        """Perform best slave election

        This method determines which slave is the best candidate for
        GTID-enabled failover. If called for a non-GTID topology, a warning
        is issued.
        if not self.topology.gtid_enabled():
            warn_msg = _GTID_ON_REQ.format(action='Slave election')
            print("# WARNING: {0}".format(warn_msg))
            self._report(warn_msg, logging.WARN, False)

        # Check for mixing IP and hostnames
        if not self._check_host_references():
            print("# WARNING: {0}".format(HOST_IP_WARNING))
            self._report(HOST_IP_WARNING, logging.WARN, False)

        candidates = self.options.get("candidates", None)
        if candidates is None or len(candidates) == 0:
            self._report("# Electing candidate slave from known slaves.")
            self._report("# Electing candidate slave from candidate list "
                         "then slaves list.")
        best_slave = self.topology.find_best_slave(candidates)
        if best_slave is None:
            self._report("ERROR: No slave found that meets eligilibility "
                         "requirements.", logging.ERROR)

        self._report("# Best slave found is located on %s:%s." %
                     (best_slave['host'], best_slave['port']))

    def _failover(self, strict=False, options=None):
        """Perform failover

        This method executes GTID-enabled failover. If called for a non-GTID
        topology, a warning is issued.

        strict[in]     if True, use only the candidate list for slave
                       election and fail if no candidates are viable.
                       Default = False
        options[in]    options dictionary.

        Returns bool - True = failover succeeded, False = errors found
        if options is None:
            options = {}
        srv_list = self.topology.get_servers_with_gtid_not_on()
        if srv_list:
            err_msg = _GTID_ON_REQ.format(action='Slave election')
            print("# ERROR: {0}".format(err_msg))
            self._report(err_msg, logging.ERROR, False)
            for srv in srv_list:
                msg = "#  - GTID_MODE={0} on {1}:{2}".format(srv[2], srv[0],
                self._report(msg, logging.ERROR)

            self._report(err_msg, logging.CRITICAL, False)
            raise UtilRplError(err_msg)

        # Check for --master-info-repository=TABLE if rpl_user is None
        if not self._check_master_info_type():
            return False

        # Check existence of errant transactions on slaves
        errant_tnx = self.topology.find_errant_transactions()
        if errant_tnx:
            force = options.get('force')
            print("# ERROR: {0}".format(_ERRANT_TNX_ERROR))
            self._report(_ERRANT_TNX_ERROR, logging.ERROR, False)
            for host, port, tnx_set in errant_tnx:
                errant_msg = (" - For slave '{0}@{1}': "
                              "{2}".format(host, port, ", ".join(tnx_set)))
                print("# {0}".format(errant_msg))
                self._report(errant_msg, logging.ERROR, False)
            # Raise an exception (to stop) if tolerant mode is OFF
            if not force:
                raise UtilRplError("{0} Note: If you want to ignore this "
                                   "issue, although not advised, please use "
                                   "the utility with the --force option."

        self._report("# Performing failover.")
        if not self.topology.failover(self.candidates, strict,
            self._report("# Errors found.", logging.ERROR)
            return False
        return True

    def _check_master_info_type(self, halt=True):
        """Check for master information set to TABLE if rpl_user not provided

        halt[in]       if True, raise error on failure. Default is True

        Returns bool - True if rpl_user is specified or False if rpl_user not
                       specified and at least one slave does not have
        error = "You must specify either the --rpl-user or set all slaves " + \
                "to use --master-info-repository=TABLE."
        # Check for --master-info-repository=TABLE if rpl_user is None
        if self.rpl_user is None:
            if not self.topology.check_master_info_type("TABLE"):
                if halt:
                    raise UtilRplError(error)
                self._report(error, logging.ERROR)
                return False
        return True

    def check_host_references(self):
        """Public method to access self.check_host_references()
        return self._check_host_references()

    def execute_command(self, command, options=None):
        """Execute a replication admin command

        This method executes one of the valid replication administration
        commands as described above.

        command[in]        command to execute
        options[in]        options dictionary.

        Returns bool - True = success, raise error on failure
        if options is None:
            options = {}
        # Raise error if command is not valid
        if command not in _VALID_COMMANDS:
            msg = "'%s' is not a valid command." % command
            self._report(msg, logging.CRITICAL)
            raise UtilRplError(msg)

        # Check privileges
        self._report("# Checking privileges.")
        full_check = command in ['failover', 'elect', 'switchover']
        errors = self.topology.check_privileges(full_check)
        if len(errors):
            msg = "User %s on %s does not have sufficient privileges to " + \
                  "execute the %s command."
            for error in errors:
                self._report(msg % (error[0], error[1], command),
            raise UtilRplError("Not enough privileges to execute command.")

        self._report("Executing %s command..." % command, logging.INFO, False)

        # Execute the command
        if command in _SLAVE_COMMANDS:
            if command == 'reset':
        elif command in 'gtid':
        elif command == 'health':
        elif command == 'switchover':
        elif command == 'elect':
        elif command == 'failover':
            msg = "Command '%s' is not implemented." % command
            self._report(msg, logging.CRITICAL)
            raise UtilRplError(msg)

        if command in ['switchover', 'failover'] and \
           not self.options.get("no_health", False):

        self._report("# ...done.")

        return True

    def auto_failover(self, interval):
        """Automatic failover

        Wrapper class for running automatic failover. See
        run_automatic_failover for details on implementation.

        This method ensures the registration/deregistration occurs
        regardless of exception or errors.

        interval[in]   time in seconds to wait to check status of servers

        Returns bool - True = success, raises exception on error
        failover_mode = self.options.get("failover_mode", "auto")
        force = self.options.get("force", False)

        # Initialize a console
        console = FailoverConsole(self.topology.master,

        # Check privileges
        self._report("# Checking privileges.")
        errors = self.topology.check_privileges(failover_mode != 'fail')
        if len(errors):
            for error in errors:
                msg = ("User {0} on {1}@{2} does not have sufficient "
                       "privileges to execute the {3} command "
                       "(required: {4}).").format(error[0], error[1], error[2],
                                                  'failover', error[3])
                print("# ERROR: {0}".format(msg))
                self._report(msg, logging.CRITICAL, False)
            raise UtilRplError("Not enough privileges to execute command.")

        # Unregister existing instances from slaves
        self._report("Unregistering existing instances from slaves.",
                     logging.INFO, False)

        # Register instance
        self._report("Registering instance on master.", logging.INFO, False)
        old_mode = failover_mode
        failover_mode = console.register_instance(force)
        if failover_mode != old_mode:
            self._report("Multiple instances of failover console found for "
                         "master %s:%s." % (,
            print "If this is an error, restart the console with --force. "
            print "Failover mode changed to 'FAIL' for this instance. "
            print "Console will start in 10 seconds.",
            i = 0
            while i < 9:
                i += 1
            print "starting Console."

            res = self.run_auto_failover(console, failover_mode)
                # Unregister instance
                self._report("Unregistering instance on master.", logging.INFO,
                console.register_instance(True, False)
                self._report("Failover console stopped.", logging.INFO, False)

        return res

    def auto_failover_as_daemon(self):
        """Automatic failover

        Wrapper class for running automatic failover as daemon.

        This method ensures the registration/deregistration occurs
        regardless of exception or errors.

        Returns bool - True = success, raises exception on error
        # Initialize failover daemon
        failover_daemon = FailoverDaemon(self)
        res = None

            action = self.options.get("daemon")
            if action == "start":
                res = failover_daemon.start()
            elif action == "stop":
                res = failover_daemon.stop()
            elif action == "restart":
                res = failover_daemon.restart()
                # Start failover deamon in foreground
                res = failover_daemon.start(detach_process=False)
                # Unregister instance
                self._report("Unregistering instance on master.", logging.INFO,
                failover_daemon.register_instance(True, False)
                self._report("Failover daemon stopped.", logging.INFO, False)

        return res

    def run_auto_failover(self, console, failover_mode="auto"):
        """Run automatic failover

        This method implements the automatic failover facility. It uses the
        FailoverConsole class from the to implement all
        user interface commands and uses the existing failover() method of
        this class to conduct failover.

        When the master goes down, the method can perform one of three actions:

        1) failover to list of candidates first then slaves
        2) failover to list of candidates only
        3) fail

        console[in]    instance of the failover console class.

        Returns bool - True = success, raises exception on error
        pingtime = self.options.get("pingtime", 3)
        exec_fail = self.options.get("exec_fail", None)
        post_fail = self.options.get("post_fail", None)
        pedantic = self.options.get('pedantic', False)

        # Only works for GTID_MODE=ON
        if not self.topology.gtid_enabled():
            msg = "Topology must support global transaction ids " + \
                  "and have GTID_MODE=ON."
            self._report(msg, logging.CRITICAL)
            raise UtilRplError(msg)

        # Require --master-info-repository=TABLE for all slaves
        if not self.topology.check_master_info_type("TABLE"):
            msg = "Failover requires --master-info-repository=TABLE for " + \
                  "all slaves."
            self._report(msg, logging.ERROR, False)
            raise UtilRplError(msg)

        # Check for mixing IP and hostnames
        if not self._check_host_references():
            print("# WARNING: {0}".format(HOST_IP_WARNING))
            self._report(HOST_IP_WARNING, logging.WARN, False)
            print("#\n# Failover console will start in {0} seconds.".format(

        # Check existence of errant transactions on slaves
        errant_tnx = self.topology.find_errant_transactions()
        if errant_tnx:
            print("# WARNING: {0}".format(_ERRANT_TNX_ERROR))
            self._report(_ERRANT_TNX_ERROR, logging.WARN, False)
            for host, port, tnx_set in errant_tnx:
                errant_msg = (" - For slave '{0}@{1}': "
                              "{2}".format(host, port, ", ".join(tnx_set)))
                print("# {0}".format(errant_msg))
                self._report(errant_msg, logging.WARN, False)
            # Raise an exception (to stop) if pedantic mode is ON
            if pedantic:
                raise UtilRplError("{0} Note: If you want to ignore this "
                                   "issue, please do not use the --pedantic "

        self._report("Failover console started.", logging.INFO, False)
        self._report("Failover mode = %s." % failover_mode, logging.INFO,

        # Main loop - loop and fire on interval.
        done = False
        first_pass = True
        failover = False
        while not done:
            # Use try block in case master class has gone away.
                old_host =
                old_port = self.master.port
                old_host = "UNKNOWN"
                old_port = "UNKNOWN"

            # If a failover script is provided, check it else check master
            # using connectivity checks.
            if exec_fail is not None:
                # Execute failover check script
                if not os.path.isfile(exec_fail):
                    message = EXTERNAL_SCRIPT_DOES_NOT_EXIST.format(
                    self._report(message, logging.CRITICAL, False)
                    raise UtilRplError(message)
                elif not os.access(exec_fail, os.X_OK):
                    message = INSUFFICIENT_FILE_PERMISSIONS.format(
                        path=exec_fail, permissions='execute')
                    self._report(message, logging.CRITICAL, False)
                    raise UtilRplError(message)
                    self._report("# Spawning external script for failover "
                    res = execute_script(exec_fail, None,
                                         [old_host, old_port], self.verbose)
                    if res == 0:
                        self._report("# Failover check script completed Ok. "
                                     "Failover averted.")
                        self._report("# Failover check script failed. "
                                     "Failover initiated", logging.WARN)
                        failover = True
                # Check the master. If not alive, wait for pingtime seconds
                # and try again.
                if self.topology.master is not None and \
                   not self.topology.master.is_alive():
                    msg = "Master may be down. Waiting for %s seconds." % \
                    self._report(msg, logging.INFO, False)

                # Check the master again. If no connection or lost connection,
                # try ping. This performs the timeout threshold for detecting
                # a down master. If still not alive, try to reconnect and if
                # connection fails after 3 attempts, failover.
                if self.topology.master is None or \
                   not ping_host(, pingtime) or \
                   not self.topology.master.is_alive():
                    failover = True
                    i = 0
                    while i < 3:
                            failover = False  # Master is now connected again
                        i += 1

                    if failover:
                        self._report("Failed to reconnect to the master after "
                                     "3 attemps.", logging.INFO)

            if failover:
                self._report("Master is confirmed to be down or unreachable.",
                             logging.CRITICAL, False)
                if failover_mode == 'auto':
                    self._report("Failover starting in 'auto' mode...")
                    res = self.topology.failover(self.candidates, False)
                elif failover_mode == 'elect':
                    self._report("Failover starting in 'elect' mode...")
                    res = self.topology.failover(self.candidates, True)
                    msg = _FAILOVER_ERROR % ("Master has failed and automatic "
                                             "failover is not enabled. ")
                    self._report(msg, logging.CRITICAL, False)
                    # Execute post failover script
                    self.topology.run_script(post_fail, False,
                                             [old_host, old_port])
                    raise UtilRplError(msg, _FAILOVER_ERRNO)
                if not res:
                    msg = _FAILOVER_ERROR % ("An error was encountered "
                                             "during failover. ")
                    self._report(msg, logging.CRITICAL, False)
                    # Execute post failover script
                    self.topology.run_script(post_fail, False,
                                             [old_host, old_port])
                    raise UtilRplError(msg)
                self.master = self.topology.master
                console.master = self.master
                console.list_data = None
                print "\nFailover console will restart in 5 seconds."
                failover = False
                # Execute post failover script
                self.topology.run_script(post_fail, False,
                                         [old_host, old_port,
                                , self.master.port])

                # Unregister existing instances from slaves
                self._report("Unregistering existing instances from slaves.",
                             logging.INFO, False)

                # Register instance on the new master
                self._report("Registering instance on master.", logging.INFO,
                failover_mode = console.register_instance()

            # discover slaves if option was specified at startup
            elif (self.options.get("discover", None) is not None
                  and not first_pass):
                # Force refresh of health list if new slaves found
                if self.topology.discover_slaves():
                    console.list_data = None

            # Check existence of errant transactions on slaves
            errant_tnx = self.topology.find_errant_transactions()
            if errant_tnx:
                if pedantic:
                    print("# WARNING: {0}".format(_ERRANT_TNX_ERROR))
                    self._report(_ERRANT_TNX_ERROR, logging.WARN, False)
                    for host, port, tnx_set in errant_tnx:
                        errant_msg = (" - For slave '{0}@{1}': "
                                      "{2}".format(host, port,
                                                   ", ".join(tnx_set)))
                        print("# {0}".format(errant_msg))
                        self._report(errant_msg, logging.WARN, False)

                    # Raise an exception (to stop) if pedantic mode is ON
                    raise UtilRplError("{0} Note: If you want to ignore this "
                                       "issue, please do not use the "
                                       "--pedantic "
                    if self.logging:
                        warn_msg = ("{0} Check log for more "
                        warn_msg = _ERRANT_TNX_ERROR
                    console.add_warning('errant_tnx', warn_msg)
                    self._report(_ERRANT_TNX_ERROR, logging.WARN, False)
                    for host, port, tnx_set in errant_tnx:
                        errant_msg = (" - For slave '{0}@{1}': "
                                      "{2}".format(host, port,
                                                   ", ".join(tnx_set)))
                        self._report(errant_msg, logging.WARN, False)

            res = console.display_console()
            if res is not None:    # None = normal timeout, keep going
                if not res:
                    return False   # Errors detected
                done = True        # User has quit
            first_pass = False

        return True
Beispiel #6
def skip_slaves_trx(gtid_set, slaves_cnx_val, options):
    """Skip transactions on slaves.

    This method skips the given transactions (GTID set) on all the specified
    slaves. That is, an empty transaction is injected for each GTID in
    the given set for one of each slaves. In case a slave already has an
    executed transaction for a given GTID then that GTID is ignored for this

    gtid_set[in]            String representing the set of GTIDs to skip.
    slaves_cnx_val[in]      List of the dictionaries with the connection
                            values for each target slave.
    options[in]             Dictionary of options (dry_run, verbosity).

    Throws an UtilError exception if an error occurs during the execution.
    verbosity = options.get('verbosity')
    dryrun = options.get('dry_run')

    # Connect to slaves.
    rpl_topology = Topology(None, slaves_cnx_val, options)

    # Check required privileges.
    errors = rpl_topology.check_privileges(skip_master=True)
    if errors:
        err_details = ''
        for err in errors:
            err_msg = ERROR_USER_WITHOUT_PRIVILEGES.format(
                user=err[0], host=err[1], port=err[2],
                operation='inject empty transactions', req_privileges=err[3])
            err_details = '{0}{1}\n'.format(err_details, err_msg)
        raise UtilRplError("Not enough privileges.\n{0}".format(err_details))

    # GTID must be enabled on all servers.
    srv_list = rpl_topology.get_servers_with_gtid_not_on()
    if srv_list:
        if verbosity:
            print("# Slaves with GTID not enabled:")
            for srv in srv_list:
                msg = "#  - GTID_MODE={0} on {1}:{2}".format(srv[2], srv[0],
        raise UtilRplError(_GTID_ON_REQ.format(action='Transaction skip'))

    if dryrun:
        print("# WARNING: Executing utility in dry run mode (read only).")

    # Get GTID set that can be skipped, i.e., not in GTID_EXECUTED.
    gtids_by_slave = rpl_topology.slaves_gtid_subtract_executed(gtid_set)

    # Output GTID set that will be skipped.
    print("# GTID set to be skipped for each server:")
    has_gtid_to_skip = False
    for host, port, gtids_to_skip in gtids_by_slave:
        if not gtids_to_skip:
            gtids_to_skip = 'None'
            # Set flag to indicate that there is at least one GTID to skip.
            has_gtid_to_skip = True
        print("# - {0}@{1}: {2}".format(host, port, gtids_to_skip))

    # Create dictionary to directly access the slaves instances.
    slaves_dict = rpl_topology.get_slaves_dict()

    # Skip transactions for the given list of slaves.
    if has_gtid_to_skip:
        for host, port, gtids_to_skip in gtids_by_slave:
            if gtids_to_skip:
                # Decompose GTID set into a list of single transactions.
                gtid_items = gtid_set_itemize(gtids_to_skip)
                dryrun_mark = '(dry run) ' if dryrun else ''
                print("# {0}Injecting empty transactions for '{1}:{2}'"
                      "...".format(dryrun_mark, host, port))
                slave_key = '{0}@{1}'.format(host, port)
                slave_srv = slaves_dict[slave_key]['instance']
                for uuid, trx_list in gtid_items:
                    for trx_num in trx_list:
                        trx_to_skip = '{0}:{1}'.format(uuid, trx_num)
                        if verbosity:
                            print("# - {0}".format(trx_to_skip))
                        if not dryrun:
                            # Inject empty transaction.
                                trx_to_skip, gtid_next_automatic=False)
                if not dryrun:
        print("# No transaction to skip.")