Beispiel #1
 def update(self, table, primary_keys, field_values):
     ss = []
     upd = """UPDATE %s.%s\nSET """ % (self.db, table)
     for f in field_values:
         v = field_values[f]
         if type(v) is str or type(v) is unicode or v is None:
             upd += "%s = " % f
             upd += "%s,\n"
             upd += """%s = %s,\n""" % (f, v)
     upd = upd[:-2]  #seek back and eat the last ,\n
     where = """\nWHERE """  #build this as k1 = v1 and k2 = v2
     for k in primary_keys:
         v = primary_keys[k]
         if type(v) is str or type(v) is unicode or v is None:
             where += "%s = " % k
             where += "%s and "
             where += """%s = %s and """ % (k, primary_keys[k])
     where = where[:-4] + ";"
     upd += where
     with mysql.MYSQL(self.srv, self.db, self.uid, self.pwd) as ms:
         ms.query(upd, ss, False)
         return True  #success?
     return False  #no success!
Beispiel #2
 def get_stage_ids_names(self):
     sql = """SELECT stage_id,name FROM %s.stages;""" % (self.db)
     v, res = (), {}
     with mysql.MYSQL(self.srv, self.db, self.uid, self.pwd) as ms:
         res = ms.query(sql, v, True)
         return res
     return None
Beispiel #3
 def select_fields_row(self, table, primary_keys, fields):
     ss, data = [], []
     select = 'SELECT '
     for f in fields:
         select += f + ', '
     select = select[:-2]  #seek back one ', '
     select += ' FROM %s.%s' % (self.db, table)
     where = """\nWHERE """  #build this as k1 = v1 and k2 = v2
     for k in primary_keys:
         v = primary_keys[k]
         if type(v) is str or type(v) is unicode or v is None:
             where += "%s = " % k
             where += "%s and "
             where += """%s = %s and """ % (k, primary_keys[k])
     where = where[:-4] + ";"
     select += where
     with mysql.MYSQL(self.srv, self.db, self.uid, self.pwd) as ms:
         res = ms.query(select, ss, True)
         for i in range(0, len(res)):  #this is the number of rows
             row = res[i]  #this is a dict return type
             for f in row:  #this is the number of fields in each row f is now a field key for the dict
                 if type(row[f]) is bytearray:  #is this only (long)blobs ?
                     row[f] = self.blob_to_obj(row[f])
                     row[f] = row[f]
             data.append(row)  #insert uncompressed objects into data
     if len(data) >= 1: return data
     else: raise IndexError
Beispiel #4
 def get_ref_info(self, ref_name):
     data = []
     sql = """
     SELECT * FROM %s.refs WHERE name like '%s';""" % (self.db, ref_name)
     with mysql.MYSQL(self.srv, self.db, self.uid, self.pwd) as ms:
         res = ms.query(sql, (), True)
         for r in res:
     if len(data) == 1: return data[0]
     else: raise IndexError
Beispiel #5
 def get_max_key(self, table):
     if self.schema.has_key(table):
         pk = self.schema[table]['pk'][0]  #assume a single key here
         sql = """SELECT max(%s) AS %s FROM %s.%s;""" % (pk, pk, self.db,
         v, res = (), {}
         with mysql.MYSQL(self.srv, self.db, self.uid, self.pwd) as ms:
             res = ms.query(sql, v, True)
             return max(0, res[0][pk])  #assume one max of course
         return None
Beispiel #6
 def get_run_info(self, run_id):
     data = []
     run_info_sql = """
     SELECT ref_id,mut_mag,mut_len,mut_type
     FROM %s.runs WHERE run_id = %s""" % (self.db, run_id)
     with mysql.MYSQL(self.srv, self.db, self.uid, self.pwd) as ms:
         res = ms.query(run_info_sql, (), True)
         for r in res:
     if len(data) == 1: return data[0]
     else: raise IndexError
Beispiel #7
 def select_tables(self):
     tbls = {'names': []}
     tables = """
     WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '%s';"""
     with mysql.MYSQL(self.srv, self.db, self.uid, self.pwd) as ms:
         sql, v = tables % (self.db), ()
         res = ms.query(sql, v, True)
         for r in res:
             tbls['names'] += [str(r[u'TABLE_NAME'])]
     return tbls
Beispiel #8
 def get_ref_name(self, run_id):
     data = []
     ref_name_sql = """
     SELECT name FROM %s.refs WHERE ref_id IN
     ( SELECT ref_id FROM %s.runs WHERE run_id = %s );""" % (
         self.db, self.db, run_id)
     with mysql.MYSQL(self.srv, self.db, self.uid, self.pwd) as ms:
         res = ms.query(ref_name_sql, (), True)
         for r in res:
     if len(data) == 1: return data[0]['name']
     else: raise IndexError
Beispiel #9
 def get_run_vc(self, run_id):
     data = []
     sql = """
     SELECT SR.stage_id, SR.run_id,, SR.results, SR.done
     FROM %s.staged_runs as SR
         JOIN %s.stages as S
             ON (SR.stage_id = S.stage_id)
     WHERE SR.run_id = %s and S.out_ext like '%.vcf%';""" % (
         self.db, self.db, run_id)
     with mysql.MYSQL(self.srv, self.db, self.uid, self.pwd) as ms:
         res = ms.query(sql, (), True)
         for r in res:
     return data
Beispiel #10
 def select_all(self, table):
     data = []  #final uncompressed dictionary
     select, v = 'SELECT * FROM %s.%s;' % (self.db, table), ()
     with mysql.MYSQL(self.srv, self.db, self.uid, self.pwd) as ms:
         res = ms.query(select, v, True)
         for i in range(0, len(res)):  #this is the number of rows
             row = res[i]  #this is a dict return type
             for f in row:  #this is the number of fields in each row f is now a field key for the dict
                 if type(row[f]) is bytearray:  #is this only (long)blobs ?
                     row[f] = self.blob_to_obj(row[f])
                     row[f] = row[f]
                 #maybe also do a check to convert u'' to '' via type(row[f]) is unicode
             data.append(row)  #insert uncompressed objects into data
     return data
Beispiel #11
 def get_run_true_vc(self, run_id):
     data = []
     run_info_sql = """
     SELECT mut_true_vc
     FROM %s.runs WHERE run_id = %s""" % (self.db, run_id)
     with mysql.MYSQL(self.srv, self.db, self.uid, self.pwd) as ms:
         res = ms.query(run_info_sql, (), True)
         for r in res:
     obj = None
         obj = self.blob_to_obj(data[0]['mut_true_vc'], status=True)
     except Exception:
         obj = data
     return obj
Beispiel #12
 def get_stage_id(self, wrapper):
     ss, data, table = [], [], 'stages'
     select = 'SELECT stage_id FROM %s.%s' % (self.db, table)
     where = """\nWHERE wrapper = "%s";""" % wrapper  #build this as k1 = v1 and k2 = v
     select += where
     with mysql.MYSQL(self.srv, self.db, self.uid, self.pwd) as ms:
         res = ms.query(select, ss, True)
         for i in range(0, len(res)):  #this is the number of rows
             row = res[i]  #this is a dict return type
             for f in row:  #this is the number of fields in each row f is now a field key for the dict
                 if type(row[f]) is bytearray:  #is this only (long)blobs ?
                     row[f] = self.blob_to_obj(row[f])
                     row[f] = row[f]
             data.append(row)  #insert uncompressed objects into data
     if len(data) == 1: return data[0]['stage_id']
     else: raise IndexError
Beispiel #13
 def select_fields(self, table):
     flds, pk = {}, []
     fields = """
     WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '%s' AND TABLE_NAME = '%s';"""
     with mysql.MYSQL(self.srv, self.db, self.uid, self.pwd) as ms:
         sql, v = fields % (self.db, table), ()
         res = ms.query(sql, v, True)
         for r in res:
             flds[str(r[u'COLUMN_NAME'])] = {
                 'pos': r[u'ORDINAL_POSITION'],
                 'type': str(r[u'COLUMN_TYPE'])
             if r[u'COLUMN_KEY'] == u'PRI': pk += [str(r[u'COLUMN_NAME'])]
         flds['pk'] = pk
     return flds
Beispiel #14
 def get_staged_run_vc(self, run_id, stage_id):
     data = []  #don't worry about errors for now
     staged_run_info_sql = """
     SELECT params,results
     FROM %s.staged_runs WHERE run_id = %s AND stage_id = %s;
     """ % (self.db, run_id, stage_id)
     with mysql.MYSQL(self.srv, self.db, self.uid, self.pwd) as ms:
         res = ms.query(staged_run_info_sql, (), True)
         for r in res:
     if len(data) == 1:
         return [
             self.blob_to_obj(data[0], status=True),
             self.blob_to_obj(data[1], status=True)
         raise IndexError
Beispiel #15
 def insert(self, table, field_values):
     ss = []  #use tuple for mysql.connector compatibilty
     ins = """INSERT INTO %s.%s (""" % (self.db, table)
     for f in field_values:
         ins += f + ", "
     ins = ins[:-2] + ") VALUES("
     for f in field_values:
         v = field_values[f]
         if type(v) is str or type(v) is unicode or v is None:
             ins += "%s,"
             ins += str(v) + ","
     ins = ins[:-1] + ");"
     ss = tuple(ss)
     with mysql.MYSQL(self.srv, self.db, self.uid, self.pwd) as ms:
         ms.query(ins, ss, False)
         return True  #success?
     return False  #no success!
Beispiel #16
import time
import csv

# read cfg for host and database to connect to
with open("../db.cfg") as f:
    host = f.readline().rstrip('\n')
    database = f.readline().rstrip('\n')

# read cfg for credentials (username and password to DB)
# TODO: decrypt using a key found in another file
with open("../cred.cfg") as f:
    usr = f.readline().rstrip('\n')
    pwd = f.readline().rstrip('\n')

# connect
db = con.MYSQL(host, database, usr, pwd)

# time query
start = time.perf_counter()

# variable to be injected
id = []
# query that injects ID into %s
query_base = """insert into inventory (CameraModel,
 SerialNumber, CameraNumber, DateReceived,
 LastLocation, StillInUse, Comments)
 values """

query = ''
with open('../Data/InventoryDataClean.csv', mode='r') as infile:
    reader = csv.reader(infile)
Beispiel #17
 # files that may be moved to out dir or quarantine dir
 # depends on if they are successful in insert
 files_pending = []
 # files to be moved to d_dir
 deletes = []
 # files to be moved to quarantine
 quarantines = []
 # performance timing
 start = perf_counter()
 # epoch timing for log
 l_start = time.time()
 # connect and query
 with con.MYSQL(host, database, port, usr, pwd) as db:
     # for every row of exif
     for row in values:
         # row of exif data, this is what will be inserted
         # made of converted values
         fRow = []
             # for every exif tag that is in the returned meta dict
             for c in cols:
                 # do conversions
                 if row.get(c) is None or row[c].strip(' ') == '':
                     row[c] = None
                 elif c in timestamps:
                     d = datetime.strptime(row[c], "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S")
                     ts = int(time.mktime(d.timetuple()))
                     row[c] = ts
Beispiel #18
        print('processing file=%s' % file)
        uploadDate ='%m%d%Y_%H%M%S_')
        fpath_base = file.rsplit('\\', 3)[0]
        fpath_in = file
        fpath_err = fpath_base + '\\ErrRpts\\' + uploadDate + file.rsplit(
            '\\')[-1] + 'QcRpt.txt'
        fpath_out = fpath_base + '\\UploadedRpts\\' + uploadDate + file.rsplit(
        delim = '\t'
        raw = readXlsx(fpath_in, db_err)
        header = raw[0]  # could use to check header names in the excel file
        raw = raw[1:]
        os.rename(fpath_in, fpath_out)

        if raw is not None and header == headerList:
            with msc.MYSQL('localhost', db_scm, 3306, config_uid,
                           config_pw) as dbo:
                insDate ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

                # Insert into the database line by line.  Append DB error if not caught by qc checks.
                for i in range(len(raw)):
                    # Any blank values change to None type
                    for j in range(len(raw[i])):
                        if len(str(raw[i][j])) < 1:
                            raw[i][j] = None
                            raw[i][j] = raw[i][j]
                    # generate auto populated fields for fish
                    char_name = 'Count'
                    result_cd = 'count'
                    result_tp = 'Actual'
                    bio_int = 'Frequency Class'
Beispiel #19
    def new(self):
        drop = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s;"
        create = """
        CREATE TABLE %s (%s)
        #new connection is safe and closes automatically
        with mysql.MYSQL(self.srv, self.db, self.uid, self.pwd) as ms:
            #DB workflow is to get the max id for each table and increment if a unique key
            #is obtainible from the checks instead of a new table for each simulator and aligner

            #Generated and Real References
            #ref_len is the total bp such as human ~3E7bp
            #seq is the fa.gz compressed string
            ms.query(drop % 'refs')
            fields = """
            ref_id int primary key not null,
            name varchar(255) not null,
            ref_len bigint,
            seq_names text,
            seq_lens text,
            seqs longblob,
            url text
            ms.query(create % ('refs', fields))
            print('Created sve.refs')

            #a run is a set of simulations on parameters from a given ref-seq
            #the ref-seq is generated first and then a run is generated which is
            #a unique set of parameters (that induces randomized edits)
            #variant caller stages can be re-run to optimize parameters for a given platform and alignment
            ms.query(drop % 'runs')
            fields = """
            run_id int primary key not null,
            platform_id varchar(50) not null,
            node_id varchar(50) not null,
            ref_id int not null,
            calibrating bit(1) not null,
            mut_mag int,
            mut_len bigint,
            mut_type char(3),
            mut_true_vc longblob,
            mut_ens_vc longblob,
            stage_id_list blob,
            stage_depth int,
            curr_stage_id int,
            debug bit(1),
            start datetime,
            stop datetime
            ms.query(create % ('runs', fields))
            print('Created sve.runs')

            #stage_id a unique identifier for a new stage (a run is a (||)sequence of stages)
            #name is the text for the bound name in the enc, IE 'bwa'
            #param_ranges is a JSON string that gives {param:{start:1,stop:10,step:1}} for fixed step or
            #{param:{v1,v2,...,v3}} for fixed value iterations
            ms.query(drop % 'stages')
            fields = """
            stage_id int primary key not null,
            type varchar(25) not null,
            name varchar(50) not null,
            version varchar(50),
            exe_path varchar(255),
            wrapper varchar(50),
            in_ext varchar(255),
            out_ext varchar(255),
            param_map  blob
            ms.query(create % ('stages', fields))
            print('Created sve.stages')

            #Staged_Runs links the stage+parameters to the run_id
            #so the stage_list and progress can be observed on a large
            #scale with full persistance and the possibility of multiple
            #distpatching centers building out unique runs into the DB
            #results can be used to store the output of each stage 4GB max compressed size...
            ms.query(drop % 'staged_runs')
            fields = """
            run_id int not null,
            stage_id int not null,
            in_files varchar(255) not null,
            in_files_size varchar(255),
            params blob,
            command text,
            results longblob,
            errors text,
            start datetime,
            stop datetime,
            done bit(1),
            primary key(run_id,stage_id,in_files)
            ms.query(create % ('staged_runs', fields))
            print('Created sve.staged_runs')