Beispiel #1
def collapse_at(stepmon, target=None, tolerance=0.005, \
                         generations=50, mask=None):
    '''return a set of indices where the parameters exhibit a dimensional
    collapse at the specified target. Dimensional collapse is defined by:
    change(param[i]) <= tolerance over N generations, where:
    change(param[i]) = max(param[i]) - min(param[i]) if target = None, or
    change(param[i]) = abs(param[i] - target) otherwise.

    target can be None, a single value, or a list of values of param length

    collapse will be ignored at any indices specififed in the mask
    np = _m.numpy
    # reject bad masks
    if mask is None: pass
    elif type(mask) is set:
        for i in mask:
            if hasattr(i, '__len__'):
                msg = "bad element '%s' in mask" % str(i)
                raise ValueError(msg)
        msg = "%s is not a valid mask" % str(mask)
        raise TypeError(msg)
    # is max distance from target less than tolerance across all generations?
    tolerance = np.asarray(tolerance)
    tolerance.shape = (-1, 1)
    params = _m._solutions(stepmon, generations)
    if target is None: params = params.ptp(axis=0) <= tolerance
    else: params = abs(params - target).max(axis=0) <= tolerance
    # get tuple of indices of where collapsed
    params = np.where(params)[-1]
    # apply mask
    if mask is None: return set(params)
    mask = set(mask)
    return set(i for i in params if i not in mask)
Beispiel #2
def collapse_at(stepmon, target=None, tolerance=0.005, \
                         generations=50, mask=None):
    '''return a set of indices where the parameters exhibit a dimensional
    collapse at the specified target. Dimensional collapse is defined by:
    change(param[i]) <= tolerance over N generations, where:
    change(param[i]) = max(param[i]) - min(param[i]) if target = None, or
    change(param[i]) = abs(param[i] - target) otherwise.

    target can be None, a single value, or a list of values of param length

    collapse will be ignored at any indices specififed in the mask
    np = _m.numpy
    # reject bad masks
    if mask is None: pass
    elif type(mask) is set:
        for i in mask:
            if hasattr(i, '__len__'):
                msg = "bad element '%s' in mask" % str(i)
                raise ValueError(msg)
        msg = "%s is not a valid mask" % str(mask)
        raise TypeError(msg)
    # is max distance from target less than tolerance across all generations?
    tolerance = np.asarray(tolerance)
    tolerance.shape = (-1,1)
    params = _m._solutions(stepmon, generations)
    if target is None: params = params.ptp(axis=0) <= tolerance
    else: params = abs(params - target).max(axis=0) <= tolerance
    # get tuple of indices of where collapsed
    params = np.where(params)[-1]
    # apply mask
    if mask is None: return set(params)
    mask = set(mask)
    return set(i for i in params if i not in mask)
Beispiel #3
def collapse_as(stepmon, offset=False, tolerance=0.005, \
                         generations=50, mask=None):
    '''return a set of pairs of indices where the parameters exhibit a
    dimensional collapse. Dimensional collapse is defined by:
    max(pairwise(parameters)) <= tolerance over N generations (offset=False),
    ptp(pairwise(parameters)) <= tolerance over N generations (offset=True).

    collapse will be ignored at any pairs of indices specififed in the mask.
    If single indices are provided, ignore all pairs with the given indices.
    np = _m.numpy
    # reject bad masks
    if mask is None: pass
    elif type(mask) is set:
        for i in mask:
            if hasattr(i, '__len__') and len(i) != 2:
                msg = "bad element '%s' in mask" % str(i)
                raise ValueError(msg)
        msg = "%s is not a valid mask" % str(mask)
        raise TypeError(msg)
    # is the max position difference less than tolerance across all generations?
    distances = _m._solutions(stepmon, generations)
    #FIXME: HACK: array should be ndim=2... apparently sometimes it's ndim=3
    if distances.ndim == 3 and distances.shape[-1] == 1:
        distances.shape = distances.shape[:-1]
    elif distances.ndim < 3:
        msg = 'could not extract pairwise distances from array with shape %s' % distances.shape
        raise ValueError(msg)
    nindices = distances.shape[-1]
    # get distances and pairs of indices
    from import pairwise
    distances, pairs = pairwise(distances, True)
    if offset:  # tracking at a distance
        distances = distances.ptp(axis=0) <= tolerance
    else:  # tracking with the same position
        distances = distances.max(axis=0) <= tolerance
    # get the (index1,index2) pairs where the collapse occurs
    if distances.ndim > 1:
        distances.shape = tuple(i for i in distances.shape if i != 1) or (1, )
    distances = np.array(pairs)[distances]
    # apply mask
    if mask is None: return set(tuple(i) for i in distances)
    mask = selector(mask)
    return set(tuple(i) for i in distances if not mask(i))
Beispiel #4
def collapse_as(stepmon, offset=False, tolerance=0.005, \
                         generations=50, mask=None):
    '''return a set of pairs of indices where the parameters exhibit a
    dimensional collapse. Dimensional collapse is defined by:
    max(pairwise(parameters)) <= tolerance over N generations (offset=False),
    ptp(pairwise(parameters)) <= tolerance over N generations (offset=True).

    collapse will be ignored at any pairs of indices specififed in the mask.
    If single indices are provided, ignore all pairs with the given indices.
    np = _m.numpy
    # reject bad masks
    if mask is None: pass
    elif type(mask) is set:
        for i in mask:
            if hasattr(i, '__len__') and len(i) != 2:
                msg = "bad element '%s' in mask" % str(i)
                raise ValueError(msg)
        msg = "%s is not a valid mask" % str(mask)
        raise TypeError(msg)
    # is the max position difference less than tolerance across all generations?
    distances = _m._solutions(stepmon, generations)
    #FIXME: HACK: array should be ndim=2... apparently sometimes it's ndim=3
    if distances.ndim == 3 and distances.shape[-1] == 1:
        distances.shape = distances.shape[:-1]
    elif distances.ndim < 3:
        msg = 'could not extract pairwise distances from array with shape %s' % distances.shape
        raise ValueError(msg) 
    nindices = distances.shape[-1]
    # get distances and pairs of indices
    from import pairwise
    distances, pairs = pairwise(distances, True)
    if offset: # tracking at a distance
        distances = distances.ptp(axis=0) <= tolerance
    else: # tracking with the same position
        distances = distances.max(axis=0) <= tolerance
    # get the (index1,index2) pairs where the collapse occurs
    if distances.ndim > 1:
        distances.shape = tuple(i for i in distances.shape if i != 1) or (1,)
    distances = np.array(pairs)[distances]
    # apply mask
    if mask is None: return set(tuple(i) for i in distances)
    mask = selector(mask)
    return set(tuple(i) for i in distances if not mask(i))