def importCountFromEbay(itemId): cursor.execute('''SELECT manufacturer,brand,name,countOnEbay FROM Item WHERE itemId = ?''',(int(itemId),)) for itemDetails in cursor: (manufacturer,brand,name,countOnEbay) = itemDetails (manufacturer,brand,name,countOnEbay) = itemDetails count = ebayFindItem(getItemName(manufacturer,brand,name)) print count if count != countOnEbay: cursor.execute('UPDATE Item SET countOnEbay = ? WHERE itemId = ?',(count,itemId)) c.commit()
def importCountFromEbay(itemId): cursor.execute('''SELECT manufacturer,brand,name,countOnEbay FROM Item WHERE itemId = ?''',(int(itemId),)) for itemDetails in cursor: (manufacturer,brand,name,countOnEbay) = itemDetails print "Looking for %s on EBay... "%getItemName(manufacturer,brand,name) (manufacturer,brand,name,countOnEbay) = itemDetails count = ebayFindItem(getItemName(manufacturer,brand,name)) print "Found %d listings<br />"%count if count != countOnEbay: cursor.execute('UPDATE Item SET countOnEbay = ? WHERE itemId = ?',(count,itemId)) c.commit()
def loadFromEbay(): itemList = [] # Get first page, which also gets the total number of pages totalNumberOfPages = getPage(1,pageSize,itemList) # Already got first page, so start at page 2 for pageNo in (range(2,totalNumberOfPages+1)): getPage(pageNo,pageSize,itemList) # Clean up the table cursor.execute("DELETE FROM ebayList") # Add the new data to the table for (title,itemId,quantity) in itemList: cursor.execute("INSERT INTO ebayList (title,itemId,quantity) VALUES (?,?,?)",(title,itemId,quantity)) c.commit()
def loadFromEbay(): # specify the connection to the eBay Sandbox environment connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection(serverUrl) itemList = [] # Get first page, which also gets the total number of pages totalNumberOfPages = getPage(connection,1,pageSize,itemList) # Already got first page, so start at page 2 for pageNo in (range(2,totalNumberOfPages+1)): getPage(connection,pageNo,pageSize,itemList) # Clean up the table cursor.execute("DELETE FROM ebayList") # Add the new data to the table for (title,itemId,quantity) in itemList: cursor.execute("INSERT INTO ebayList (title,itemId,quantity) VALUES (?,?,?)",(title,itemId,quantity)) c.commit()
cgitb.enable() form = cgi.FieldStorage() printHeader1('Expenses & Fees') errorString = None ###################### # Handle delete if form.has_key('deleteId'): try: deleteId = int(form['deleteId'].value) cursor.execute('BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION') cursor.execute('DELETE FROM expense WHERE expenseId = ?',(deleteId,)) c.commit() printRedirect('Deleted expense','',0) sys.exit() except Exception,e: c.rollback() errorString = "<p class=error>Problem with database update:</p><pre>%s</pre>"%str(sys.exc_info()) ###################### # Handle add addManufacturer = None addBrand = None if form.has_key('add'): try:
#!/python26/python.exe # enable debugging import cgitb import cgi from myutils import c,cursor,sql, printHeader, printFooter, printOptions, centsToDollarString, getItemName, gotoButton, db_removeFromBin, db_addToBin import sys cgitb.enable() form = cgi.FieldStorage() printHeader('History') # Read in the bin names and the item names - we're going to need them later cursor.execute('SELECT binId,name FROM Bin') binName = {} for (thisId,thisName) in cursor: binName[thisId] = thisName cursor.execute('SELECT itemId,manufacturer,brand,name FROM Item') itemName = {} for (thisId,thisMfr,thisBrand,thisName) in cursor: thisLongName = getItemName(thisMfr,thisBrand,thisName) itemName[thisId] = thisLongName ############################################################################### if form.has_key('undo'): try: undo = int(form['undo'].value) cursor.execute('BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION')
cgitb.enable() form = cgi.FieldStorage() printHeader1('Sale Details') errorString = None tranId = form['tranId'].value if form.has_key('tracking'): try: tracking = form['tracking'].value actualShipping = dollarStringToCents(form['actualShipping'].value) cursor.execute('BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION') cursor.execute('UPDATE Trans SET tracking=?, actualShipping=? WHERE tranId = ?',(tracking,actualShipping,tranId)) c.commit() # redirect to page, so page reload doesn't re-add change printRedirect('Updating Sale','',0) sys.exit() except Exception,e: c.rollback() errorString = "<p class=error>Problem with database updte:</p><pre></pre>"%str(sys.exc_info()) printHeader2('Sale Details',errorString) cursor.execute('SELECT type,direction,tranDate,description,shipping,actualShipping,tracking FROM Trans where tranId = ?',(tranId,)) (type,direction,tranDate,description,shipping,actualShipping,tracking) = cursor.fetchone()
import cgitb import cgi from myutils import c,cursor,sql, printHeader, printFooter, gotoButton,centsToString cgitb.enable() form = cgi.FieldStorage() printHeader('Edit expense') if not form.has_key('expenseId'): print '<p class=error>Sorry, page called with no expense to edit</p>' else: expenseId = form['expenseId'].value cursor.execute('SELECT expDate,description,amount FROM expense WHERE expenseId = ?',(expenseId,)) (expDate,description,amount) = cursor.fetchone() print ''' <div class=addthing> <FORM> <H2>Edit expense</H2> <table> <tr><td align=right>Date:</td><td><INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=date ID=date SIZE=20 VALUE="%s" /> Format: YYYY-MM-DD</td></tr> <tr><td align=right>Description:</td><td><INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=description ID=description SIZE=70 VALUE="%s" /></td></tr> <tr><td align=right>Amount:</td><td><INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=amount ID=amount VALUE="%s" SIZE=5 onBlur='moneyFormat('/>Enter negative amount for a credit</td></tr> <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=edit VALUE=%s /> </table> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE='Submit changes' onClick='return validateForm();' /> </FORM> </div>
# enable debugging import cgitb import cgi from myutils import c,cursor,sql, printHeader, printFooter, printOptions, centsToDollarString, getItemName, gotoButton, db_removeFromBin, db_addToBin import sys cgitb.enable() form = cgi.FieldStorage() printHeader('Monthly Report') ############################################################################### # Get the earliest transaction date cursor.execute('SELECT tranDate FROM trans ORDER BY trandate LIMIT 1') (earliest,) = cursor.fetchone() (earliestYear,earliestMonth,earliestDay) = earliest.split('-') earliestYear = int(earliestYear) earliestMonth = int(earliestMonth) # Get the latest transaction date cursor.execute('SELECT tranDate FROM trans ORDER BY trandate DESC LIMIT 1') (latest,) = cursor.fetchone() (latestYear,latestMonth,latestDay) = latest.split('-') latestYear = int(latestYear) latestMonth = int(latestMonth) # Generate the list of year/date starting & ending points year = earliestYear month = earliestMonth
form = cgi.FieldStorage() printHeader1('Kits') errorString = None #cgi.print_form(form) ################## # Handle add kit request if form.has_key('AddKit'): try: name = form['name'].value maxItemIdx = form['addLastItem'].value cursor.execute('BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION') cursor.execute("INSERT INTO Kit (name) VALUES (?)",(name,)) kitId = cursor.lastrowid for i in range(1,int(maxItemIdx)+1): if form.has_key('addItem-'+str(i)): itemId = form['addItem-'+str(i)].value quantity = form['quantity-'+str(i)].value if int(quantity) == 0: continue cursor.execute('INSERT INTO KitItem (kitId,itemId,quantity) VALUES (?,?,?)', (kitId,itemId,quantity)) c.commit() # redirect to same page, so reload doesn't re-add purchase printRedirect('Added kit','',0) sys.exit()
from myutils import c,cursor,sql, printHeader, printFooter, gotoButton, centsToDollarString, dollarStringToCents, cell, moneyCell, getItemName cgitb.enable() form = cgi.FieldStorage() printHeader('Link Ebay title to stock item') if not form.has_key('title'): print "No ebay listing title specified" sys.exit() title = form['title'].value print "<p>Please select a stock item to link to ebay listing item <b>%s</b></p>"%title # Get a list of all items cursor.execute("SELECT itemId,manufacturer,brand,name FROM item ORDER BY manufacturer,brand,name") itemOptions = [] for (itemId,manufacturer,brand,name) in cursor: itemOptions.append('<OPTION VALUE=%s>%s</OPTION>'%(itemId,getItemName(manufacturer,brand,name))) print '<FORM>' print '<SELECT NAME=itemid>' for option in itemOptions: print option print '</SELECT>' print '<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=title VALUE=%s />'%urllib.quote_plus(title) print '<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Add link" NAME=linkToItem>' print '</FORM>' printFooter()
import cgitb import cgi from myutils import c,cursor,sql, printHeader, printFooter, gotoButton cgitb.enable() form = cgi.FieldStorage() printHeader('Edit item') if not form.has_key('itemId'): print '<p class=error>Sorry, page called with no item to edit</p>' else: itemId = form['itemId'].value cursor.execute('SELECT manufacturer,brand,name FROM item WHERE itemId = ?',(itemId,)) (manufacturer,brand,name) = cursor.fetchone() if not brand: brand = '' print ''' <div class=addthing> <FORM> <H2>Edit item type</H2> <table> <tr><td align=right>Manufacturer:</td><td><INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=manufacturer ID=mfr SIZE=70 VALUE="%s" /></td></tr> <tr><td align=right>Brand:</td><td><INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=brand ID=brand SIZE=70 VALUE="%s" /></td></tr> <tr><td align=right>Name:</td><td><INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=name ID=name SIZE=70 VALUE="%s" /></td></tr> <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=edit VALUE=%s /> </table> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE='Submit changes' onClick='return validateForm();' /> </FORM>
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # enable debugging import cgitb import cgi from myutils import c,cursor,sql, printHeader, printFooter, gotoButton, centsToDollarString,cell,moneyCell,getTranType,getItemName cgitb.enable() form = cgi.FieldStorage() printHeader('Purchase Details') tranId = form['tranId'].value cursor.execute('SELECT type,direction,tranDate,description,shipping FROM Trans where tranId = ?',(tranId,)) (type,direction,tranDate,description,shipping) = cursor.fetchone() mytype = getTranType(type,direction) print '<H2>Details for %s: %s</H2>'%(mytype,description) print '<p>Date: %s</p>'%tranDate sql = ''' SELECT manufacturer, brand, name, quantity, pricePerItem, shipping*priceperitem/(SELECT SUM(quantity*priceperitem) FROM transitem WHERE tranid = trans.tranid)
importCountFromEbay(itemid) except Exception,e: c.rollback() print "<p class=error>Problem importing data:</p><pre>",sys.exc_info(),"</pre>" ############################################################################### # Count total items cursor.execute(''' SELECT Item.itemId AS id, manufacturer, brand, name, countOnEbay, SUM(BinItems.quantity) AS number, ( SELECT title FROM ebayList2item INNER JOIN ebayList USING (title) where ebayList2item.itemId = Item.itemId ) FROM Item INNER JOIN BinItems USING (itemId) GROUP BY Item.itemId ORDER BY manufacturer,brand,name ''') stockList = [] total = 0 for itemDetails in cursor: stockList.append(itemDetails) total += itemDetails[5] #######################################
print '''<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='javascript'> function validateForm() { return (checkField('addBinName',"You must enter a bin name")); } document.getElementById('addBinName').focus(); </SCRIPT>''' ############### # Handle add if form.has_key('add'): try: sql = "INSERT INTO bin (name,slots) VALUES (?,?)" cursor.execute(sql,(form['name'].value,form['slots'].value)) c.commit() except sqlite3.IntegrityError: print "<p class=error>Oops - bin %s already exists!</p><br />"%form['name'].value ############### # Handle delete if form.has_key('delete'): try: sql = "DELETE FROM bin WHERE binId = ?" cursor.execute(sql,(form['delete'].value,)) c.commit() print "<p class=info>Deleted",form['name'].value,"</p>" except: print "<p class=error>Sorry, something went wrong with the deletion.</p>"
errorString = None #cgi.print_form(form) ################## # Handle add purchase request if form.has_key('AddPurchase'): try: seller = form['seller'].value shipping = dollarStringToCents(form['shipping'].value) if form.has_key('reconcile'): tranType = 'RECONCILE' else: tranType = 'REAL' maxItemIdx = form['addLastItem'].value cursor.execute('BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION') cursor.execute("INSERT INTO Trans (type,direction,tranDate,description,shipping) VALUES (?,'ADD',DATE('now'),?,?)", (tranType,seller,shipping)) tranId = cursor.lastrowid history = "BUY %d"%tranId for i in range(1,int(maxItemIdx)+1): if form.has_key('addItem-'+str(i)): itemId = form['addItem-'+str(i)].value quantity = form['quantity-'+str(i)].value if int(quantity) == 0: continue history += " %s OF %s TO 1"%(quantity,itemId) # binId 1 - unstocked - is hard-coded pricePerItem = dollarStringToCents(form['pricePerItem-'+str(i)].value) cursor.execute('INSERT INTO TransItem (tranId,itemId,quantity,pricePerItem) VALUES (?,?,?,?)', (tranId,itemId,quantity,pricePerItem))
function validateForm() { return ( checkField('addItemMfr','Fill out the manufacturer name') && checkField('name','Fill out the product name') ); } </script> """ ###################### # Handle delete if form.has_key("delete"): deleteId = int(form["delete"].value) # First check again that the item is not referenced cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM binItems where itemId = ?", (deleteId,)) (count,) = cursor.fetchone() if int(count): print "<p class=error>Item is stored in bins - cannot delete</p>" else: cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM transItem where itemId = ?", (deleteId,)) (count,) = cursor.fetchone() if int(count): print "<p class=error>Item is referenced in old transactions - cannot delete</p>" else: try: cursor.execute("DELETE FROM Item WHERE itemId = ?", (deleteId,)) c.commit() print "<p class=info>Deleted item</p>" except Exception, e: print "<p class=error>Sorry, something went wrong with the deletion</p>", e
delItem= form['delItem'].value history = "MOVE %s FROM %s"%(delItem,delBin) moveDetails = [] totalToMove = 0 for i in range(2,tableSize+1): binId = form['addBin-'+str(i)].value binQty = int(form['addQty-'+str(i)].value) if binQty == 0: continue totalToMove += binQty moveDetails.append([binId,binQty]) history += " %d TO %s"%(binQty,binId) cursor.execute('SELECT SUM(quantity) FROM binItems WHERE binId = ? and itemId = ? GROUP BY binId',(delBin,delItem)) (foundQty,) = cursor.fetchone() if foundQty < totalToMove: raise ValueError, "<p class=error>Didn't find enough items to move</p>" cursor.execute('DELETE FROM binItems WHERE binId = ? and itemId = ?',(delBin,delItem)) for (binId,binQty) in moveDetails: cursor.execute('INSERT INTO binItems (binId,itemId,quantity) VALUES (?,?,?)',(binId,delItem,binQty)) if foundQty > totalToMove: cursor.execute('INSERT INTO binItems (binId,itemId,quantity) VALUES (?,?,?)',(delBin,delItem,foundQty-totalToMove)) cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO history (historyDate,body) VALUES (DATETIME('now'),?)''',(history,)) c.commit()
cgitb.enable() form = cgi.FieldStorage() printHeader('Bin list') itemId = form['itemId'].value binId = form['binId'].value ################################## # Get the details of what we're transferring from cursor.execute(''' SELECT binId,itemId,,Item.manufacturer,Item.brand,,quantity FROM Bin INNER JOIN BinItems using (binId) INNER JOIN Item USING (itemId) WHERE itemId = ? AND binId = ? ''',(itemId,binId)) quantities = [] total = 0 for (thisBinId,thisItemId,binName,mfr,brand,name,quantity) in cursor: quantities.append(quantity) total += quantity itemName = getItemName(mfr,brand,name) ################################### # Get list of all bins and their size cursor.execute('''
import cgi from myutils import c,cursor,sql, printHeader, printFooter, printOptions, centsToDollarString, getItemName cgitb.enable() form = cgi.FieldStorage() printHeader('Stock list') cursor.execute(''' SELECT Item.itemId AS id, manufacturer, brand, name, SUM(BinItems.quantity) AS number, ( SELECT title FROM ebayList2item LEFT JOIN ebayList USING (title) where ebayList2item.itemId = Item.itemId ) FROM Item INNER JOIN BinItems USING (itemId) GROUP BY Item.itemId ORDER BY manufacturer,brand,name ''') stockList = [] for itemDetails in cursor: stockList.append(itemDetails) if len(stockList) == 0: print "<H2>You don't have any stock</H2>" else: print "<TABLE BORDER=1 class='listthings sortable'>" print "<TR><TH>Item</TH><TH>Qty</TH><TH>Listed?</TH></TR>"
#cgi.print_form(form) ################ # Handle add sale if form.has_key('addSale'): try: #cgi.print_form(form) buyer = form['buyer'].value shipping = dollarStringToCents(form['shipping'].value) if form.has_key('reconcile'): tranType = 'RECONCILE' else: tranType = 'REAL' cursor.execute('BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION') cursor.execute("INSERT INTO Trans (type,direction,tranDate,description,shipping) VALUES (?,'DEL',DATE('now'),?,?)", (tranType,buyer,shipping)) tranId = cursor.lastrowid history = "SELL %d"%tranId numberOfBins = {} kitSales = [] for field in form.keys(): if field.startswith('numberOfBins-'): numberOfBins[field.replace('numberOfBins-','')] = int(form[field].value) if field.startswith('kitId-'): key = field.replace('kitId-','') kitId = form[field].value
if form.has_key('import'): try: loadFromEbay() except Exception,e: c.rollback() print "<p class=error>Problem importing data:</p><pre>",sys.exc_info(),"</pre>" print gotoButton('Import listings from Ebay','') ########################################################################### # Add link to item if form.has_key('linkToItem'): itemid = form['itemid'].value title = urllib.unquote_plus(form['title'].value) print "<p>Linking <i>"+title+"<i> to item id "+itemid+"</p>" cursor.execute('INSERT INTO ebayList2Item (title,itemid) VALUES (?,?)',(title,itemid)) c.commit() ########################################################################### # Add link to kit if form.has_key('linkToKit'): kitid = form['kitid'].value title = urllib.unquote_plus(form['title'].value) print "<p>Linking <i>"+title+"<i> to kit id "+kitid+"</p>" cursor.execute('INSERT INTO ebayList2Kit (title,kitid) VALUES (?,?)',(title,kitid)) c.commit() ########################################################################### # Remove link if form.has_key('unlink'): if form.has_key('itemid'):
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # enable debugging import cgitb import cgi from myutils import c,cursor,sql, printHeader, printFooter, printOptions, centsToDollarString, getTranType, getItemName cgitb.enable() form = cgi.FieldStorage() printHeader('Stock detail') itemId = form['itemId'].value cursor.execute('SELECT manufacturer,brand,name FROM item WHERE itemId = ?',(itemId,)) (manufacturer,brand,name) = cursor.fetchone() print "<b>Item transactions for %s</b>"%getItemName(manufacturer,brand,name) cursor.execute(''' SELECT TransItem.quantity, TransItem.pricePerItem, tranDate, type, direction, description, shipping*priceperitem/(SELECT SUM(quantity*priceperitem) FROM transitem WHERE tranid = trans.tranid) FROM transItem INNER JOIN Trans USING (tranId)
if form.has_key('import'): try: loadFromEbay() except Exception,e: c.rollback() print "<p class=error>Problem importing data:</p><pre>",sys.exc_info(),"</pre>" print gotoButton('Import listings from Ebay','') ########################################################################### # Add link if form.has_key('link'): itemid = form['itemid'].value title = urllib.unquote_plus(form['title'].value) print "<p>Linking <i>"+title+"<i> to item id "+itemid+"</p>" cursor.execute('INSERT INTO ebayList2Item (title,itemid) VALUES (?,?)',(title,itemid)) c.commit() ###################################### # Table cursor.execute(''' SELECT title,ebayList.quantity,ebayList.itemId,Item.manufacturer,Item.brand,,SUM(BinItems.quantity) FROM ebayList LEFT JOIN ebayList2Item USING (title) LEFT JOIN BinItems USING (itemId) LEFT JOIN Item USING (itemId) GROUP BY ebayList.itemId ORDER BY title''')
from myutils import c,cursor,sql, printHeader, printFooter, gotoButton, centsToDollarString, dollarStringToCents, cell, moneyCell, getItemName cgitb.enable() form = cgi.FieldStorage() printHeader('Link Ebay title to kit') if not form.has_key('title'): print "No ebay listing title specified" sys.exit() title = form['title'].value print "<p>Please select a kit to link to ebay listing item <b>%s</b></p>"%title # Get a list of all items cursor.execute("SELECT kitId,name FROM Kit ORDER BY name") itemOptions = [] for (itemId,name) in cursor: itemOptions.append('<OPTION VALUE=%s>%s</OPTION>'%(itemId,name)) print '<FORM>' print '<SELECT NAME=kitid>' for option in itemOptions: print option print '</SELECT>' print '<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=title VALUE=%s />'%urllib.quote_plus(title) print '<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Add link" NAME=linkToKit>' print '</FORM>' printFooter()
salesKits = [] # Now print move table for each item for i in range(1,int(maxItemIdx)+1): if form.has_key('addItem-'+str(i)): itemId = form['addItem-'+str(i)].value if itemId.startswith('Item'): # item is an item itemId = itemId.replace('Item','') salesItems.append((itemId,form['quantity-'+str(i)].value,dollarStringToCents(form['pricePerItem-'+str(i)].value))) else: # item is a kit kitId = itemId.replace('Kit','') quantity = int(form['quantity-'+str(i)].value) pricePerKit = int(dollarStringToCents(form['pricePerItem-'+str(i)].value)) cursor.execute('SELECT itemId,quantity FROM KitItem WHERE kitId = ?',(kitId,)) itemList = [] for (itemId,itemQty) in cursor: itemList.append((itemId,int(itemQty))) itemCount = len(itemList)*quantity for (itemId,itemQty) in itemList: salesItems.append((itemId,itemQty*quantity,pricePerKit/itemCount)) salesKits.append((kitId,quantity)) for (itemId,quantity,pricePerItem) in salesItems: cursor.execute('SELECT manufacturer,brand,name FROM Item WHERE itemId = ?',(itemId,)) (mfg,brand,name) = cursor.fetchone() print "<H3>Item %s</H3>"%getItemName(mfg,brand,name) cursor.execute(''' SELECT