def get_depth(self, base, alt):
     book = { "bids" : [], "asks" : [] }
     pair0 = (base, alt)
     pair, swapped = self.get_validated_pair(pair0)
     newbase, newalt = pair
     slug = newbase + "_" + newalt
     marketdata = self.unauthenticated_request('markets/data/')
     depth = marketdata['markets'][slug]['marketdepth']
     if swapped:
         for bid in depth['bids']:
             o = Order(float(bid['r']), float(bid['q']))
             ask = get_swapped_order(o)
         for ask in depth['asks']:
             o = Order(float(ask['r']), float(ask['q']))
             bid = get_swapped_order(o)
         for bid in depth['bids']:
             o = Order(float(bid['r']), float(bid['q']))
         for ask in depth['asks']:
             o = Order(float(ask['r']), float(ask['q']))
     return book
Beispiel #2
 def get_depth(self, base, alt):
     book = {"bids": [], "asks": []}
     pair0 = (base, alt)
     pair, swapped = self.get_validated_pair(pair0)
     newbase, newalt = pair
     slug = newbase + "_" + newalt
     marketdata = self.unauthenticated_request('markets/data/')
     depth = marketdata['markets'][slug]['marketdepth']
     if swapped:
         for bid in depth['bids']:
             o = Order(float(bid['r']), float(bid['q']))
             ask = get_swapped_order(o)
         for ask in depth['asks']:
             o = Order(float(ask['r']), float(ask['q']))
             bid = get_swapped_order(o)
         for bid in depth['bids']:
             o = Order(float(bid['r']), float(bid['q']))
         for ask in depth['asks']:
             o = Order(float(ask['r']), float(ask['q']))
     return book
    def get_depth(self, alt, base):
        book = {'bids': [], 'asks': []}

        pair, swapped = self.get_validated_pair((alt, base))
        a, b = pair

        slug = a + "/" + b

        #print ("slug to fetch order book: %s swaped %s" % (slug, swapped))

        data =

        if swapped:
            for ask in data['asks']:
                o = Order(float(ask[0]), float(ask[1]))
                bid = get_swapped_order(o)
            for bid in data['bids']:
                o = Order(float(bid[0]), float(bid[1]))
                ask = get_swapped_order(o)
            for bid in data['bids']:
                o = Order(float(bid[0]), float(bid[1]))
            for ask in data['asks']:
                o = Order(float(ask[0]), float(ask[1]))

        return book
 def get_depth(self, base, alt):
     pair0 = (base, alt)
     pair, swapped = self.get_validated_pair(pair0)
     newbase, newalt = pair
     marketid = self.get_market_id(newbase, newalt)
     data = self.api.depth(marketid)['return']
     book = { "bids" : [], "asks" : [] }
     if swapped:
         for bid in data['buy']:
             # find out
             o = Order(float(bid[0]),float(bid[1]))
             ask = get_swapped_order(o)
         for ask in data['sell']:
             o = Order(float(ask[0]), float(ask[1]))
             bid = get_swapped_order(o)
         for bid in data['buy']:
             o = Order(float(bid[0]),float(bid[1]))
         for ask in data['sell']:
             o = Order(float(ask[0]), float(ask[1]))
     return book
Beispiel #5
 def get_depth(self, base, alt):
     pair0 = (base, alt)
     pair, swapped = self.get_validated_pair(pair0)
     newbase, newalt = pair
     marketid = self.get_market_id(newbase, newalt)
     data = self.api.depth(marketid)['return']
     book = {"bids": [], "asks": []}
     if swapped:
         for bid in data['buy']:
             # find out
             o = Order(float(bid[0]), float(bid[1]))
             ask = get_swapped_order(o)
         for ask in data['sell']:
             o = Order(float(ask[0]), float(ask[1]))
             bid = get_swapped_order(o)
         for bid in data['buy']:
             o = Order(float(bid[0]), float(bid[1]))
         for ask in data['sell']:
             o = Order(float(ask[0]), float(ask[1]))
     return book
    def get_orders(self, pair, type):
        use this function for accessing the depth info

        Note that the depth retrieval already flips the order for us based on the ordering
        that we specified during pair updates. However those pair update orders are arbitrary
        and we may end up needing both buy(A_B) and sell(B_A) orders with the samedepth info.
        (TODO - confirm whether the swapped retrieval ever gets called!)
        we could pre-compute the depth information but it would double the
        serialized data size. so it's probably easier for now just to re-compute on the
        fly when we need it again.

        type = 'bids' or 'asks'
        base, alt = pair
        slug = base + '_' + alt
        if slug in self.depth:
            return self.depth[slug][type]
        # damn, it's flipped. do we ever actually cross this point?
        swapped_slug = alt + '_' + base
        if swapped_slug in self.depth:
            opposite = 'bids' if type is 'asks' else 'asks'
            return [
                for o in self.depth[swapped_slug][opposite]
    def get_depth(self, base, alt):
        coinEx does not support retrieving all depths! GRRRR
        TODO - need to also append orderID!!!
        pair0 = (base, alt)
        pair, swapped = self.get_validated_pair(pair0)
        newbase, newalt = pair
        pairID = self.get_pairID(newbase, newalt)
        orders = self.api.get_orders(pairID)
        book = {"bids": [], "asks": []}
        for data in orders["orders"]:
            if not data["complete"]:
                price = float(data["rate"] * 1e-8)
                volume = float(data["amount"] * 1e-8)
                order = Order(price,
                if not swapped:
                    if data['bid']:  # buy order
                    else:  # sell order
                else:  # is swapped
                    order = get_swapped_order(order)
                    if data['bid']:

        return book
    def get_depth(self, base, alt):
        coinEx does not support retrieving all depths! GRRRR
        TODO - need to also append orderID!!!
        pair0 = (base, alt)
        pair, swapped = self.get_validated_pair(pair0)
        newbase, newalt = pair
        pairID = self.get_pairID(newbase, newalt)
        orders = self.api.get_orders(pairID)
        book = { "bids" : [], "asks" : [] }
        for data in orders["orders"]:
            if not data["complete"]:
                price = float(data["rate"]*1e-8)
                volume = float(data["amount"]*1e-8)
                order = Order(price, volume, orderID=data['id'], timestamp=data['created_at'])
                if not swapped:
                    if data['bid']: # buy order
                    else: # sell order
                else: # is swapped
                    order = get_swapped_order(order)
                    if data['bid']:

        return book
 def get_highest_bid(self, pair):
     base, alt = pair
     slug = base + "_" + alt
     if slug in self.depth and len(self.depth[slug]['bids']) > 0:
         return self.depth[slug]['bids'][0].p
     swapped_slug = alt + "_" + base
     if swapped_slug in self.depth and len(self.depth[swapped_slug]['asks']) > 0:
         print('WEIRD, this shouldn\'t being getting called!')
         ask = self.rates[swapped_slug]['asks'][0]
         return get_swapped_order(ask).p
     return None
 def get_highest_bid(self, pair):
     base, alt = pair
     slug = base + "_" + alt
     if slug in self.depth and len(self.depth[slug]['bids']) > 0:
         return self.depth[slug]['bids'][0].p
     swapped_slug = alt + "_" + base
     if swapped_slug in self.depth and len(
             self.depth[swapped_slug]['asks']) > 0:
         print('WEIRD, this shouldn\'t being getting called!')
         ask = self.rates[swapped_slug]['asks'][0]
         return get_swapped_order(ask).p
     return None
 def get_lowest_ask(self, pair):
     base, alt = pair
     slug = base + "_" + alt
     if slug in self.depth and len(self.depth[slug]['asks']) > 0:
         return self.depth[slug]['asks'][0].p
     swapped_slug = alt + "_" + base
     # note - there should actually be no reason that the swapped low ask gets called, because we are already fetching
     # all the depths in the order that we would actually see them!
     if swapped_slug in self.depth and len(self.depth[swapped_slug]['bids']) > 0:
         print('WEIRD, this shouldn\'t being getting called!')
         bid = self.rates[swapped_slug]['bids'][0]
         return get_swapped_order(bid).p
     return None
 def get_lowest_ask(self, pair):
     base, alt = pair
     slug = base + "_" + alt
     if slug in self.depth and len(self.depth[slug]['asks']) > 0:
         return self.depth[slug]['asks'][0].p
     swapped_slug = alt + "_" + base
     # note - there should actually be no reason that the swapped low ask gets called, because we are already fetching
     # all the depths in the order that we would actually see them!
     if swapped_slug in self.depth and len(
             self.depth[swapped_slug]['bids']) > 0:
         print('WEIRD, this shouldn\'t being getting called!')
         bid = self.rates[swapped_slug]['bids'][0]
         return get_swapped_order(bid).p
     return None
Beispiel #13
 def get_depth(self, base, alt):
     book = {'bids': [], 'asks': []}
     pair, swapped = self.get_validated_pair((base, alt))
     b,a = pair
     slug = b.lower() + "_" + a.lower()
     data = self.api.reqpublic('depth' + '/' + slug)
     if swapped:
         for ask in data['asks']:
             o = Order(float(ask[0]), float(ask[1]))
             bid = get_swapped_order(o)
         for bid in data['bids']:
             o = Order(float(bid[0]), float(bid[1]))
             ask = get_swapped_order(o)
         for bid in data['bids']:
             o = Order(float(bid[0]), float(bid[1]))
         for ask in data['asks']:
             o = Order(float(ask[0]), float(ask[1]))
     return book
    def get_orders(self, pair, type):
        use this function for accessing the depth info

        Note that the depth retrieval already flips the order for us based on the ordering
        that we specified during pair updates. However those pair update orders are arbitrary
        and we may end up needing both buy(A_B) and sell(B_A) orders with the samedepth info.
        (TODO - confirm whether the swapped retrieval ever gets called!)
        we could pre-compute the depth information but it would double the
        serialized data size. so it's probably easier for now just to re-compute on the
        fly when we need it again.

        type = 'bids' or 'asks'
        base, alt = pair
        slug = base + '_' + alt
        if slug in self.depth:
            return self.depth[slug][type]
        # damn, it's flipped. do we ever actually cross this point?
        swapped_slug = alt + '_' + base
        if swapped_slug in self.depth:
            opposite = 'bids' if type is 'asks' else 'asks'
            return [get_swapped_order(o) for o in self.depth[swapped_slug][opposite]]