def validate_file(data, max_size=None, msg=_L(u'Size must be less than %d KB')): """ Validate a 'file' input data against the max size in KB """ # check against the first roundtrip with the client if data is None or is_string(data): return None if data.done == -1: raise ValueError(_L(u'Transfer was interrupted')) # gets the file size (it's a StringIO), 2) # 0 from EOF filesize = data.file.tell() if max_size is not None and filesize > max_size * 1024: raise ValueError(msg % max_size) filedata = filename = ntpath.basename(unicode(data.filename)) return {'filename': filename, 'filedata': filedata, 'content_type': unicode(data.type)}
def initialization(self): """ Initialize Kansha application Initialize user_menu with current user, Initialize last board Return: - app initialized """ user = security.get_user() self.home_menu['boards'] = MenuEntry( _L(u'Boards'), 'board', self.boards_manager ) self.home_menu['profile'] = MenuEntry( _L(u'Profile'), 'user', self._services( get_userform( self.app_title, self.app_banner, self.theme, ),, ) ) self.user_menu = component.Component(user) if user and self.content() is None: self.select_last_board() return self
def __init__(self, idea): super(WorkflowSection, self).__init__() self.idea_id = idea if is_integer(idea) else self.switching_menu = component.Component( WorkflowMenu(self.idea_id, switching_actions)) event_management._register_listener(self, self.switching_menu()) recommendation_legend = _L( u'After my appraisal i can propose two kinds of suggestion:') self.recommendation_menu = component.Component( WorkflowMenu(self.idea_id, recommendation_actions, recommendation_legend)) event_management._register_listener(self, self.recommendation_menu()) self.evaluation_menu = component.Component(EvaluationMenu( self.idea_id)) self.tabs = (('switching', _L(u'My actions'), self.switching_menu), ('evaluation', _L(u"My evaluation"), self.evaluation_menu), ('recommendation', _L(u"My recommendation"), self.recommendation_menu)) self.selected_tab = editor.Property('switching') self.menu_items = [(label, name, None, '', None) for name, label, action in self.filtered_tabs] = component.Component(Menu([], self.filter_menu), model='tab_renderer') if self.menu_items: self.select_tab(0)
def __init__(self, idea): super(WorkflowSection, self).__init__() self.idea_id = idea if is_integer(idea) else self.switching_menu = component.Component(WorkflowMenu(self.idea_id, switching_actions)) event_management._register_listener(self, self.switching_menu()) recommendation_legend = _L(u'After my appraisal i can propose two kinds of suggestion:') self.recommendation_menu = component.Component( WorkflowMenu(self.idea_id, recommendation_actions, recommendation_legend)) event_management._register_listener(self, self.recommendation_menu()) self.evaluation_menu = component.Component(EvaluationMenu(self.idea_id)) self.tabs = (('switching', _L(u'My actions'), self.switching_menu), ('evaluation', _L(u"My evaluation"), self.evaluation_menu), ('recommendation', _L(u"My recommendation"), self.recommendation_menu)) self.selected_tab = editor.Property('switching') self.menu_items = [(label, name, None, '', None) for name, label, action in self.filtered_tabs] = component.Component(Menu([], self.filter_menu), model='tab_renderer') if self.menu_items: self.select_tab(0)
def __init__(self, pager): filters_by_name = dict(map(lambda f: (, f), pager().filters)) # state names state_names = ['SUGGESTED_STEP', 'SELECTED_STEP', 'PROJECT_STEP', 'PROTOTYPE_STEP', 'EXTENDED_STEP', 'refused'] if pager()._transform != 'progressing_ideas': state_names = ['STUDY_STEP', ] + state_names if pager()._transform == 'user': state_names.insert(0, 'SUBMITTED_STEP') filter_state = [filters_by_name[name] for name in state_names] self.filter_menu_state = FilterMenu(filter_state, 'state', pager) period_names = ['last_day', 'last_week', 'last_month'] filter_period = [filters_by_name[name] for name in period_names] self.filter_menu_period = FilterMenu(filter_period, 'period', pager) filter_domain = [filter for filter in pager().filters if isinstance(filter, IdeaDomainFilter)] self.filter_menu_domain = FilterMenu(filter_domain, 'domain', pager) filter_challenge = [filter for filter in pager().filters if isinstance(filter, IdeaChallengeFilter)] self.filter_menu_challenge = FilterMenu(filter_challenge, 'challenge', pager) self.menu_state = component.Component(PagerMenu(_L(u'state'), self.filter_menu_state, pager, pager().change_filter_state)) self.menu_challenge = component.Component(PagerMenu(_L(u'challenge'), self.filter_menu_challenge, pager, pager().change_filter_challenge)) self.menu_period = component.Component(PagerMenu(_L(u'period'), self.filter_menu_period, pager, pager().change_filter_period)) self.menu_domain = component.Component(PagerMenu(_L(u'domain'), self.filter_menu_domain, pager, pager().change_filter_domain)) self.menu_state().attach_linked_menu([self.menu_challenge(), self.menu_period(), self.menu_domain()]) self.menu_challenge().attach_linked_menu([self.menu_state(), self.menu_period(), self.menu_domain()]) self.menu_period().attach_linked_menu([self.menu_challenge(), self.menu_state(), self.menu_domain()]) self.menu_domain().attach_linked_menu([self.menu_challenge(), self.menu_period(), self.menu_state()])
def initialization(self): """ Initialize Kansha application Initialize user_menu with current user, Initialize last board Return: - app initialized """ user = security.get_user() self.home_menu['boards'] = MenuEntry( _L(u'Boards'), 'table2', self.boards_manager ) self.home_menu['profile'] = MenuEntry( _L(u'Profile'), 'user', self._services( get_userform( self.app_title, self.app_banner, self.theme, ),, ) ) self.user_menu = component.Component(user) if user and self.content() is None: self.select_last_board() return self
def __init__(self, app_title, app_banner, custom_css, user, mail_sender, assets_manager, search_engine): """ In: - ``user`` -- user (DataUser instance) - ``mail_sender`` -- MailSender instance """ self.app_title = app_title = collections.OrderedDict()['boards'] = MenuEntry( _L(u'Boards'), UserBoards( app_title, app_banner, custom_css, [dbm.board for dbm in user.board_members], mail_sender, assets_manager ) )['my-cards'] = MenuEntry( _L(u'My cards'), UserCards(user, assets_manager, search_engine) )['profile'] = MenuEntry( _L(u'Profile'), get_userform( app_title, app_banner, custom_css, user.source )(user, mail_sender, assets_manager) ) self.content = component.Component(None) self._on_menu_entry(next(iter(
def __init__(self, app_title, app_banner, custom_css, user, search_engine, services_service): """ In: - ``user`` -- user (DataUser instance) """ self.app_title = app_title = OrderedDict()['boards'] = MenuEntry( _L(u'Boards'), services_service( UserBoards, app_title, app_banner, custom_css, user, ) )['my-cards'] = MenuEntry( _L(u'My cards'), services_service(UserCards, user, search_engine) )['profile'] = MenuEntry( _L(u'Profile'), services_service( get_userform( app_title, app_banner, custom_css, user.source ), user, ) ) self.content = component.Component(None) self._on_menu_entry(next(iter(
def fi_states_labels(): workflow = get_workflow() return ( (workflow.WFStates.FI_NORMALIZE_STATE, _L(u'You have %d ideas to review')), (workflow.WFStates.AUTHOR_NORMALIZE_STATE, _L(u'You have sent back %d ideas to innovators')), (workflow.WFStates.DI_APPRAISAL_STATE, _L(u'You have sent %d ideas to developers')), (workflow.WFStates.FI_REFUSED_STATE, _L(u'You have refused %d ideas')), )
def validate_email(value, required_msg=_L("Required field"), invalid_msg=_L("Invalid email address")): """Check that the value is a valid email address""" if not value: raise ValueError(_(required_msg)) # convert to lowercase value = value.lower() if len(value) > 7: if re.match(MAIL_RE, value): return value raise ValueError(_(invalid_msg))
def __init__(self, app_title, custom_css, user, mail_sender, assets_manager, search_engine): """ In: - ``user`` -- user (DataUser instance) - ``mail_sender`` -- MailSender instance """ self.app_title = app_title = ((_L(u'Boards'), UserBoards(app_title, custom_css, [dbm.board for dbm in user.board_members], mail_sender, assets_manager)), (_L(u'My cards'), UserCards( user, assets_manager, search_engine)), (_L(u'Profile'), get_userform(app_title, custom_css, user.source)( user, mail_sender, assets_manager)), ) self.content = component.Component(None)[0][0])
def user_email_list(text, separator=',', check_user_email=True): """Validate a list of email addresses between commas""" emails = [item.strip() for item in text.split(separator) if item.strip() != ''] if not emails: raise ValueError(_L(u"Can't be empty")) for email in emails: if not validateEmail(email): raise ValueError(_L(u"%s is not a valid email address") % email) if check_user_email and not UserRepository().get_by_email(email): raise ValueError( _L(u"There's no user with this email address: %s") % email) return emails
class BoardDescription(description.Description): """Description component for boards """ type = _L('board') def change_text(self, text): """Changes text description. Return JS to execute. TODO reload tooltip description of the board In: - ``text`` -- the text of the description Return: - part of JS to execute to hide the overlay """ if text is not None: text = text.strip() if text: text = validator.clean_text(text) self.text = = text return ';'
def in_words_list(text, separator=',', required=False, duplicates='warn', words=()): values = word_list(text, separator=separator, required=required, duplicates=duplicates) bad_words = set(values) - set(words) if bad_words: bad_words = list(bad_words) if len(bad_words) < 2: raise ValueError(_L(u"%s is not a valid value") % bad_words[0]) else: raise ValueError( _L(u"%s are not valid values") % ', '.join(bad_words)) return values
def __init__(self, pager): filters = [Filter(t.label, t.label) for t in ArticleTopicData.query] self.filter_menu = FilterMenu(filters, 'Topic', pager) = component.Component( PagerMenu(_L(u'Topic'), self.filter_menu, pager, pager().change_topic))
def is_identifier(self, msg=_L('Should start with an ASCII letter and ' 'contain only ASCII letters or digits')): """Validate an identifier""" if not self.value: return self return self.match(IDENTIFIER_RE, msg)
def di_states_labels(): workflow = get_workflow() return ( (workflow.WFStates.DI_APPRAISAL_STATE, _L(u'You have %d ideas to review')), (workflow.WFStates.DSIG_BASKET_STATE, _L(u'You have sent %d ideas to DSIG')), (workflow.WFStates.DI_REFUSED_STATE, _L(u'You have refused %d ideas')), (workflow.WFStates.DI_APPROVED_STATE, _L(u'You have approved %d ideas')), (workflow.WFStates.SELECTED_STATE, _L(u'You have %d selected ideas')), (workflow.WFStates.PROJECT_STATE, _L(u'You have %d projected ideas')), (workflow.WFStates.PROTOTYPE_STATE, _L(u'You have %d prototyped ideas')), (workflow.WFStates.EXTENDED_STATE, _L(u'You have %d extended ideas')), )
def __init__(self, v, strip=True, rstrip=False, lstrip=False, chars=None, msg=_L(u'Must be a string')): # fix a nagare bug where StringValidator accepts None but fail in the not_empty check if v is not None and not is_string(v): # we accept None or a string raise ValueError(msg) if v is None: # strip will crash if the given value is None... strip = False super(ExtendedStringValidator, self).__init__(remove_invalid_chars(v), strip, rstrip, lstrip, chars)
class UserBrowser(UserPager): # (search field, label) pairs, in display order SEARCH_FIELDS = ( ("firstname", _L(u"First name")), ("lastname", _L(u"Last name")), ("competencies", _L(u"Skills")), ("position", _L(u"Position")), ("business_unit", _L(u"Business Unit")), ("text", _L(u"All")), ) def __init__(self, parent, pattern, batch_size=10): super(UserBrowser, self).__init__(parent, None, batch_size) self.pattern = pattern self.search_field = editor.Property("text") def count(self): field = self.search_field.value if not field: return 0 pattern = self.pattern return self._search_results_count(pattern, field) def get_pager_elements(self): field = self.search_field.value if not field: return [] pattern = self.pattern return self._search_results(pattern, field, start=self.start, rows=self.batch_size) @cached def _search_results_count(self, pattern, field): if not pattern: return 0 return get_search_engine().search('user', pattern, rows=0, default_field=field)[1] @cached def _search_results(self, pattern, field, start=0, rows=200): if not pattern: return [] return get_search_engine().search('user', pattern, start=start, rows=rows, default_field=field)[0] def get_results_counts_per_field(self): pattern = self.pattern return dict((field, self._search_results_count(pattern, field)) for field, __ in self.SEARCH_FIELDS)
def __init__(self, v, base=10, msg=i18n._L('Must be an integer'), *args, **kw): """Initialisation Check that the value is an integer In: - ``v`` -- value to validate """ super(IntValidator, self).__init__(v, *args, **kw) try: self.value = int(self.value, base) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise ValueError(msg)
def __init__(self, v, *args, **kw): """Initialisation Check that the value is an float or empty In: - ``v`` -- value to validate """ super(FloatValidator, self).__init__(v, *args, **kw) try: if self.value: self.value = float(self.value) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise ValueError(_L(u'Must be a float'))
def __init__(self, v, format='%d/%m/%Y', msg=_L(u'Should be a date formatted as dd/mm/yyyy')): """Initialization Date validator for input fields validation. In: - ``v`` -- value to validate - ``date_format`` -- a python date formatting string such as '%d/%m/%Y' """ self.format = format try: self.value = datetime.strptime(v, self.format) if v else None except (ValueError, TypeError): raise ValueError(msg)
def word_list(text, separator=',', required=False, duplicates='warn'): if not text: if required: raise ValueError(_L(u"Can't be empty")) return [] words = [item.strip() for item in text.split(separator) if item.strip() != ''] duplicates_handlers = { 'ignore': (lambda w: w), 'warn': check_duplicates, 'remove': remove_duplicates, } return duplicates_handlers[duplicates](words)
def __init__(self, app_title, app_banner, theme, user, search_engine, services_service): """ In: - ``user`` -- user (DataUser instance) """ self.app_title = app_title = OrderedDict()['boards'] = MenuEntry( _L(u'Boards'), 'board', services_service( UserBoards, app_title, app_banner, theme, user, ) )['my-cards'] = MenuEntry( _L(u'My cards'), 'profile', services_service(UserCards, user, search_engine, theme) )['profile'] = MenuEntry( _L(u'Profile'), 'user', services_service( get_userform( app_title, app_banner, theme, user.source ), user, ) ) self.content = component.Component(None) self._on_menu_entry(next(iter(
def is_user_email(self, msg=_L(u"No user with this email")): """Check that there is a known user with this email In: - ``msg`` -- message to raise Return: - ``self`` """ if not self.value: return self if not UserRepository().get_by_email(self.value): raise ValueError(msg) return self
def is_email(self, msg=_L(u"Must be an email address")): """Check that the value is an email In: - ``msg`` -- message to raise Return: - ``self`` """ if not self.value: return self if validateEmail(self.value): return self raise ValueError(msg)
def is_unused_uid(self, msg=_L(u'User id already used')): """Check that there is no user with this identifier In: - ``msg`` -- message to raise Return: - ``self`` """ if not self.value: return self if UserRepository().get_by_uid(self.value): raise ValueError(msg) return self
class DesktopApplication(BaseApplication): PLATFORM = u'Eureka Desktop' _L(u'Eureka Desktop') # associated translation renderer_factory = xhtml5.Renderer APPLICATION_SPEC = merge_spec( BaseApplication.APPLICATION_SPEC, { 'misc': { 'tutorial_video_url': 'string(default=None)', 'tutorial_splash_url': 'string(default=None)', } }) shell_factory = DesktopShell def __init__(self): super(DesktopApplication, self).__init__(self.shell_factory)
def test_L_ugettext(): s = i18n._L('hello') assert s.__class__.__name__ == 'LazyProxy' assert isinstance(s.value, unicode) and (s == u'bonjour')
# this distribution. #-- import imghdr import peak.rules from nagare.i18n import _, _L from nagare import editor, presentation, security from kansha import validator from kansha.authentication.database import forms as registation_forms from .usermanager import UserManager LANGUAGES = {'en': _L('english'), 'fr': _L('french'), 'ja': _L('japanese'), 'tr': _L('turkish')} class BasicUserForm(editor.Editor): """ Basic User Form View all fields but you can modify language only """ fields = {'username', 'email', 'fullname', 'language', 'picture'} def __init__(self, app_title, app_banner, theme, target, *args):
from .boardsmanager import BoardsManager from .comp import (Board, BoardDescription, BoardMember, Icon) from .comp import (BOARD_PRIVATE, BOARD_PUBLIC, BOARD_SHARED, COMMENTS_OFF, COMMENTS_PUBLIC, COMMENTS_MEMBERS, VOTES_OFF, VOTES_PUBLIC, VOTES_MEMBERS, WEIGHTING_FREE, WEIGHTING_LIST, WEIGHTING_OFF) from .boardconfig import BoardBackground, BoardConfig, BoardLabels, BoardProfile, BoardWeights VISIBILITY_ICONS = { BOARD_PRIVATE: 'icon-lock', BOARD_PUBLIC: 'icon-unlocked', BOARD_SHARED: 'icon-earth' } BACKGROUND_POSITIONS = [('fill', _L(u"fill")), ('fit', _L(u"fit")), ('stretch', _L(u"stretch")), ('tile', _L(u"tile")), ('center', _L(u"center"))] @presentation.render_for(Board, model="menu") def render_Board_menu(self, h, comp, *args): with h.div(class_='nav-menu', onclick=''): with h.ul(class_='actions large'): h << h.a(self.icons['preferences']).action(self.show_preferences)) if security.has_permissions('edit', self): h <<['add_list']).action(self.add_list)) h << h.a(self.icons['edit_desc']).action(self.edit_description))
def test_L_ugettext(self): s = i18n._L('hello') self.assertEqual(s.__class__.__name__, 'LazyProxy') self.assertIsInstance(s.value, unicode) self.assertEqual(s, u'bonjour')
# FIXME: remove duplicated code! # render_idea_basket_fi and render_idea_basket_fi_dsig are quite the same # except that the user name is shown in the latter case # render_idea_basket_di and render_idea_basket_di_dsig are quite the same # except that the user name is shown in the latter case # in both case, they do not emit the same event but the events can be merged! # FIXME: we may miss translations here def default_states_labels(): workflow = get_workflow() return [(state, _L(u'You have %d ideas in state ' + state)) for state in workflow.get_ordered_states()] # Help Babel's messages extraction TRANSLATED_STATE_LABELS = (_L('You have %d ideas in state AUTHOR_NORMALIZE_STATE'), _L('You have %d ideas in state DRAFT_STATE'), _L('You have %d ideas in state DSIG_BASKET_STATE'), _L('You have %d ideas in state PROTOTYPE_REFUSED_STATE'), _L('You have %d ideas in state APPROVAL_REFUSED_STATE'), _L('You have %d ideas in state DI_APPROVED_STATE'), _L('You have %d ideas in state PROTOTYPE_STATE'), _L('You have %d ideas in state DI_REFUSED_STATE'), _L('You have %d ideas in state EXTENDED_STATE'), _L('You have %d ideas in state RETURNED_BY_DI_STATE'), _L('You have %d ideas in state SELECT_REFUSED_STATE'), _L('You have %d ideas in state FI_REFUSED_STATE'), _L('You have %d ideas in state PROJECT_STATE'), _L('You have %d ideas in state PROJECT_REFUSED_STATE'), _L('You have %d ideas in state SELECTED_STATE'), _L('You have %d ideas in state DI_APPRAISAL_STATE'),
def __init__(self, message=_L(u'No content yet')): self.message = message
def validate_non_empty_string(value, msg=_L("Required field")): """Check that the value is a non-empty string""" # strip whitespace characters return validator.StringValidator(value, strip=True).not_empty(_(msg)).to_string()
def __init__(self, pager, show_challenge=True): pager = pager().pager filters_by_name = dict(map(lambda f: (, f), pager().filters)) # state names state_names = [ 'SUGGESTED_STEP', 'SELECTED_STEP', 'PROJECT_STEP', 'PROTOTYPE_STEP', 'EXTENDED_STEP', 'refused' ] if pager()._transform != 'progressing_ideas': state_names = [ 'STUDY_STEP', ] + state_names if pager()._transform == 'user': state_names.insert(0, 'SUBMITTED_STEP') self.show_challenge = show_challenge filter_state = [filters_by_name[name] for name in state_names] self.filter_menu_state = FilterMenu(filter_state, 'state', pager) period_names = ['last_day', 'last_week', 'last_month'] filter_period = [filters_by_name[name] for name in period_names] self.filter_menu_period = FilterMenu(filter_period, 'period', pager) filter_domain = [ filter for filter in pager().filters if isinstance(filter, IdeaDomainFilter) ] self.filter_menu_domain = FilterMenu(filter_domain, 'domain', pager) filter_challenge = [ filter for filter in pager().filters if isinstance(filter, IdeaChallengeFilter) ] self.filter_menu_challenge = FilterMenu(filter_challenge, 'challenge', pager) self.menu_state = component.Component( PagerMenu(_L(u'state'), self.filter_menu_state, pager, pager().change_filter_state)) self.menu_challenge = component.Component( PagerMenu(_L(u'challenge'), self.filter_menu_challenge, pager, pager().change_filter_challenge)) self.menu_period = component.Component( PagerMenu(_L(u'period'), self.filter_menu_period, pager, pager().change_filter_period)) self.menu_domain = component.Component( PagerMenu(_L(u'domain'), self.filter_menu_domain, pager, pager().change_filter_domain)) # The pager can already have a domain value associated if pager()._filter_domain: filter_ = [ f for f in filter_domain if == pager()._filter_domain ] if filter_: self.menu_domain().label = filter_[0].title self.menu_state().attach_linked_menu( [self.menu_challenge(), self.menu_period(), self.menu_domain()]) self.menu_challenge().attach_linked_menu( [self.menu_state(), self.menu_period(), self.menu_domain()]) self.menu_period().attach_linked_menu( [self.menu_challenge(), self.menu_state(), self.menu_domain()]) self.menu_domain().attach_linked_menu( [self.menu_challenge(), self.menu_period(), self.menu_state()])
# this distribution. #-- import imghdr import peak.rules from nagare.i18n import _, _L from nagare import editor, presentation, security from kansha import validator from kansha.authentication.database import forms as registation_forms from .usermanager import UserManager LANGUAGES = { 'en': _L('english'), 'fr': _L('french'), 'ja': _L('japanese'), 'tr': _L('turkish') } class BasicUserForm(editor.Editor): """ Basic User Form View all fields but you can modify language only """ fields = {'username', 'email', 'fullname', 'language', 'picture'} def __init__(self, app_title, app_banner, theme, target, *args):
def default_states_labels(): workflow = get_workflow() return [(state, _L(u'You have %d ideas in state ' + state)) for state in workflow.get_ordered_states()]
def test_L_ugettext(): s = i18n._L('hello') assert s.__class__.__name__ == 'LazyProxy' assert isinstance(s.value, type(u'')) assert s == u'bonjour'
from nagare.namespaces import xhtml from sqlalchemy.types import TypeDecorator import sqlalchemy as sa from user.models import DataBoardMember # Levels NOTIFY_OFF = 0 NOTIFY_MINE = 1 NOTIFY_ALL = 2 # Groups and messages EVENT_MESSAGES = { 'card_create': _L(u'Card "%(card)s" has been added to column "%(column)s"'), 'card_delete': _L(u'User %(author)s has deleted card "%(card)s"'), 'card_archive': _L(u'User %(author)s has archived card "%(card)s"'), 'card_move': _L(u'Card "%(card)s" has been moved from column "%(from)s" to column "%(to)s"'), 'card_title': _L(u'Card "%(from)s" has been renamed to "%(to)s"'), 'card_weight': _L(u'Card "%(card)s" has been weighted from (%(from)s) to (%(to)s)'), 'card_add_member': _L(u'User %(user)s has been assigned to card "%(card)s"'), 'card_remove_member': _L(u'User %(user)s has been unassigned from card "%(card)s"'), 'card_add_comment': _L(u'User %(author)s has commented card "%(card)s"'), 'card_add_file': _L(u'User %(author)s has added file "%(file)s" to card "%(card)s"'), 'card_add_list': _L(u'User %(author)s has added the checklist "%(list)s" to card "%(card)s"'), 'card_delete_list': _L(u'User %(author)s has deleted the checklist "%(list)s" from card "%(card)s"'), 'card_listitem_done': _L(u'User %(author)s has checked the item %(item)s from the checklist "%(list)s", on card "%(card)s"'), 'card_listitem_undone': _L(u'User %(author)s has unchecked the item %(item)s from the checklist "%(list)s", on card "%(card)s"'), }
# this distribution. #-- import imghdr import peak.rules from nagare.i18n import _, _L from nagare import editor, presentation, security from kansha import validator from kansha.authentication.database import forms as registation_forms from .usermanager import UserManager LANGUAGES = {'en': _L('english'), 'fr': _L('french')} class BasicUserForm(editor.Editor): """ Basic User Form View all fields but you can modify language only """ fields = {'username', 'email', 'fullname', 'language', 'picture', 'display_week_numbers'} def __init__(self, target, *args): """ In:
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL # "". # # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited # liability. # # In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated # with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the # software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, # that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also # therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced # professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore # encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their # requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or # data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the # same conditions as regards security. # # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had # knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms. # =- # This is the root package of the "desktop" user interface of eureka from nagare.i18n import _L APP_TITLE = _L(u'Eurêka')