Beispiel #1
def test_canonical():
    r = create_request('', '')
    p = create_presentation(True)
    h = html.Renderer()

    assert merge_head(p, r, h) == b'<html><head><link rel="canonical" href=""></head><body></body></html>' \
        or merge_head(p, r, h) == b'<html><head><link href="" rel="canonical"></head><body></body></html>'

    r = create_request('', '')
    p = create_presentation(True)
    h = html.Renderer()

    h.head <<'canonical', href='/bar')
    assert merge_head(p, r, h) == b'<html><head><link rel="canonical" href="/bar"></head><body></body></html>' \
        or merge_head(p, r, h) == b'<html><head><link href="/bar" rel="canonical"></head><body></body></html>'

    r = create_request('/foo', '')
    p = create_presentation(True)
    h = html.Renderer()

    assert merge_head(p, r, h) == b'<html><head><link rel="canonical" href="/foo"></head><body></body></html>' \
        or merge_head(p, r, h) == b'<html><head><link href="/foo" rel="canonical"></head><body></body></html>'

    r = create_request('/foo', '')
    p = create_presentation(True)
    h = html.Renderer()

    h.head <<'canonical', href='/bar')
    assert merge_head(p, r, h) == b'<html><head><link rel="canonical" href="/bar"></head><body></body></html>' \
        or merge_head(p, r, h) == b'<html><head><link href="/bar" rel="canonical"></head><body></body></html>'
Beispiel #2
def test_14():
    r = create_request('/a', '/b')
    p = create_presentation(False)
    h = html.Renderer()

    h << h.head.head << h.body
    assert merge_head(p, r, h) == b'<html><head></head><body></body></html>'
def test_parse9():
    h = html.Renderer()
    root = h.fromstring('<a>text</a><b>text</b>', fragment=True)
    assert isinstance(root, tuple)
    assert len(root) == 2
    assert root[0].tostring() == b'<a>text</a>'
    assert root[1].tostring() == b'<b>text</b>'
def test_absolute_asset_url5():
    h = html.Renderer(static_url='/static/root2')

    assert h.absolute_asset_url('', '/static/root') == '/static/root/'

    assert h.absolute_asset_url('/', '/static/root') == '/'
    assert h.absolute_asset_url('/abc', '/static/root') == '/abc'

    assert h.absolute_asset_url('http://abc', '/static/root') == 'http://abc'

    assert h.absolute_asset_url('abc', '') == '/abc'
    assert h.absolute_asset_url('abc/', '') == '/abc/'

    assert h.absolute_asset_url('abc', '/static/root') == '/static/root/abc'
    assert h.absolute_asset_url('abc', '/static/root/') == '/static/root/abc'
    assert h.absolute_asset_url('abc/', '/static/root') == '/static/root/abc/'
    assert h.absolute_asset_url('abc/', '/static/root/') == '/static/root/abc/'

    assert h.absolute_asset_url('') == '/static/root2/'

    assert h.absolute_asset_url('/') == '/'
    assert h.absolute_asset_url('/abc') == '/abc'

    assert h.absolute_asset_url('http://abc') == 'http://abc'

    assert h.absolute_asset_url('abc', '') == '/abc'
    assert h.absolute_asset_url('abc/', '') == '/abc/'

    assert h.absolute_asset_url('abc') == '/static/root2/abc'
    assert h.absolute_asset_url('abc') == '/static/root2/abc'
    assert h.absolute_asset_url('abc/') == '/static/root2/abc/'
    assert h.absolute_asset_url('abc/') == '/static/root2/abc/'
Beispiel #5
def test_html1():
    h = html.Renderer()

    assert h.div(h.p('test')).tostring() == b'<div><p>test</p></div>'

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
Beispiel #6
def test_3():
    r = create_request('/a', '/b')
    p = create_presentation(False)
    h = html.Renderer()

    h << h.p('hello')
    assert merge_head(
        p, r, h) == b'<html><head></head><body><p>hello</p></body></html>'
Beispiel #7
def test_16():
    r = create_request('/a', '/b')
    p = create_presentation(False)
    h = html.Renderer()

    h << h.head.head << 'hello' << h.body << 'world'
    assert merge_head(
        p, r, h) == b'<html><head></head>hello<body></body>world</html>'
def test_parse6():
    h = html.Renderer()
    root = h.fromstring('<a>text</a>')
    assert type(root) == html.Tag

    x = xml.Renderer()
    root = x.fromstring('<a>text</a>')
    assert type(root) == xml.Tag
Beispiel #9
def test_18():
    r = create_request('/a', '/b')
    p = create_presentation(False)
    h = html.Renderer()

    h << h.html(id='foo') << 'hello'

    assert merge_head(
        p, r, h) == [b'<html id="foo"><head/><body/></html>', b'hello']
def test_parse3():
    """ XHTML namespace unit test - HTMLRender - parse_html - bad encoding """
    h = html.Renderer()
    filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'iso-8859.xml')

    with pytest.raises(UnicodeDecodeError):
        h.fromfile(filename, encoding='utf-8')

    h.fromfile(filename, encoding='iso8859-1')
Beispiel #11
def test_19():
    r = create_request('/a', '/b')
    p = create_presentation(False)
    h = html.Renderer()

    h << h.comment('c1') << h.html << 'hello' << h.comment('c2')
    assert merge_head(p, r, h) == [
        b'<!--c1-->', b'<html><head/><body/></html>', b'hello', b'<!--c2-->'
Beispiel #12
def test_2():
    r = create_request('/a', '/b')
    p = create_presentation(False)
    h = html.Renderer()

    h << h.comment('c1') << 'hello' << h.comment('c2')
    assert merge_head(
        p, r,
        h) == b'<html><head></head><body><!--c1-->hello<!--c2--></body></html>'
Beispiel #13
def test_39():
    r = create_request('/a', '/b')
    p = create_presentation(False)
    h = html.Renderer()

    h << h.processing_instruction('hello') << h.html(h.p('foo'))
    assert merge_head(p, r, h) == [
        b'<?hello ?>', b'<html><head/><body><p>foo</p></body></html>'
Beispiel #14
def test_40():
    r = create_request('/a', '/b')
    p = create_presentation(False)
    h = html.Renderer()

    h << h.html(h.p('foo'), id='html')
    assert merge_head(
        p, r,
        h) == b'<html id="html"><head></head><body><p>foo</p></body></html>'
Beispiel #15
def test_cache_buster():
    h = html.Renderer(assets_version='1.2')

    assert h.a(href='/abc').tostring() == b'<a href="/abc"></a>'
    assert h.a(href='abc').tostring() == b'<a href="abc"></a>'

    assert'stylesheet', href='/abc').get('href') == '/abc'
                       href='abc').get('href') == '/abc?ver=1.2'

    assert'next', href='/abc').get('href') == '/abc'
    assert'next', href='abc').get('href') == 'abc'

    assert h.script(src='/abc').tostring() == b'<script src="/abc"></script>'
    assert h.script(
        src='abc').tostring() == b'<script src="/abc?ver=1.2"></script>'

    h = html.Renderer(static_url='/root', assets_version='1.2')

    assert h.a(href='/abc').tostring() == b'<a href="/abc"></a>'
    assert h.a(href='abc').tostring() == b'<a href="abc"></a>'

    assert'stylesheet', href='/abc').get('href') == '/abc'
                       href='abc').get('href') == '/root/abc?ver=1.2'

    assert'next', href='/abc').get('href') == '/abc'
    assert'next', href='abc').get('href') == 'abc'

    assert h.script(src='/abc').tostring() == b'<script src="/abc"></script>'
    assert h.script(
        src='abc').tostring() == b'<script src="/root/abc?ver=1.2"></script>'

    h = html.Renderer(static_url='/root', assets_version='1.2')

    assert h.script(src='/abc?foo=bar').tostring(
    ) == b'<script src="/abc?foo=bar"></script>'
    assert h.script(src='abc?foo=bar').tostring(
    ) == b'<script src="/root/abc?foo=bar&amp;ver=1.2"></script>'
    assert h.script(src='/abc?foo=bar&hello=world').tostring(
    ) == b'<script src="/abc?foo=bar&amp;hello=world"></script>'
    assert h.script(src='abc?foo=bar&hello=world').tostring(
    ) == b'<script src="/root/abc?foo=bar&amp;hello=world&amp;ver=1.2"></script>'
Beispiel #16
def test_46():
    r = create_request('/a', '/b')
    p = create_presentation(False)
    h = html.Renderer()

    h << h.body(h.p('foo'), id="body")
    assert merge_head(
        p, r,
        h) == b'<html><head></head><body id="body"><p>foo</p></body></html>'

    r = create_request('/a', '/b')
    p = create_presentation(False)
    h = html.Renderer()

    h << h.body(h.p('foo'), id="body")
    result = merge_head(p, r, h)
    assert result == b'<html><head><script type="text/javascript" src="/foo.js"></script></head><body id="body"><p>foo</p></body></html>' \
        or result == b'<html><head><script src="/foo.js" type="text/javascript"></script></head><body id="body"><p>foo</p></body></html>'
Beispiel #17
def test_44():
    r = create_request('/a', '/b')
    p = create_presentation(False)
    h = html.Renderer()

    h << [h.head.head(h.head.title, id='head'), h.p('foo')]
    assert merge_head(
        p, r, h
    ) == b'<html><head id="head"><title></title></head><body><p>foo</p></body></html>'

    r = create_request('/a', '/b')
    p = create_presentation(False)
    h = html.Renderer()

    h << [h.head.head(h.head.title, id='head'), h.p('foo')]
    result = merge_head(p, r, h)
    assert result == b'<html><head id="head"><title></title><script type="text/javascript" src="/foo.js"></script></head><body><p>foo</p></body></html>' \
        or result == b'<html><head id="head"><title></title><script src="/foo.js" type="text/javascript"></script></head><body><p>foo</p></body></html>'
def test_new_tags():
    h = html.Renderer()

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):

    h = html5.Renderer()

    root = h.section
    assert root.tostring() == b'<section></section>'
def test_obsolete_tags():
    h = html.Renderer()

    root =
    assert root.tostring() == b'<center></center>'

    h = html5.Renderer()

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
Beispiel #20
def test_28():
    r = create_request('/a', '/b')
    p = create_presentation(False)
    h = html.Renderer()

    with h.html:
        h << h.head.head << 'hello'

    assert merge_head(p, r,
                      h) == b'<html><head></head><body>hello</body></html>'
Beispiel #21
def test_17():
    r = create_request('/a', '/b')
    p = create_presentation(False)
    h = html.Renderer()

    h << h.comment('c1') << h.head.head << h.p('hello') << h.comment(
        'c2') << h.body('world') << h.comment('c3')
    assert merge_head(
        p, r, h
    ) == b'<html><!--c1--><head></head><p>hello</p><!--c2--><body>world</body><!--c3--></html>'
Beispiel #22
def test_25():
    r = create_request('/a', '/b')
    p = create_presentation(False)
    h = html.Renderer()

    with h.html:
        h << h.comment('c1') << h.body(h.p('hello')) << h.comment('c2')

    assert merge_head(
        p, r, h
    ) == b'<html><head></head><!--c1--><body><p>hello</p></body><!--c2--></html>'
Beispiel #23
def test_38():
    r = create_request('/a', '/b')
    p = create_presentation(False)
    h = html.Renderer()

    h << h.processing_instruction('hello') << h.p(
        'foo') << h.processing_instruction('world')

    assert merge_head(
        p, r, h
    ) == b'<html><head></head><body><?hello ><p>foo</p><?world ></body></html>'
Beispiel #24
def test_37():
    r = create_request('/a', '/b')
    p = create_presentation(False)
    h = html.Renderer()

    h.head << h.head.head(id='header_id')
    h << h.head.head(class_='header_class') << h.p('foo')

    assert merge_head(
        p, r, h
    ) == b'<html><head class="header_class" id="header_id"></head><body><p>foo</p></body></html>'
Beispiel #25
def test_36():
    r = create_request('/a', '/b')
    p = create_presentation(False)
    h = html.Renderer()

    h.head << h.head.title('hello')
    h << h.head.head(h.head.title('world')) << h.p('foo')

    assert merge_head(
        p, r, h
    ) == b'<html><head><title>world</title><title>hello</title></head><body><p>foo</p></body></html>'
Beispiel #26
def test_32():
    r = create_request('/a', '/b')
    p = create_presentation(False)
    h = html.Renderer()

    with h.html:
        h << h.comment('c1') << h.head.head << h.comment(
            'c2') << h.body << h.comment('c3')

    assert merge_head(
        p, r, h
    ) == b'<html><!--c1--><head></head><!--c2--><body></body><!--c3--></html>'
Beispiel #27
def test_html():
    h = html.Renderer()
    p = presentation.PresentationService(None, None, False)

    r = p.serialize(h.p('hello'))
    assert r == b'<p>hello</p>'

    r = p.serialize(h.p(u'été'), 'utf-8', None)
    assert r == b'<p>\xc3\xa9t\xc3\xa9</p>'

    r = p.serialize(h.p('hello'), 'utf-8', '<!DOCTYPE html>')
    assert r == b'<!DOCTYPE html>\n<p>hello</p>'
Beispiel #28
def test_1():
    p = create_presentation(False)
    r = create_request('/a', '/b')
    h = html.Renderer()

    h << 'hello'
    assert merge_head(p, r,
                      h) == b'<html><head></head><body>hello</body></html>'

    r = create_request('', '')
    p = create_presentation(True)
    h = html.Renderer()

    h << 'hello'
    assert merge_head(p, r, h) == b'<html><head><link rel="canonical" href=""></head><body>hello</body></html>' \
        or merge_head(p, r, h) == b'<html><head><link href="" rel="canonical"></head><body>hello</body></html>'

    r = create_request('/a', '')
    p = create_presentation(True)
    h = html.Renderer()

    h << 'hello'
    assert merge_head(p, r, h) == b'<html><head><link rel="canonical" href="/a"></head><body>hello</body></html>' \
        or merge_head(p, r, h) == b'<html><head><link href="/a" rel="canonical"></head><body>hello</body></html>'

    r = create_request('', '/b')
    p = create_presentation(True)
    h = html.Renderer()

    h << 'hello'
    assert merge_head(p, r, h) == b'<html><head><link rel="canonical" href="/b"></head><body>hello</body></html>' \
        or merge_head(p, r, h) == b'<html><head><link href="/b" rel="canonical"></head><body>hello</body></html>'

    r = create_request('/a', '/b')
    p = create_presentation(True)
    h = html.Renderer()

    h << 'hello'
    assert merge_head(p, r, h) == b'<html><head><link rel="canonical" href="/b/a"></head><body>hello</body></html>' \
        or merge_head(p, r, h) == b'<html><head><link href="/b/a" rel="canonical"></head><body>hello</body></html>'
def test_parse10():
    h = html.Renderer()
    root = h.fromstring('hello<a>text</a><b>text</b>', fragment=True)
    assert isinstance(root, tuple)
    assert len(root) == 3
    assert root[0] == b'hello'
    assert root[1].tostring() == b'<a>text</a>'
    assert root[2].tostring() == b'<b>text</b>'

    root = h.fromstring('hello<a>text</a><b>text</b>',
    assert isinstance(root, tuple)
    assert len(root) == 2
    assert root[0].tostring() == b'<a>text</a>'
    assert root[1].tostring() == b'<b>text</b>'
def test_absolute_asset_url6():
    h = html.Renderer(static_url='/static/root')

    assert h.absolute_asset_url('/tmp?a=42', '/abc') == '/tmp?a=42'
    assert h.absolute_asset_url('tmp?a=42', '/abc') == '/abc/tmp?a=42'
    assert h.absolute_asset_url('http://localhost/tmp?a=42',
                                '/abc') == 'http://localhost/tmp?a=42'

    assert h.absolute_asset_url('/tmp?a=42', '/abc',
                                b=43) in ('/tmp?a=42&b=43', '/tmp?b=43&a=42')
    assert h.absolute_asset_url('tmp?a=42', '/abc',
                                b=43) in ('/abc/tmp?a=42&b=43',
    assert h.absolute_asset_url('http://localhost/tmp?a=42', '/abc',
                                b=43) in ('http://localhost/tmp?a=42&b=43',