Beispiel #1
 def from_wire(cls, rdclass, rdtype, wire, current, rdlen, origin=None):
     (mbox, cused) = name.from_wire(wire[:current + rdlen], current)
     current += cused
     rdlen -= cused
     if rdlen <= 0:
         raise exception.FormError
     (txt, cused) = name.from_wire(wire[:current + rdlen], current)
     if cused != rdlen:
         raise exception.FormError
     if not origin is None:
         mbox = mbox.relativize(origin)
         txt = txt.relativize(origin)
     return cls(rdclass, rdtype, mbox, txt)
Beispiel #2
 def from_wire(cls, rdclass, rdtype, wire, current, rdlen, origin = None):
     (mbox, cused) = name.from_wire(wire[: current + rdlen],
     current += cused
     rdlen -= cused
     if rdlen <= 0:
         raise exception.FormError
     (txt, cused) = name.from_wire(wire[: current + rdlen],
     if cused != rdlen:
         raise exception.FormError
     if not origin is None:
         mbox = mbox.relativize(origin)
         txt = txt.relativize(origin)
     return cls(rdclass, rdtype, mbox, txt)
Beispiel #3
 def from_wire(cls, rdclass, rdtype, wire, current, rdlen, origin=None):
     (mname, cused) = name.from_wire(wire[:current + rdlen], current)
     current += cused
     rdlen -= cused
     (rname, cused) = name.from_wire(wire[:current + rdlen], current)
     current += cused
     rdlen -= cused
     if rdlen != 20:
         raise exception.FormError
     five_ints = struct.unpack('!IIIII', wire[current:current + rdlen])
     if not origin is None:
         mname = mname.relativize(origin)
         rname = rname.relativize(origin)
     return cls(rdclass, rdtype, mname, rname, five_ints[0], five_ints[1],
                five_ints[2], five_ints[3], five_ints[4])
Beispiel #4
 def from_wire(cls, rdclass, rdtype, wire, current, rdlen, origin=None):
     if rdlen < 3:
         raise exception.FormError
     header = struct.unpack("!BBB", wire[current : current + 3])
     gateway_type = header[1]
     current += 3
     rdlen -= 3
     if gateway_type == 0:
         gateway = None
     elif gateway_type == 1:
         gateway = inet.inet_ntop(inet.AF_INET, wire[current : current + 4])
         current += 4
         rdlen -= 4
     elif gateway_type == 2:
         gateway = inet.inet_ntop(inet.AF_INET6, wire[current : current + 16])
         current += 16
         rdlen -= 16
     elif gateway_type == 3:
         (gateway, cused) = name.from_wire(wire[: current + rdlen], current)
         current += cused
         rdlen -= cused
         raise exception.FormError("invalid IPSECKEY gateway type")
     key = wire[current : current + rdlen].unwrap()
     return cls(rdclass, rdtype, header[0], gateway_type, header[2], gateway, key)
Beispiel #5
 def from_wire(cls, rdclass, rdtype, wire, current, rdlen, origin=None):
     (target, cused) = name.from_wire(wire[:current + rdlen], current)
     if cused != rdlen:
         raise exception.FormError
     if not origin is None:
         target = target.relativize(origin)
     return cls(rdclass, rdtype, target)
Beispiel #6
    def _get_question(self, qcount):
        """Read the next I{qcount} records from the wire data and add them to
        the question section.
        @param qcount: the number of questions in the message
        @type qcount: int"""

        if self.updating and qcount > 1:
            raise exception.FormError

        for i in xrange(0, qcount):
            (qname, used) = mname.from_wire(self.wire, self.current)
            if not self.message.origin is None:
                qname = qname.relativize(self.message.origin)
            self.current = self.current + used
            (rdtype, rdclass) = \
                                   self.wire[self.current:self.current + 4])
            self.current = self.current + 4
            if self.updating:
                self.zone_rdclass = rdclass
Beispiel #7
 def from_wire(cls, rdclass, rdtype, wire, current, rdlen, origin=None):
     if rdlen < 3:
         raise exception.FormError
     header = struct.unpack('!BBB', wire[current:current + 3])
     gateway_type = header[1]
     current += 3
     rdlen -= 3
     if gateway_type == 0:
         gateway = None
     elif gateway_type == 1:
         gateway = inet.inet_ntop(inet.AF_INET, wire[current:current + 4])
         current += 4
         rdlen -= 4
     elif gateway_type == 2:
         gateway = inet.inet_ntop(inet.AF_INET6, wire[current:current + 16])
         current += 16
         rdlen -= 16
     elif gateway_type == 3:
         (gateway, cused) = name.from_wire(wire[:current + rdlen], current)
         current += cused
         rdlen -= cused
         raise exception.FormError('invalid IPSECKEY gateway type')
     key = wire[current:current + rdlen].unwrap()
     return cls(rdclass, rdtype, header[0], gateway_type, header[2],
                gateway, key)
Beispiel #8
 def from_wire(cls, rdclass, rdtype, wire, current, rdlen, origin = None):
     (target, cused) = name.from_wire(wire[: current + rdlen],
     if cused != rdlen:
         raise exception.FormError
     if not origin is None:
         target = target.relativize(origin)
     return cls(rdclass, rdtype, target)
Beispiel #9
 def from_wire(cls, rdclass, rdtype, wire, current, rdlen, origin=None):
     (preference, ) = struct.unpack('!H', wire[current:current + 2])
     current += 2
     rdlen -= 2
     (map822, cused) = name.from_wire(wire[:current + rdlen], current)
     if cused > rdlen:
         raise exception.FormError
     current += cused
     rdlen -= cused
     if not origin is None:
         map822 = map822.relativize(origin)
     (mapx400, cused) = name.from_wire(wire[:current + rdlen], current)
     if cused != rdlen:
         raise exception.FormError
     if not origin is None:
         mapx400 = mapx400.relativize(origin)
     return cls(rdclass, rdtype, preference, map822, mapx400)
Beispiel #10
 def from_wire(cls, rdclass, rdtype, wire, current, rdlen, origin = None):
     (mname, cused) = name.from_wire(wire[: current + rdlen], current)
     current += cused
     rdlen -= cused
     (rname, cused) = name.from_wire(wire[: current + rdlen], current)
     current += cused
     rdlen -= cused
     if rdlen != 20:
         raise exception.FormError
     five_ints = struct.unpack('!IIIII',
                               wire[current : current + rdlen])
     if not origin is None:
         mname = mname.relativize(origin)
         rname = rname.relativize(origin)
     return cls(rdclass, rdtype, mname, rname,
                five_ints[0], five_ints[1], five_ints[2], five_ints[3],
Beispiel #11
 def from_wire(cls, rdclass, rdtype, wire, current, rdlen, origin = None):
     (preference, ) = struct.unpack('!H', wire[current : current + 2])
     current += 2
     rdlen -= 2
     (map822, cused) = name.from_wire(wire[: current + rdlen],
     if cused > rdlen:
         raise exception.FormError
     current += cused
     rdlen -= cused
     if not origin is None:
         map822 = map822.relativize(origin)
     (mapx400, cused) = name.from_wire(wire[: current + rdlen],
     if cused != rdlen:
         raise exception.FormError
     if not origin is None:
         mapx400 = mapx400.relativize(origin)
     return cls(rdclass, rdtype, preference, map822, mapx400)
Beispiel #12
 def from_wire(cls, rdclass, rdtype, wire, current, rdlen, origin=None):
     (preference,) = struct.unpack("!H", wire[current : current + 2])
     current += 2
     rdlen -= 2
     (exchange, cused) = name.from_wire(wire[: current + rdlen], current)
     if cused != rdlen:
         raise exception.FormError
     if not origin is None:
         exchange = exchange.relativize(origin)
     return cls(rdclass, rdtype, preference, exchange)
Beispiel #13
 def from_wire(cls, rdclass, rdtype, wire, current, rdlen, origin=None):
     (preference, ) = struct.unpack('!H', wire[current:current + 2])
     current += 2
     rdlen -= 2
     (exchange, cused) = name.from_wire(wire[:current + rdlen], current)
     if cused != rdlen:
         raise exception.FormError
     if not origin is None:
         exchange = exchange.relativize(origin)
     return cls(rdclass, rdtype, preference, exchange)
Beispiel #14
 def from_wire(cls, rdclass, rdtype, wire, current, rdlen, origin=None):
     (priority, weight, port) = struct.unpack('!HHH',
                                              wire[current:current + 6])
     current += 6
     rdlen -= 6
     (target, cused) = name.from_wire(wire[:current + rdlen], current)
     if cused != rdlen:
         raise exception.FormError
     if not origin is None:
         target = target.relativize(origin)
     return cls(rdclass, rdtype, priority, weight, port, target)
Beispiel #15
 def from_wire(cls, rdclass, rdtype, wire, current, rdlen, origin = None):
     (priority, weight, port) = struct.unpack('!HHH',
                                              wire[current : current + 6])
     current += 6
     rdlen -= 6
     (target, cused) = name.from_wire(wire[: current + rdlen],
     if cused != rdlen:
         raise exception.FormError
     if not origin is None:
         target = target.relativize(origin)
     return cls(rdclass, rdtype, priority, weight, port, target)
Beispiel #16
def validate(wire, keyname, secret, now, request_mac, tsig_start, tsig_rdata,
             tsig_rdlen, ctx=None, multi=False, first=True):
    """Validate the specified TSIG rdata against the other input parameters.

    @raises FormError: The TSIG is badly formed.
    @raises BadTime: There is too much time skew between the client and the
    @raises BadSignature: The TSIG signature did not validate
    @rtype: hmac.HMAC object"""

    (adcount,) = struct.unpack("!H", wire[10:12])
    if adcount == 0:
        raise exception.FormError
    adcount -= 1
    new_wire = wire[0:10] + struct.pack("!H", adcount) + wire[12:tsig_start]
    current = tsig_rdata
    (aname, used) = name.from_wire(wire, current)
    current = current + used
    (upper_time, lower_time, fudge, mac_size) = \
                 struct.unpack("!HIHH", wire[current:current + 10])
    time = ((upper_time + 0L) << 32) + (lower_time + 0L)
    current += 10
    mac = wire[current:current + mac_size]
    current += mac_size
    (original_id, error, other_size) = \
                  struct.unpack("!HHH", wire[current:current + 6])
    current += 6
    other_data = wire[current:current + other_size]
    current += other_size
    if current != tsig_rdata + tsig_rdlen:
        raise exception.FormError
    if error != 0:
        if error == BADSIG:
            raise PeerBadSignature
        elif error == BADKEY:
            raise PeerBadKey
        elif error == BADTIME:
            raise PeerBadTime
        elif error == BADTRUNC:
            raise PeerBadTruncation
            raise PeerError('unknown TSIG error code %d' % error)
    time_low = time - fudge
    time_high = time + fudge
    if now < time_low or now > time_high:
        raise BadTime
    (junk, our_mac, ctx) = sign(new_wire, keyname, secret, time, fudge,
                                original_id, error, other_data,
                                request_mac, ctx, multi, first, aname)
    if (our_mac != mac):
        raise BadSignature
    return ctx
Beispiel #17
def get_algorithm_and_mac(wire, tsig_rdata, tsig_rdlen):
    """Return the tsig algorithm for the specified tsig_rdata
    @raises FormError: The TSIG is badly formed.
    current = tsig_rdata
    (aname, used) = name.from_wire(wire, current)
    current = current + used
    (upper_time, lower_time, fudge, mac_size) = \
                 struct.unpack("!HIHH", wire[current:current + 10])
    current += 10
    mac = wire[current:current + mac_size]
    current += mac_size
    if current > tsig_rdata + tsig_rdlen:
        raise exception.FormError
    return (aname, mac)
Beispiel #18
def get_algorithm_and_mac(wire, tsig_rdata, tsig_rdlen):
    """Return the tsig algorithm for the specified tsig_rdata
    @raises FormError: The TSIG is badly formed.
    current = tsig_rdata
    (aname, used) = name.from_wire(wire, current)
    current = current + used
    (upper_time, lower_time, fudge, mac_size) = \
                 struct.unpack("!HIHH", wire[current:current + 10])
    current += 10
    mac = wire[current:current + mac_size]
    current += mac_size
    if current > tsig_rdata + tsig_rdlen:
        raise exception.FormError
    return (aname, mac)
Beispiel #19
 def from_wire(cls, rdclass, rdtype, wire, current, rdlen, origin=None):
     (order, preference) = struct.unpack('!HH', wire[current:current + 4])
     current += 4
     rdlen -= 4
     strings = []
     for i in xrange(3):
         l = ord(wire[current])
         current += 1
         rdlen -= 1
         if l > rdlen or rdlen < 0:
             raise exception.FormError
         s = wire[current:current + l].unwrap()
         current += l
         rdlen -= l
     (replacement, cused) = name.from_wire(wire[:current + rdlen], current)
     if cused != rdlen:
         raise exception.FormError
     if not origin is None:
         replacement = replacement.relativize(origin)
     return cls(rdclass, rdtype, order, preference, strings[0], strings[1],
                strings[2], replacement)
Beispiel #20
    def _get_question(self, qcount):
        """Read the next I{qcount} records from the wire data and add them to
        the question section.
        @param qcount: the number of questions in the message
        @type qcount: int"""

        if self.updating and qcount > 1:
            raise exception.FormError

        for i in xrange(0, qcount):
            (qname, used) = mname.from_wire(self.wire, self.current)
            if not self.message.origin is None:
                qname = qname.relativize(self.message.origin)
            self.current = self.current + used
            (rdtype, rdclass) = \
                                   self.wire[self.current:self.current + 4])
            self.current = self.current + 4
            self.message.find_rrset(self.message.question, qname,
                                    rdclass, rdtype, create=True,
            if self.updating:
                self.zone_rdclass = rdclass
Beispiel #21
 def from_wire(cls, rdclass, rdtype, wire, current, rdlen, origin=None):
     (next, cused) = name.from_wire(wire[:current + rdlen], current)
     current += cused
     rdlen -= cused
     windows = []
     while rdlen > 0:
         if rdlen < 3:
             raise exception.FormError("NSEC too short")
         window = ord(wire[current])
         octets = ord(wire[current + 1])
         if octets == 0 or octets > 32:
             raise exception.FormError("bad NSEC octets")
         current += 2
         rdlen -= 2
         if rdlen < octets:
             raise exception.FormError("bad NSEC bitmap length")
         bitmap = wire[current:current + octets].unwrap()
         current += octets
         rdlen -= octets
         windows.append((window, bitmap))
     if not origin is None:
         next = next.relativize(origin)
     return cls(rdclass, rdtype, next, windows)
Beispiel #22
 def from_wire(cls, rdclass, rdtype, wire, current, rdlen, origin = None):
     (order, preference) = struct.unpack('!HH', wire[current : current + 4])
     current += 4
     rdlen -= 4
     strings = []
     for i in xrange(3):
         l = ord(wire[current])
         current += 1
         rdlen -= 1
         if l > rdlen or rdlen < 0:
             raise exception.FormError
         s = wire[current : current + l].unwrap()
         current += l
         rdlen -= l
     (replacement, cused) = name.from_wire(wire[: current + rdlen],
     if cused != rdlen:
         raise exception.FormError
     if not origin is None:
         replacement = replacement.relativize(origin)
     return cls(rdclass, rdtype, order, preference, strings[0], strings[1],
                strings[2], replacement)
Beispiel #23
 def from_wire(cls, rdclass, rdtype, wire, current, rdlen, origin=None):
     (next, cused) = name.from_wire(wire[: current + rdlen], current)
     current += cused
     rdlen -= cused
     windows = []
     while rdlen > 0:
         if rdlen < 3:
             raise exception.FormError("NSEC too short")
         window = ord(wire[current])
         octets = ord(wire[current + 1])
         if octets == 0 or octets > 32:
             raise exception.FormError("bad NSEC octets")
         current += 2
         rdlen -= 2
         if rdlen < octets:
             raise exception.FormError("bad NSEC bitmap length")
         bitmap = wire[current : current + octets].unwrap()
         current += octets
         rdlen -= octets
         windows.append((window, bitmap))
     if not origin is None:
         next = next.relativize(origin)
     return cls(rdclass, rdtype, next, windows)
Beispiel #24
def validate(wire,
    """Validate the specified TSIG rdata against the other input parameters.

    @raises FormError: The TSIG is badly formed.
    @raises BadTime: There is too much time skew between the client and the
    @raises BadSignature: The TSIG signature did not validate
    @rtype: hmac.HMAC object"""

    (adcount, ) = struct.unpack("!H", wire[10:12])
    if adcount == 0:
        raise exception.FormError
    adcount -= 1
    new_wire = wire[0:10] + struct.pack("!H", adcount) + wire[12:tsig_start]
    current = tsig_rdata
    (aname, used) = name.from_wire(wire, current)
    current = current + used
    (upper_time, lower_time, fudge, mac_size) = \
                 struct.unpack("!HIHH", wire[current:current + 10])
    time = ((upper_time + 0L) << 32) + (lower_time + 0L)
    current += 10
    mac = wire[current:current + mac_size]
    current += mac_size
    (original_id, error, other_size) = \
                  struct.unpack("!HHH", wire[current:current + 6])
    current += 6
    other_data = wire[current:current + other_size]
    current += other_size
    if current != tsig_rdata + tsig_rdlen:
        raise exception.FormError
    if error != 0:
        if error == BADSIG:
            raise PeerBadSignature
        elif error == BADKEY:
            raise PeerBadKey
        elif error == BADTIME:
            raise PeerBadTime
        elif error == BADTRUNC:
            raise PeerBadTruncation
            raise PeerError('unknown TSIG error code %d' % error)
    time_low = time - fudge
    time_high = time + fudge
    if now < time_low or now > time_high:
        raise BadTime
    (junk, our_mac, ctx) = sign(new_wire, keyname, secret, time, fudge,
                                original_id, error, other_data, request_mac,
                                ctx, multi, first, aname)
    if (our_mac != mac):
        raise BadSignature
    return ctx
Beispiel #25
    def _get_section(self, section, count):
        """Read the next I{count} records from the wire data and add them to
        the specified section.
        @param section: the section of the message to which to add records
        @type section: list of mrrset.RRset objects
        @param count: the number of records to read
        @type count: int"""

        if self.updating or self.one_rr_per_rrset:
            force_unique = True
            force_unique = False
        seen_opt = False
        for i in xrange(0, count):
            rr_start = self.current
            (name, used) = mname.from_wire(self.wire, self.current)
            absolute_name = name
            if not self.message.origin is None:
                name = name.relativize(self.message.origin)
            self.current = self.current + used
            (rdtype, rdclass, ttl, rdlen) = \
                                   self.wire[self.current:self.current + 10])
            self.current = self.current + 10
            if rdtype == rdatatype.OPT:
                if not section is self.message.additional or seen_opt:
                    raise BadEDNS
                self.message.payload = rdclass
                self.message.ednsflags = ttl
                self.message.edns = (ttl & 0xff0000) >> 16
                self.message.options = []
                current = self.current
                optslen = rdlen
                while optslen > 0:
                    (otype, olen) = \
                                          self.wire[current:current + 4])
                    current = current + 4
                    opt = edns.option_from_wire(otype, self.wire, current, olen)
                    current = current + olen
                    optslen = optslen - 4 - olen
                seen_opt = True
            elif rdtype == rdatatype.TSIG:
                if not (section is self.message.additional and
                        i == (count - 1)):
                    raise BadTSIG
                if self.message.keyring is None:
                    raise UnknownTSIGKey('got signed message without keyring')
                secret = self.message.keyring.get(absolute_name)
                if secret is None:
                    raise UnknownTSIGKey("key '%s' unknown" % name)
                self.message.keyname = absolute_name
                (self.message.keyalgorithm, self.message.mac) = \
                    tsig.get_algorithm_and_mac(self.wire, self.current,
                self.message.tsig_ctx = \
                self.message.had_tsig = True
                if ttl < 0:
                    ttl = 0
                if self.updating and \
                   (rdclass == rdataclass.ANY or
                    rdclass == rdataclass.NONE):
                    deleting = rdclass
                    rdclass = self.zone_rdclass
                    deleting = None
                if deleting == rdataclass.ANY or \
                   (deleting == rdataclass.NONE and \
                    section is self.message.answer):
                    covers = rdatatype.NONE
                    rd = None
                    #import pdb
                    rd = rdata.from_wire(rdclass, rdtype, self.wire,
                                             self.current, rdlen,
                    covers = rd.covers()
                if self.message.xfr and rdtype == rdatatype.SOA:
                    force_unique = True
                rrset = self.message.find_rrset(section, name,
                                                rdclass, rdtype, covers,
                                                deleting, True, force_unique)
                if not rd is None:
                    rrset.add(rd, ttl)
            self.current = self.current + rdlen
Beispiel #26
    def _get_section(self, section, count):
        """Read the next I{count} records from the wire data and add them to
        the specified section.
        @param section: the section of the message to which to add records
        @type section: list of mrrset.RRset objects
        @param count: the number of records to read
        @type count: int"""

        if self.updating or self.one_rr_per_rrset:
            force_unique = True
            force_unique = False
        seen_opt = False
        for i in xrange(0, count):
            rr_start = self.current
            (name, used) = mname.from_wire(self.wire, self.current)
            absolute_name = name
            if not self.message.origin is None:
                name = name.relativize(self.message.origin)
            self.current = self.current + used
            (rdtype, rdclass, ttl, rdlen) = \
                                   self.wire[self.current:self.current + 10])
            self.current = self.current + 10
            if rdtype == rdatatype.OPT:
                if not section is self.message.additional or seen_opt:
                    raise BadEDNS
                self.message.payload = rdclass
                self.message.ednsflags = ttl
                self.message.edns = (ttl & 0xff0000) >> 16
                self.message.options = []
                current = self.current
                optslen = rdlen
                while optslen > 0:
                    (otype, olen) = \
                                          self.wire[current:current + 4])
                    current = current + 4
                    opt = edns.option_from_wire(otype, self.wire, current,
                    current = current + olen
                    optslen = optslen - 4 - olen
                seen_opt = True
            elif rdtype == rdatatype.TSIG:
                if not (section is self.message.additional
                        and i == (count - 1)):
                    raise BadTSIG
                if self.message.keyring is None:
                    raise UnknownTSIGKey('got signed message without keyring')
                secret = self.message.keyring.get(absolute_name)
                if secret is None:
                    raise UnknownTSIGKey("key '%s' unknown" % name)
                self.message.keyname = absolute_name
                (self.message.keyalgorithm, self.message.mac) = \
                    tsig.get_algorithm_and_mac(self.wire, self.current,
                self.message.tsig_ctx = \
                self.message.had_tsig = True
                if ttl < 0:
                    ttl = 0
                if self.updating and \
                   (rdclass == rdataclass.ANY or
                    rdclass == rdataclass.NONE):
                    deleting = rdclass
                    rdclass = self.zone_rdclass
                    deleting = None
                if deleting == rdataclass.ANY or \
                   (deleting == rdataclass.NONE and \
                    section is self.message.answer):
                    covers = rdatatype.NONE
                    rd = None
                    #import pdb
                    rd = rdata.from_wire(rdclass, rdtype, self.wire,
                                         self.current, rdlen,
                    covers = rd.covers()
                if self.message.xfr and rdtype == rdatatype.SOA:
                    force_unique = True
                rrset = self.message.find_rrset(section, name, rdclass, rdtype,
                                                covers, deleting, True,
                if not rd is None:
                    rrset.add(rd, ttl)
            self.current = self.current + rdlen