Beispiel #1
def func_factory(method):
        func = getattr(math, method)
    except AttributeError:
    def inner(arg1, arg2=None):
            return func(arg1, arg2)
        except TypeError:
            return func(arg1)
    inner.__name__ = method
    doc = func.__doc__.splitlines()
    if len(doc) > 1 and not doc[1]:
        doc = doc[2:]
    inner.__doc__ = '\n'.join(doc)
    if method.startswith('is'):
        return comparison(inner)
    return filter(function(inner))
Beispiel #2
import re

from native_tags.decorators import comparison, function

def matches(pattern, text):
    'String comparison. True if string ``text`` matches regex ``pattern``'
    return re.compile(str(pattern)).match(text)
matches = comparison(matches)

def substitute(search, replace, text):
    'Regex substitution function. Replaces regex ``search`` with ``replace`` in ``text``'
    return re.sub(re.compile(str(search)), replace, text)
substitute = function(substitute)

def search(pattern, text):
    'Regex pattern search. Returns match if ``pattern`` is found in ``text``'
    return re.compile(str(pattern)).search(str(text))
search = function(search)
    users = get_people_i_follow(viewed_user, count)
    return {"viewed_user":viewed_user,
            "element_id": element_id,
            "callback": callback,
            "count": count,
            "users": users}

def are_friends(user, user2):
    if user.is_authenticated():
        are_friend = Friendship.objects.are_friends(user, user2)
        return are_friend
        return False
are_friends = comparison(are_friends)

def received_friendship_request_from_user(user, from_user):
    if from_user.is_authenticated():
        are_friend = FriendshipInvitation.objects.invitations(to_user=user,
        return are_friend
    return False
received_friendship_request_from_user = comparison(received_friendship_request_from_user)

def sent_friendship_request_to_user(user, to_user):
    if to_user.is_authenticated():
        are_friend = FriendshipInvitation.objects.invitations(to_user=to_user,
Beispiel #4
import operator
from native_tags.decorators import comparison, function

# Comparison operators

def lt(a, b):
    return, b)
lt = comparison(lt,
def le(a, b):
    return operator.le(a, b)
le = comparison(le, doc=operator.le.__doc__)
def eq(a, b):
    return operator.eq(a, b)
eq = comparison(eq, doc=operator.eq.__doc__)
def ne(a, b):
    return, b)
ne = comparison(ne,
def ge(a, b):
    return, b)
ge = comparison(ge,
def gt(a, b):
    return, b)
gt = comparison(gt,

def not_(a):
    return operator.not_(a)
Beispiel #5
import re

from native_tags.decorators import comparison, function

def matches(pattern, text):
    'String comparison. True if string ``text`` matches regex ``pattern``'
    return re.compile(str(pattern)).match(text)

matches = comparison(matches)
matches.test = {'args': ('\d', '_'), 'result': None}

def substitute(search, replace, text):
    'Regex substitution function. Replaces regex ``search`` with ``replace`` in ``text``'
    return re.sub(re.compile(str(search)), replace, text)

substitute = function(substitute)
substitute.test = {'args': ('w', 'f', 'wtf'), 'result': 'ftf'}

def search(pattern, text):
    'Regex pattern search. Returns match if ``pattern`` is found in ``text``'
    return re.compile(str(pattern)).search(str(text))

search = function(search)
search.test = {'args': ('\d', 'asdfasdfwe'), 'result': None}
Beispiel #6
def dynamic(*a, **kw):
    return list(a) + sorted(kw.items())
dynamic = function(dynamic)    

def no_render(*a, **kw):
     return list(a) + sorted(kw.items())
no_render = function(no_render, resolve=False)

def myfilter(value, arg):# a, b, c):
    return value + arg
myfilter = filter(myfilter)
def adder(x, y):
    return x + y
adder = function(adder, name='add')    
def cmp_kwargs(**kw):
    return len(kw)
cmp_kwargs = comparison(cmp_kwargs)

def myinc(noun):
    return 'unittest.html', {'noun': noun}
myinc = function(myinc, inclusion=True)

def ifsomething():
    return True
ifsomething = comparison(ifsomething)

def date():
date = function(date, cache=3600)
Beispiel #7
myfilter = filter(myfilter, test={'args': (1, 1), 'result': 2})

def adder(x, y):
    return x + y

adder = function(adder, name='add', test={'args': (1, 1), 'result': 2})

def cmp_kwargs(**kw):
    return len(kw)

cmp_kwargs = comparison(cmp_kwargs)

def myinc(noun):
    return 'unittest.html', {'noun': noun}

myinc = function(myinc, inclusion=True)

def ifsomething():
    return True

ifsomething = comparison(ifsomething)
Comparison tags
except NameError:
    from sets import Set as set
from django.conf import settings
from native_tags.decorators import comparison

def less(x, y):
    'True if x is less than y'
    return x < y

less = comparison(less, test={'args': (0, 1)})

def less_or_equal(x, y):
    'True if x is less than or equal to y'
    return x <= y

less_or_equal = comparison(less_or_equal, test={'args': (1, 1)})

def greater_or_equal(x, y):
    'True if x is greater than or equal to y'
    return x >= y

Comparison tags
except NameError:
    from sets import Set as set
from django.conf import settings
from native_tags.decorators import comparison

def less(x,y):
    'True if x is less than y'
    return x < y
less = comparison(less, test={'args':(0,1)})

def less_or_equal(x,y):
    'True if x is less than or equal to y'
    return x <= y
less_or_equal = comparison(less_or_equal, test={'args':(1,1)})

def greater_or_equal(x,y):
    'True if x is greater than or equal to y'
    return x >= y
greater_or_equal = comparison(greater_or_equal, test={'args':(2,1)})

def greater(x,y):
    'True if x is greater than y'
    return x > y
greater = comparison(greater, test={'args':(2,1)})
def startswith(x,y):
Comparison tags
except NameError:
    from sets import Set as set
from django.conf import settings
from native_tags.decorators import comparison

def less(x,y):
    'True if x is less than y'
    return x < y
less = comparison(less)

def less_or_equal(x,y):
    'True if x is less than or equal to y'
    return x <= y
less_or_equal = comparison(less_or_equal)

def greater_or_equal(x,y):
    'True if x is greater than or equal to y'
    return x >= y
greater_or_equal = comparison(greater_or_equal)

def greater(x,y):
    'True if x is greater than y'
    return x > y
greater = comparison(greater)
def startswith(x,y):
Beispiel #11
import operator
from native_tags.decorators import comparison, function

# Comparison operators

def lt(a, b):
    return, b)

lt = comparison(lt,

def le(a, b):
    return operator.le(a, b)

le = comparison(le, doc=operator.le.__doc__)

def eq(a, b):
    return operator.eq(a, b)

eq = comparison(eq, doc=operator.eq.__doc__)

def ne(a, b):
    return, b)