Beispiel #1
def reload_code():
    # Do not reload anything in these directories or their subdirectories.
    dir_reload_blacklist = set(["core"])
    macro_dir = "C:\\NatLink\\NatLink\\MacroSystem"

    # Unload all grammars.

    # Unload all modules in macro_dir except for those in directories on the
    # blacklist.

    for name, module in sys.modules.items():
        if module and hasattr(module, "__file__"):
            # Some builtin modules only have a name so module is None or
            # do not have a __file__ attribute.  We skip these.
            path = module.__file__

            # Convert .pyc paths to .py paths.
            path = topy(path)

            # Do not unimport this module!  This will cause major problems!
            if (path.startswith(macro_dir) and
                not bool(set(path.split(os.path.sep)) & dir_reload_blacklist)
                and path != topy(os.path.abspath(__file__))):

                print "removing %s from cache" % name

                # Remove the module from the cache so that it will be reloaded
                # the next time # that it is imported.  The paths for packages
                # end with __init__.pyc so this # takes care of them as well.
                del sys.modules[name]

    # Reload the top-level modules in macro_dir.
    print "finished reloading"
Beispiel #2
def reload_code():
    # Do not reload anything in these directories or their subdirectories.
    dir_reload_blacklist = set(["core"])
    macro_dir = "C:\\NatLink\\NatLink\\MacroSystem"
    source_dir = r"\\VBOXSVR\aenea\dragonfly_grammars"

    # Unload all grammars if natlinkmain is available.
    if natlinkmain:

    # Unload all modules in macro_dir except for those in directories on the
    # blacklist.
    # Consider them in sorted order to try to make things as predictable as possible to ease debugging.
    for name, module in sorted(sys.modules.items()):
        if module and hasattr(module, "__file__"):
            # Some builtin modules only have a name so module is None or
            # do not have a __file__ attribute.  We skip these.
            path = module.__file__

            # Convert .pyc paths to .py paths.
            path = topy(path)

            # Do not unimport this module!  This will cause major problems!
            if (path.startswith(macro_dir) and not bool(
                    set(path.split(os.path.sep)) & dir_reload_blacklist)
                    and path != topy(os.path.abspath(__file__))):

                print "removing %s from cache" % name

                # Remove the module from the cache so that it will be reloaded
                # the next time # that it is imported.  The paths for packages
                # end with __init__.pyc so this # takes care of them as well.
                del sys.modules[name]

    # Copy in the new source files from the remote directory
    for d, dirs, files in os.walk(source_dir):
        for f in files:
            full_file_name = os.path.join(d, f)
            if os.path.isfile(full_file_name):
                shutil.copy(full_file_name, macro_dir)
                print "copied %s" % full_file_name

        # Reload the top-level modules in macro_dir if natlinkmain is available.
        if natlinkmain:
    except Exception as e:
        print "reloading failed: {}".format(e)
        print "finished reloading"
Beispiel #3
def reload_code():
    # Do not reload anything in these directories or their subdirectories.
    dir_reload_blacklist = set(["core"])
    macro_dir = aenea.config.STARTING_PROJECT_ROOT

    print macro_dir

    # Unload all grammars.

    # Unload all modules in macro_dir except for those in directories on the
    # blacklist.
    # Consider them in sorted order to try to make things as predictable as possible to ease debugging.
    for name, module in sorted(sys.modules.items()):
        if module and hasattr(module, "__file__"):
            # Some builtin modules only have a name so module is None or
            # do not have a __file__ attribute.  We skip these.
            path = module.__file__

            # Convert .pyc paths to .py paths.
            path = topy(path)

            # Do not unimport this module!  This will cause major problems!
            if (path.lower().startswith(
                    macro_dir.lower() or name.startwith('aenea')
                    or name.startwith('dragonfly')) and not bool(
                        set(path.split(os.path.sep)) & dir_reload_blacklist)
                    and path != topy(os.path.abspath(__file__))):

                print "removing %s from cache" % name

                # Remove the module from the cache so that it will be reloaded
                # the next time # that it is imported.  The paths for packages
                # end with __init__.pyc so this # takes care of them as well.
                del sys.modules[name]

        # Reload the top-level modules in macro_dir.
    except Exception as e:
        print "reloading failed: {}".format(e)
        print "finished reloading"
Beispiel #4
def unload_code(optional_blacklist = []):
    print "Unloading all aenea code"

    # Do not reload anything in these directories or their subdirectories.
    #blacklist_list = list("core") + optional_blacklist
    dir_reload_blacklist = set(["core"])
    if len(optional_blacklist):
    print "Blacklist: ", dir_reload_blacklist
    macro_dir = "C:\\NatLink\\NatLink\\MacroSystem"

    # Unload all grammars if natlinkmain is available.
    if natlinkmain and not len(optional_blacklist):

    # Unload all modules in macro_dir except for those in directories on the
    # blacklist.
    # Consider them in sorted order to try to make things as predictable as possible to ease debugging.
    for name, module in sorted(sys.modules.items()):
        if module and hasattr(module, "__file__"):
            # Some builtin modules only have a name so module is None or
            # do not have a __file__ attribute.  We skip these.
            path = module.__file__

            # Convert .pyc paths to .py paths.
            path = topy(path)

            # Do not unimport this module!  This will cause major problems!
            if (path.startswith(macro_dir) and
                not bool(set(path.split(os.path.sep)) & dir_reload_blacklist)
                and path != topy(os.path.abspath(__file__))):

                print "removing %s from cache (in module %s)" % (name, module)

                # Remove the module from the cache so that it will be reloaded
                # the next time # that it is imported.  The paths for packages
                # end with __init__.pyc so this # takes care of them as well.
                del sys.modules[name]
Beispiel #5
def unloadCode():
    import natlinkmain, sys, os

    # Do not reload anything in these directories or their subdirectories.
    dir_reload_blacklist = set(["core"])

    # TODO: should only care about path ending in Natlink/Natlink/MacroSystem
    macro_dir = "E:\\NatLink\\NatLink\\MacroSystem"

    # Unload all grammars.

    # Unload all modules in macro_dir except for those in directories on the
    # blacklist.

    for name, module in sys.modules.items():
        if module and hasattr(module, "__file__"):
            # Some builtin modules only have a name so module is None or
            # do not have a __file__ attribute.  We skip these.
            path = module.__file__

            # Convert .pyc paths to .py paths.
            path = topy(path)

            # Do not unimport this module!  This will cause major problems!
            if (path.startswith(macro_dir) and
                not bool(set(path.split(os.path.sep)) & dir_reload_blacklist)
                and path != topy(os.path.abspath(__file__))):

                # if hasattr(sys.modules[name], "unload") and callable(sys.modules[name].unload):
                #     sys.modules[name].unload()
                # Remove the module from the cache so that it will be reloaded
                # the next time # that it is imported.  The paths for packages
                # end with __init__.pyc so this # takes care of them as well.
                del sys.modules[name]        
Beispiel #6
def unloadCode():
    import natlinkmain, sys, os

    # Do not reload anything in these directories or their subdirectories.
    dir_reload_blacklist = set(["core"])

    # TODO: should only care about path ending in Natlink/Natlink/MacroSystem
    macro_dir = "E:\\NatLink\\NatLink\\MacroSystem"

    # Unload all grammars.

    # Unload all modules in macro_dir except for those in directories on the
    # blacklist.

    for name, module in sys.modules.items():
        if module and hasattr(module, "__file__"):
            # Some builtin modules only have a name so module is None or
            # do not have a __file__ attribute.  We skip these.
            path = module.__file__

            # Convert .pyc paths to .py paths.
            path = topy(path)

            # Do not unimport this module!  This will cause major problems!
            if (path.startswith(macro_dir) and
                not bool(set(path.split(os.path.sep)) & dir_reload_blacklist)
                and path != topy(os.path.abspath(__file__))):

                # if hasattr(sys.modules[name], "unload") and callable(sys.modules[name].unload):
                #     sys.modules[name].unload()
                # Remove the module from the cache so that it will be reloaded
                # the next time # that it is imported.  The paths for packages
                # end with __init__.pyc so this # takes care of them as well.
                del sys.modules[name]