Beispiel #1
    def subrule_closemultiple(self, words):
        """close (all|other) | (all|other) close
        # note the grammar alternatives, eg in Dutch the translation of
        # all close (alles sluiten) is more convenient.
        if not self.lastTaskCount:
                '_tasks, close all | close multiple only works with a numbered task'
        all = self.hasCommon(words, "all")
        multiple = self.hasCommon(words, "multiple")
        if all:
            action("MP 2, 0, 0, right; VW; {up}{enter}; VW")

        elif multiple:
            # close as long as special stacked window is found
            mousePos = natqh.getMousePosition()
            if mousePos is None:
                raise ValueError("could not get mouse position")
            x, y = mousePos
            className = natqh.getClassName()
            wNum = -1  # last window of stacked windows...
            #print 'tasks, subtask: %s'% wNum
            while className == "TaskListThumbnailWnd":
                #print 'got subtask, alternative window: %s'% words
                self.doAlternativeClick(className, wNum)
                action("VW; MP 0, %s, %s" % mousePos)
                className = natqh.getClassName()
        if self.centerMouse:
            natqh.doMouse(1, 5, 0.3, 0.3, 0, 0)
    def tttest_getPositions(self):
        """test setting and getting positions in all possible ways
        use action RMP to go to the wanted position.
        then each time get a position
        (absolute/relative, absorrel, screen, active window or client area (0, 1, 5),
        and relative to one of the corners (0, 1, 2, 3))
        setting it again and see if same position is found
        get with: getMousePosition
        set with: doMouse
        #absorrel = 0 # absolute
        #which = 0 # whole screen
        #corner = 0 # top left
        action("RMP(5, 0.3, 0.4, noclick)"
               )  # relative in foreground window, tune to your testing!

        initialPosition = natlink.getCursorPos()
        for absorrel in (0, 1):
            for which in (0, 1, 5):
                for cornerPos in range(4):
                    #absorrel, which, cornerPos = 1, 0, 0
                    #absorrel = 1
                    # each test, little shifting for relative allowed
                    if absorrel:
                        epsilon = 0  # relative, position may shift a bit...
                        epsilon = 0  # absolute, caculations must fit
                    if absorrel == 0 and which == 0 and cornerPos > 0:
                        print 'invalid combination to test: absorrel: %s, which: %s, cornerPos: %s' % (
                            absorrel, which, cornerPos)
                    initialPosition = natlink.getCursorPos()

                    mousePos = natlinkutilsqh.getMousePosition(
                        absorrel, which, cornerPos)
                    if mousePos is None:
                            'getMousePosition in test suite should not result in None (absorrel: %s, which: %s, cornerPos: %s)'
                            % (absorrel, which, cornerPos))
                    x, y = mousePos
                    finalPosition = natlink.getCursorPos()
                    log('command: %s, %s, %s, %s, initial: %s, final: %s' %
                        (absorrel, which, x, y, repr(initialPosition),
                        "position of mouse after simple action should be the same\n"
                        "absorrel: %s, which: %s, cornerPos: %s" %
                        (absorrel, which, cornerPos),
 def tttest_getOutsideWindow(self):
     """try to position on the taskbar and get the position
     action("RMP(5, 1, 0.5, noclick)") # relative in foreground window, tune to your testing!
     action("MP(2, 500, 0, noclick)")   # move a bit to the right
     initialPosition = natlink.getCursorPos()
     mousePos = natlinkutilsqh.getMousePosition() # abs, screen, corner not relevant
     if mousePos is None:"could not get mouse position")
     x, y = mousePos
     absorrel, which = 0, 0
     natlinkutilsqh.doMouse(absorrel, which, x, y, mouse="noclick")
     finalPosition = natlink.getCursorPos()
     log('command outside window(?): %s, %s, %s, %s, initial: %s, final: %s'% (absorrel, which, x, y, repr(initialPosition), repr(finalPosition)))
     self.assert_equal(initialPosition, finalPosition, "position of mouse after move outside the current window should be the same\n"
             "absorrel: %s, which: %s"% (absorrel, which))