def convert_notebooks(dirs):
    notebooks = []

    for dir in dirs:
        for root, _, files in os.walk(dir):
            for file in files:
                if file.endswith('.ipynb'):
                    notebooks.append(os.path.join(root, file))

    exporter = MarkdownExporter()
    exporter.template_name = 'ext_md'

    writer = writers.FilesWriter()

    for file in notebooks:
        convert_notebook(file, exporter=exporter, writer=writer)
            raise ValueError(
                f"Specified location not '{path}'a file or directory.")

    # Go through all notebooks files in specified directory
    for file_loc in all_files:
        # Skip Modified files
        if "mod" in str(file_loc):
        # Skip checkpoints
        if ignore_checkpoints and ".ipynb_checkpoint" in str(file_loc):

        print(f"\033[1;33;40m \nProcessing file {file_loc}\033[0m")
        in_notebook =, as_version=4)

        writer = writers.FilesWriter()

        if write_notebook:
            # Process the notebook to a new notebook
            (body, resources) = nb_exporter.from_notebook_node(in_notebook)

            # Write notebook file
            if overwrite_notebook:
                nb_file_loc = str(file_loc.with_suffix(""))
                nb_file_loc = str(file_loc.with_suffix(".mod"))
            print(f"Writing notebook to {nb_file_loc}.ipynb")
            writer.write(body, resources, nb_file_loc)

        if write_html:
            # Process the notebook to HTML