def work(params): worker_id = params[0][0] config = params[0][1] server = jsonrpclib.Server(config["server"]) num_var = config["num_var"] results = [] pset = conf_sets(num_var) toolbox = getToolBox(config, pset) d = './ReSpeciation/%s/time_%d_%d.txt' % ( config["problem"], config["n_problem"], config["set_specie"]) neatGPLS.ensure_dir(d) time_r = open(d, 'a') for sample_num in range(1, config["max_samples"] + 1): # revisar si sigue existiendo o no la especie. print("check specie - 1") evospace_sample = check_specie(server, config["set_specie"]) if evospace_sample == []: a = server.getSpecie() while evospace_sample == []: aux_specie = random.choice(a) evospace_sample = check_specie(server, aux_specie) d_intracluster = server.getIntraSpecie(config["set_specie"]) time_r.write( '\n%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s' % (config["set_specie"], sample_num, str(, d_intracluster, 'NA', 'NA', 'NA', funcEval.cont_evalp)) gen_data, len_pop, flag_, fEval_, d_intracluster = evolve( sample_num, config, toolbox, pset, evospace_sample) time_r.write( '\n%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s' % (config["set_specie"], sample_num, str(, d_intracluster, len_pop, flag_, fEval_)) data_specie = {'id': config["set_specie"], 'b_key': 'True'} server.setSpecieFree(data_specie) # Inicia especiacion print 'Going to counter' re_sp = evo_specie.counter(toolbox, pset) print 'Ending to counter' if gen_data == []: print 'No-Evolution' results = [] else: results.append([worker_id] + gen_data) return results
def evalSymbReg_b(individual, points, toolbox, config, type): points.flags['WRITEABLE'] = False func = toolbox.compile(expr=individual) if config["benchmark"]: vector = vector_benchmarks(config["problem"], points) data_x = copy.deepcopy(np.asarray(points)[:]) else: vector = copy.deepcopy(points[config["num_var"]]) data_x = copy.deepcopy(np.asarray(points)[:config["num_var"]]) try: vector_x = func(*data_x) except TypeError: print individual print data_x with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): if isinstance(vector_x, np.ndarray): for e in range(len(vector_x)): if np.isnan(vector_x[e]) or np.isinf(vector_x[e]): vector_x[e] = 0. if config["funcion"] == 1: d = './Results/%s/best_data_%d_%s.txt' % (config["problem"], config["n_problem"], type) neatGPLS.ensure_dir(d) best_test = open(d, 'w') for item in vector_x: best_test.write("%s\n" % item) result = np.sum((vector_x - vector)**2) return np.sqrt(result / len(points[0])), elif config["funcion"] == 2: l = len(points[0]) ME = np.sum(abs((vector_x - vector))) / l SD = np.sqrt(np.sum((vector_x - ME)**2) / (l)) try: calc = 100 * (SD / ME) return calc, except ZeroDivisionError: return 100,
version = 1 pop, log = neatGPLS.neat_GP_LS(pop, toolbox, cxpb, mutpb, ngen, neat_alg, neat_cx, neat_h, neat_pelit,funcEval.LS_flag, LS_select, cont_evalf, num_salto, SaveMatrix, GenMatrix, pset, n_corr, num_p, params, direccion, problem, testing, version, stats=mstats, halloffame=hof,verbose=True) return pop, log, hof def run(number,problem): n = 1 while n <= number: main(n,problem) n += 1 if __name__ == "__main__": problem = 'wastewater2' number = 1000 d = './Timing/%s/timing_cxneat_%d.txt' % (problem, number) neatGPLS.ensure_dir(d) time_conc = open(d, 'a') n = 1 while n < 11: begin_p = time.time() main(n, number, problem) n += 1 end_p = time.time() time_conc.write('\n%s;%s;%s;%s' % (n, begin_p, end_p, str(round(end_p - begin_p, 2))))
pop, log = neatGPLS.neat_GP_LS(pop, toolbox, cxpb, mutpb, ngen, neat_alg, neat_cx, neat_h, neat_pelit, funcEval.LS_flag, LS_select, cont_evalf, num_salto, SaveMatrix, GenMatrix, pset,n_corr, p, params, direccion,problem,testing, version, stats=mstats, halloffame=None, verbose=True) return pop, log def run(number, problem): n = 1 while n <= number: main(n, problem) n += 1 if __name__ == "__main__": problem = 'Housing' number = 1702 d = './Timing/%s/timing_cxneat_%d.txt' % (problem, number) neatGPLS.ensure_dir(d) time_conc = open(d, 'a') n = 1 while n < 31: begin_p = time.time() main(n, number, problem) n += 1 end_p = time.time() time_conc.write('\n%s;%s;%s;%s' % (n, begin_p, end_p, str(round(end_p - begin_p, 2))))
print num direccion3 = "./Results/%s/bestind_LStr_%d_%d.txt" % (directory, index_, num) with open(direccion3) as spambase: spamReader = csv.reader(spambase, delimiter=';', skipinitialspace=False) cont = 0 for row in spamReader: if row != []: cont = cont + 1 with open(direccion3) as spambase: spamReader = csv.reader(spambase, delimiter=';', skipinitialspace=False) for row in spamReader: if row != [] and row[0] == str(cont): #data2.append([num, row[2]]) print row[2] out.write('\n%d;%s;%s;%s' % (index_, num, min(data), row[2])) d = './Engine3/data_min.txt' ensure_dir(d) out = open(d, 'a') directory = "Engine3" #for i in (1101): i = 10121 get_data(directory, i, out)
import datetime from shutil import copyfile config = yaml.load(open("conf/conf.yaml")) start = time.time() start = time.time() params = [(i, config) for i in range(1)] num_p = config["n_problem"] problem = config["problem"] specie = 10 d = './Timing/%s/time_%d.txt' % (problem, num_p) ensure_dir(d) best = open(d, 'a') c_f = './conf_record/%s/' % (problem) ensure_dir(c_f) copyfile('./conf/conf.yaml', ('./conf_record/%s/config_%s_%d_%d.yaml' % (problem, problem, num_p, specie))) # int(random.choice(b)) config["set_specie"] = specie # config["neat_alg"] = False # for ci in range(1, 2): # config["n_corr"] = ci ci = config["n_corr"] with open("conf/conf.yaml", "w") as f: yaml.dump(config, f)
def counter(toolbox, pset): print 'Counter' re_sp = 0 config = yaml.load(open("conf/conf.yaml")) server = jsonrpclib.Server(config["server"]) free_pop = eval(server.getFreePopulation()) free_file = eval(server.getFreeFile()) print free_file, free_pop if free_pop and free_file: server.setFreeFile('False') print 'Free and Free' r = server.get_CounterSpecie() print r if scheck_(server, r, config["porcentage_flag"], config["porcentage"]): print "speciation-required" free_species = [] # List of free species flag_check = True rs_species = [] # List of species for i in range(1, int(r)): rs_species.append(int(server.getSpecieInfo(i)['specie'])) # Opening files to save data. d = './ReSpeciacion/%s/rspecie_%d.txt' % (config["problem"], config["n_problem"]) ensure_dir(d) best = open(d, 'a') d = './ReSpeciacion/%s/nspecie_%d.csv' % (config["problem"], config["n_problem"]) ensure_dir(d) n_specie = open(d, 'a') d = './General/%s/datapop_%d_%d.txt' % ( config["problem"], config["n_problem"], config["set_specie"]) neatGPLS.ensure_dir(d) datapop_ = open(d, 'a') while flag_check: flag_check = check_(server, r, free_species) print("waiting - this worker will make speciation") if not flag_check: print 'ReSpeciacion' sp_init = pop = [] for sp in rs_species: evospace_sample = server.getSample_specie(sp) for cs in evospace_sample['sample']: i = creator.Individual( neat_gp.PrimitiveTree.from_string( cs['chromosome'], pset)) if isinstance(cs['params'], list): i.params_set(np.asarray(cs['params'])) elif isinstance(cs['params'], unicode): i.params_set( np.asarray([ float(elem) for elem in cs['params'].strip( '[]').split(',') ])) i.specie(int(cs['specie'])) pop.append(i) print 'Flush population' server.flushPopulation() for ind in pop: datapop_.write( '\n%s;%s;%s;%s' % (str(sp_init), ind, len(pop), ind.get_specie())) server.initialize() print 'Initialize population' neat_alg = config["neat_alg"] if neat_alg: a, b, init_pop = speciation_init(config, server, pop, config["neat_h"]) list_spe = calc_intracluster(pop) for elem in list_spe: specielist = { 'id': None, 'specie': str(elem[0]), 'intra_distance': str(elem[1]), 'flag_speciation': 'False', 'sp_event': 'True' } server.putSpecie(specielist) n_specie.write('\n%s,%s' % (str(elem[0]), str(elem[1]))) server.putZample(init_pop) server.setFreePopulation('True') num_specie = server.get_CounterSpecie() print "numero de especies creadas: ", num_specie print 'ReSpeciacion- Done' re_sp = 1 best.write( '\n%s;%s;%s;%s' % (str(, str(sp_init), len(pop), num_specie)) server.setFreePopulation('True') server.setFreeFile('True') contSpecie.cont_specie = 0 return re_sp else: print 'No Free' if free_pop and free_file is False: while free_file is False: print "waiting" time.sleep(5) try: free_file = eval(server.getFreeFile()) except TypeError: free_file = False re_sp = 0 free_pop = eval(server.getFreePopulation()) while free_pop is False: re_sp = 1 print "still waiting", free_pop try: time.sleep(1) free_pop = eval(server.getFreePopulation()) except TypeError: time.sleep(5) free_pop = eval(server.getFreePopulation()) return re_sp
verbose=True) # Regresa el mejor de las generaciones return pop, log, hof, train_f, test_f if __name__ == "__main__": config = yaml.load(open("conf/conf.yaml")) problem = config["problem"] num_var = config["num_var"] database_name = config["db_name"] number = config["n_problem"] c_f = './conf_record/%s/' % (problem) neatGPLS.ensure_dir(c_f) copyfile('./conf/conf.yaml', ('./conf_record/%s/config_%s_%d.yaml' % (problem, problem, number))) c_m = './matrix_complete/%s/Matrix_c_%d.csv' % (problem, number) neatGPLS.ensure_dir(c_m) matrix_complete = open(c_m, 'a') c_s = './matrix_complete/%s/stats_train_%d.csv' % (problem, number) neatGPLS.ensure_dir(c_s) matrix_stats = open(c_s, 'a') c_s = './matrix_complete/%s/stats_test_%d.csv' % (problem, number) neatGPLS.ensure_dir(c_s) matrix_stats_t = open(c_s, 'a')
def evolve(sample_num, config, toolbox, pset, evospace_sample): start = time.time() problem = config["problem"] direccion = "./data_corridas/%s/train_%d_%d.txt" n_corr = sample_num # config["n_corr"] n_prob = config["n_problem"] name_database = config["db_name"] print config["set_specie"] server = jsonrpclib.Server(config["server"]) # evospace_sample = server.getSample(config["population_size"]) pop = [] for cs in evospace_sample['sample']: i = creator.Individual( neat_gp.PrimitiveTree.from_string(cs['chromosome'], pset)) if isinstance(cs['params'], list): i.params_set(np.asarray(cs['params'])) elif isinstance(cs['params'], unicode): i.params_set( np.asarray([ float(elem) for elem in cs['params'].strip('f[]').split(',') ])) i.specie(int(cs['specie'])) pop.append(i) if len(pop) < 2: a = server.getSpecie() aux_specie = random.choice(a) print("check specie - 2 - %d" % aux_specie) evospace_sample2 = check_specie_aux(server, aux_specie) if evospace_sample2 == []: while evospace_sample2 == []: aux_specie = random.choice(a) evospace_sample2 = check_specie_aux(server, aux_specie) for cs in evospace_sample2['sample']: i = creator.Individual( neat_gp.PrimitiveTree.from_string(cs['chromosome'], pset)) if isinstance(cs['params'], list): i.params_set(np.asarray(cs['params'])) elif isinstance(cs['params'], unicode): i.params_set( np.asarray([ float(elem) for elem in cs['params'].strip('[]').split(',') ])) i.specie(int(cs['specie'])) pop.append(i) data_specie = {'id': aux_specie, 'b_key': 'True'} server.setSpecieFree(data_specie) #Tomar una especie aleatoria print 'Especie: %d --- Numero de individuos: %d' % (len(pop), config["set_specie"]) cxpb = config["cxpb"] mutpb = config["mutpb"] ngen = config["worker_generations"] params = config["params"] neat_cx = config["neat_cx"] neat_alg = config["neat_alg"] neat_pelit = config["neat_pelit"] neat_h = config["neat_h"] funcEval.LS_flag = config["ls_flag"] LS_select = config["ls_select"] funcEval.cont_evalp = 0 num_salto = config["num_salto"] cont_evalf = config["cont_evalf"] SaveMatrix = config["save_matrix"] GenMatrix = config["gen_matrix"] version = 3 testing = True data_(n_corr, n_prob, problem, name_database, toolbox, config) begin = time.time() print "inicio del proceso" pop, log, funcEval_ = neatGPLS.neat_GP_LS(pop, toolbox, cxpb, mutpb, ngen, neat_alg, neat_cx, neat_h, neat_pelit, funcEval.LS_flag, LS_select, cont_evalf, num_salto, SaveMatrix, GenMatrix, pset, n_corr, n_prob, params, direccion, problem, testing, version=version, benchmark_flag=False, beta=0.5, random_speciation=True, set_specie=config["set_specie"], stats=None, halloffame=None, verbose=True) putback = time.time() d_intraspecie = intracluster(pop) d_intracluster = server.getIntraSpecie(config["set_specie"]) resp_flag = 0 id_ = "specie:%s" % config["set_specie"] print 'calculation intra-cluster' if d_intraspecie > (1.5 * float(d_intracluster)): specielist = { 'id': id_, 'specie': config["set_specie"], 'intra_distance': str(d_intracluster), 'flag_speciation': 'True', 'sp_event': 'False' } server.putSpecie(specielist) resp_flag = 1 sample = [{ "specie": str(config["set_specie"]), "chromosome": str(ind), "id": None, "fitness": { "DefaultContext": [[0].item() if isinstance([0], np.float64) else[0] ] }, "params": str([x for x in ind.get_params()]) if funcEval.LS_flag else None } for ind in pop] evospace_sample = { 'sample_id': 'None', 'sample_specie': str(config["set_specie"]), 'sample': sample } server.putZample(evospace_sample) d = './Data/%s/dintra_%d_%s.txt' % (problem, n_prob, config["set_specie"]) neatGPLS.ensure_dir(d) dintr = open(d, 'a') dintr.write('\n%s;%s;%s;%s' % (n_corr, d_intraspecie, d_intracluster, resp_flag)) best_ind = tools.selBest(pop, 1)[0] best = [ len(best_ind), sample_num, round(time.time() - start, 2), round(begin - start, 2), round(putback - begin, 2), round(time.time() - putback, 2), best_ind ], len(pop), resp_flag, funcEval, d_intracluster return best