Beispiel #1
 def test_timeseries_fixed_sized(self):
     ``timeseries`` should raise an error if ``net`` is fixed sized and
     ``size`` is not ``None``
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         timeseries(MockFixedSizedNetwork, size=5, timesteps=5)
Beispiel #2
 def test_timeseries_variable_sized(self):
     ``timeseries`` should raise an error if ``net`` is variable sized and
     ``size`` is ``None``
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         timeseries(ECA(30), size=None, timesteps=5)
Beispiel #3
    def test_timeseries_too_short(self):
        ``timeseries`` shoudl raise an error if ``timesteps`` is too small
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            timeseries(MockFixedSizedNetwork(), timesteps=0)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            timeseries(MockFixedSizedNetwork(), timesteps=-1)
Beispiel #4
    def test_timeseries_not_network(self):
        ``timeseries`` should raise an error if ``net`` is not a network
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            timeseries(5, timesteps=2)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            timeseries(MockObject(), timesteps=2)
Beispiel #5
 def test_timeseries_wtnetworks(self):
     test ``timeseries`` on WTNetwork
     for (net, size) in [(s_pombe, 9), (s_cerevisiae, 11), (c_elegans, 8)]:
         time = 10
         series = timeseries(net, timesteps=time)
         self.assertEqual((size, 2**size, time + 1), series.shape)
         for index, state in enumerate(net.state_space()):
             traj = trajectory(net, state, timesteps=time)
             for t, expect in enumerate(traj):
                 got = series[:, index, t]
                 self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(expect, got))
Beispiel #6
 def test_timeseries_eca(self):
     test ``timeseries`` on ECA
     rule = ECA(30)
     for size in [5, 7, 11]:
         time = 10
         series = timeseries(rule, timesteps=time, size=size)
         self.assertEqual((size, 2**size, time + 1), series.shape)
         for index, state in enumerate(rule.state_space(size)):
             traj = trajectory(rule, state, timesteps=time)
             for t, expect in enumerate(traj):
                 got = series[:, index, t]
                 self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(expect, got))
Beispiel #7
def active_information(net, k, timesteps, size=None, local=False):
    Compute the active information storage for each node in a network.

    .. doctest:: information

        >>> active_information(s_pombe, k=5, timesteps=20)
        array([0.        , 0.4083436 , 0.62956679, 0.62956679, 0.37915718,
               0.40046165, 0.67019615, 0.67019615, 0.39189127])
        >>> lais = active_information(s_pombe, k=5, timesteps=20, local=True)
        >>> lais[1]
        array([[0.13079175, 0.13079175, 0.13079175, ..., 0.13079175, 0.13079175,
               [0.13079175, 0.13079175, 0.13079175, ..., 0.13079175, 0.13079175,
               [0.13079175, 0.13079175, 0.13079175, ..., 0.13079175, 0.13079175,
               [0.13079175, 0.13079175, 0.13079175, ..., 0.13079175, 0.13079175,
               [0.13079175, 0.13079175, 0.13079175, ..., 0.13079175, 0.13079175,
               [0.13079175, 0.13079175, 0.13079175, ..., 0.13079175, 0.13079175,
        >>> np.mean(lais[1])

    :param net: a NEET network
    :param k: the history length
    :param timesteps: the number of timesteps to evaluate the network
    :param size: the size of variable-sized network (or ``None``)
    :param local: whether or not to compute the local active information
    :returns: a numpy array of active information values
    series = timeseries(net, timesteps=timesteps, size=size)
    shape = series.shape
    if local:
        active_info = np.empty((shape[0], shape[1], shape[2] - k),
        for i in range(shape[0]):
            active_info[i, :, :] = pi.active_info(series[i], k=k, local=local)
        active_info = np.empty(shape[0], dtype=np.float)
        for i in range(shape[0]):
            active_info[i] = pi.active_info(series[i], k=k, local=local)
    return active_info
Beispiel #8
def entropy_rate(net, k, timesteps, size=None, local=False):
    Compute the entropy rate for each node in a network.

    .. doctest:: information

        >>> entropy_rate(s_pombe, k=5, timesteps=20)
        array([0.        , 0.01691208, 0.07280268, 0.07280268, 0.05841994,
               0.02479402, 0.03217332, 0.03217332, 0.08966941])
        >>> ler = entropy_rate(s_pombe, k=5, timesteps=20, local=True)
        >>> ler[4]
        array([[0.        , 0.        , 0.        , ..., 0.00507099, 0.00507099,
               [0.        , 0.        , 0.        , ..., 0.00507099, 0.00507099,
               [0.        , 0.        , 0.        , ..., 0.00507099, 0.00507099,
               [0.        , 0.29604946, 0.00507099, ..., 0.00507099, 0.00507099,
               [0.        , 0.29604946, 0.00507099, ..., 0.00507099, 0.00507099,
               [0.        , 0.29604946, 0.00507099, ..., 0.00507099, 0.00507099,
        >>> np.mean(ler[4])

    :param net: a NEET network
    :param k: the history length
    :param timesteps: the number of timesteps to evaluate the network
    :param size: the size of variable-sized network (or ``None``)
    :param local: whether or not to compute the local entropy rate
    :returns: a numpy array of entropy rate values
    series = timeseries(net, timesteps=timesteps, size=size)
    shape = series.shape
    if local:
        rate = np.empty((shape[0], shape[1], shape[2] - k), dtype=np.float)
        for i in range(shape[0]):
            rate[i, :, :] = pi.entropy_rate(series[i], k=k, local=local)
        rate = np.empty(shape[0], dtype=np.float)
        for i in range(shape[0]):
            rate[i] = pi.entropy_rate(series[i], k=k, local=local)
    return rate
Beispiel #9
    def __init__(self, net, k, timesteps, size=None):
        Initialize the architecture given a network and enough information to
        compute a time series.

        During initialization the following measures are computed and cached:
        * Local and Average Active Information Storage
        * Local and Average Entropy Rate
        * Local and Average Transfer Entropy
        * Local and Average Mutual Information

        .. doctest:: information

            >>> arch = Architecture(s_pombe, k=5, timesteps=20)
            >>> arch.active_information()
            array([0.        , 0.4083436 , 0.62956679, 0.62956679, 0.37915718,
                   0.40046165, 0.67019615, 0.67019615, 0.39189127])

        :param net: a NEET network
        :param k: the history length
        :param timesteps: the number of timesteps to evaluate the network
        :param size: the size of variable-sized network (or ``None``)
        self.__k = k
        self.__series = timeseries(net, timesteps=timesteps, size=size)
        shape = self.__series.shape

        self.__local_active_info = np.empty((shape[0], shape[1], shape[2] - k))
        self.__local_entropy_rate = np.empty(
            (shape[0], shape[1], shape[2] - k))
        self.__local_transfer_entropy = np.empty(
            (shape[0], shape[0], shape[1], shape[2] - k))
        self.__local_mutual_info = np.empty(
            (shape[0], shape[0], shape[1], shape[2]))

        self.__active_info = np.empty(shape[0])
        self.__entropy_rate = np.empty(shape[0])
        self.__transfer_entropy = np.empty((shape[0], shape[0]))
        self.__mutual_info = np.empty((shape[0], shape[0]))

Beispiel #10
def mutual_information(net, timesteps, size=None, local=False):
    Compute the mutual information matrix for a network.

    .. doctest:: information

        >>> mutual_information(s_pombe, timesteps=20)
        array([[0.16232618, 0.01374672, 0.00428548, 0.00428548, 0.01340937,
                0.01586238, 0.00516987, 0.00516987, 0.01102766],
               [0.01374672, 0.56660996, 0.00745714, 0.00745714, 0.00639113,
                0.32790848, 0.0067609 , 0.0067609 , 0.00468342],
               [0.00428548, 0.00745714, 0.83837294, 0.475582  , 0.21157695,
                0.00432855, 0.4590254 , 0.4590254 , 0.12755745],
               [0.00428548, 0.00745714, 0.475582  , 0.83837294, 0.21157695,
                0.00432855, 0.4590254 , 0.4590254 , 0.12755745],
               [0.01340937, 0.00639113, 0.21157695, 0.21157695, 0.57459066,
                0.00703145, 0.17560769, 0.17560769, 0.01233356],
               [0.01586238, 0.32790848, 0.00432855, 0.00432855, 0.00703145,
                0.51905053, 0.00621124, 0.00621124, 0.00260667],
               [0.00516987, 0.0067609 , 0.4590254 , 0.4590254 , 0.17560769,
                0.00621124, 0.80831657, 0.49349527, 0.10390475],
               [0.00516987, 0.0067609 , 0.4590254 , 0.4590254 , 0.17560769,
                0.00621124, 0.49349527, 0.80831657, 0.10390475],
               [0.01102766, 0.00468342, 0.12755745, 0.12755745, 0.01233356,
                0.00260667, 0.10390475, 0.10390475, 0.63423835]])
        >>> lmi = mutual_information(s_pombe, timesteps=20, local=True)
        >>> lmi[4,3]
        array([[-0.67489772, -0.67489772, -0.67489772, ...,  0.18484073,
                 0.18484073,  0.18484073],
               [-0.67489772, -0.67489772, -0.67489772, ...,  0.18484073,
                 0.18484073,  0.18484073],
               [-0.67489772, -0.67489772, -0.67489772, ...,  0.18484073,
                 0.18484073,  0.18484073],
               [-2.89794147,  1.7513014 ,  0.18484073, ...,  0.18484073,
                 0.18484073,  0.18484073],
               [-2.89794147,  1.7513014 ,  0.18484073, ...,  0.18484073,
                 0.18484073,  0.18484073],
               [-2.89794147,  1.7513014 ,  0.18484073, ...,  0.18484073,
                 0.18484073,  0.18484073]])
        >>> np.mean(lmi[4,3])

    :param net: a NEET network
    :param k: the history length
    :param timesteps: the number of timesteps to evaluate the network
    :param size: the size of variable-sized network (or ``None``)
    :param local: whether or not to compute the local mutual information
    :returns: a numpy matrix of mutual information values
    series = timeseries(net, timesteps=timesteps, size=size)
    shape = series.shape
    if local:
        mutual_info = np.empty((shape[0], shape[0], shape[1], shape[2]),
        for i in range(shape[0]):
            for j in range(shape[0]):
                mutual_info[i, j, :, :] = pi.mutual_info(series[j],
        mutual_info = np.empty((shape[0], shape[0]), dtype=np.float)
        for i in range(shape[0]):
            for j in range(shape[0]):
                mutual_info[i, j] = pi.mutual_info(series[j],
    return mutual_info
Beispiel #11
def transfer_entropy(net, k, timesteps, size=None, local=False):
    Compute the transfer entropy matrix for a network.

    .. doctest:: information

        >>> transfer_entropy(s_pombe, k=5, timesteps=20)
        array([[ 0.00000000e+00,  0.00000000e+00, -1.11022302e-16,
                -1.11022302e-16,  0.00000000e+00,  0.00000000e+00,
                -1.11022302e-16,  0.00000000e+00,  0.00000000e+00],
               [-4.44089210e-16, -4.44089210e-16, -4.44089210e-16,
                -4.44089210e-16,  1.69120759e-02, -4.44089210e-16,
                -4.44089210e-16, -4.44089210e-16, -4.44089210e-16],
               [ 4.44089210e-16,  5.13704599e-02,  4.44089210e-16,
                 1.22248438e-02,  1.99473023e-02,  5.13704599e-02,
                 6.03879253e-03,  6.03879253e-03,  7.28026801e-02],
               [ 4.44089210e-16,  5.13704599e-02,  1.22248438e-02,
                 4.44089210e-16,  1.99473023e-02,  5.13704599e-02,
                 6.03879253e-03,  6.03879253e-03,  7.28026801e-02],
               [ 0.00000000e+00,  5.84199434e-02,  4.76020591e-02,
                 4.76020591e-02,  0.00000000e+00,  5.84199434e-02,
                 4.76020591e-02,  4.76020591e-02,  0.00000000e+00],
               [ 2.22044605e-16,  2.22044605e-16,  2.47940243e-02,
                 2.47940243e-02,  2.22044605e-16,  2.22044605e-16,
                 2.47940243e-02,  2.47940243e-02,  2.22044605e-16],
               [-4.44089210e-16,  1.66898258e-02,  4.52634832e-03,
                 4.52634832e-03,  1.19161772e-02,  1.66898258e-02,
                -4.44089210e-16,  2.98276692e-03,  3.21733224e-02],
               [-4.44089210e-16,  1.66898258e-02,  4.52634832e-03,
                 4.52634832e-03,  1.19161772e-02,  1.66898258e-02,
                 2.98276692e-03, -4.44089210e-16,  3.21733224e-02],
               [-4.44089210e-16,  6.03036989e-02,  4.82889077e-02,
                 4.82889077e-02,  8.96694146e-02,  6.03036989e-02,
                 4.89270931e-02,  4.89270931e-02, -4.44089210e-16]])

        >>> lte = transfer_entropy(s_pombe, k=5, timesteps=20, local=True)
        >>> lte[4,3]
        array([[0.        , 0.        , 0.        , ..., 0.00507099, 0.00507099,
               [0.        , 0.        , 0.        , ..., 0.00507099, 0.00507099,
               [0.        , 0.        , 0.        , ..., 0.00507099, 0.00507099,
               [0.        , 0.29604946, 0.00507099, ..., 0.00507099, 0.00507099,
               [0.        , 0.29604946, 0.00507099, ..., 0.00507099, 0.00507099,
               [0.        , 0.29604946, 0.00507099, ..., 0.00507099, 0.00507099,
        >>> np.mean(lte[4,3])

    :param net: a NEET network
    :param k: the history length
    :param timesteps: the number of timesteps to evaluate the network
    :param size: the size of variable-sized network (or ``None``)
    :param local: whether or not to compute the local transfer entropy
    :returns: a numpy matrix of transfer entropy values
    series = timeseries(net, timesteps=timesteps, size=size)
    shape = series.shape
    if local:
        trans_entropy = np.empty((shape[0], shape[0], shape[1], shape[2] - k),
        for i in range(shape[0]):
            for j in range(shape[0]):
                te = pi.transfer_entropy(series[j], series[i], k=k, local=True)
                trans_entropy[i, j, :, :] = te
        trans_entropy = np.empty((shape[0], shape[0]), dtype=np.float)
        for i in range(shape[0]):
            for j in range(shape[0]):
                trans_entropy[i, j] = pi.transfer_entropy(series[j],
    return trans_entropy