Beispiel #1
def GenerateProjectReport():
    outfile = open("./DssProjectReport.txt", 'w')

    outfile.write("Project     |   Type   | Sessions | Not Enabled | Observers | Complete | Incomplete |  Avail / Rem Hrs | Obs Hrs | Blackout | Backup | Receivers\n")

    count           = 0
    open_projects   = sorted(Project.objects.filter(complete = False)
                           , lambda x, y: cmp(x.pcode, y.pcode))

    for p in open_projects: 
        for typ in get_type(p):
            if count % 5 == 0:
            count += 1

                "%s | %s | %s | %s | %s | %s | %s | %s | %s | %s | %s | %s\n" % \
               , str(len(p.sesshun_set.all())).center(8)
               , str(len(get_sessions(p, typ, False))).center(11)
               , str(len(p.get_observers())).center(9)
               , str(len([s for s in p.sesshun_set.all() \
                            if s.status.complete == True])).center(8)
               , str(len(get_sessions(p, typ))).center(10)
               , "".join([str(get_rem_schedulable_hours(p, typ)), " / ", str(get_rem_hours(p,typ))]).rjust(16)
               , str(get_obs_hours(p,typ)).center(7)
               , "Yes".center(8) if any([len(o.user.blackout_set.all()) == 0 for o in p.get_observers()]) else "        "
               , "Yes".center(6) if any([s.status.backup for s in p.sesshun_set.all()]) else "      "
               , get_rcvrs(p, typ)

    semester          = Semester.getCurrentSemester()
    SEMESTER_HOURS    = (semester.end() - semester.start()).days * 24.
    semester_hrs_left = (semester.end() - * 24.
    outfile.write("\nTotal hours in this semester   = %.1f"% SEMESTER_HOURS)
    outfile.write("\nTotal hours left this semester = %.1f\n" % \

    ta    = TimeAccounting()
    hours = sum([ta.getTimeLeft(p) for p in open_projects])
    remainingRatio =  float(hours / semester_hrs_left * 100.) if semester_hrs_left != 0 else 0.0   

    outfile.write("\nSum of all incomplete projects' hours remaining = %.1f" % hours)
    outfile.write("\nHours remaining / Trimester Hours               = %.1f%%" % 
                  (hours / SEMESTER_HOURS * 100.))
    outfile.write("\nHours remaining / Trimester Hours Left          = %.1f%%\n" % 

    hours = sum([ta.getProjectSchedulableTotalTime(p) for p in open_projects])
    schedulableRatio =  float(hours / semester_hrs_left * 100.) if semester_hrs_left != 0 else 0.0   
    outfile.write("\nSum of all schedulable time             = %.1f" % \

    outfile.write("\nSchedulable time / Trimester Hours      = %.1f%%" % (hours / SEMESTER_HOURS * 100.))  
    outfile.write("\nSchedulable time / Trimester Hours Left = %.1f%%\n" % schedulableRatio)  

Beispiel #2
def get_rem_schedulable_hours(project, typ):
    ta = TimeAccounting()
    return sum([ta.getTimeLeft(s) for s in get_sessions(project, typ) \
                if s.schedulable() and project.has_sanctioned_observers()])
Beispiel #3
def get_rem_hours(project, typ):
    ta = TimeAccounting()
    return sum([ta.getTimeLeft(s) for s in get_sessions(project, typ)])
Beispiel #4
def GenerateReport(start):
    outfile   = open("./DssSessionReport.txt", 'w')
    scs       = [1, 13, 5, 3, 6, 4, 10, 11, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 15]
    scss      = " %s" * len(scs)
    hdrFormat = "\n\n\t " + scss
    dataFormat = "\n\t " + scss
    semesters = sorted(Semester.objects.all()
                     , lambda x,y:cmp(x.semester,y.semester))
    ta        = TimeAccounting()

    for s in semesters:
        projects = sorted([p for p in s.project_set.all() if not p.complete]
                        , lambda x,y:cmp(x.pcode, y.pcode))
        if projects:
            outfile.write("=" * 100)   
            outfile.write("\n\nTrimester: %s\n" %s.semester)
            outfile.write("-" * 14)   

        for p in projects:
            outfile.write("\n\n\t%s, %s, PI: %s, Rem/Tot: %.1f/%.1f" % \
                       , p.principal_investigator().last_name if p.principal_investigator() else "None"
                       , ta.getTimeLeft(p)
                       , ta.getProjectTotalTime(p)))

            outfile.write(hdrFormat % \
                   (ljust("",         scs[0])
                  , ljust("name",     scs[1])
                  , center("orgID",   scs[2])
                  , center("sch",     scs[3])
                  , center("obs",     scs[4])
                  , ljust("type",     scs[5])
                  , center("RA",      scs[6])
                  , center("Dec",     scs[7])
                  , center("rem",     scs[8])
                  , center("tot",     scs[9])
                  , rjust("min",      scs[10])
                  , rjust("max",      scs[11])
                  , rjust("btwn",     scs[12])
                  , ljust("rcvrs",    scs[13])))

            sessions = sorted(p.sesshun_set.all()
                            , lambda x,y:cmp(,
            for s in sessions:

                target = s.getTarget()

                outfile.write(dataFormat % \
                    (ljust(bl(s.status.complete),        scs[0])
                   , ljust(,                       scs[1])
                   , rjust(s.original_id,                scs[2])
                   , center(scheduable(s),               scs[3])
                   , center(s.observing_type.type[:6],   scs[4])
                   , center(s.session_type.type[0],      scs[5])
                   , ljust(target.get_horizontal(),      scs[6])
                   , ljust(target.get_vertical(),        scs[7])
                   , rjust(ta.getTimeLeft(s),            scs[8])
                   , rjust(s.allotment.total_time,       scs[9])
                   , rjust(s.min_duration,               scs[10])
                   , rjust(s.max_duration,               scs[11])
                   , rjust(s.time_between,               scs[12])
                   , ljust("".join(s.rcvrs_specified()), scs[13])

            if p != projects[-1]:
                outfile.write("\n\t" + ("-" * 96))