Beispiel #1
def test_whitesignal_high_dt(Simulator, high, dt, seed, plt):
    t = 1.
    rms = 0.5
    d = 500
    process = WhiteSignal(t, high, rms=rms)
    with nengo.Network() as model:
        u = nengo.Node(process, size_out=d)
        up = nengo.Probe(u)

    with Simulator(model, seed=seed, dt=dt) as sim:
    values =[up]
    freq, val_psd = psd(values, dt=dt)

    trange = sim.trange()
    plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    plt.title("First two D of white noise process, high=%d Hz" % high)
    plt.plot(trange, values[:, :2])
    plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
    plt.title("Power spectrum")
    plt.plot(freq, val_psd, drawstyle='steps')
    plt.xlim(0, high * 2.0)

    assert np.allclose(np.std(values, axis=1), rms, rtol=0.15)
    assert np.all(val_psd[npext.rfftfreq(len(trange), dt) > high] < rms * 0.5)
Beispiel #2
    def make_step(self, size_in, size_out, dt, rng):
        assert size_in == 0
        d = size_out

        n_coefficients = int(np.ceil(self.period / dt / 2.))
        shape = (d, n_coefficients + 1)
        sigma = self.rms * np.sqrt(0.5)
        coefficients = 1j * rng.normal(0., sigma, size=shape)
        coefficients += rng.normal(0., sigma, size=shape)
        coefficients[:, 0] = 0.
        coefficients[:, -1].imag = 0.
        if self.high is not None:
            set_to_zero = npext.rfftfreq(2 * n_coefficients, d=dt) > self.high
            coefficients[:, set_to_zero] = 0.
            power_correction = np.sqrt(1. - np.sum(set_to_zero, dtype=float) /
            if power_correction > 0.:
                coefficients /= power_correction
        coefficients *= np.sqrt(2 * n_coefficients)
        signal = np.fft.irfft(coefficients, axis=1)

        def step(t):
            i = int(round(t / dt))
            return signal[:, i % signal.shape[1]]

        return step
Beispiel #3
    def make_step(self, shape_in, shape_out, dt, rng):
        assert shape_in == (0, )

        nyquist_cutoff = 0.5 / dt
        if self.high > nyquist_cutoff:
            raise ValidationError("High must not exceed the Nyquist frequency "
                                  "for the given dt (%0.3f)" % nyquist_cutoff,

        n_coefficients = int(np.ceil(self.period / dt / 2.))
        shape = (n_coefficients + 1, ) + shape_out
        sigma = self.rms * np.sqrt(0.5)
        coefficients = 1j * rng.normal(0., sigma, size=shape)
        coefficients += rng.normal(0., sigma, size=shape)
        coefficients[0] = 0.
        coefficients[-1].imag = 0.

        set_to_zero = npext.rfftfreq(2 * n_coefficients, d=dt) > self.high
        coefficients[set_to_zero] = 0.
        power_correction = np.sqrt(1. - np.sum(set_to_zero, dtype=float) /
        if power_correction > 0.:
            coefficients /= power_correction
        coefficients *= np.sqrt(2 * n_coefficients)
        signal = np.fft.irfft(coefficients, axis=0)

        def step_whitesignal(t):
            i = int(round(t / dt))
            return signal[i % signal.shape[0]]

        return step_whitesignal
Beispiel #4
    def make_step(self, shape_in, shape_out, dt, rng):
        assert shape_in == (0,)

        nyquist_cutoff = 0.5 / dt
        if self.high > nyquist_cutoff:
            raise ValidationError("High must not exceed the Nyquist frequency "
                                  "for the given dt (%0.3f)" % nyquist_cutoff,
                                  attr='high', obj=self)

        n_coefficients = int(np.ceil(self.period / dt / 2.))
        shape = (n_coefficients + 1,) + shape_out
        sigma = self.rms * np.sqrt(0.5)
        coefficients = 1j * rng.normal(0., sigma, size=shape)
        coefficients += rng.normal(0., sigma, size=shape)
        coefficients[0] = 0.
        coefficients[-1].imag = 0.

        set_to_zero = npext.rfftfreq(2 * n_coefficients, d=dt) > self.high
        coefficients[set_to_zero] = 0.
        power_correction = np.sqrt(
            1. - np.sum(set_to_zero, dtype=float) / n_coefficients)
        if power_correction > 0.:
            coefficients /= power_correction
        coefficients *= np.sqrt(2 * n_coefficients)
        signal = np.fft.irfft(coefficients, axis=0)

        def step_whitesignal(t):
            i = int(round(t / dt))
            return signal[i % signal.shape[0]]

        return step_whitesignal
Beispiel #5
def test_whitesignal_high_dt(Simulator, high, dt, seed, plt):
    t = 1.
    rms = 0.5
    d = 500
    process = WhiteSignal(t, high, rms=rms)
    with nengo.Network() as model:
        u = nengo.Node(process, size_out=d)
        up = nengo.Probe(u)

    with Simulator(model, seed=seed, dt=dt) as sim:
    values =[up]
    freq, val_psd = psd(values, dt=dt)

    trange = sim.trange()
    plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    plt.title("First two D of white noise process, high=%d Hz" % high)
    plt.plot(trange, values[:, :2])
    plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
    plt.title("Power spectrum")
    plt.plot(freq, val_psd, drawstyle='steps')
    plt.xlim(right=high * 2.0)

    assert np.allclose(np.std(values, axis=1), rms, rtol=0.15)
    assert np.all(val_psd[npext.rfftfreq(len(trange), dt) > high] < rms * 0.5)
Beispiel #6
    def make_step(self, size_in, size_out, dt, rng):
        assert size_in == 0
        d = size_out

        n_coefficients = int(np.ceil(self.period / dt / 2.))
        shape = (n_coefficients + 1, d)
        sigma = self.rms * np.sqrt(0.5)
        coefficients = 1j * rng.normal(0., sigma, size=shape)
        coefficients += rng.normal(0., sigma, size=shape)
        coefficients[0] = 0.
        coefficients[-1].imag = 0.
        if self.high is not None:
            set_to_zero = npext.rfftfreq(2 * n_coefficients, d=dt) > self.high
            coefficients[set_to_zero] = 0.
            power_correction = np.sqrt(
                1. - np.sum(set_to_zero, dtype=float) / n_coefficients)
            if power_correction > 0.:
                coefficients /= power_correction
        coefficients *= np.sqrt(2 * n_coefficients)
        signal = np.fft.irfft(coefficients, axis=0)

        def step_whitesignal(t):
            i = int(round(t / dt))
            return signal[i % signal.shape[0]]

        return step_whitesignal
Beispiel #7
def test_rfftfreq_fallback(monkeypatch):
    np_rfftfreq = np.fft.rfftfreq
    monkeypatch.delattr(np.fft, "rfftfreq")

    for n in (3, 4, 8, 9):
        for d in (1.0, 3.4, 9.8):
            assert np.allclose(npext.rfftfreq(n, d=d), np_rfftfreq(n, d=d))
Beispiel #8
    def make_step(self, shape_in, shape_out, dt, rng, state):
        assert shape_in == (0,)

        nyquist_cutoff = 0.5 / dt
        if self.high > nyquist_cutoff:
            raise ValidationError(
                "High must not exceed the Nyquist frequency "
                "for the given dt (%0.3f)" % nyquist_cutoff,

        n_coefficients = int(np.ceil(self.period / dt / 2.0))
        shape = (n_coefficients + 1,) + shape_out
        sigma = self.rms * np.sqrt(0.5)
        coefficients = 1j * rng.normal(0.0, sigma, size=shape)
        coefficients += rng.normal(0.0, sigma, size=shape)
        coefficients[0] = 0.0
        coefficients[-1].imag = 0.0

        set_to_zero = npext.rfftfreq(2 * n_coefficients, d=dt) > self.high
        coefficients[set_to_zero] = 0.0
        power_correction = np.sqrt(
            1.0 - np.sum(set_to_zero, dtype=float) / n_coefficients
        if power_correction > 0.0:
            coefficients /= power_correction
        coefficients *= np.sqrt(2 * n_coefficients)
        signal = np.fft.irfft(coefficients, axis=0)

        if self.y0 is not None:
            # Starts each dimension off where it is closest to y0
            def shift(x):
                offset = np.argmin(abs(self.y0 - x))
                return np.roll(x, -offset + 1)  # +1 since t starts at dt

            signal = np.apply_along_axis(shift, 0, signal)

        def step_whitesignal(t):
            i = int(round(t / dt))
            return signal[i % signal.shape[0]]

        return step_whitesignal
Beispiel #9
    def make_sample(self, dt, d=1, rng=np.random):
        n_coefficients = int(np.ceil(self.duration / dt / 2.))
        shape = (d, n_coefficients + 1)
        sigma = self.rms * np.sqrt(0.5)
        coefficients = 1j * rng.normal(0., sigma, size=shape)
        coefficients += rng.normal(0., sigma, size=shape)
        coefficients[:, 0] = 0.
        coefficients[:, -1].imag = 0.
        if self.high is not None:
            set_to_zero = rfftfreq(2 * n_coefficients, d=dt) > self.high
            coefficients[:, set_to_zero] = 0.
            power_correction = np.sqrt(1. - np.sum(set_to_zero, dtype=float) /
            if power_correction > 0.:
                coefficients /= power_correction
        coefficients *= np.sqrt(2 * n_coefficients)

        t = np.array([0])
        signal = np.fft.irfft(coefficients, axis=1)

        return functools.partial(self.sample, t=t, signal=signal)
Beispiel #10
    def make_sample(self, dt, d=1, rng=np.random):
        n_coefficients = int(np.ceil(self.duration / dt / 2.))
        shape = (d, n_coefficients + 1)
        sigma = self.rms * np.sqrt(0.5)
        coefficients = 1j * rng.normal(0., sigma, size=shape)
        coefficients += rng.normal(0., sigma, size=shape)
        coefficients[:, 0] = 0.
        coefficients[:, -1].imag = 0.
        if self.high is not None:
            set_to_zero = rfftfreq(2 * n_coefficients, d=dt) > self.high
            coefficients[:, set_to_zero] = 0.
            power_correction = np.sqrt(
                1. - np.sum(set_to_zero, dtype=float) / n_coefficients)
            if power_correction > 0.:
                coefficients /= power_correction
        coefficients *= np.sqrt(2 * n_coefficients)

        t = np.array([0])
        signal = np.fft.irfft(coefficients, axis=1)

        return functools.partial(self.sample, t=t, signal=signal)
Beispiel #11
def test_whitenoise_high(high, rng, plt):
    rms = 0.5
    d = 500
    t = 1000
    dt = 0.001

    process = WhiteNoise(dt * t, high, rms=rms)
    values = nengo.processes.sample(t, process, dt=dt, d=d, rng=rng)
    freq, val_psd = psd(values)

    trange = np.arange(1, t + 1) * dt
    plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    plt.title("First two D of white noise process, high=%d Hz" % high)
    plt.plot(trange, values[:, :2])
    plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
    plt.title("Power spectrum")
    plt.plot(freq, val_psd, drawstyle='steps')
    plt.xlim(right=high * 2.0)

    assert np.allclose(np.std(values, axis=1), rms, rtol=0.15)
    assert np.all(val_psd[rfftfreq(t, dt) > high] < rms * 0.5)
Beispiel #12
def test_whitesignal_high(high, rng, plt):
    rms = 0.5
    d = 500
    t = 1
    dt = 0.001

    process = WhiteSignal(t, high, rms=rms)
    values =, d=d, dt=dt, rng=rng)
    freq, val_psd = psd(values)

    trange = process.trange(t, dt=dt)
    plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    plt.title("First two D of white noise process, high=%d Hz" % high)
    plt.plot(trange, values[:, :2])
    plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
    plt.title("Power spectrum")
    plt.plot(freq, val_psd, drawstyle='steps')
    plt.xlim(right=high * 2.0)

    assert np.allclose(np.std(values, axis=1), rms, rtol=0.15)
    assert np.all(val_psd[npext.rfftfreq(t, dt) > high] < rms * 0.5)
Beispiel #13
def test_whitenoise_high(high, rng, plt):
    rms = 0.5
    d = 500
    t = 1000
    dt = 0.001

    process = WhiteNoise(dt * t, high, rms=rms)
    values = nengo.processes.sample(t, process, dt=dt, d=d, rng=rng)
    freq, val_psd = psd(values)

    trange = np.arange(1, t + 1) * dt
    plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    plt.title("First two D of white noise process, high=%d Hz" % high)
    plt.plot(trange, values[:, :2])
    plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
    plt.title("Power spectrum")
    plt.plot(freq, val_psd, drawstyle='steps')
    plt.xlim(right=high * 2.0)

    assert np.allclose(np.std(values, axis=1), rms, rtol=0.15)
    assert np.all(val_psd[rfftfreq(t, dt) > high] < rms * 0.5)
Beispiel #14
def test_whitesignal_high(high, rng, plt):
    rms = 0.5
    d = 500
    t = 1
    dt = 0.001

    process = WhiteSignal(t, high, rms=rms)
    values =, d=d, dt=dt, rng=rng)
    freq, val_psd = psd(values)

    trange = process.trange(t, dt=dt)
    plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    plt.title("First two D of white noise process, high=%d Hz" % high)
    plt.plot(trange, values[:, :2])
    plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
    plt.title("Power spectrum")
    plt.plot(freq, val_psd, drawstyle='steps')
    plt.xlim(right=high * 2.0)

    assert np.allclose(np.std(values, axis=1), rms, rtol=0.15)
    assert np.all(val_psd[npext.rfftfreq(t, dt) > high] < rms * 0.5)
Beispiel #15
    def make_step(self, shape_in, shape_out, dt, rng):
        assert shape_in == (0,)

        nyquist_cutoff = 0.5 / dt
        if self.high > nyquist_cutoff:
            raise ValidationError("High must not exceed the Nyquist frequency "
                                  "for the given dt (%0.3f)" % nyquist_cutoff,
                                  attr='high', obj=self)

        n_coefficients = int(np.ceil(self.period / dt / 2.))
        shape = (n_coefficients + 1,) + shape_out
        sigma = self.rms * np.sqrt(0.5)
        coefficients = 1j * rng.normal(0., sigma, size=shape)
        coefficients += rng.normal(0., sigma, size=shape)
        coefficients[0] = 0.
        coefficients[-1].imag = 0.

        set_to_zero = npext.rfftfreq(2 * n_coefficients, d=dt) > self.high
        coefficients[set_to_zero] = 0.
        power_correction = np.sqrt(
            1. - np.sum(set_to_zero, dtype=float) / n_coefficients)
        if power_correction > 0.:
            coefficients /= power_correction
        coefficients *= np.sqrt(2 * n_coefficients)
        signal = np.fft.irfft(coefficients, axis=0)

        if self.y0 is not None:
            # Starts each dimension off where it is closest to y0
            def shift(x):
                offset = np.argmin(abs(self.y0 - x))
                return np.roll(x, -offset+1)  # +1 since t starts at dt
            signal = np.apply_along_axis(shift, 0, signal)

        def step_whitesignal(t):
            i = int(round(t / dt))
            return signal[i % signal.shape[0]]

        return step_whitesignal
Beispiel #16
def psd(values, dt=0.001):
    freq = npext.rfftfreq(values.shape[0], d=dt)
    power = 2. * np.std(np.abs(np.fft.rfft(values, axis=0)), axis=1) / np.sqrt(
    return freq, power
Beispiel #17
def psd(values, dt=0.001):
    freq = npext.rfftfreq(values.shape[0], d=dt)
    power = 2. * np.std(np.abs(np.fft.rfft(
        values, axis=0)), axis=1) / np.sqrt(values.shape[0])
    return freq, power