Beispiel #1
    def __call__(self, model, n_chips):
        board = Board()

        def get_chip(i):
            chip = board.chips[-1]
            assert len(chip.cores) <= self.cores_per_chip
            if len(chip.cores) == self.cores_per_chip:
                assert len(board.chips) < n_chips, (
                    "The network needs more chips than requested (%d)" % n_chips,
                chip = board.new_chip()

            return chip

        i = 0
        for input in model.inputs:
            self.input_to_board(input, board)
            i += 1

        for block in model.blocks:
            self.block_to_new_core(block, get_chip(i))
            i += 1

        board.probes.extend(model.probes)"Greedy allocation across %d chips", board.n_chips)

        return board
Beispiel #2
    def __call__(self, model, n_chips):
        block_map = dict(enumerate(model.blocks))

        block_rates = None
        if self.ensemble_rates is not None:
            block_rates = ensemble_to_block_rates(model, self.ensemble_rates)
            block_rates = {
                block: np.round(rate * self.rate_scale)
                for block, rate in block_rates.items()

        block_conns = estimate_interblock_activity(block_map, block_rates=block_rates)

        # partition graph
        G = networkx.Graph()

        edge_map = set()
        for i in block_map:
            for j, val in block_conns[i].items():
                if (i, j) in edge_map or (j, i) in edge_map:

                val = val + block_conns[j].get(i, 0)
                G.add_edge(i, j, weight=int(round(val)))  # weights must be integers
                edge_map.add((i, j))
                edge_map.add((j, i))

        _, parts = nxmetis.partition(G, nparts=int(n_chips))

        for i, part in enumerate(parts):
            if len(part) > 128:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Partition {i} has {len(part)} cores, "
                    "which exceeds the available 128 cores"

        # --- create board
        board = Board()

        # add inputs to board
        for input in model.inputs:
            self.input_to_board(input, board)

        # blocks to chips
        for part in parts:
            chip = board.new_chip()
            for block_idx in part:
                block = block_map[block_idx]
                self.block_to_new_core(block, chip)

        # add probes
        board.probes.extend(model.probes)"METIS allocation across %d chips", board.n_chips)

        return board
Beispiel #3
    def __call__(self, model):
        board = Board()
        chip = board.new_chip()

        for block in model.blocks:
            self.block_to_chip(block, chip)

        for input in model.inputs:
            self.input_to_chip(input, chip)

        return board
Beispiel #4
    def __call__(self, model, n_chips):  # noqa: C901
        block_map = dict(enumerate(model.blocks))
        block_rates = (
            ensemble_to_block_rates(model, self.ensemble_rates)
            if self.ensemble_rates is not None
            else None
        block_conns_out = estimate_interblock_activity(
            block_map, block_rates=block_rates
        block_conns_in = {
            i: {j: block_conns_out[j][i] for j in block_map if i in block_conns_out[j]}
            for i in block_map

        # find blocks with no pre block
        no_pre_blocks = []
        for i in block_map:
            if sum(v for v in block_conns_in[i].values()) == 0:

        # --- create board
        board = Board()

        # add inputs to board
        for input in model.inputs:
            self.input_to_board(input, board)

        # --- add blocks to chips
        chip = None
        unallocated_blocks = set(block_map)

        while len(unallocated_blocks) > 0:
            if chip is None or len(chip.cores) == self.cores_per_chip:
                assert (
                    len(board.chips) < n_chips
                ), f"The network needs more chips than requested ({n_chips})"

                # start a new chip
                chip = board.new_chip()

                # choose a no-pre block, if possible
                for block_idx in no_pre_blocks:
                    if block_idx in unallocated_blocks:
                    block_idx = next(iter(unallocated_blocks))

                chip_blocks = set()
                # choose the block with the largest connection to blocks on this chip
                block_idx = -1
                max_conn = 0
                for i in chip_blocks:
                    for j in unallocated_blocks.intersection(block_conns_out[i]):
                        ij = block_conns_out[i][j]
                        if ij > max_conn:
                            max_conn = ij
                            block_idx = j

                    for j in unallocated_blocks.intersection(block_conns_in[i]):
                        ij = block_conns_in[i][j]
                        if ij > max_conn:
                            max_conn = ij
                            block_idx = j

                if block_idx < 0:
                    # none of the remaining blocks connect to blocks on this chip,
                    # so pick a no-pre block if possible, otherwise any block will do.
                    for block_idx in no_pre_blocks:
                        if block_idx in unallocated_blocks:
                        block_idx = next(iter(unallocated_blocks))

            block = block_map[block_idx]
            self.block_to_new_core(block, chip)


        # add probes
        board.probes.extend(model.probes)"GreedyInterchip allocation across %d chips", board.n_chips)

        return board