Beispiel #1
def test_state_norm(plt):
    # Choose a filter, timestep, and number of simulation timesteps
    sys = Alpha(0.1)
    dt = 0.000001
    length = 2000000

    # Modify the state-space to read out the state vector
    A, B, C, D = sys2ss(sys)
    old_C = C
    C = np.eye(len(A))
    D = np.zeros((len(A), B.shape[1]))

    response = np.empty((length, len(C)))
    for i in range(len(C)):
        # Simulate the state vector
        response[:, i] = impulse((A, B, C[i, :], D[i, :]), dt, length)

    # Check that the power of each state equals the H2-norm of each state
    # The analog case is the same after scaling since dt is approx 0.
    actual = norm(response, axis=0) * dt
    assert np.allclose(actual, state_norm(cont2discrete(sys, dt)))
    assert np.allclose(actual, state_norm(sys) * np.sqrt(dt))

    plt.plot(response[:, 0], label="$x_0$")
    plt.plot(response[:, 1], label="$x_1$")
    plt.plot(, old_C.T), label="$y$")
Beispiel #2
def test_grams():
    sys = 0.6*Alpha(0.01) + 0.4*Lowpass(0.05)

    A, B, C, D = sys2ss(sys)

    P = control_gram(sys)
    assert np.allclose(, P) +, A.T),, B.T))
    assert np.linalg.matrix_rank(P) == len(P)  # controllable

    Q = observe_gram(sys)
    assert np.allclose(, Q) +, A),, C))
    assert np.linalg.matrix_rank(Q) == len(Q)  # observable
Beispiel #3
def test_grams():
    sys = 0.6 * Alpha(0.01) + 0.4 * Lowpass(0.05)

    A, B, C, D = sys2ss(sys)

    P = control_gram(sys)
    assert np.allclose(, P) +, A.T),, B.T))
    assert matrix_rank(P) == len(P)  # controllable

    Q = observe_gram(sys)
    assert np.allclose(, Q) +, A),, C))
    assert matrix_rank(Q) == len(Q)  # observable
Beispiel #4
def test_similarity_transform():
    sys = Alpha(0.1)

    TA, TB, TC, TD = similarity_transform(sys, np.eye(2)).ss
    A, B, C, D = sys2ss(sys)
    assert np.allclose(A, TA)
    assert np.allclose(B, TB)
    assert np.allclose(C, TC)
    assert np.allclose(D, TD)

    T = [[1, 1], [-0.5, 0]]
    TA, TB, TC, TD = similarity_transform(sys, T).ss
    assert not np.allclose(A, TA)
    assert not np.allclose(B, TB)
    assert not np.allclose(C, TC)
    assert np.allclose(D, TD)
    assert sys_equal(sys, (TA, TB, TC, TD))