def test_binary_op(ng_func, np_func): H = ng.make_axis().named('H') W = ng.make_axis().named('W') tests = [ { 'tensor1': [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]], 'tensor1_axes': (H, W), 'tensor2': [[10, 2, 3, 40], [15, 6, 9, 8]], 'tensor2_axes': (H, W), 'axes_lengths': {H: 2, W: 4} }] for test in tests: # set up tensors for axis, length in test['axes_lengths'].items(): axis.length = length tensor1 = ng.placeholder(test['tensor1_axes']) value1 = np.array(test['tensor1'], dtype=np.float32) tensor2 = ng.placeholder(test['tensor2_axes']) value2 = np.array( test['tensor2'], dtype=np.float32 ) _ng_func = ng_func(tensor1, tensor2) with ExecutorFactory() as ex: _ng_computation = ex.executor(_ng_func, tensor1, tensor2) _ng_val = _ng_computation(value1, value2) _ng_ref = np_func(value1, value2) np.testing.assert_equal(_ng_val, _ng_ref)
def test_flat_tensor_dot_tensor(): """ Ensure that a flattened argument axis is not unflattend in the result. """ H = ng.make_axis(2) W = ng.make_axis(7) C = ng.make_axis(3) K = ng.make_axis(11) axes_a = ng.make_axes([H, W, C]) a = ng.constant(np.ones(axes_a.lengths), axes=axes_a) flat_a = ng.flatten_at(a, 2) axes_b = ng.make_axes([C, K]) b = ng.constant(np.ones(axes_b.lengths), axes=axes_b) result =, flat_a) with ExecutorFactory() as factory: result_fun = factory.executor(result) result_val = result_fun() result_correct = np.ones_like(result_val) * C.length ng.testing.assert_allclose(result_val, result_correct)
def test_variable(): input_axes = ng.make_axes([ng.make_axis(10), ng.make_axis(3)]) var = ng.variable(axes=input_axes) assign_val = np.random.rand(10, 3) var_assign = ng.AssignOp(tensor=var, val=assign_val) var_seq = ng.sequential([var_assign, var]) var_comp = ng.computation(var_seq, "all") results = dict() weight_saver = Saver() with closing(ngt.make_transformer()) as transformer: var_func = transformer.add_computation(var_comp) weight_saver.setup_save(transformer=transformer, computation=var_comp) results['saved'] = var_func().copy()"test_variable") reassign_val = np.random.rand(10, 3) var_reassign = ng.AssignOp(tensor=var, val=reassign_val) var_recomp = ng.computation(var_reassign, "all") var_read = ng.computation(var, "all") with closing(ngt.make_transformer()) as restore_transformer: var_recompfunc = restore_transformer.add_computation(var_recomp) weight_saver.setup_restore(transformer=restore_transformer, computation=var_recomp, filename="test_variable") var_readfunc = restore_transformer.add_computation(var_read) var_recompfunc() results['reassigned'] = var_readfunc().copy() weight_saver.restore() results['restored'] = var_readfunc().copy() os.remove("test_variable.npz") assert np.allclose(results['saved'], assign_val, atol=0) assert np.allclose(results['reassigned'], reassign_val, atol=0) assert np.allclose(results['saved'], results['restored'], atol=0)
def test_unary_op_(ng_func, np_func): H = ng.make_axis().named('H') W = ng.make_axis().named('W') tests = [ { 'tensor1': [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]], 'tensor1_axes': (H, W), 'axes_lengths': {H: 2, W: 4} }] for test in tests: # set up tensors for axis, length in test['axes_lengths'].items(): axis.length = length tensor1 = ng.placeholder(test['tensor1_axes']) value1 = np.array(test['tensor1'], dtype=np.float32) _ng_func = ng_func(tensor1) with ExecutorFactory() as ex: _ng_computation = ex.executor(_ng_func, tensor1) _ng_val = _ng_computation(value1) _ng_ref = np_func(value1) assert np.allclose(_ng_val, _ng_ref, rtol=0, atol=2)
def input_axes(request): return ng.make_axes([ ng.make_axis(length=request.param[0]), ng.make_axis(length=request.param[1]), ng.make_axis(length=request.param[2]), ng.make_axis(length=request.param[3]) ])
def test_exit_condition(transformer_factory): bsz = 16 class_num = 10 # Limiting maximum absolute value for tensors elements to 7.9. # # There is used np.random.randn function to fill tensors with random values. It can give any # value as a result however values above 5 are highly improbable and would appear very rarely. # Limit 7.9 would almost never modify the tested tensor but would prevent from random # failures from time to time when the test is run in continuous environment. # This limit is approximate upper bound of range [4, 8). Numbers from this region can be # expressed by flexpoint number of the same dec. # Why not 15.9 that is approximate limit of [8, 16) range ? # Numbers above 8 are highly improbable and if appear from time to time can cause random # failures due to reduced accuracy of all numbers in tensor. Most numbers in normal # distribution are close to 0. is_flex = is_flex_factory(transformer_factory) clip_val = 7.9 if is_flex else 0 N, Y = ng.make_axis(bsz), ng.make_axis(class_num) y_val = rng.randn_abs_clip(ng.make_axes([N, Y]), clip_max=clip_val) y = ng.constant(y_val, ng.make_axes([N, Y])) likelihood = ng.log(ng.softmax(y, normalization_axes=y.axes[1])) with ExecutorFactory() as ex: comp = ex.executor(likelihood) val1 = comp() val2 = comp() ng.testing.assert_allclose(val1, val2, atol=0, rtol=0)
def test_stack(): W = ng.make_axis(length=4) H = ng.make_axis(length=5) I = ng.make_axis(length=3) axes = ng.make_axes([W, H]) rng = RandomTensorGenerator(0, np.float32) a_v = [rng.uniform(0, 1, axes) for i in range(I.length)] for pos in range(len(axes) + 1): a = [ng.placeholder(axes, initial_value=p) for p in a_v] s = ng.stack(a, I, pos) with ExecutorFactory() as ex: num_funs = [ ex.numeric_derivative(s, p, delta, *(np for np in a if np is not p)) for p in a ] sym_funs = [ ex.derivative(s, p, *(np for np in a if np is not p)) for p in a ] for n_fun, s_fun, a_i in zip(num_funs, sym_funs, a_v): na_is = list(na_i for na_i in a_v if na_i is not a_i) d_n = n_fun(a_i, *na_is) d_s = s_fun(a_i, *na_is) ng.testing.assert_allclose(d_n, d_s, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
def test_kernel_cache(transformer_factory): X = ng.make_axis(32) Y = ng.make_axis(32) C = ng.make_axis(16384) axes = ng.make_axes([ X, Y ]) bcast_axes = ng.make_axes([ X, Y, C ]) # Limiting maximum absolute value for tensors elements to 7.9. # See description in function test_exit_condition above is_flex = is_flex_factory(transformer_factory) clip_val = 7.9 if is_flex else 0 x_val = rng.randn_abs_clip(axes, clip_max=clip_val) y_val = rng.randn_abs_clip(bcast_axes, clip_max=clip_val) z_val = rng.randn_abs_clip(bcast_axes, clip_max=clip_val) x = ng.constant(x_val, axes) y = ng.constant(y_val, bcast_axes) z = ng.constant(z_val, bcast_axes) out = ng.add(ng.add(x, y), z) with executor(out) as ex: graph_val = ex() np_val = np.add(np.add(x_val.reshape(32, 32, 1), y_val), z_val) ng.testing.assert_allclose(graph_val, np_val, rtol=1e-4, atol_multiplier=2)
def make_weights(input_placeholder, hidden_size, weight_initializer, bias_initializer, init_state=False): in_feature_axes = tuple( input_placeholder.axes)[:-2] # input axis + any extra axes of length 1 out_feature_axes = ng.make_axes([ng.make_axis(hidden_size)]) batch_axis = input_placeholder.axes.batch_axis() hidden_axis = ng.make_axis(hidden_size) w_in_axes = ng.make_axes(hidden_axis) + in_feature_axes w_rec_axes = ng.make_axes(hidden_axis) + out_feature_axes W_in = weight_initializer(w_in_axes) W_rec = weight_initializer(w_rec_axes) b = bias_initializer(hidden_axis) if init_state is True: ax_s = ng.make_axes([hidden_axis, batch_axis]) init_state = ng.placeholder(ax_s) init_state_value = rng.uniform(-1, 1, ax_s) else: init_state = None init_state_value = None return W_in, W_rec, b, init_state, init_state_value
def test_weight_clipping(w_clip, optimizer): opt_ng = optimizer(0.1, weight_clip_value=w_clip) # Set up data placeholders C = ng.make_axis(20) N = ng.make_axis(32, name='N') data = ng.placeholder([C, N]) target = ng.placeholder([N]) # params to be updated using optimizer to be tested # make sure initial values are higher than clip values np_W = 10 * w_clip * (2 * np.random.rand(C.length) - 1) W = ng.variable([C], initial_value=np_W) # double check generated initial W value assert np.max(np_W) > w_clip assert np.min(np_W) < -w_clip # Set up op graph cost = ng.sum(target -, data), out_axis=()) updated_weights = ng.sequential([opt_ng(cost), W]) epsilon = w_clip * 1e-3 # Set up the computation and run the "train" loop with ExecutorFactory() as ex: opt_ng_comp = ex.transformer.computation(updated_weights, data, target) mock_dataset = data_generator(20, C.length, N.length) for x, y in mock_dataset: ng_W = opt_ng_comp(x, y) # updated weights for ngraph optimizer assert np.max(ng_W) < w_clip + epsilon assert np.min(ng_W) > -w_clip - epsilon
def compare_optimizer_variable_select(opt_ng, opt_ref): # Set up data placeholders C = ng.make_axis(20) N = ng.make_axis(32, name='N') data = ng.placeholder([C, N]) target = ng.placeholder([N]) # params to be updated using optimizer to be tested np_W1 = np.random.rand(C.length) np_W2 = np.random.rand(C.length) W1 = ng.variable([C], initial_value=np_W1) W2 = ng.variable([C], initial_value=np_W2) # Set up op graph cost = ng.sum(target -, data) -, data), out_axis=()) updated_weights = ng.sequential([opt_ng(cost, variables=[W1]), W1]) # Set up the computation and run the "train" loop with ExecutorFactory() as ex: opt_ng_comp = ex.transformer.computation([updated_weights, W2], data, target) mock_dataset = data_generator(20, C.length, N.length) for x, y in mock_dataset: [ng_W1, ng_W2] = opt_ng_comp(x, y) # updated weights for ngraph optimizer np_W1 = opt_ref(x, np_W1) # updated weights for reference optimizer ng.testing.assert_allclose(np_W1, ng_W1, rtol=1e-3) ng.testing.assert_allclose(np_W2, ng_W2, rtol=1e-3)
def test_dropout_train(nin, batch_size, keep): # set inputs N = ng.make_axis(batch_size, name='N') F = ng.make_axis(nin, name='F') inp = ng.placeholder([F, N]) layer = Dropout(keep=keep) fprop = layer(inp) # create data x = np.random.uniform(size=(nin, batch_size)) # evaluate with ExecutorFactory() as ex: comp = ex.executor([fprop, layer.mask], inp) out, mask = comp(x) numpy_out = x * mask[:, None] ng.testing.assert_allclose(out, numpy_out, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) if keep < 1.0: out1, mask1 = out.copy(), mask.copy() out2, mask2 = comp(x) assert (out1 != out2).any() assert (mask1 != mask2).any()
def test_duplicate_axis_different_length(): a = ng.make_axis(1, name='N') b = ng.make_axis(2, name='N') with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e: ng.make_axes([a, b]) # ensure the name of the axis appears in the exception assert 'N' in str(e)
def CDHWN(): return ng.make_axes([ ng.make_axis(3, name='C'), ng.make_axis(4, name='D'), ng.make_axis(5, name='H'), ng.make_axis(6, name='W'), ng.make_axis(8, name='N') ])
def baseline_value(self, x): ''' Use defined ngraph constructed computation to evaluate activation on inputs x ''' X = ng.placeholder([ng.make_axis(), ng.make_axis(name='N')]) X.axes.set_shape(x.shape) with ExecutorFactory() as ex: activation_function = ex.executor(self.neon_activation(X), X) return activation_function(x)
def test_linear_keep_batch_axis(): feature_axis = ng.make_axis(1, name='A') batch_axis = ng.make_axis(2, name='N') x = ng.placeholder([batch_axis]) linear = Linear(axes=feature_axis, keep_axes=[batch_axis], init=UniformInit(1.0, 1.0))(x) assert linear.axes == ng.make_axes([feature_axis, batch_axis])
def test_change_recurrent_axis_length(recurrent_layer_cls, batch_size, sequence_length, input_size, hidden_size): """ Recurrent layer support for changing REC axis length (needed by seq2seq inference) """ # create three identical recurrent layers with same weights W_input_val = np.random.normal(size=(hidden_size, input_size)) W_recur_val = np.random.normal(size=(hidden_size, hidden_size)) rec1 = recurrent_layer_cls(nout=hidden_size, init=ConstantInit(W_input_val), init_inner=ConstantInit(W_recur_val), activation=Tanh()) rec2 = recurrent_layer_cls(nout=hidden_size, init=ConstantInit(W_input_val), init_inner=ConstantInit(W_recur_val), activation=Tanh()) rec3 = recurrent_layer_cls(nout=hidden_size, init=ConstantInit(W_input_val), init_inner=ConstantInit(W_recur_val), activation=Tanh()) # create input placeholders and values # sequence length greater than 1 N = ng.make_axis(length=batch_size, name='N') REC = ng.make_axis(length=sequence_length, name='REC') M = ng.make_axis(length=input_size, name='M') xn_axes = ng.make_axes([M, REC, N]) xn = ng.placeholder(axes=xn_axes) xn_val = np.random.normal(size=(input_size, sequence_length, batch_size)) # sequence length 1 REC1 = ng.make_axis(length=1, name='REC') x1_axes = ng.make_axes([M, REC1, N]) x1 = ng.placeholder(axes=x1_axes) x1_val = np.random.normal(size=(input_size, 1, batch_size)) # check results of switching REC axis of a layer's input # computations switching REC axis y1_n = rec1(xn) y1_1 = rec1(x1) # check against not switching y2_n = rec2(xn) y3_1 = rec3(x1) with ExecutorFactory() as ex: y1_n_comp = ex.executor(y1_n, xn) y1_1_comp = ex.executor(y1_1, x1) y2_n_comp = ex.executor(y2_n, xn) y3_1_comp = ex.executor(y3_1, x1) ng.testing.assert_allclose(y1_n_comp(xn_val), y2_n_comp(xn_val)) ng.testing.assert_allclose(y1_1_comp(x1_val), y3_1_comp(x1_val))
def test_scalar_broadcast(): """ Test broadcasting a scalar into a tensor """ with ExecutorFactory() as ex: x_axes = ng.make_axes() broadcast_axes = ng.make_axes([ng.make_axis(2), ng.make_axis(3)]) x = ng.constant(1., axes=x_axes) z = ng.broadcast(x, axes=broadcast_axes) z_comp = ex.executor(z) assert np.array_equal(z_comp(), np.ones(broadcast_axes.lengths))
def test_linear_axes_nout(): feature_axis = ng.make_axis(1, name='A') batch_axis = ng.make_axis(2, name='N') x = ng.placeholder([feature_axis, batch_axis]) linear = Linear(nout=3, init=UniformInit(1.0, 1.0))(x) assert feature_axis not in linear.axes assert batch_axis in linear.axes assert linear.axes.batch_axis().length == 2 assert linear.axes.sample_axes().lengths == (3, )
def test_linear_W_axes_nout(): feature_axis = ng.make_axis(1, name='A') batch_axis = ng.make_axis(2, name='N') x = ng.placeholder([feature_axis, batch_axis]) linear = Linear(nout=3, init=UniformInit(1.0, 1.0)) linear(x) assert linear.W.axes.batch_axis() is None assert feature_axis in linear.W.axes assert len(linear.W.axes - feature_axis) == 1 assert (linear.W.axes - feature_axis)[0].length == 3
def baseline_derivative(self, x): X = ng.placeholder([ng.make_axis(), ng.make_axis(name='N')]) X.axes.set_shape(x.shape) with ExecutorFactory() as ex: activation_derivative = ex.derivative(self.neon_activation(X), X) # hack to get derivatives result = activation_derivative(x) result = result.ravel()[0:result.size:(x.size + 1)] result = result.reshape(x.shape) return result
def test_tensor_slice(): """ slicing a tensor should work like numpy """ input_axes = ng.make_axes( [ng.make_axis(10), ng.make_axis(20), ng.make_axis(5)]) x = ng.placeholder(axes=input_axes) assert x[:5].axes.full_lengths == (5, 20, 5) assert x[:, 2:7].axes.full_lengths == (10, 5, 5) assert x[:5, :, :-1].axes.full_lengths == (5, 20, 4)
def test_pad_mixed(): """ mix 0 padding with non-0 padding """ input_axes = ng.make_axes([ng.make_axis(1), ng.make_axis(1)]) x = ng.variable(input_axes) pad = ng.pad(x, [0, 1]) assert pad.axes[0].name == x.axes[0].name assert pad.axes[1].name == x.axes[1].name assert pad.axes[0].length == x.axes[0].length assert pad.axes[1].length != x.axes[1].length
def test_rng_repetition(): """ Tests rng ops, to make sure they run every execution and not just initialization """ axes = ng.make_axes([ng.make_axis(2), ng.make_axis(2)]) y = ng.uniform(axes) mysum = ng.sum(y) trans = ng.transformers.make_transformer() rand_comp = trans.computation(mysum) val1 = rand_comp().copy() val2 = rand_comp().copy() assert val1 != val2 trans.close()
def make_placeholders(self): batch_axis = ng.make_axis(length=self.batch_size, name="N") time_axis = ng.make_axis(length=self.time_steps, name="REC") feature_axis = ng.make_axis(length=self.nfeatures, name="feature_axis") dict = {} for k in self.data_arrays.keys(): if k == 'inp_txt' or k == 'teacher_tgt': p_axes = ng.make_axes([batch_axis, time_axis, feature_axis]) else: p_axes = ng.make_axes([batch_axis, time_axis]) dict[k] = ng.placeholder(p_axes) return dict
def test_broadcast(): M = ng.make_axis(length=1) N = ng.make_axis(length=4) np_a = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4]], dtype=np.float32) np_c = np.add(np_a, 2) a = ng.constant(np_a, [M, N]) c = ng.add(a, 2) with executor(c) as _add: result = _add() assert np.allclose(result, np_c)
def concatenate_variables(request): num_vars, num_axes, concat_pos = request.param common_axes = [ng.make_axis(length=2) for _ in range(num_axes - 1)] x_list = list() np_list = list() ax = ng.make_axis(length=np.random.randint(3, 10)) axes = ng.make_axes(common_axes[:concat_pos] + [ax] + common_axes[concat_pos:]) for _ in range(num_vars): var = np.random.uniform(0, 1, axes.full_lengths) np_list.append(var) x_list.append(ng.constant(var, axes=axes)) return x_list, np_list, concat_pos
def test_slice_nop(): """ slicing an axis shouldn't change the name """ input_axes = ng.make_axes([ng.make_axis(1), ng.make_axis(1)]) x = ng.variable(input_axes) s = ng.tensor_slice(x, [ slice(None, None, None), slice(None, None, 1), ]) assert s.axes[0] == x.axes[0] assert s.axes[1] == x.axes[1]
def test_cputensor_add_constant(): """TODO.""" M = ng.make_axis(length=1) N = ng.make_axis(length=3) np_a = np.array([[1, 2, 3]], dtype=np.float32) np_c = np.add(np_a, 2) a = ng.constant(np_a, [M, N]) b = ng.constant(2) c = ng.add(a, b) with executor(c) as ex: result = ex() assert np.array_equal(result, np_c)
def test_concatenate(): with ExecutorFactory() as ex: A = ng.make_axis(name='A', length=3) B = ng.make_axis(name='B', length=4) np_shape = (A.length, B.length) x0_np = -np.ones(np_shape) x1_np = np.ones(np_shape) x0_ng = ng.persistent_tensor([A, B], initial_value=x0_np).named('x0') x1_ng = ng.persistent_tensor([A, B], initial_value=x1_np).named('x1') j_np = np.concatenate([x0_np, x1_np], axis=0) j_ng = ng.concat_along_axis([x0_ng, x1_ng], A) f = ex.executor(j_ng) j_val = f() ng.testing.assert_allclose(j_val, j_np)