Beispiel #1
# This file is for network behavior observation.
# Author: Huang-Yu Yao
import nest
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
# Number of input Gammatone bands
bands = 32
# Neuronal parameters
edict = {"I_e": 100.0, "tau_m": 20.0}
nest.CopyModel("iaf_psc_alpha", "exc_iaf_psc_alpha", params=edict)
idict = {"I_e": 0.0}
nest.CopyModel("iaf_psc_alpha", "inh_iaf_psc_alpha", params=idict)
nest.SetDefaults("static_synapse", {"weight": 150.0})
# Create neurons and meters
BandSpikeGen = nest.Create("poisson_generator", bands)
nest.SetStatus(BandSpikeGen, {"rate": 50.0})
ExcReceiveBand = nest.Create("exc_iaf_psc_alpha", int(bands / 4))
LocInh = nest.Create("inh_iaf_psc_alpha", int(bands / 4))
Detection = nest.Create("exc_iaf_psc_alpha", 1)
Vmeter = nest.Create("voltmeter", params={"withtime": True})
Smeter = nest.Create("spike_detector",
                         "withgid": True,
                         "withtime": True
# Connect neurons and meters
conn_dict = {"rule": "fixed_indegree", "indegree": 5}
nest.Connect(BandSpikeGen, ExcReceiveBand, conn_dict)
nest.Connect(ExcReceiveBand, LocInh, "one_to_one", {
    "weight": 180,
    "delay": 1.0
    'configbit_0': config_0,
    'configbit_1': config_1,
    'reset_pattern': reset_pattern,
    'a_thresh_th': lut_th_causal,
    'a_thresh_tl': lut_th_acausal

# build network #
stim = nest.Create('spike_generator')
neuronA = nest.Create('parrot_neuron')
neuronB = nest.Create('parrot_neuron')
#recorder = nest.Create('spike_detector')
nest.SetStatus(stim, [{'spike_times': spikesIn}])

nest.SetDefaults(modelName, synapseDict)

#check if Get returns same values as have been Set
synapseDictGet = nest.GetDefaults(modelName)
for key in synapseDict.keys():
    assert (all(np.atleast_1d(synapseDictGet[key] == synapseDict[key])))

nest.Connect(stim, neuronA)
             float(startWeight) / 15.0 * Wmax,
#nest.Connect(neuronA, recorder)
#nest.Connect(neuronB, recorder)
Beispiel #3
# To record the instantaneous population rate `Abar(t)` we use a multimeter,
# and to get the population activity `A_N(t)` we use spike recorder:

# monitor the output using a multimeter, this only records with dt_rec!
nest_mm = nest.Create('multimeter')
nest_mm.set(record_from=['n_events', 'mean'], interval=dt_rec)
nest.Connect(nest_mm, nest_pops)

# monitor the output using a spike recorder
nest_sr = []
for i in range(M):
    nest_sr[i].time_in_steps = True
    nest.SetDefaults('static_synapse', {'weight': 1., 'delay': dt})
    nest.Connect(nest_pops[i], nest_sr[i])

# All neurons in a given population will be stimulated with a step input
# current:

# set initial value (at t0+dt) of step current generator to zero
tstep = np.hstack((dt * np.ones((M, 1)), tstep))
step = np.hstack((np.zeros((M, 1)), step))

# create the step current devices
nest_stepcurrent = nest.Create('step_current_generator', M)
# set the parameters for the step currents
for i in range(M):
    nest_stepcurrent[i].set(amplitude_times=tstep[i] + t0,
Beispiel #4
rqs = nest.GetDefaults('iaf_cond_alpha_mc')['recordables']
print("iaf_cond_alpha_mc recordables   : {0}".format(rqs))

# The simulation parameters are assigned to variables.

        'V_th': -60.0,  # threshold potential
        'V_reset': -65.0,  # reset potential
        't_ref': 10.0,  # refractory period
        'g_sp': 5.0,  # somato-proximal coupling conductance
        'soma': {
            'g_L': 12.0
        },  # somatic leak conductance
        # proximal excitatory and inhibitory synaptic time constants
        'proximal': {
            'tau_syn_ex': 1.0,
            'tau_syn_in': 5.0
        'distal': {
            'C_m': 90.0
        }  # distal capacitance

# The nodes are created using ``Create``. We store the returned handles
# in variables for later reference.

n = nest.Create('iaf_cond_alpha_mc')
# parameter set for facilitation
fac_params = {"U": 0.03, "u": 0.03, "tau_fac": 500.,
              "tau_rec": 200., "weight": 1.}
dep_params = {"U": 0.5, "u": 0.5, "tau_fac": 15.,
              "tau_rec": 670., "weight": 1.}
lin_params = {"U": 0.3, "u": 0.3, "tau_fac": 330.,
              "tau_rec": 330., "weight": 1.}

# Here we assign the parameter set to the synapse models
t1_params = fac_params  # for tsodyks2_synapse
t2_params = t1_params.copy()  # for furhmann_synapse

t2_params['n'] = n_syn
t2_params['weight'] = 1. / n_syn

nest.SetDefaults("tsodyks2_synapse", t1_params)
nest.SetDefaults("quantal_stp_synapse", t2_params)
nest.SetDefaults("iaf_psc_exp", {"tau_syn_ex": 3., 'tau_m': 70.})

source = nest.Create('spike_generator')
nest.SetStatus(source, {'spike_times':
                        [30., 60., 90., 120., 150., 180., 210., 240., 270.,
                         300., 330., 360., 390., 900.]})

parrot = nest.Create('parrot_neuron')
neuron = nest.Create("iaf_psc_exp", 2)

nest.Connect(source, parrot)
nest.Connect(parrot, neuron[:1], syn_spec="tsodyks2_synapse")
nest.Connect(parrot, neuron[1:], syn_spec="quantal_stp_synapse")
Beispiel #6
import pylab
import nest
import sys

nest.SetKernelStatus({"resolution":0.1, "print_time":True, "overwrite_files":True})

N_vp = nest.GetKernelStatus(['total_num_virtual_procs'])[0]
pyrngs = [numpy.random.RandomState(s) for s in range(msd, msd+N_vp)]
nest.SetKernelStatus({'grng_seed' : msd+N_vp})
nest.SetKernelStatus({'rng_seeds' : range(msd+N_vp+1, msd+2*N_vp+1)})


Beispiel #7
# Configuration of the simulation kernel by the previously defined time
# resolution used in the simulation. Setting ``print_time`` to True prints
# the already processed simulation time as well as its percentage of the
# total simulation time.

nest.SetKernelStatus({"resolution": dt, "use_wfr": False,
                      "print_time": True,
                      "overwrite_files": True})

print("Building network")

# Configuration of the neuron model using ``SetDefaults``.

nest.SetDefaults(neuron_model, neuron_params)

# Creation of the nodes using ``Create``.

n_e = nest.Create(neuron_model, NE)
n_i = nest.Create(neuron_model, NI)

# To record from the rate neurons a ``multimeter`` is created and the parameter
# ``record_from`` is set to `rate` as well as the recording interval to `dt`

mm = nest.Create('multimeter', params={'record_from': ['rate'],
                                       'interval': dt})
Beispiel #8
# voltmeter = nest.Create('voltmeter')
# nest.SetStatus(voltmeter, {'to_file': True, 'interval': 0.1 })

# nest.Connect(voltmeter,hh_neuron)

# nest.Simulate(100)

# nest.voltage_trace.from_device(voltmeter)

## Current vs FR Curve

# Env Setup
nest.SetDefaults('hh_cond_exp_traub', hh_defaults)
nest.SetKernelStatus({'resolution': 0.01})
nest.SetKernelStatus({'overwrite_files': True})

hh_neurons = nest.Create('hh_cond_exp_traub', n=20)

for k in range(20):
    nest.SetStatus([hh_neurons[k]], {'I_e': k * 200.})

sd = nest.Create('spike_detector')
nest.SetStatus(sd, {'to_file': True})
nest.ConvergentConnect(hh_neurons, sd)


vm = nest.Create('voltmeter', 1, vm_pars)

# Now, we connect each pulse generator to one neuron via static synapses.
# We want to keep all properties of the static synapse constant except the
# synaptic weight. Therefore we change the weight with  the help of the command
# ``SetDefaults``.
# The command ``Connect`` connects all kinds of nodes/devices. Since multiple
# nodes/devices can be connected in different ways e.g., each source connects
# to all targets, each source connects to a subset of targets or each source
# connects to exactly one target, we have to specify the connection. In our
# case we use the ``one_to_one`` connection routine since we connect one pulse
# generator (source) to one neuron (target).
# In addition we also connect the `voltmeter` to the `neurons`.

nest.SetDefaults('static_synapse', {'weight': weight})
nest.Connect(ppgs, neurons, 'one_to_one')
nest.Connect(vm, neurons)

# In the next step we run the simulation for a given duration in ms.


# Finally, we record the membrane potential, when it occurred and to which
# neuron it belongs. The sender and the time point of a voltage
# data point at position x in the voltage array (``V_m``), can be found at the
# same position x in the sender (`senders`) and the time array (`times`).

Vm = vm.get('events', 'V_m')
Beispiel #10
    def __setup_neurons(self):
        """Setup neuron sets."""
        # populations
        self.populations = {
            'E': 8000,
            'I': 2000,
            'P': 800,
            'R': 400,
            'D': 200,
            'STIM': 1000,
            'Poisson': 1
        # Growth curves
        # eta is the minimum calcium concentration
        # epsilon is the target mean calcium concentration
        # Excitatory synaptic elements of excitatory neurons
        self.growth_curve_axonal = {
            'growth_curve': "gaussian",
            'growth_rate': 0.0001,  # (elements/ms)
            'continuous': False,
            'eta': 0.4,
            'eps': 0.7,

        # Inhibitory synaptic elements of excitatory neurons
        self.growth_curve_dendritic = {
            'growth_curve': "gaussian",
            'growth_rate': 0.0001,  # (elements/ms)
            'continuous': False,
            'eta': 0.1,
            'eps': self.growth_curve_axonal['eps'],

        self.synaptic_elements_E = {
            'Den_ex': self.growth_curve_dendritic,
            'Den_in': self.growth_curve_dendritic,
            'Axon_ex': self.growth_curve_axonal

        self.synaptic_elements_I = {
            'Den_ex': self.growth_curve_dendritic,
            'Den_in': self.growth_curve_dendritic,
            'Axon_in': self.growth_curve_axonal

        # see the aif source for symbol definitions
        self.neuronDict = {
            'V_m': -60.,
            't_ref': 5.0,
            'V_reset': -60.,
            'V_th': -50.,
            'C_m': 200.,
            'E_L': -60.,
            'g_L': 10.,
            'E_ex': 0.,
            'E_in': -80.,
            'tau_syn_ex': 5.,
            'tau_syn_in': 10.
        # Set up TIF neurons
        # Setting up two models because then it makes it easier for me to get
        # them when I need to set up patterns
        nest.CopyModel("iaf_cond_exp", "tif_neuronE")
        nest.SetDefaults("tif_neuronE", self.neuronDict)
        nest.CopyModel("iaf_cond_exp", "tif_neuronI")
        nest.SetDefaults("tif_neuronI", self.neuronDict)

        # external current
        self.poissonExtDict = {'rate': 10., 'origin': 0., 'start': 0.}
def brunel_network(eta, g, delay, J):
    A brunel network, from:

    Brunel N, Dynamics of Sparsely Connected Networks of Excitatory and
    Inhibitory Spiking Neurons, Journal of Computational Neuroscience 8,
    183-208 (2000).

    Implementation adapted from:

    g : {int, float}, optional
        Ratio inhibitory weight/excitatory weight. Default is 5.
    eta : {int, float}, optional
        External rate relative to threshold rate. Default is 2.
    delay : {int, float}, optional
        Synaptic delay in ms. Default is 1.5.
    J : {int, float}, optional
        Amplitude of excitatory postsynaptic current. Default is 0.1

        If nest is not installed.

    if not nest_prerequisite:
        raise ImportError("brunel_network requires: nest")

    # Reduced number of neurons and simulation time
    # Network parameters
    N_rec = 20             # Record from 20 neurons
    simulation_end = 100   # Simulation time

    tau_m = 20.0           # Time constant of membrane potential in ms
    V_th = 20.0
    N_E = 1000             # Number of inhibitory neurons
    N_I = 250              # Number of excitatory neurons
    N_neurons = N_E + N_I  # Number of neurons in total
    C_E = int(N_E/10)      # Number of excitatory synapses per neuron
    C_I = int(N_I/10)      # Number of inhibitory synapses per neuron
    J_I = -g*J           # Amplitude of inhibitory postsynaptic current

    nu_ex = eta*V_th/(J*C_E*tau_m)
    p_rate = 1000.0*nu_ex*C_E


    # Configure kernel
    nest.SetKernelStatus({"grng_seed": 10})

                     {'C_m': 1.0,
                      'tau_m': tau_m,
                      't_ref': 2.0,
                      'E_L': 0.0,
                      'V_th': V_th,
                      'V_reset': 10.0})

    # Create neurons
    nodes   = nest.Create('iaf_psc_delta', N_neurons)
    nodes_E = nodes[:N_E]
    nodes_I = nodes[N_E:]

    noise = nest.Create('poisson_generator',1,{'rate': p_rate})

    spikes = nest.Create('spike_detector',2,
                         [{'label': 'brunel-py-ex'},
                          {'label': 'brunel-py-in'}])
    spikes_E = spikes[:1]
    spikes_I = spikes[1:]

    # Connect neurons to each other
    nest.CopyModel('static_synapse_hom_w', 'excitatory',
                   {'weight':J, 'delay':delay})

    nest.Connect(nodes_E, nodes,
                 {'rule': 'fixed_indegree', 'indegree': C_E},

    nest.CopyModel('static_synapse_hom_w', 'inhibitory',
                   {'weight': J_I, 'delay': delay})
    nest.Connect(nodes_I, nodes,
                {'rule': 'fixed_indegree', 'indegree': C_I},

    # Connect poisson generator to all nodes
    nest.Connect(noise, nodes, syn_spec='excitatory')

    nest.Connect(nodes_E[:N_rec], spikes_E)
    nest.Connect(nodes_I[:N_rec], spikes_I)

    # Run the simulation

    events_E = nest.GetStatus(spikes_E, 'events')[0]
    events_I = nest.GetStatus(spikes_I, 'events')[0]

    # Excitatory spike trains
    # Makes sure the spiketrain is added even if there are no results
    # to get a regular result
    spiketrains = []
    for sender in nodes_E[:N_rec]:
        spiketrain = events_E["times"][events_E["senders"] == sender]

    return simulation_end, spiketrains
Beispiel #12
    def build(self):

        #Initialization of the parameters of the integrate and fire neuron and the synapses. The parameter of the neuron are stored in a dictionary.
        self.neuron_params = {
            "C_m": self.CMem,
            "tau_m": self.tauMem,
            "t_ref": self.t_ref,
            "E_L": 0.0,
            "V_reset": self.V_res,
            "V_m": self.V_m,
            "V_th": self.theta
        if self.verbose:

        self.J_ex = self.J  # amplitude of excitatory postsynaptic potential
        self.J_in = -self.g * self.J_ex  # amplitude of inhibitory postsynaptic potential
        if self.verbose:
            print('J_i = %s' % (self.J_in))

        #Poisson Rate
        self.nu_th = self.theta / (
            self.J * self.CE * self.tauMem
        )  # (theta * CMem) / (J_ex * CE * exp(1) * tauMem * tauSyn)
        self.nu_ex = self.eta * self.nu_th
        self.p_rate = 1000.0 * self.nu_ex * self.CE
        nest.SetDefaults("iaf_psc_delta", self.neuron_params)
        nest.SetDefaults("poisson_generator", {"rate": self.p_rate})
        self.nodes_ex = nest.Create("iaf_psc_delta", self.NE)
        self.nodes_in = nest.Create("iaf_psc_delta", self.NI)
        self.noise = nest.Create("poisson_generator")
        self.espikes = nest.Create("spike_detector")
        if self.record_vol:
            self.voltmeter = nest.Create("multimeter")
        #self.ispikes  = nest.Create("spike_detector")
        self.nodes_al = self.nodes_ex + self.nodes_in
                "label": self.simulation,
                "withtime": True,
                "withgid": True,  #%(n_i_),
                "to_file": True
        if self.record_vol:
                    "label": self.simulation + '_voltage',
                    'record_from': ['V_m'],
                    'interval': 0.05,
                    "withtime": True,
                    "withgid": True,  #%(n_i_),
                    "to_file": True
        #nest.SetStatus(self.ispikes,[{"label": "brunel-py-in",
        #                         "withtime": True,
        #                         "withgid": True}])#%(n_i_)"to_file": True
        self.vinit = np.random.normal(10, 3.5,
                                      [self.NE + self.NI])  #for FR = 0.1
        #self.vinit[:]  = -25.
        nest.SetStatus(self.nodes_al, "V_m", self.vinit)

        self.built = True
Beispiel #13
    def build(self,
              nu=0.15):  #n_st = 0):
        #Initialization of the parameters of the integrate and fire neuron and the synapses. The parameter of the neuron are stored in a dictionary.
        self.neuron_params = {
            "C_m": self.CMem,
            "tau_m": self.tauMem,
            "t_ref": self.t_ref,
            "E_L": 0.0,
            "V_reset": self.V_res,
            "V_m": self.V_m,
            "V_th": self.theta
        if self.verbose:

        self.J_ex = self.J  # amplitude of excitatory postsynaptic potential
        self.J_in = -self.g * self.J_ex  # amplitude of inhibitory postsynaptic potential
        if self.verbose:
            print('J_i = %s' % (self.J_in))

        #Poisson Rate
        self.nu_th = self.theta / (
            self.J * self.CE * self.tauMem
        )  # (theta * CMem) / (J_ex * CE * exp(1) * tauMem * tauSyn)
        self.nu_ex = self.eta * self.nu_th
        self.p_rate = 1000.0 * self.nu_ex * self.CE

        nest.SetDefaults("iaf_psc_delta_canon", self.neuron_params)
        nest.SetDefaults("poisson_generator_ps", {"rate": self.p_rate})
        self.nodes_ex = nest.Create("iaf_psc_delta_canon", self.NE)
        self.nodes_in = nest.Create("iaf_psc_delta_canon", self.NI)
        self.noise = nest.Create("poisson_generator_ps")
        self.espikes = nest.Create("spike_detector")
        if self.record_vol:
            self.voltmeter = nest.Create("multimeter")
        #self.ispikes  = nest.Create("spike_detector")
        self.nodes_al = self.nodes_ex + self.nodes_in
                "label": self.simulation,
                "withtime": True,
                "precise_times": True,
                "precision": 50,
                "withgid": True,  #%(n_i_),
                "to_file": True
        if self.record_vol:
                    "label": self.simulation + '_voltage',
                    'record_from': ['V_m'],
                    'interval': 0.05,
                    "withtime": True,
                    "withgid": True,  #%(n_i_),
                    "to_file": True

        if init_voltage:
            #    #_ = self.get_analytical_V(nu)
            self.mu_s = 9.76
            self.sigma_s = 2.701
        #    self.vinit = np.random.normal(self.mu_s,self.sigma_s,[self.NE+self.NI]) #for FR = 0.1
        #    #self.vinit = np.random.normal(10,3.7,[self.NE+self.NI]) #for FR = 0.1
        #    self.stim_n = np.random.randint(1,self.NE, n_st)
        #    print(self.stim_n)
        #    nest.SetStatus(self.nodes_al, "V_m", self.vinit)
        #nest.SetStatus(self.ispikes,[{"label": "brunel-py-in",
        #                         "withtime": True,
        #                         "withgid": True}])#%(n_i_)"to_file": True

        # DC stimulation
        #t_stim = 0.             # perturbation time (time of the extra spike)
        #fade_out = 0.5*self.delay[0]      # fade out time (ms) *0.5
        #c_start =c_start# 2.4
        #c_stop = c_start#3.5
        #self.amp = amp
        #self.current = nest.Create("dc_generator",
        #                           params={'amplitude': self.amp,
        #                                   'start': c_start,
        #                                   'stop': c_stop+t_stim+fade_out})#10e4
        self.built = True
Beispiel #14
def f_sim(flag):
    perform simulation and save the results
    np.random.seed(35)  # set python seed for reproducibility  
    if flag=='noampa':
    if flag=='nonmda':
    if flag=='nogaba':
    ########   CREATE CONNECTIVITY MAPS  #############

    # initialize connection maps
    for t_pop in range(2):
        ConMap += [[]]
        for s_pop in range(2):
            ConMap[t_pop] += [np.zeros([N[t_pop], N[s_pop]])]

    ind_to_con_ex = np.arange(0, N[0], 1) # indices of neurons in exc population
    ind_to_con_in = np.arange(0, N[1], 1) # indices of neurons in inh population
    ind_to_con = np.arange(0,np.sum(N),1) # indices of combined neurons
    for s_pop in range(2):
        # create Gaussian distributed out-degrees for source neurons 
        Outdegree = np.random.normal(outdegree_mu, outdegree_sd, N[s_pop])    
        Outdegree[Outdegree < 1] = 1
        Outdegree = np.array(Outdegree, dtype=int)
        for s_ind in range(N[s_pop]):   
            # create probability weights for target excitatory population
            target_position = 1. * s_ind/N[s_pop] * (N[0]-1)
            Weight_list_ex = f_gaussian(ind_to_con_ex, target_position, 
            # create probability weights for target inhibitory population
            target_position = 1. * s_ind/N[s_pop] * (N[1]-1)
            Weight_list_in = f_gaussian(ind_to_con_in, target_position, 
            # create lists of weights and ids for merged populations                           
            Weight_list = np.append(Weight_list_ex, Weight_list_in)
            ind_to_con = np.arange(0,np.sum(N),1)
            # remove autapses
            s_gid = s_ind + N[0]*s_pop
            Weight_list = np.delete(Weight_list, s_gid)
            ind_to_con = np.delete(ind_to_con, s_gid)
            # randomly select targets from both populations according to 
            # connection probability 
            target_choice = np.random.choice(ind_to_con, 
                                            size = Outdegree[s_ind],
                                            p = Weight_list/np.sum(Weight_list),
                                            replace = True)
            # split targets to individual populations
            target_ids = [target_choice[target_choice < N[0]]]  
            target_ids += [target_choice[target_choice >= N[0]]]
            target_ids[1] -= N[0] # to make ids to start from zero           
            # fill connectivity maps with numbers of synapses for chosen 
            # connections
            for t_pop in range(2):
                for t_ind in target_ids[t_pop]:
                    Con_local[t_ind, s_ind] += 1
                ConMap[t_pop][s_pop] = Con_local
    ####   CREATE OBJECTS  ####################

    # initialize NEST kernel
    nest.SetKernelStatus({"resolution": dt,             
                          "local_num_threads": 4

    # create neurons
    for t_pop in range(2):
        neuron_name = 'compte2003_' + ['ex','in'][t_pop]

        # distribute membrane E_L, g_L randomly    
        g_L = (np.random.normal(1., cv_gL[t_pop], N[t_pop]) *
        E_L = (np.random.normal(0., sd_EL[t_pop], N[t_pop]) +
        # axial conductance is distributed only for exc neurons
        if t_pop==0:
            g_conn = (np.random.normal(0., sd_Gax, N[t_pop]) +
            # create list of dictionaries with distributed neuronal parameters
            params = [{'g_L': g_L[i],
                       'E_L': E_L[i],
                       #'V_m_s': E_L[i],
                       'g_conn'   : g_conn[i]} for i in range(N[t_pop])]
            # create list of dictionaries with distributed neuronal parameters
            params = [{'g_L': g_L[i],
                       'E_L'   : E_L[i]} for i in range(N[t_pop])]          

        Neurons += [nest.Create(model=neuron_name, n=N[t_pop], params=params)] 

    # create spike detectors
    Sd  = nest.Create('spike_detector', params=Sd_params)   # for exc neurons
    Sd += nest.Create('spike_detector', params=Sd_params)   # for inh neurons

    # create multimeters
    Mm  =[nest.Create('multimeter', n=min(N[0],num_mm), params=Mm_params)]
    # create hyper-polarizing generator to measure R 
    gen_R_basic = nest.Create('dc_generator', params={
                                         'start': 0. ,
                                         'stop' : sim_time,
    # create generators for each pulse injection while measuring R
    t0 = params_R['dur_off']
    gen_R_pulse = []
    while t0 < (sim_time):
        # create generator for base current injection (off period)
        gen_R_pulse += nest.Create('dc_generator', params={
                                     'start': t0,
                                     'stop': t0+params_R['dur_on'],
                                     'amplitude': params_R['ampl_pulse']})

        t0 += params_R['dur_off'] + params_R['dur_on'] 
    ####   CONNECT OBJECTS  ###################
    # create temporal copies of synaptic models   

    for t_pop in range(2):      # for each target population
        for s_pop in range(2):    # for each source population
            for s_ind in range(N[s_pop]): # for each source neuron   
                # connect to those target neurons, where number of synapses per
                # connection is>0
                mask = ConMap[t_pop][s_pop][:,s_ind]>0
                target_gid = list(np.array(Neurons[t_pop])[mask])
                if s_pop == 0:  # if source population is excitatory

                    # connect AMPA
                    weights = np.transpose( np.array([ G_syn_temp[t_pop, 0] * 
                                          ConMap[t_pop][s_pop][:, s_ind][mask]]))
                    nest.SetDefaults('static_temp', params={
                                     'receptor_type': syns['ampa']})
                    nest.Connect([Neurons[s_pop][s_ind]], target_gid,
                                                    {'rule': 'all_to_all'},
                                                    {'model': 'static_temp', 
                                                     'weight': weights, 
                                                     'delay': syn_delay})
                    # connect NMDA
                    weights = np.transpose( np.array([G_syn_temp[t_pop, 1] * 
                                          ConMap[t_pop][s_pop][:, s_ind][mask]]))
                    nest.SetDefaults('tsodyks_temp', params={
                                        'receptor_type': syns['nmda_fast'],
                                        'tau_rec': tsodyks_tau_rec,
                                        'tau_fac': tsodyks_tau_fac,
                                        'U': tsodyks_u})
                    nest.Connect([Neurons[s_pop][s_ind]], target_gid,
                                                    {'rule': 'all_to_all'},
                                                    {'model': 'tsodyks_temp', 
                                                    'weight': weights, 
                                                    'delay': syn_delay})
                    # connect GABA
                    weights = np.transpose( np.array([ G_syn_temp[t_pop,2] * 
                    nest.SetDefaults('static_temp', params={
                                     'receptor_type': syns['gaba']})
                    nest.Connect([Neurons[s_pop][s_ind]], target_gid,
                                                        {'rule': 'all_to_all'},
                                                        {'model': 'static_temp',
                                                        'weight': weights,
                                                        'delay': syn_delay})
        # connect spike detectors
        nest.Connect(Neurons[t_pop], [Sd[t_pop]], {'rule': 'all_to_all'})

        # randomly connect multimeters
        if t_pop==0:
          n_gids = list(np.random.choice(Neurons[t_pop], len(Mm[t_pop]),
                                                       replace = False))
          nest.Connect(Mm[t_pop], n_gids, {'rule':'one_to_one'})
        # connect hyperpolarizing generators to first recorded PY neuron
        if t_pop == 0:
            nest.Connect(gen_R_basic, [n_gids[0]], {'rule':'all_to_all'},
            nest.Connect(gen_R_pulse, [n_gids[0]], {'rule':'all_to_all'},

    #####   SIMULATE  ###########################


    ####   SAVE DATA          #################

    # prepare multimeter data for saving
    Mm_raw = []
    for t_pop in [0]:#range(2):
        Mm_raw += [[]]
        mm_id = 0
        for mm in Mm[t_pop]:
            data = nest.GetStatus([mm])[0]['events']

            temp = {'V_m': data['V_m_s']}  
            temp['times'] = data['times']
            temp['g_ex'] = (data['g_ampa'] + data['g_nmda_slow'] -
            temp['g_in'] = data['g_gaba']
            temp['senders'] = data['senders']
            a_m = 0.1 *(data['V_m_s']+33.)/(1.-np.exp(-(data['V_m_s']+33.)/10.))
            b_m = 4. * np.exp( -(data['V_m_s']+53.7) / 12.)
            m_inf = a_m / (a_m+b_m)
            temp['g_Na'] = (Params_neuron[t_pop]['g_Na'] * 
                            np.power(m_inf,3)*data['Na_h'] )
            temp['g_K']  = (Params_neuron[t_pop]['g_K'] * 
                            np.power(data['K_m'],4) )
            m_inf = 1. / (1. + np.exp( -(data['V_m_s']+50.) / 20.))
            temp['g_K_A'] = (Params_neuron[t_pop]['g_K_A'] *      
                             np.power(m_inf,3) * data['K_A_h'])
            temp['g_K_s'] = (Params_neuron[t_pop]['g_K_s'] *
                             data['K_s_m'] )
            Na_p_m = 1. / (1. + np.exp( -(data['V_m_d']+ 55.7) / 7.7))
            temp['g_Na_p'] = (Params_neuron[t_pop]['g_Na_p'] *
                              np.power(Na_p_m,3) )
            K_ar_h = 1. / (1. + np.exp((data['V_m_d'] + 75.) / 4.))
            temp['g_K_ar'] = K_ar_h*Params_neuron[t_pop]['g_K_AR']      
            m_inf = 1. / (1. + np.exp( -(data['V_m_d']+20.) / 9.))
            temp['g_Ca'] = (Params_neuron[t_pop]['g_Ca'] *
                            np.power(m_inf,2) )
            temp['n_Ca'] = data['n_Ca']
            temp['g_K_Ca'] = (Params_neuron[t_pop]['g_K_Ca'] * 1./
                              (1. + 30./data['n_Ca']) )           

            temp['n_Na'] = data['n_Na']
            temp['g_K_Na'] = (Params_neuron[t_pop]['g_K_Na'] * 0.37 /
                              (1.+np.power(38.7/data['n_Na'],3.5)) )
            Mm_raw[t_pop] += [temp]
            mm_id += 1
    # prepare sd data for saving  
    Sd_raw = []
    for t_pop in range(2):
        Sd_raw += [nest.GetStatus([Sd[t_pop]])[0]['events']]

    # save data
    np.savez('./Compte2003_mm_block_%s' %flag, Mm_raw)
    np.savez('./Compte2003_sd_block_%s' %flag, Sd_raw)

    return None
    amplitudes = np.zeros((nEnc, len(u)))
    for n in range(nEnc):
        amplitudes[n, :] = u * tuning[n]
        nest.SetStatus([enc_layer[n]], {'V_m': Vm0[n], 'V_th': thresholds[n]})
        nest.SetStatus([step_generator[n]], {'amplitude_times': input_times,
                                             'amplitude_values': amplitudes[n]})
        nest.Connect([step_generator[n]], [enc_layer[n]])

    enc_v = nest.Create('multimeter', 1, {'record_from': ['V_m'], 'interval': dt*subsampling_factor})
    nest.Connect(enc_v, enc_layer)

    # Distribution of tau_m according to sigma
    tau_m_distrib = np.random.normal(tau_m, sigma, NE + int(0.25 * NE))

    # set default parameters for neurons and create neurons
    nest.SetDefaults('iaf_psc_delta', neuron_params)
    neurons_e = nest.Create(n_ex_model, NE)
    neurons_i = nest.Create(n_inh_model, NI)
    for n in range(NE):
        nest.SetStatus([neurons_e[n]], {'V_m': Vm0_circ[n], 'V_th': Thresh_circ[n], 'tau_m': tau_m_distrib[n]})

    for n in range(NI):
                       {'V_m': Vm0_circ[NE + n], 'V_th': Thresh_circ[NE + n], 'tau_m': tau_m_distrib[NE + n]})

    # E synapses
    syn_exc = {'delay': d, 'weight': w}
    conn_exc = {'rule': 'fixed_indegree', 'indegree': CE}
    nest.Connect(neurons_e, neurons_e, conn_exc, syn_exc)
    nest.Connect(neurons_e, neurons_i, conn_exc, syn_exc)
def initNeurons():
    nest.SetDefaults("iaf_psc_alpha_multisynapse", CommonParams)
Beispiel #17
# see the aif source for symbol definitions
self.neuronDict = {
    'V_m': -60.,
    't_ref': 5.0,
    'V_reset': -60.,
    'V_th': -50.,
    'C_m': 200.,
    'E_L': -60.,
    'g_L': 10.,
    'E_ex': 0.,
    'E_in': -80.,
    'tau_syn_ex': 5.,
    'tau_syn_in': 10.
# Set up TIF neurons
# Setting up two models because then it makes it easier for me to get
# them when I need to set up patterns
nest.CopyModel("iaf_cond_exp", "tif_neuronE")
nest.SetDefaults("tif_neuronE", self.neuronDict)
nest.CopyModel("iaf_cond_exp", "tif_neuronI")
nest.SetDefaults("tif_neuronI", self.neuronDict)

self.neuronsE = nest.Create('tif_neuronE', 8000)
self.neuronsI = nest.Create('tif_neuronI', 2000)
self.poissonExtE = nest.Create('poisson_generator',
self.poissonExtI = nest.Create('poisson_generator',
    def do_the_nest_simulation(self):
        This function is where calls to NEST reside.
        Returns the generated pre- and post spike sequences
        and the resulting weight established by STDP.
        nest.SetKernelStatus({'resolution': self.resolution})

        neurons = nest.Create("parrot_neuron",
        presynaptic_neuron = neurons[0]
        postsynaptic_neuron = neurons[1]

        generators = nest.Create(
                (self.simulation_duration - self.hardcoded_trains_length)
            }, {
                (self.simulation_duration - self.hardcoded_trains_length)
        presynaptic_generator = generators[0]
        postsynaptic_generator = generators[1]

        # While the random sequences, fairly long, would supposedly
        # reveal small differences in the weight change between NEST
        # and ours, some low-probability events (say, coinciding
        # spikes) can well not have occurred. To generate and
        # test every possible combination of pre/post precedence, we
        # append some hardcoded spike sequences:
        # pre: 1       5 6 7   9    11 12 13
        # post:  2 3 4       8 9 10    12
        hardcoded_pre_times, hardcoded_post_times = [[
            self.simulation_duration - self.hardcoded_trains_length + t
            for t in train
        ] for train in ((1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13), (2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12))]

        spike_senders = nest.Create("spike_generator",
                                        "spike_times": hardcoded_pre_times
                                    }, {
                                        "spike_times": hardcoded_post_times
        pre_spike_generator = spike_senders[0]
        post_spike_generator = spike_senders[1]

        # The recorder is to save the randomly generated spike trains.
        spike_recorder = nest.Create("spike_recorder")

        nest.Connect(presynaptic_generator + pre_spike_generator,
                     syn_spec={"synapse_model": "static_synapse"})
        nest.Connect(postsynaptic_generator + post_spike_generator,
                     syn_spec={"synapse_model": "static_synapse"})
        nest.Connect(presynaptic_neuron + postsynaptic_neuron,
                     syn_spec={"synapse_model": "static_synapse"})

        # The synapse of interest itself
        plastic_synapse_of_interest = nest.GetConnections(


        all_spikes =
        pre_spikes = all_spikes['times'][all_spikes['senders'] ==
        post_spikes = all_spikes['times'][all_spikes['senders'] ==

        weight = plastic_synapse_of_interest.weight
        return (pre_spikes, post_spikes, weight)
Beispiel #19
    'V_th': V_th,
    'tau_m': tau_m,
    'tau_syn_ex': tau_syn_ex,
    'tau_syn_in': tau_syn_in,
    'C_m': C_m,
    'E_L': E_L,
    't_ref': t_ref,
    'V_m': E_L,
    'V_reset': E_L
Neurons and devices are instantiated. We set a high threshold as
we want free membrane potential. In addition we choose a small
resolution for recording the membrane to collect good statistics.
nest.SetDefaults('iaf_psc_alpha', neurondict)
n = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', n_neurons)
n_free = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', 1, [{'V_th': 1e12}])
pg = nest.Create('poisson_generator', len(rates), [{
    'rate': float(rate_i)
} for rate_i in rates])
vm = nest.Create('voltmeter', 1, [{'interval': .1}])
sd = nest.Create('spike_detector', 1)
We connect devices and neurons and start the simulation.
for i, currentpg in enumerate(pg):
                     'weight': float(J[i]),
Beispiel #20
# set neuron parameters:
neuron_param = {
    "tau_m": Tau,
    "t_ref": TauR,
    "tau_syn_ex": Tau_psc,
    "tau_syn_in": Tau_psc,
    "C_m": C,
    "V_reset": U0,
    "E_L": U0,
    "V_m": U0,
    "V_th": Theta

# set defaults of desired neuron type with chosen parameters:
nest.SetDefaults("iaf_psc_exp", neuron_param)

# create two neurons of desired type:
neurons = nest.Create("iaf_psc_exp", 2)

# set properties of dc:
nest.SetDefaults("dc_generator", {
    "amplitude": I0,
    "start": TIstart,
    "stop": TIend

# create dc_generator:
dc_gen = nest.Create("dc_generator")

# create voltmeter
Beispiel #21
    def build(self,
        @param N_total_neuron : (int) the amount population
        @param N_rec_volt     : (int) the amount of neurons whose voltages are recorded.
        @param N_rec          : (int)
        @param J              : (float) postsynaptic amplitude in mV.
        self.n_rec_volt = N_rec_volt
        self.n_rec = N_rec
        if len(neuron_params) == 0:
                f"Using default neuron parameters for `iaf_psc_delta` model. If you want to know more, please look at ''"
            neuron_params = Default_Neuron_Params

        #=== Initialization of the parameters =========
        start = time.time()
        n_excitatory = int(N_total_neuron * 0.8)
        n_inhibitory = N_total_neuron - n_excitatory
        neuron_digit = len(str(N_total_neuron))
        print(f"Number of neurons : {N_total_neuron:>{neuron_digit}}")
        print(f"        Excitatory: {n_excitatory:>{neuron_digit}}")
        print(f"        Inhibitory: {n_inhibitory:>{neuron_digit}}")
        ex_synapses_per_neuron = int(
            self.epsilon *
            n_excitatory)  # num of excitatory synapses per neuron.
        in_synapses_per_neuron = int(
            self.epsilon *
            n_inhibitory)  # num of inhibitory synapses per neuron.
        tot_synapses_per_neuron = ex_synapses_per_neuron + in_synapses_per_neuron  # total number of synapse per neuron.
        synapses_digit = len(str(int(tot_synapses_per_neuron *
            f"Number of synapses: {int(tot_synapses_per_neuron * N_total_neuron):>{synapses_digit}}"
            f"        Excitatory: {int(ex_synapses_per_neuron * N_total_neuron):>{synapses_digit}}"
            f"        Inhibitory: {int(in_synapses_per_neuron * N_total_neuron):>{synapses_digit}}"
        tauMem = neuron_params.get(
            "tau_m")  # Time constant of membrane potential in ms
        theta = neuron_params.get("V_th")  # Membrane threshold potential in mV
        p_rate = self.calcurate_Poisson_params(J, tauMem, theta,

        #=== Configuration of the simulation kernel ===
            "resolution": self.dt,
            "print_time": True,
            "overwrite_files": True
        nest.SetDefaults("iaf_psc_delta", neuron_params)
        nest.CopyModel("static_synapse", "excitatory", {
            "weight": self.J_ex,
            "delay": self.delay
        nest.CopyModel("static_synapse", "inhibitory", {
            "weight": self.J_in,
            "delay": self.delay
        BrunelNodes.syn_spec = "excitatory"

        poisson_noise = nest.Create("poisson_generator",
                                    params={"rate": p_rate})
        nodes_ex = BrunelNodes(n_excitatory, N_rec_volt, N_rec, poisson_noise)
        nodes_in = BrunelNodes(n_inhibitory, N_rec_volt, N_rec, poisson_noise)

        nest.Connect(nodes_ex.neuron, nodes_ex.neuron + nodes_in.neuron, {
            'rule': 'fixed_indegree',
            'indegree': ex_synapses_per_neuron
        }, "excitatory")
        nest.Connect(nodes_in.neuron, nodes_ex.neuron + nodes_in.neuron, {
            'rule': 'fixed_indegree',
            'indegree': in_synapses_per_neuron
        }, "inhibitory")
        self.nodes_ex = nodes_ex
        self.nodes_in = nodes_in
        print(f"Building time     : {time.time()-start:.2f} s")
    def simulate(self, pattern):

        # ====== RESET =========
        )  # gets rid of all nodes, customised models and resets internal clock to 0

            'resolution': self.resolution,
            'print_time': False,
            'local_num_threads': self.n_threads

        # ====== MAKE NEURON POPULATIONS =========
        group_size = int((self.N_total / len(pattern)))
        SUB_pop = []
        SUPRA_pop = []

        for i in range(len(pattern)):

            # parameterise the AdEx neuron model
            nest.SetDefaults('aeif_cond_exp', self.model_params)

            if pattern[i] == 1:
                # create supra population of given group size with the set parameter values
                n_supra = nest.Create('aeif_cond_exp', group_size)


            elif pattern[i] == 0:
                # create sub population of given group size with the set parameter values
                n_sub = nest.Create('aeif_cond_exp', group_size)


        # convert to one tuple because NEST likes that
        neurons_supra = tuple(
            [item for sublist in SUPRA_pop for item in sublist])
        neurons_sub = tuple([item for sublist in SUB_pop for item in sublist])

        # combine neurons into one big population (for spikedetector and multimeter)
        neurons_all = neurons_supra + neurons_sub

        # create two independent dc generators
        dcgen_sub = nest.Create('dc_generator',
                                    'amplitude': self.Asub,
                                    'start': self.stim_start,
                                    'stop': self.stim_end
        dcgen_supra = nest.Create('dc_generator',
                                      'amplitude': self.Asupra,
                                      'start': self.stim_start,
                                      'stop': self.stim_end

        # create spikedetector
        spikedet = nest.Create('spike_detector')
        # create multimeter that records the voltage
        multimet = nest.Create(
            'multimeter', params={'record_from': ['V_m', 'w', 'g_ex', 'g_in']})

        # set status voltage meter with a recording interval
        nest.SetStatus(multimet, params={'interval': 1.})

        # set status spikedetector
        nest.SetStatus(spikedet, params={"withgid": True, "withtime": True})

        # ====== CONNECT NEURONS =========
                           'weight': self.sim_params['J_ex'],
                           'delay': self.sim_params['delay']
                           'weight': self.sim_params['J_in'],
                           'delay': self.sim_params['delay']
        # how we want to connect the neurons
        conn_rule = {'rule': 'pairwise_bernoulli', 'p': 0.1}

        # make connections between the two populations

        # ====== CONNECT TO DEVICES =========
        nest.Connect(neurons_all, spikedet)
        nest.Connect(multimet, neurons_all)

        # connect dc_generators to neuron populatioddns
        nest.Connect(dcgen_sub, neurons_sub)
        nest.Connect(dcgen_supra, neurons_supra)

        # ====== SIMULATE =========
        # simulate for a certain time period (ms)

        # spike detector data
        spike_times = nest.GetStatus(spikedet, 'events')[0]['times']
        spike_neurons = nest.GetStatus(spikedet, 'events')[0]['senders']

        # multimeter data
        events = nest.GetStatus(multimet)[0]['events']
        etimes = events['times']
        #         volt_neuron_ids = nest.GetStatus(multimet, 'events')[0]['senders']
        #         voltage_traces = nest.GetStatus(multimet, 'events')[0]['V_m']
        #         voltage_times = nest.GetStatus(multimet, 'events')[0]['times']

        return spikedet, multimet, events, etimes, spike_times, spike_neurons
# already processed simulation time as well as its percentage of the total
# simulation time.

nest.SetKernelStatus({"resolution": dt, "print_time": True,
                      "overwrite_files": True})

print("Building network")

# Configuration of the model ``iaf_psc_delta`` and ``poisson_generator`` using
# ``SetDefaults``. This function expects the model to be the inserted as a
# string and the parameter to be specified in a dictionary. All instances of
# theses models created after this point will have the properties specified
# in the dictionary by default.

nest.SetDefaults("iaf_psc_delta", neuron_params)
nest.SetDefaults("poisson_generator", {"rate": p_rate})

# Creation of the nodes using ``Create``. We store the returned handles in
# variables for later reference. Here the excitatory and inhibitory, as well
# as the poisson generator and two spike detectors. The spike detectors will
# later be used to record excitatory and inhibitory spikes.

nodes_ex = nest.Create("iaf_psc_delta", NE)
nodes_in = nest.Create("iaf_psc_delta", NI)
noise = nest.Create("poisson_generator")
espikes = nest.Create("spike_detector")
ispikes = nest.Create("spike_detector")

Beispiel #24
mg.set(rate=nu, p_copy=pc)

cd = nest.Create('correlation_detector')
cd.set(tau_max=tau_max, delta_tau=delta_tau)

sd = nest.Create('spike_detector', params={'time_in_steps': True})

pn1 = nest.Create('parrot_neuron')
pn2 = nest.Create('parrot_neuron')

nest.Connect(mg, pn1)
nest.Connect(mg, pn2)
nest.Connect(pn1, sd)
nest.Connect(pn2, sd)

nest.SetDefaults('static_synapse', {'weight': 1.0, 'receptor_type': 0})
nest.Connect(pn1, cd)

nest.SetDefaults('static_synapse', {'weight': 1.0, 'receptor_type': 1})
nest.Connect(pn2, cd)


n_events = cd.get('n_events')
n1 = n_events[0]
n2 = n_events[1]

lmbd1 = (n1 / (T - tau_max)) * 1000.0
lmbd2 = (n2 / (T - tau_max)) * 1000.0

h = 0.1
sr = nest.Create('spike_recorder', n_pg)
nest.Connect(prrt_nrns_pg, sr, {'rule': 'one_to_one'})

t_srs = []
for i, ssr in enumerate(nest.GetStatus(sr)):
    t_sr = ssr['events']['times']

nest.SetKernelStatus({'resolution': resolution})
neuron and devices
nest.SetDefaults(nrn_model, nrn_params)
nrn = nest.Create(nrn_model)

# poisson generators are connected to parrot neurons which are
# connected to the mc neuron
prrt_nrns = nest.Create('parrot_neuron', n_pg)

# excitatory input to the soma
spike_times_soma_inp = np.arange(resolution, simulation_time, resolution)
sg_soma_exc = nest.Create('spike_generator',
                              'spike_times': spike_times_soma_inp,
# inhibitory input to the soma
Beispiel #26
def build_network(logger):
    """Builds the network including setting of simulation and neuron
    parameters, creation of neurons and connections

    Requires an instance of Logger as argument


    tic = time.time()  # start timer on construction

    # unpack a few variables for convenience
    NE = brunel_params['NE']
    NI = brunel_params['NI']
    model_params = brunel_params['model_params']
    stdp_params = brunel_params['stdp_params']

    # set global kernel parameters
        'total_num_virtual_procs': params['nvp'],
        'resolution': params['dt'],
        'overwrite_files': True})

    nest.SetDefaults('iaf_psc_alpha', model_params)

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network', 'Creating excitatory population.')
    E_neurons = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', NE)

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network', 'Creating inhibitory population.')
    I_neurons = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', NI)

    if brunel_params['randomize_Vm']:
        nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                     'Randomzing membrane potentials.')

        random_vm = nest.random.normal(brunel_params['mean_potential'],
        nest.GetLocalNodeCollection(E_neurons).V_m = random_vm
        nest.GetLocalNodeCollection(I_neurons).V_m = random_vm

    # number of incoming excitatory connections
    CE = int(1. * NE / params['scale'])
    # number of incomining inhibitory connections
    CI = int(1. * NI / params['scale'])

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                 'Creating excitatory stimulus generator.')

    # Convert synapse weight from mV to pA
    conversion_factor = convert_synapse_weight(
        model_params['tau_m'], model_params['tau_syn_ex'], model_params['C_m'])
    JE_pA = conversion_factor * brunel_params['JE']

    nu_thresh = model_params['V_th'] / (
        CE * model_params['tau_m'] / model_params['C_m'] *
        JE_pA * np.exp(1.) * tau_syn)
    nu_ext = nu_thresh * brunel_params['eta']

    E_stimulus = nest.Create('poisson_generator', 1, {
                             'rate': nu_ext * CE * 1000.})

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                 'Creating excitatory spike recorder.')

    if params['record_spikes']:
        recorder_label = os.path.join(
            'alpha_' + str(stdp_params['alpha']) + '_spikes')
        E_recorder = nest.Create('spike_recorder', params={
            'record_to': 'ascii',
            'label': recorder_label

    BuildNodeTime = time.time() - tic

    logger.log(str(BuildNodeTime) + ' # build_time_nodes')
    logger.log(str(memory_thisjob()) + ' # virt_mem_after_nodes')

    tic = time.time()

    nest.SetDefaults('static_synapse_hpc', {'delay': brunel_params['delay']})
    nest.CopyModel('static_synapse_hpc', 'syn_std')
    nest.CopyModel('static_synapse_hpc', 'syn_ex',
                   {'weight': JE_pA})
    nest.CopyModel('static_synapse_hpc', 'syn_in',
                   {'weight': brunel_params['g'] * JE_pA})

    stdp_params['weight'] = JE_pA
    nest.SetDefaults('stdp_pl_synapse_hom_hpc', stdp_params)

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network', 'Connecting stimulus generators.')

    # Connect Poisson generator to neuron

    nest.Connect(E_stimulus, E_neurons, {'rule': 'all_to_all'},
                 {'synapse_model': 'syn_ex'})
    nest.Connect(E_stimulus, I_neurons, {'rule': 'all_to_all'},
                 {'synapse_model': 'syn_ex'})

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                 'Connecting excitatory -> excitatory population.')

    nest.Connect(E_neurons, E_neurons,
                 {'rule': 'fixed_indegree', 'indegree': CE,
                  'allow_autapses': False, 'allow_multapses': True},
                 {'synapse_model': 'stdp_pl_synapse_hom_hpc'})

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                 'Connecting inhibitory -> excitatory population.')

    nest.Connect(I_neurons, E_neurons,
                 {'rule': 'fixed_indegree', 'indegree': CI,
                  'allow_autapses': False, 'allow_multapses': True},
                 {'synapse_model': 'syn_in'})

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                 'Connecting excitatory -> inhibitory population.')

    nest.Connect(E_neurons, I_neurons,
                 {'rule': 'fixed_indegree', 'indegree': CE,
                  'allow_autapses': False, 'allow_multapses': True},
                 {'synapse_model': 'syn_ex'})

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                 'Connecting inhibitory -> inhibitory population.')

    nest.Connect(I_neurons, I_neurons,
                 {'rule': 'fixed_indegree', 'indegree': CI,
                  'allow_autapses': False, 'allow_multapses': True},
                 {'synapse_model': 'syn_in'})

    if params['record_spikes']:
        if params['nvp'] != 1:
            local_neurons = nest.GetLocalNodeCollection(E_neurons)
            # GetLocalNodeCollection returns a stepped composite NodeCollection, which
            # cannot be sliced. In order to allow slicing it later on, we're creating a
            # new regular NodeCollection from the plain node IDs.
            local_neurons = nest.NodeCollection(local_neurons.tolist())
            local_neurons = E_neurons

        if len(local_neurons) < brunel_params['Nrec']:
                M_ERROR, 'build_network',
                """Spikes can only be recorded from local neurons, but the
                number of local neurons is smaller than the number of neurons
                spikes should be recorded from. Aborting the simulation!""")

        nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network', 'Connecting spike recorders.')
        nest.Connect(local_neurons[:brunel_params['Nrec']], E_recorder,
                     'all_to_all', 'static_synapse_hpc')

    # read out time used for building
    BuildEdgeTime = time.time() - tic

    logger.log(str(BuildEdgeTime) + ' # build_edge_time')
    logger.log(str(memory_thisjob()) + ' # virt_mem_after_edges')

    return E_recorder if params['record_spikes'] else None
def simulate(parameters):
    # Simulates the network and returns recorded spikes for excitatory
    # and inhibitory population

    # Code taken from

    def LambertWm1(x):
        # Using scipy to mimic the gsl_sf_lambert_Wm1 function.
        return sp.lambertw(x, k=-1 if x < 0 else 0).real

    def ComputePSPnorm(tauMem, CMem, tauSyn):
        a = (tauMem / tauSyn)
        b = (1.0 / tauSyn - 1.0 / tauMem)

        # time of maximum
        t_max = 1.0 / b * (-LambertWm1(-np.exp(-1.0 / a) / a) - 1.0 / a)

        # maximum of PSP for current of unit amplitude
        return (np.exp(1.0) / (tauSyn * CMem * b) *
                ((np.exp(-t_max / tauMem) - np.exp(-t_max / tauSyn)) / b -
                 t_max * np.exp(-t_max / tauSyn)))

    # number of excitatory neurons
    NE = int(parameters['gamma'] * parameters['N'])
    # number of inhibitory neurons
    NI = parameters['N'] - NE

    # number of excitatory synapses per neuron
    CE = int(parameters['epsilon'] * NE)
    # number of inhibitory synapses per neuron
    CI = int(parameters['epsilon'] * NI)

    tauSyn = 0.5  # synaptic time constant in ms
    tauMem = 20.0  # time constant of membrane potential in ms
    CMem = 250.0  # capacitance of membrane in in pF
    theta = 20.0  # membrane threshold potential in mV
    neuron_parameters = {
        'C_m': CMem,
        'tau_m': tauMem,
        'tau_syn_ex': tauSyn,
        'tau_syn_in': tauSyn,
        't_ref': 2.0,
        'E_L': 0.0,
        'V_reset': 0.0,
        'V_m': 0.0,
        'V_th': theta
    J = 0.1  # postsynaptic amplitude in mV
    J_unit = ComputePSPnorm(tauMem, CMem, tauSyn)
    J_ex = J / J_unit  # amplitude of excitatory postsynaptic current
    # amplitude of inhibitory postsynaptic current
    J_in = -parameters['g'] * J_ex

    nu_th = (theta * CMem) / (J_ex * CE * np.exp(1) * tauMem * tauSyn)
    nu_ex = parameters['eta'] * nu_th
    p_rate = 1000.0 * nu_ex * CE


        'rng_seeds': [parameters['seed']],
        'resolution': parameters['dt']

    nest.SetDefaults('iaf_psc_alpha', neuron_parameters)
    nest.SetDefaults('poisson_generator', {'rate': p_rate})

    nodes_ex = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', NE)
    nodes_in = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', NI)
    noise = nest.Create('poisson_generator')
    espikes = nest.Create('spike_detector', params={'label': 'brunel-py-ex'})
    ispikes = nest.Create('spike_detector', params={'label': 'brunel-py-in'})

    nest.CopyModel('static_synapse', 'excitatory', {
        'weight': J_ex,
        'delay': parameters['delay']
    nest.CopyModel('static_synapse', 'inhibitory', {
        'weight': J_in,
        'delay': parameters['delay']

    nest.Connect(noise, nodes_ex, syn_spec='excitatory')
    nest.Connect(noise, nodes_in, syn_spec='excitatory')

    if parameters['N_rec'] > NE:
        raise ValueError('Requested recording from {} neurons, \
            but only {} in excitatory population'.format(
            parameters['N_rec'], NE))
    if parameters['N_rec'] > NI:
        raise ValueError('Requested recording from {} neurons, \
            but only {} in inhibitory population'.format(
            parameters['N_rec'], NI))
    nest.Connect(nodes_ex[:parameters['N_rec']], espikes)
    nest.Connect(nodes_in[:parameters['N_rec']], ispikes)

    conn_parameters_ex = {'rule': 'fixed_indegree', 'indegree': CE}
    nest.Connect(nodes_ex, nodes_ex + nodes_in, conn_parameters_ex,

    conn_parameters_in = {'rule': 'fixed_indegree', 'indegree': CI}
    nest.Connect(nodes_in, nodes_ex + nodes_in, conn_parameters_in,


    return (,
Beispiel #28
from nest_values import *
from funciones import *

########################################################### Nest ###################################################################

nest.SetKernelStatus({'local_num_threads': local_num_threads})
nest.SetKernelStatus({'print_time': True})
nest.SetKernelStatus({'overwrite_files': True})
nest.SetKernelStatus({"resolution": resolution})

nest.CopyModel("izhikevich", "exc", RS_dict)
nest.CopyModel("izhikevich", "inh", FS_dict)

nest.SetDefaults("vogels_sprekeler_synapse", stdp_v1_inh_dict)
nest.SetDefaults("stdp_synapse", stdp_lgn_exc_dict)

########################################################### Image processing ####################################################################


t = time.time()
gabors_to_nest = full_img_filtering(images_to_simulate)
gabors_time = time.time() - t
Beispiel #29
def build_network(order, T=1):
    NE = int(4 * order)  # number of excitatory neurons
    NI = int(1 * order)  # number of inhibitory neurons
    N = int(NE + NI)  # total number of neurons

    d_e = 5.  # delay of excitatory connections in ms
    g = 5.0  # ratio inhibitory weight/excitatory weight
    epsilon = 0.1  # connection probability
    w = 0.1 / numpy.sqrt(N)  # excitatory connection strength

    KE = int(epsilon *
             NE)  # number of excitatory synapses per neuron (outdegree)
    KI = int(epsilon *
             NI)  # number of inhibitory synapses per neuron (outdegree)
    K_tot = int(KI + KE)  # total number of synapses per neuron
    connection_rule = 'fixed_outdegree'  # connection rule
    print('number neurons: ', N)
    print('number synapses per neuron: ', K_tot)

    neuron_model = 'lin_rate_ipn'  # neuron model
    neuron_params = {
        'linear_summation': True,
        # type of non-linearity (not affecting linear rate models)
        'tau': 10.0,
        # time constant of neuronal dynamics in ms
        'mean': 0.0,
        # mean of Gaussian white noise input
        'std': 5.
        # standard deviation of Gaussian white noise input

        "resolution": dt,
        "use_wfr": False,
        "local_num_threads": T,
        #"print_time": True,
        "overwrite_files": True

    nest.SetDefaults(neuron_model, neuron_params)

    n_e = nest.Create(neuron_model, NE)
    n_i = nest.Create(neuron_model, NI)

    mm = nest.Create('multimeter',
                         'record_from': ['rate'],
                         'interval': dt
    syn_e = {'weight': w, 'delay': d_e, 'model': 'rate_connection_delayed'}
    syn_i = {'weight': -g * w, 'model': 'rate_connection_instantaneous'}
    conn_e = {'rule': connection_rule, 'outdegree': KE}
    conn_i = {'rule': connection_rule, 'outdegree': KI}

    nest.Connect(n_e, n_e, conn_e, syn_e)
    nest.Connect(n_i, n_i, conn_i, syn_i)
    nest.Connect(n_e, n_i, conn_i, syn_e)
    nest.Connect(n_i, n_e, conn_e, syn_i)

    nest.Connect(mm, n_e + n_i)

    return n_e, n_i, mm
Beispiel #30
def setup_stdp():

    global eN, eP, eP1, cD, sD, stdp_params
    global dt

    global espikes

    nest.SetKernelStatus({'resolution':dt, 'overwrite_files': True})
    [eN]= nest.Create('iaf_cond_exp_sfa_rr',1)
    # set neuron model params
    eParams = {'V_th':-57.0, 'V_reset': -70.0, 't_ref': 0.5, 'g_L':28.95,
    'C_m':289.5, 'E_L' : -70.0, 'E_ex': 0.0, 'E_in': -75.0, 'tau_syn_ex':1.5,
    'tau_syn_in': 10.0, 'E_sfa': -70.0, 'q_sfa':14.48,
    'tau_sfa':110.0, 'E_rr': -70.0, 'q_rr': 3214.0,
    'tau_rr': 1.97,'tau_minus':33.7,'tau_minus_triplet':110.0}

    # spike generator input

    [eP,eP1] = nest.Create('spike_generator',2)

    # static synapse to stimulate neuron to spike

    nest.Connect([eP],[eN],100.0,dt, model='static_synapse')
    # hippocampus

    ee_synParams = {'tau_plus':16.8,'tau_x':946.0,

    neuron_stdpParams = {'tau_minus':33.7,'tau_minus_triplet':125.0}

    # cortex

    #ee_synParams = {'tau_plus':16.8,'tau_x':100.0,
    #                'A_2p':0.0,'A_3p':6.2e-3,
    #                'A_2m':7.0e-3,'A_3m':2.3e-4}


    ee_synParams['weight'] = 2.0
    ee_synParams['delay'] = dt


    # save STDP params in a global dictionary for the analytical calculations


    # finally, make the stdp_triplet connection

    nest.Connect([eP1],[eN], model='stdp_triplet_synapse_S')

    # measure voltage in the neuron

    [cD] = nest.Create('voltmeter',1)
    nest.SetStatus([cD],[{"to_file": True, "withtime": True}])
    nest.Connect([cD],[eN], model='stdp_triplet_synapse_S')

    # spike detector

    [sD] = nest.Create('spike_detector',1)
#    nest.SetStatus([sD],{'record_events':True})

    nest.Connect([eN],[sD], model='static_synapse')