Beispiel #1
    def get_random_configuration(self):
        """make sure they're all inside the radius"""
        coords = np.zeros([self.natoms,3])
        for i in range(self.natoms):
            coords[i,:] = vector_random_uniform_hypersphere(3) * self.radius
            assert(np.linalg.norm(coords[i,:]) <= self.radius)

        # test to make sure the configuration is good
        tests = self.get_config_tests()
        for test in tests:
            assert test.accept(coords.flatten())
        return coords.flatten()
Beispiel #2
    def get_random_configuration(self):
        """make sure they're all inside the radius"""
        coords = np.zeros([self.natoms, 3])
        for i in range(self.natoms):
            coords[i, :] = vector_random_uniform_hypersphere(3) * self.radius
            assert (np.linalg.norm(coords[i, :]) <= self.radius)

        # test to make sure the configuration is good
        tests = self.get_config_tests()
        for test in tests:
            assert test.accept(coords.flatten())
        return coords.flatten()
Beispiel #3
def do_nested_sampling(nreplicas=10, niter=200, mciter=1000, stepsize=.8, estop=-.9,
                       x0=[1,1], r0=2,
                       xlim=None, ylim=None, circle=False
    path = []
    def mc_record_position_event(coords=None, **kwargs):
        if len(path) == 0 or not np.all(path[-1] == coords):

    p = Pot()
    print p.get_energy(np.array([1,2.]))
    mc_walker = MonteCarloWalker(p, mciter=mciter, events=[mc_record_position_event])
    # initialize the replicas with random positions
    replicas = []
    for i in xrange(nreplicas):
        # choose points uniformly in a circle
        if circle: 
            coords = vector_random_uniform_hypersphere(2) * r0 + x0
            coords = np.zeros(2)
            coords[0] = np.random.uniform(xlim[0], xlim[1])
            coords[1] = np.random.uniform(ylim[0], ylim[1])
#         coords = np.random.uniform(-1,3,size=2)
        r = Replica(coords, p.get_energy(coords))
    ns = NestedSampling(replicas, mc_walker, stepsize=stepsize)
    results = [Result()]
    results[0].replicas = [r.copy() for r in replicas]
    for i in xrange(niter):
        new_res = Result()
        new_res.replicas = [r.copy() for r in replicas]
        new_res.starting_replica = ns.starting_replicas[0].copy()
        new_res.new_replica = ns.new_replicas[0].copy()
        path.insert(0, new_res.starting_replica.x)
        new_res.mc_path = path
        path = []
        if ns.replicas[-1].energy < estop:
#    plt.plot(ns.max_energies)
    return ns, results
Beispiel #4
 def sample_coords_from_basin(self, m, Emax):
     """Returns a configuration with energy less than Emax sampled uniformly from the basin of a minimum
     this assumes the harmonic approximation and is exact in the harmonic approximation
     m : Minimum object
         normal mode frequencies and associated eigenvectors
     Emax : float
         energy upper bound
     k : integer
         number of degrees of freedom
     in real system, even ones that fit quite well to the harmonic approximation this very often generates 
     configurations with energy greater than Emax.  
     nm = m.normal_modes
     evals = nm.freqs
     vectors = nm.vectors
     k = self.k
     nzero = len(evals) - k
     # get uniform random k dimensional unit vector
     f = vector_random_uniform_hypersphere(k)
     # the target increase in energy is sampled from a power law distribution
     # js850 sep 13> dE_target = np.random.power(k-1) * (Emax -
     dE_target = (Emax -
     # scale f according to dE_target
     f *= np.sqrt(2. * dE_target) #TODO check prefactor
     # create the random displacement vector
     dx = np.zeros(m.coords.shape)
     for i in range(k):
         if evals[i+nzero] > 1e-4:
             dx += f[i] * vectors[:,i+nzero] / np.sqrt(evals[i+nzero])
     return m.coords + dx
Beispiel #5
 def get_random_configuration(self, radius=10.):
     """ return a random vector sampled uniformly from within a hypersphere of dimensions self.ndim"""
     x = vector_random_uniform_hypersphere(self.ndim) * radius
     return x
Beispiel #6
 def get_random_configuration(self, radius=10.):
     """ return a random vector sampled uniformly from within a hypersphere of dimensions self.ndim"""
     x = vector_random_uniform_hypersphere(self.ndim) * radius
     return x
Beispiel #7
 def get_random_configuration(self, radius=1.):
     x = vector_random_uniform_hypersphere(self.ndim * self.length) * radius
     return x.reshape(x, (self.ndim, self.length))